Pelosi puts the blame where it belongs

Pelosi should worry about her sanctuary cesspool of filth ie drugs, immoral rot, illegal immigrants.
Cesspool of immoral people & illegal immigrants sounds like Trump Resorts.
Not one of the Prog Socialists will guarantee a massive tax cut for the peasants. They have not since promoted a tax cut since Kennedy. Kennedy would not even be in the party today. Progs talk all of these things yet cow tow to the rich by their record and screw over the non privileged of the working class by their record!
A reporter asks Pelosi why she did not recall the House back to DC on guns.

She rips Moscow Mitch a new one with her response.

The House acted in February. Moscow Mitch did nothing. He is responsible for these newer deaths.

Watch Nancy Pelosi burn Mitch McConnell and a reporter who asked a silly question

The NRA is not better than a terrorist organization backed by Republicans that they have purchased over the years like McConnell.

Blood is on their hands.

Way to go Nancy


The NRA is a terrorist group now only to mental midgets...

Also Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote on something he knows Trump will veto and the Senate will not be able to override, so he ( Mitch ) is acting like Harry Reid when Obama was President...

Nancy Pelosi need to do her job and get the trade agreement to the floor for a vote and send it to the Senate and not try passing gun control Bill's that will never make it through the Senate...
a REAL Senate Leader does what is best not cower to the President.

You people have become so pathetic.

You meant to say that a REAL Senator does whatever YOU think they should.
A reporter asks Pelosi why she did not recall the House back to DC on guns.

She rips Moscow Mitch a new one with her response.

The House acted in February. Moscow Mitch did nothing. He is responsible for these newer deaths.

Watch Nancy Pelosi burn Mitch McConnell and a reporter who asked a silly question

The NRA is not better than a terrorist organization backed by Republicans that they have purchased over the years like McConnell.

Blood is on their hands.

Way to go Nancy


The NRA is a terrorist group now only to mental midgets...

Also Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote on something he knows Trump will veto and the Senate will not be able to override, so he ( Mitch ) is acting like Harry Reid when Obama was President...

Nancy Pelosi need to do her job and get the trade agreement to the floor for a vote and send it to the Senate and not try passing gun control Bill's that will never make it through the Senate...
a REAL Senate Leader does what is best not cower to the President.

You people have become so pathetic.

So you perfectly describe Harry Reid. He and you are both pathetic.
The NRA is no where near strict enough.
If a true constitutionalist gun group gets the spotlight, you bedwetters will move on to shitting yourselves.

The NRA is already in disagreement with gun measures such as universal background checks that already have 80-90% approval.

Tell ya what commie, when you can legally require are criminal to do a background check when he sells a stolen gun to another criminal, then and only then will I discuss more background checks for the law abiding.

The NRA is no where near strict enough.
If a true constitutionalist gun group gets the spotlight, you bedwetters will move on to shitting yourselves.

The NRA is already in disagreement with gun measures such as universal background checks that already have 80-90% approval.

Tell ya what commie, when you can legally require are criminal to do a background check when he sells a stolen gun to another criminal, then and only then will I discuss more background checks for the law abiding.


That is already illegal. What's your point...fascist :5_1_12024:?
The NRA is no where near strict enough.
If a true constitutionalist gun group gets the spotlight, you bedwetters will move on to shitting yourselves.

The NRA is already in disagreement with gun measures such as universal background checks that already have 80-90% approval.

Tell ya what commie, when you can legally require are criminal to do a background check when he sells a stolen gun to another criminal, then and only then will I discuss more background checks for the law abiding.


That is already illegal. What's your point...fascist :5_1_12024:?

It's simple commie, your universal background checks won't be so universal, will they? So it's not about safety, it's about control and further burdening law abiding citizens. You commies don't care about gun safety, if you did you'd have the national guard helping police in commie controlled cities. That's where the majority of gun violence occurs.

A reporter asks Pelosi why she did not recall the House back to DC on guns.

She rips Moscow Mitch a new one with her response.

The House acted in February. Moscow Mitch did nothing. He is responsible for these newer deaths.

Watch Nancy Pelosi burn Mitch McConnell and a reporter who asked a silly question

The NRA is not better than a terrorist organization backed by Republicans that they have purchased over the years like McConnell.

Blood is on their hands.

Way to go Nancy

Care to explain how those laws would have prevented the shootings?
The OP is in make believe land that the House DemocRATS can pass any real significant legislation while no less coming back from a recess early.
What a wagonload of hoss manure!
The NRA is no where near strict enough.
If a true constitutionalist gun group gets the spotlight, you bedwetters will move on to shitting yourselves.

The NRA is already in disagreement with gun measures such as universal background checks that already have 80-90% approval.

