Pelosi tape released

I heard the whole 911 call today. It is more than evident, IMO, that Pelosi did not know the guy. Pelosi gave hint after hint that this guy was an intruder and, at the end, he said DePape did not want him talking anymore. Luckily the 911 operator knew enough to send law enforcement to the residence even though she said, for Pelosi to 'call back later' if he needed to. Cops got there in 2 minutes. Kudos to them.

All that being said, I am still for investigating Nancy and Paul for insider trading.

Huh ... If you notice ... You don't really see Paul Pelosi get hit with the hammer ...
You see a bunch of cops dogpiling the both of them a few seconds later ... :auiqs.jpg:

Good point. I did hear someone groaning on the ground, I assume it was Pelosi.
Quibble with the semantics if you want. A hammer to the head is attempted murder.

Hurley: What was your intention going there (Pelosi’s house)?
DePape: Well, I was basically going to hold her hostage and talk to her. If she told the truth, I’d let her go. If she told a lie, I’d break her kneecaps.
David DePape in court: Gavin Newsom, Hunter Biden were also targets
These sorry lying bastards are going to be scattering like Quail in just a few minutes. Set your watch.
So instead of admitting it's a hoax, you double down. That's typical of you mentally ill rubes.

Where is your evidence they had sex, fuckwit?

The Capitol Police video captured DePape breaking in, moron. Your propagandists are keeping the truth from you. You should be asking yourself why you stupidly keep believing everything they tell you.
Show it to me then. If the Capitol police were watching on a monitor why did they not come to Paul's rescue immediately? You sure the Capitol Police operate in San Fran?
Pelosi was not smiling. He was grimacing. Idiot.
You are really very angry about this. You should probably take a mental health day away from the forum.
As immediately thought ( post40) , it is a complete Fake .
--- it is clearly staged and fake.

Don't be gullible . DYOR

You can tell just by comparing the timestamps. They have conveniently placed a clock in the doorway, in frame, so that is supposed to be proof this is in the middle of the night, but all you have to do is look at the timestamp on the bodycam, which they didn't even black out. It says 9:31.

Then look closely at the two guys, who are clearly actors chosen because they look somewhat like Depape and Pelosi. But both are far too young. Pelosi couldn't act this part himself because he is 82. The fat Depape actor has to fall on him in this re-enactment, and he could get injured for real. So they had to hire this stunt double, who is at least a decade younger. The Depape actor is also at least a decade younger. He looks somewhat like the old pictures of Depape, but those were from 10 years ago.
Also a problem is that we were told Depape was in his underwear, but he isn't here. They had to change that. The acting here is also atrocious, which we could have predicted.
The whole scene makes even less sense now that we allegedly have it on tape. Why would the cop say “put the hammer down”? Why not step in and grab it? That's why the police were there, right?
Also notice that everything conveniently happens just out-of-sight, though it is taped.
Pelosi steps back and we can't see the hit, since it is blocked by the doorway. When they pan down to the scuffle, we again can't see Pelosi's head, since it is always just out of frame.
The tape of Depape breaking in is equally ludicrous, since it is black and white and he arrives with two backpacks. He is carrying a smaller one and the one on his back is a huge camping backpack, stuffed full of lord knows what. Dozens of hammers, I guess, along with plenteous granola, Playgirl magazines, Viagra, and an assortment of buttplugs.
It just couldn't have happened this way. No one needed to call the SF police since the Pelosi house has 24/7 security from Capitol police. The house would have multiple officers on premises at all times, just like Secret Service.
I heard the whole 911 call today. It is more than evident, IMO, that Pelosi did not know the guy. Pelosi gave hint after hint that this guy was an intruder and, at the end, he said DePape did not want him talking anymore. Luckily the 911 operator knew enough to send law enforcement to the residence even though she said, for Pelosi to 'call back later' if he needed to. Cops got there in 2 minutes. Kudos to them.

All that being said, I am still for investigating Nancy and Paul for insider trading.
WTF does that have to do with the evil shit that's been spewed already? This thread has been nothing but a lying thread insinuating he's gay. WTF is wrong with you people? Have you lost all sense of decency?
Show it to me then. If the Capitol police were watching on a monitor why did they not come to Paul's rescue immediately? You sure the Capitol Police operate in San Fran?

You are really very angry about this. You should probably take a mental health day away from the forum.
  1. [IMG alt="Seymour Flops"][/IMG]

    Pelosi tape released

    Show it to me then. If the Capitol police were watching on a monitor why did they not come to Paul's rescue immediately? You sure the Capitol Police operate in San Fran? You are really very angry about this. You should probably take a mental health day away from the forum.
  2. [IMG alt="Seymour Flops"][/IMG]

    Pelosi tape released

    I don't have a cum-stained blue dress if that's what you're looking for. It is obvious that the two men were having a party in which one of them took off his pants. Oh, show me that video then. Yeah. An ear-to-ear "grimace." And Paul was saying . . .
  3. [IMG alt="Seymour Flops"][/IMG]

    Pelosi tape released

    Yes. Exactly. When Trump did not release his tax returns, he invited his enemies to speculate and assume the worst. He has no room to complain about that after he refused to be transparent. When Biden hid classified documents in his garage, he invited his enemies to speculate and assume the...
  4. [IMG alt="Seymour Flops"][/IMG]

    Pelosi tape released

    You think he's giving up the bootay and slobbing the knob for a gin-soaked old fart out of true love? What is your proof that he "broke in?" Nancy Pelosi's press release? Why would Paul be smiling and holding a drink with a home invader/assailant with a hammer standing next to him? If you...
  5. [IMG alt="Seymour Flops"][/IMG]

    Pelosi tape released

    Pelosi was asleep and making drinks? That makes sence in someone's world, I suppose. That was reported by on Bay Area local TV station, and retracted shortly after. An easy mistake that could have been easily corrected if Nancy's personal police force had released the footage immediately as...
  6. [IMG alt="Seymour Flops"][/IMG]

    Pelosi tape released

    Roll me the tape where he said that. Play the 9/11 call. Sorry, but you Dypocrits have ruined what little credibility you have. You guys are persistent in sticking to your lies, I'll give you that. Why did Paul Pelosi not let go of the hammer and run outside so the police could stop the...This is you ass hole of the world.

