Pelosi tells Biden not to debate Trump?

Whether or not to debate is a calculated political decision. Biden is currently well ahead of Trump. He's never been a good off the cuff speaker AND, like Trump - he can be easily goaded. What are the best strategies? We haven't always had debates (they started in 1960) and even after, not all candidates participated AND debates haven't always affected winning/losing in the polls. Clinton was considered to have won the debates with Trump but she lost the election.

To me - the debates are more an interesting way to see candidates lay out their opinions on various issues and contrast the differences. Given Trump's unstable emotional state and cognitive deterioration over the past few could be interesting. But in the end it's a political calculation.

Right, Biden is well ahead of Trump, and we all know it will stay that way for over two months, don't we?

Comon Man! Trump has shown no mental deterioration of any kind. That's just your imagination along with wishful thinking. Polls show that even Democrat voters believe that Biden has dementia, and that he has no chance of survival debating the President. We on the right have been saying Biden will not debate Trump, or find a cheap excuse why he can't. Pelosi is reinforcing our claim.

The best strategy for Biden? Don't go anywhere near a debate. I'm sure Creepy Joe would like nothing better, but the people in his environment that are well aware of his severe speaking and thought disadvantages (Like Pelosi) are going to try and stop Biden from committing political suicide.

Problem is, it really is political suicide for him NOT to do it, given how many people believe he's got mental decline issues. If he doesn't debate, there's not a chance in the world they're going to be able to spin it away from being a confirmation of what Republicans have been saying all along.

The Republicans put him in a damned if you do, damned if you don't position. But as you stated in another post, not a lot of people follow politics. I call them headline readers. It's the debates where they will learn things about both candidates for the first time.

In Creepy Joe's case, not only will he have to defend his failed 47 years in federal offices, but he's going to have to answer Trump when he brings up Burisma, Hunter, China, his xenophobe comment about the travel ban, his plans to stop all fracking which would more than double our fuel costs, not to mention killing tens of thousands of jobs. He'll have to answer to his position of greatly increasing taxes on our job producers. HIs thoughts about totally shutting down our country and mandated face masks. His plans for destroying our suburbs bringing property value way down for millions of people.

That's why I say Joe debating Trump would be a huge mistake on his part. He's defenseless on his past and his future plans. It's to his benefit that few as possible know what his real plans our for this country.

Joe Biden has bigger problems, trying to defend all his proposed tax increases. The idiot touched the third rail by vowing in crease taxes on 401k's and IRA's. According to Joe Biden people who contribute more to their retirement must be PUNISHED with a tax hike so that it's 'fair' for people who contribute less. So brilliant idea, a race to the bottom. Can Democrats be any more stupid and retarded???

Be careful saying that. They seem to view it as a challenge.
Whether or not to debate is a calculated political decision. Biden is currently well ahead of Trump. He's never been a good off the cuff speaker AND, like Trump - he can be easily goaded. What are the best strategies? We haven't always had debates (they started in 1960) and even after, not all candidates participated AND debates haven't always affected winning/losing in the polls. Clinton was considered to have won the debates with Trump but she lost the election.

To me - the debates are more an interesting way to see candidates lay out their opinions on various issues and contrast the differences. Given Trump's unstable emotional state and cognitive deterioration over the past few could be interesting. But in the end it's a political calculation.

Right, Biden is well ahead of Trump, and we all know it will stay that way for over two months, don't we?

Comon Man! Trump has shown no mental deterioration of any kind. That's just your imagination along with wishful thinking. Polls show that even Democrat voters believe that Biden has dementia, and that he has no chance of survival debating the President. We on the right have been saying Biden will not debate Trump, or find a cheap excuse why he can't. Pelosi is reinforcing our claim.

The best strategy for Biden? Don't go anywhere near a debate. I'm sure Creepy Joe would like nothing better, but the people in his environment that are well aware of his severe speaking and thought disadvantages (Like Pelosi) are going to try and stop Biden from committing political suicide.

Problem is, it really is political suicide for him NOT to do it, given how many people believe he's got mental decline issues. If he doesn't debate, there's not a chance in the world they're going to be able to spin it away from being a confirmation of what Republicans have been saying all along.

The Republicans put him in a damned if you do, damned if you don't position. But as you stated in another post, not a lot of people follow politics. I call them headline readers. It's the debates where they will learn things about both candidates for the first time.

In Creepy Joe's case, not only will he have to defend his failed 47 years in federal offices, but he's going to have to answer Trump when he brings up Burisma, Hunter, China, his xenophobe comment about the travel ban, his plans to stop all fracking which would more than double our fuel costs, not to mention killing tens of thousands of jobs. He'll have to answer to his position of greatly increasing taxes on our job producers. HIs thoughts about totally shutting down our country and mandated face masks. His plans for destroying our suburbs bringing property value way down for millions of people.

That's why I say Joe debating Trump would be a huge mistake on his part. He's defenseless on his past and his future plans. It's to his benefit that few as possible know what his real plans our for this country.

Joe Biden has bigger problems, trying to defend all his proposed tax increases. The idiot touched the third rail by vowing in crease taxes on 401k's and IRA's. According to Joe Biden people who contribute more to their retirement must be PUNISHED with a tax hike so that it's 'fair' for people who contribute less. So brilliant idea, a race to the bottom. Can Democrats be any more stupid and retarded???

Be careful saying that. They seem to view it as a challenge.