Tell ya what commie, when you can legally require are criminal to do a background check when he sells a stolen gun to another criminal, then and only then will I discuss more background checks for the law abiding.

We can't stop drug dealers so lets just make all opioids OTC.
The NRA is no where near strict enough.
If a true constitutionalist gun group gets the spotlight, you bedwetters will move on to shitting yourselves.

The NRA is already in disagreement with gun measures such as universal background checks that already have 80-90% approval.

Tell ya what commie, when you can legally require are criminal to do a background check when he sells a stolen gun to another criminal, then and only then will I discuss more background checks for the law abiding.

We can't stop drug dealers so lets just make all opioids OTC.

Seriously, do you really want to deflect from your own thread? Perhaps you can come up with something on topic?

The NRA is no where near strict enough.
If a true constitutionalist gun group gets the spotlight, you bedwetters will move on to shitting yourselves.

The NRA is already in disagreement with gun measures such as universal background checks that already have 80-90% approval.

Tell ya what commie, when you can legally require are criminal to do a background check when he sells a stolen gun to another criminal, then and only then will I discuss more background checks for the law abiding.


That is already illegal. What's your point...fascist :5_1_12024:?

It's simple commie, your universal background checks won't be so universal, will they? So it's not about safety, it's about control and further burdening law abiding citizens. You commies don't care about gun safety, if you did you'd have the national guard helping police in commie controlled cities. That's where the majority of gun violence occurs.


For lawful gun purchases they will be. Sure, there are cracks, no law is 100% effective, hardly an excuse.
The NRA is no where near strict enough.
If a true constitutionalist gun group gets the spotlight, you bedwetters will move on to shitting yourselves.

The NRA is already in disagreement with gun measures such as universal background checks that already have 80-90% approval.

Tell ya what commie, when you can legally require are criminal to do a background check when he sells a stolen gun to another criminal, then and only then will I discuss more background checks for the law abiding.

But how did the criminal get his gun? Originally from someone who bought it legally, no?? A personal sale perhaps, with no background check needed on him? ...from another person who bought it in a personal sale or gun shop sale, to sell to him in a personal sale?

it seems like common sense to require gun sellers, to do a background check on who they are selling the gun to, unless it is immediate family, perhaps....?

Will it end gun violence? Heck no! But it will stop some of it.... make it a little harder for guns to make it to this gun black market, where guns are a dime a dozen...
The NRA is no where near strict enough.
If a true constitutionalist gun group gets the spotlight, you bedwetters will move on to shitting yourselves.

The NRA is already in disagreement with gun measures such as universal background checks that already have 80-90% approval.

Tell ya what commie, when you can legally require are criminal to do a background check when he sells a stolen gun to another criminal, then and only then will I discuss more background checks for the law abiding.


That is already illegal. What's your point...fascist :5_1_12024:?

It's simple commie, your universal background checks won't be so universal, will they? So it's not about safety, it's about control and further burdening law abiding citizens. You commies don't care about gun safety, if you did you'd have the national guard helping police in commie controlled cities. That's where the majority of gun violence occurs.


For lawful gun purchases they will be. Sure, there are cracks, no law is 100% effective, hardly an excuse.

Only excuses I hear are form your side. We already have background checks for lawful purchases. And very very few private sales are done between strangers. You commies are just looking for excuses to make lawful gun ownership more expensive. You have no clue who owns guns, or what guns they may own, how are you going to enforce your "universal background checks"?

A reporter asks Pelosi why she did not recall the House back to DC on guns.

She rips Moscow Mitch a new one with her response.

The House acted in February. Moscow Mitch did nothing. He is responsible for these newer deaths.

Watch Nancy Pelosi burn Mitch McConnell and a reporter who asked a silly question

The NRA is not better than a terrorist organization backed by Republicans that they have purchased over the years like McConnell.

Blood is on their hands.

Way to go Nancy
and for every death caused by an illegal alien or a drug overdose caused by drugs smuggled across the border which are many more then deaths caused guns, the blood is on democrats hands

Am I playing the game right did I follow the rules?
A reporter asks Pelosi why she did not recall the House back to DC on guns.

She rips Moscow Mitch a new one with her response.

The House acted in February. Moscow Mitch did nothing. He is responsible for these newer deaths.

Watch Nancy Pelosi burn Mitch McConnell and a reporter who asked a silly question

The NRA is not better than a terrorist organization backed by Republicans that they have purchased over the years like McConnell.

Blood is on their hands.

Way to go Nancy
and for every death caused by an illegal alien or a drug overdose caused by drugs smuggled across the border which are many more then deaths caused guns, the blood is on democrats hands

Am I playing the game right did I follow the rules?

You left out human trafficking harm.
Otherwise correcto mundo!

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