Pelosi tape released

They won't comment on this. Therefore we win and what's more is they know it. I mean not MarcATL or the other one. They are a bit slower for obvious reasons.
They won't comment on this. Therefore we win and what's more is they know it. I mean not MarcATL or the other one. They are a bit slower for obvious reasons.
I just did. Ever heard of the laws of Physics? I doubt it.
despicable assholes, disgusting degenerates, sick and angry people who maybe need to be put down like dogs
It's the party of grievance, and they know they are recipients of a losing end of every debate. That's their choice.
Few people care about, or give two shits about ANTIFA. It's you sick puppies who keep them alive and relevant in some manner

Most normal people have no idea and don't care

Are you geniuses ever correct about anything?

The latest Harvard CAPS-Harris poll of registered voters found that 68 percent of respondents had a favorable view of the police and only 24 percent had an unfavorable view.

Only 14 percent of respondents held a favorable view of antifa while 55 percent held an unfavorable view of the left-wing “anti-fascist” movement.

And that was from 2020. I guarantee you - just like their BLM brethren - there's even less love out there for Antifa scum in 2023.
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Here are the highlights of the gay masturbation fantasy the tards' propagandists cooked up within HOURS of that attack, which the tard herd swallowed hook, line, and sinker:

1. The window was broken from the inside.

2. DePape was Pelosi's male prostitute .

3. There were three people in the house.

4. Both men were in their underwear.

5. There is a 13 foot wall around the Pelosi residence which DePape could not have surmounted.

In the police body cam footage, you can see there is no wall. You can see DePape is fully dressed. You can see there are only two people in the house.

You can be sure there will be many who continue to peddle this gay fantasy horseshit in the face of the truth.
You didn't notice they were both in robes?
WTF is wrong with you?

The attacker was wearing ac hoodie sweatshirt and PELOSI WAS WEARING A NIGHTSHIRT...BECAUSE HE HAD BEEN WOKEN OUT OF BED.

Jesus you people just say anything

I love how you morons think typing baseless, almost certainly false exclamations, is somehow legitimate if you TYPE IN CAPS!!!!

But yeah, Pelosi had been "woken out of bed" and then decided to pour himself a long tall one.

Makes perfect sense.

I mean, it's not like he's known to drink after 2am or anything.

Oh woops, I almost forgot! ;)
And Pelosi had his hand on the drink, giving him the disadvantage.
Yes I suppose being psychologically unable to put your glass of liquor down is a definite disadvantage in a gimp-on-gimp hammer fight.

I just wonder how many more DUIs and accidents it will take before Paul decides to give AA a try.
Yes I suppose being psychologically unable to put your glass of liquor down is a definite disadvantage in a gimp-on-gimp hammer fight.

I just wonder how many more DUIs and accidents it will take before Paul decides to give AA a try.

OOOOH! Snap.
I love how you morons think typing baseless, almost certainly false exclamations, is somehow legitimate if you TYPE IN CAPS!!!!

But yeah, Pelosi had been "woken out of bed" and then decided to pour himself a long tall one.

Makes perfect sense.

I mean, it's not like he's known to drink after 2am or anything.

You need to fuck off.

You just lied about what they were wearing...when the video is right there to see.
" THINK?" :auiqs.jpg:That'it? You don't know then. Thanks! We already knew you didn't. But you got in enough hate though didn't you?
you think like a 12 year old. I mean I see lots of home invaders fix a drink for their captives.....and as a captive, I would be haning on to the drink for sure! Maybe check details and actually question the narrative for once...
It's the party of grievance, and they know they are recipients of a losing end of every debate. That's their choice.
Says the guy that's problem to every issue in the world, is racism, sexism or homophobia
you think like a 12 year old. I mean I see lots of home invaders fix a drink for their captives.....and as a captive, I would be haning on to the drink for sure! Maybe check details and actually question the narrative for once...
From what I read he was trying to diffuse the situation and play for time

Just stop

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