Pelosi tape released

Another lesson in how media rushes to be the 1st to get the story out, not the first to get facts out, which don't come out until investigations are done.

Rush to report and judge are almost always wrong. Best to wait...
That was Barr's theory with the Mueller report
Actually from what I have seen...the groomers are you folks and the bullshit accusations are cover for that
Lol, the leader of your party took inappropriate showers with his own daughter. Fuck you!
This is not the whole of the video taken by police in any way. That is less than one and half minute of one of the officer's camera. Where's the footage of Depape being taken in, so we can here what he said in his own words?

Why did the cops not act immediately when they saw the hammer? Why not step up and put his hand on the hammer and then ask the men to drop it?
The video has been heavily edited. The time stamps aren't in since.
Actually from what I have seen...the groomers are you folks and the bullshit accusations are cover for that

Yeah, but we can't take your word for it- lefties lie.
Now right wing idiots have some material for their right hand. Im disgusted by many of the posters that made this a joke. You know who you are.

So ypu're now mad cuz people are laughing at homos doing what homos do, which is weird idiot crap? lol
That didn't look like a home invader breaking entering. He looks like a guest that was invited and then they had a disagreement.
Did you noticed that Bothwings laughed at your post. That comes straight from the devil himself. The Right is really nothing but evil folks. Total evil.
SOP for the Neo-GOP. They support liars, cheats and frauds.
And Pelosi had his hand on the drink, giving him the disadvantage. Dude, use your fucking brain.
He should also be yelling for help. Did it ever occur to you that maybe yelling wouldn't be the right thing to do with a man with a hammer? Looks to me like he was trying to calm the guy. He was dealing with a radical fanatic who was mentally unhinged. You are grabbing at straws. Stop your foolish nonsense.
I am using my brain. Any reasonable person, if they are worried about the weapon, would not continue to have their other hand occupied. They drop whatever they are holding and use their other hand to assist.

Yes, yelling for help at that point would be the right thing to do, considering you still have your hand on the hammer, so you have a bit of control still, the officers are literally 5 feet away and if you ask for help, they could react a lot quicker than it would take for depapae to get the hammer and hit him with it….especially if Pelosi is using his other hand to help keep depape from getting full control of the hammer.

You are the one grabbing at straws, trying to push a narrative rather than looking at the video, seeing what is actually there and questioning what exactly is going on. You say he’s trying to calm depape…he’s not trying to calm him, he’s not doing anything at all…which is why I’m saying, if he were really in distress, once the officers are there, he should be asking for help, drop the drink, especially when depapae starts really trying to wiggle the hammer out of pelosis hands
A guy puts on gloves and uses a hammer to break into a home. Do you have an eyesight problem?
Watch the cop video dumdum. Pelosi is there with a drink in one hand, holding the hammer that the other guy is holding in the other, and it's like as soon as the cops break in and are watching, the guy takes a swing at Pelosi with the hammer. The most bizarre thing.
They are despearate fools in this debate. Really embarrassing. They are tossing out some real gobbly goo arguments. They are pathetic.
No, the arguments are sound. You are the one tossing out gobbly goo arguments. You so desperately want to the story to be one way that you are ignoring some glaring questions that need to be answered.

The bad thing is, I’m not insinuating anything, im simply looking at the video, making some observations, and asking questions about what is there. You want to just ignore the questions and jump right to the answer you want.
Here’s another thing that doesn’t make sense..Pelosi called 911 from a bathroom, I have to assume he told them there was an intruder in the house, so when the police arrive, why are they not making moves to detain depape? They’ve already been told he broke into the house, so when Pelosi answers the door, the police should immediately start trying to separate the two, but they don’t, they start with asking what’s going on, and don’t really do anything until depapae hits Pelosi.

That’s just another question that needs answering.

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