Pelosi:Restricting Defense Budget Funds For Gender Transition Treatment Undermines National Security


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Nancy reminding us why Democrats have so far lost 1500 seats and Trump is President.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi slammed Republicans for trying to “rip away” health care for transgender service members.

In a statement Thursday, Pelosi said the “disgusting” attempt to restrict funds from being used to provide gender transition treatments is “unprecedented, unacceptable and undermines our national security.”

“Republicans should be ashamed: instead of protecting the men and women who risk their lives to defend our freedoms, they are fighting to rip away the health care of thousands of brave service members,” Pelosi said in a statement. “This cowardly Republican amendment targeting transgender men and women in uniform effectively bans these patriotic Americans from serving their country.”

Missouri GOP Rep. Vicky Hartzler filed an amendment to the House National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which successfully moved through the Rules Committee.

Pelosi: Restricting DOD Funds From Being Used For Gender Transition Treatments Hurts National Security

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