  7. Show it to me then. If the Capitol police were watching on a monitor why did they not come to Paul's rescue immediately? You sure the Capitol Police operate in San Fran? This is you now. So now you're asking? What a fucking prick.
The really sad thing is that this tape never had to be released at all. If the Pelosi's had simply announced, "Paul had an altercation with a friend who was visiting while I was away. We prefer to keep the matter private and ask that the videos not be released."

What Democrat would not have accepted that from Nancy pelosi? Sure, the Republicans would have had fun with it for a day or two. But there wouldn't have been this ongoing humiliation.

Instead Nancy's knee-jerk reaction was to panic and try to figure out a way out of that until the light bulb went off over her head and she blurted out "Trump! it has to be Trump's fault! Tell the media to figure out a way to make it Trump's fault. Don't ask me how that's their job to figure out."

They would have to, but Nancy gave them so little to work with.
Good point. I did hear someone groaning on the ground, I assume it was Pelosi.

Thanks ... I wasn't paying attention to moans ... I was looking for the hammer when the cops came around the corner ...
Before they dogpiled the two.

As immediately thought ( post40) , it is a complete Fake .
--- it is clearly staged and fake.

Don't be gullible . DYOR

You can tell just by comparing the timestamps. They have conveniently placed a clock in the doorway, in frame, so that is supposed to be proof this is in the middle of the night, but all you have to do is look at the timestamp on the bodycam, which they didn't even black out. It says 9:31.

But both are far too young. Pelosi couldn't act this part himself because he is 82. The fat Depape actor has to fall on him in this re-enactment, and he could get injured for real. So they had to hire this stunt double, who is at least a decade younger. The Depape actor is also at least a decade younger. He looks somewhat like the old pictures of Depape, but those were from 10 years ago.
Also a problem is that we were told Depape was in his underwear, but he isn't here. They had to change that. The acting here is also atrocious, which we could have predicted.
The whole scene makes even less sense now that we allegedly have it on tape. Why would the cop say “put the hammer down”? Why not step in and grab it? That's why the police were there, right?
Also notice that everything conveniently happens just out-of-sight, though it is taped.
Pelosi steps back and we can't see the hit, since it is blocked by the doorway. When they pan down to the scuffle, we again can't see Pelosi's head, since it is always just out of frame.
The tape of Depape breaking in is equally ludicrous, since it is black and white and he arrives with two backpacks. He is carrying a smaller one and the one on his back is a huge camping backpack, stuffed full of lord knows what. Dozens of hammers, I guess, along with plenteous granola, Playgirl magazines, Viagra, and an assortment of buttplugs.
It just couldn't have happened this way. No one needed to call the SF police since the Pelosi house has 24/7 security from Capitol police. The house would have multiple officers on premises at all times, just like Secret Service.
Nothing you said has any relationship with the truth you lying pos. Then look closely at the two guys, who are clearly actors chosen because they look somewhat like Depape and Pelosi. "Clearly?" Says who, you? Are you a forensic expert? :laughing0301: No, you're just a Right-wing homophobic hating prick, tossing spaghetti up against the wall. You're no good and worthless.
BWK you are starting to sound unhinged. Seek help.
No, I just got you by the balls. If that's unhinged, I'll take all I can get. Your problem is, you have no credible argument other than your own homophobic hate. Sonny boy, that's what is unhinged.

Thanks ... I wasn't paying attention to moans ... I was looking for the hammer when the cops came around the corner ...
Before they dogpiled the two.

Another miserable homophobic hating ass hole with nothing to contribute.
The hammer attack was vicious. Pelosi did nothing wrong. He went to bed, was woken up by an unknown intruder, then was attacked by the intruder. And this place rejoiced!!
Disgusting right wing pricks all
  • Thanks
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Quibble with the semantics if you want. A hammer to the head is attempted murder.

Hurley: What was your intention going there (Pelosi’s house)?
DePape: Well, I was basically going to hold her hostage and talk to her. If she told the truth, I’d let her go. If she told a lie, I’d break her kneecaps.
David DePape in court: Gavin Newsom, Hunter Biden were also targets
He said that but she wasn't there so he didn't try to kill her. It seems she is always mysteriously one step ahead of it all.

i don’t disagree that whatever happened before the cops arrival is murky and might be sketchy. (Except for the captured images of the defendant gaining entry which is apparently nothing less than criminal.)

But what I saw in the tape after the cops’ arrival isn’t unclear to me at all. The defendant swung a hammer at Mr. Pelosi knocking Mr. p out immediately. It fractured his skull and obviously endangered his life. To my way of viewing it, the defendant’s behavior is going to leave him in a world of hurt.

Pro tip: don’t strike other people with a hammer when the police are fucking looking at you.
Oh I agree, the guy should be in jail, without a doubt. I just think something is very weird with this situation.

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