Pelosi puts the blame where it belongs

A reporter asks Pelosi why she did not recall the House back to DC on guns.

She rips Moscow Mitch a new one with her response.

The House acted in February. Moscow Mitch did nothing. He is responsible for these newer deaths.

Watch Nancy Pelosi burn Mitch McConnell and a reporter who asked a silly question

The NRA is not better than a terrorist organization backed by Republicans that they have purchased over the years like McConnell.

Blood is on their hands.

Way to go Nancy
Someone spouted that she was drunk and removed graciously from public view. Was she?
A reporter asks Pelosi why she did not recall the House back to DC on guns.

She rips Moscow Mitch a new one with her response.

The House acted in February. Moscow Mitch did nothing. He is responsible for these newer deaths.

Watch Nancy Pelosi burn Mitch McConnell and a reporter who asked a silly question

The NRA is not better than a terrorist organization backed by Republicans that they have purchased over the years like McConnell.

Blood is on their hands.

Way to go Nancy
Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and she happens to be right about this one...
The NRA is no where near strict enough.
If a true constitutionalist gun group gets the spotlight, you bedwetters will move on to shitting yourselves.

The NRA is already in disagreement with gun measures such as universal background checks that already have 80-90% approval.

Tell ya what commie, when you can legally require are criminal to do a background check when he sells a stolen gun to another criminal, then and only then will I discuss more background checks for the law abiding.

But how did the criminal get his gun? Originally from someone who bought it legally, no?? A personal sale perhaps, with no background check needed on him? ...from another person who bought it in a personal sale or gun shop sale, to sell to him in a personal sale?

it seems like common sense to require gun sellers, to do a background check on who they are selling the gun to, unless it is immediate family, perhaps....?

Will it end gun violence? Heck no! But it will stop some of it.... make it a little harder for guns to make it to this gun black market, where guns are a dime a dozen...

Are you going to give me access to NICS at no charge? And most illegal guns were stolen, form individuals, gun stores and pawn shops. Oh and some are illegally imported. Perhaps enforcing the laws we already have and incentivizing States and feds to keep the data base up to date, might do wonders. Were not doing what current laws require, what makes you think any new ones will make a significant difference?

A reporter asks Pelosi why she did not recall the House back to DC on guns.

She rips Moscow Mitch a new one with her response.

The House acted in February. Moscow Mitch did nothing. He is responsible for these newer deaths.

Watch Nancy Pelosi burn Mitch McConnell and a reporter who asked a silly question

The NRA is not better than a terrorist organization backed by Republicans that they have purchased over the years like McConnell.

Blood is on their hands.

Way to go Nancy
The right to self defense is the most fundamental human right.
The Democrats are only protecting their Terrorist buddies, not the public.
A reporter asks Pelosi why she did not recall the House back to DC on guns.

She rips Moscow Mitch a new one with her response.

The House acted in February. Moscow Mitch did nothing. He is responsible for these newer deaths.

Watch Nancy Pelosi burn Mitch McConnell and a reporter who asked a silly question

The NRA is not better than a terrorist organization backed by Republicans that they have purchased over the years like McConnell.

Blood is on their hands.

Way to go Nancy
The right to self defense is the most fundamental human right.
The Democrats are only protecting their Terrorist buddies, not the public.
so a background check on who you sell your guns to is somehow taking away your right to self defense? :rofl: drama queen much?
Are you going to give me access to NICS at no charge?
What would the charge /price be for a background check, do you know?

Since no law has passed, no one knows, an FFL isn't going to do it for free and no law has proposed giving citizens access to NICS at no charge. How convenient it is that you ignored the rest of the post.

The NRA is no where near strict enough.
If a true constitutionalist gun group gets the spotlight, you bedwetters will move on to shitting yourselves.
they WERE a constitutional seeking group that promoted gun safety.

they became a corrupt gun manufacturing lobby group.... that has used their good minded member's money in corrupt and crooked ways for $5000 dollars suits and Caribbean vacations and 20,000 square foot mansions, and make up artists...
Are you going to give me access to NICS at no charge?
What would the charge /price be for a background check, do you know?

Since no law has passed, no one knows, an FFL isn't going to do it for free and no law has proposed giving citizens access to NICS at no charge. How convenient it is that you ignored the rest of the post.

I didn't ignore it OKTex, I thought you had some good points... I wanted to research gun laws that exist, before responding to that part...
Are you going to give me access to NICS at no charge?
What would the charge /price be for a background check, do you know?

Since no law has passed, no one knows, an FFL isn't going to do it for free and no law has proposed giving citizens access to NICS at no charge. How convenient it is that you ignored the rest of the post.

