Pelosi pounds her dick...

We need broadband in small town America...latest dodge from libtards.
Pelosi is so old and shriveled up that I am guessing her teats look like prunes by now and her cl!t has withered away.
Trump is riding on the coattails of Obama, for the time being anyway, then it will come crashing down.
i wonder if Maxine Waters pounded her dick after finding out that she was pranked big time!!!
i didnt know Pelosi had a penis,,where is it?
It's not a penis, it's a 40+ year old protrusion sticking out of her crotchnthat is primarily made of genital warts, gory pussy secretions, abandoned 25 year old sponges, scabby menstrual blood and small parts of undeveloped baby bones that are knotted together with stinky hair that reeks of a morgue.
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