I think the gvt should allow personal sale sellers do the check for free or make the buyer pay for it...? It should be part of the actual legislation.
The NRA is no where near strict enough.
If a true constitutionalist gun group gets the spotlight, you bedwetters will move on to shitting yourselves.

The NRA is already in disagreement with gun measures such as universal background checks that already have 80-90% approval.

Tell ya what commie, when you can legally require are criminal to do a background check when he sells a stolen gun to another criminal, then and only then will I discuss more background checks for the law abiding.

But how did the criminal get his gun? Originally from someone who bought it legally, no?? A personal sale perhaps, with no background check needed on him? ...from another person who bought it in a personal sale or gun shop sale, to sell to him in a personal sale?

it seems like common sense to require gun sellers, to do a background check on who they are selling the gun to, unless it is immediate family, perhaps....?

Will it end gun violence? Heck no! But it will stop some of it.... make it a little harder for guns to make it to this gun black market, where guns are a dime a dozen...
Thugs guns originate from the black market. Which you want to thrive.
I hope you get sued by a gang violence victim
Pelosi passed her bill, asdsfuck. What is your buddy Moscow Mitch doing? Waiting for Trump to give him permission. Trump is waiting for the NRA OK.
You're conflating your slanders, Hate-Boy.

Oh.. Wait.. Let me guess.... The 5,000,000+ NRA Members all all Russian Agents.... Right?

You losers are so much fun to play with....
The NRA is no where near strict enough.
If a true constitutionalist gun group gets the spotlight, you bedwetters will move on to shitting yourselves.
they WERE a constitutional seeking group that promoted gun safety.

they became a corrupt gun manufacturing lobby group.... that has used their good minded member's money in corrupt and crooked ways for $5000 dollars suits and Caribbean vacations and 20,000 square foot mansions, and make up artists...

Gun manufacturers have their own lobby, they don't need the NRA.

I think the gvt should allow personal sale sellers do the check for free or make the buyer pay for it...? It should be part of the actual legislation.
You want gun owners to pay a private company for permission to enjoy the Bill of Rights?

Brilliant, Einstein....

How about we set up a private company and allow the MSM to pay for a license to report the news? You OK with that?
The NRA is no where near strict enough.
If a true constitutionalist gun group gets the spotlight, you bedwetters will move on to shitting yourselves.
they WERE a constitutional seeking group that promoted gun safety.

they became a corrupt gun manufacturing lobby group.... that has used their good minded member's money in corrupt and crooked ways for $5000 dollars suits and Caribbean vacations and 20,000 square foot mansions, and make up artists...

Gun manufacturers have their own lobby, they don't need the NRA.


yes, they do need the NRA and they use the NRA for their purposes... and the gun shop owner's benefit too... sell more guns, is the purpose.
The NRA is no where near strict enough.
If a true constitutionalist gun group gets the spotlight, you bedwetters will move on to shitting yourselves.
they WERE a constitutional seeking group that promoted gun safety.

they became a corrupt gun manufacturing lobby group.... that has used their good minded member's money in corrupt and crooked ways for $5000 dollars suits and Caribbean vacations and 20,000 square foot mansions, and make up artists...
When did the Democrats tell you to think this?
A reporter asks Pelosi why she did not recall the House back to DC on guns.

She rips Moscow Mitch a new one with her response.

The House acted in February. Moscow Mitch did nothing. He is responsible for these newer deaths.

Watch Nancy Pelosi burn Mitch McConnell and a reporter who asked a silly question

The NRA is not better than a terrorist organization backed by Republicans that they have purchased over the years like McConnell.

Blood is on their hands.

Way to go Nancy
The right to self defense is the most fundamental human right.
The Democrats are only protecting their Terrorist buddies, not the public.
so a background check on who you sell your guns to is somehow taking away your right to self defense? :rofl: drama queen much?

Explain this to me: why is it Democrats never propose going after the gun seller if they sold a gun to somebody that kills or harms another person with it? Given the fact most of the weapons used in mass (and other killings) shootings were either purchased legally, or illegally through a straw buyer, the straw buyer seldom is held responsible.

One can only assume it's because then the Democrats don't get their list of everybody that owns a firearm for the future if they ever regain full power of the federal government again.
The NRA is no where near strict enough.
If a true constitutionalist gun group gets the spotlight, you bedwetters will move on to shitting yourselves.
they WERE a constitutional seeking group that promoted gun safety.

they became a corrupt gun manufacturing lobby group.... that has used their good minded member's money in corrupt and crooked ways for $5000 dollars suits and Caribbean vacations and 20,000 square foot mansions, and make up artists...
Yea they have their problems.
You think other groups dont have their problems?
Doesnt change the fact they protect some of our constitutional rights.
Corruption happens when things get big.
Like our govt. Which you support.
Be disingenuous some more. I can do this all day.

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