True, we mocked Pelosi, Biden, and Schumer so they hit with AOC. :auiqs.jpg:

Her reasoning is that "he is not worth it".


Of course, we all know the reason, and she, for the first time in her entire life, is correct. Trump would destroy the career corrupt politician turned dementia patient, so dementia Joe should not debate Trump.

I think it’s strategic. The Dems want to lower expectations. They know Biden has to debate. Personally I don’t think highly of either of their debating skills. But if Biden comes off as incoherent it could pose as a problem for him.
I can understand her saying that as it doesn't matter and is more a formality of the election process. People have decided who they are going to vote for. A debate will not change anything. The debate will be an opportunity for someone who will be a better debater embarrass Trump and address the lies that Trump is bound to say. It will be good reading.

Hate to break it to you, Sparky, but YOU are not the entire electorate. Just because you're politically obsessed doesn't mean other people are. It's important for the people to see the candidates laying out their plans and visions for the future and defending them against opposition, rather than just seeing carefully-scripted campaign ads and partisan hack stories from the media. Debates add context and create a fuller picture.

I'm also laughing at your idea that Dementia Joe is some debate champion who's going to really get in there and give Trump a seeing-to. Grandpa Badfinger was no great shakes as a debater even BEFORE he went senile.

My point is that it will not change people's mind? If you believe that it does then that is fine.

It is funny that you believe that Trump has debating skills?

DT has called for a drug test for himself and JB before the first debate. Saying that JB performance in the democratic debates was an improved performance and it must be because of drugs.

Repeat of the same claims he made with Hillary. He wanted a drug test back in 2016. He is so predictable that it is funny.

Sounds scared to me of being made a fool of and throwing dirt out about they must be on drugs to do well in a debate. }

There was a clip on TV this morning showing Trump blasting Hillary in 2016 and using almost identical material vs Biden ....Trump is scum
Nancy and lady progs act like the stereotype of scorned women. Maybe Trump has to take one for the team.

Her reasoning is that "he is not worth it".


Of course, we all know the reason, and she, for the first time in her entire life, is correct. Trump would destroy the career corrupt politician turned dementia patient, so dementia Joe should not debate Trump.

I think it’s strategic. The Dems want to lower expectations. They know Biden has to debate. Personally I don’t think highly of either of their debating skills. But if Biden comes off as incoherent it could pose as a problem for him.
And what if Trump lies every time he opens his mouth?? Will that be a problem too?

Her reasoning is that "he is not worth it".


Of course, we all know the reason, and she, for the first time in her entire life, is correct. Trump would destroy the career corrupt politician turned dementia patient, so dementia Joe should not debate Trump.

I think it’s strategic. The Dems want to lower expectations. They know Biden has to debate. Personally I don’t think highly of either of their debating skills. But if Biden comes off as incoherent it could pose as a problem for him.
And what if Trump lies every time he opens his mouth?? Will that be a problem too?

It will help him more than it will hurt him. Lying in debates is an effective strategy. Both Biden and Trump will lie their asses off. Trump more because he just tends to do it more. But yeah it will hurt and help, but help more than it hurts.
Whether or not to debate is a calculated political decision. Biden is currently well ahead of Trump. He's never been a good off the cuff speaker AND, like Trump - he can be easily goaded. What are the best strategies? We haven't always had debates (they started in 1960) and even after, not all candidates participated AND debates haven't always affected winning/losing in the polls. Clinton was considered to have won the debates with Trump but she lost the election.

To me - the debates are more an interesting way to see candidates lay out their opinions on various issues and contrast the differences. Given Trump's unstable emotional state and cognitive deterioration over the past few could be interesting. But in the end it's a political calculation.

Right, Biden is well ahead of Trump, and we all know it will stay that way for over two months, don't we?

Comon Man! Trump has shown no mental deterioration of any kind. That's just your imagination along with wishful thinking. Polls show that even Democrat voters believe that Biden has dementia, and that he has no chance of survival debating the President. We on the right have been saying Biden will not debate Trump, or find a cheap excuse why he can't. Pelosi is reinforcing our claim.

The best strategy for Biden? Don't go anywhere near a debate. I'm sure Creepy Joe would like nothing better, but the people in his environment that are well aware of his severe speaking and thought disadvantages (Like Pelosi) are going to try and stop Biden from committing political suicide.

Problem is, it really is political suicide for him NOT to do it, given how many people believe he's got mental decline issues. If he doesn't debate, there's not a chance in the world they're going to be able to spin it away from being a confirmation of what Republicans have been saying all along.

The Republicans put him in a damned if you do, damned if you don't position. But as you stated in another post, not a lot of people follow politics. I call them headline readers. It's the debates where they will learn things about both candidates for the first time.

In Creepy Joe's case, not only will he have to defend his failed 47 years in federal offices, but he's going to have to answer Trump when he brings up Burisma, Hunter, China, his xenophobe comment about the travel ban, his plans to stop all fracking which would more than double our fuel costs, not to mention killing tens of thousands of jobs. He'll have to answer to his position of greatly increasing taxes on our job producers. HIs thoughts about totally shutting down our country and mandated face masks. His plans for destroying our suburbs bringing property value way down for millions of people.

That's why I say Joe debating Trump would be a huge mistake on his part. He's defenseless on his past and his future plans. It's to his benefit that few as possible know what his real plans our for this country.

Joe Biden has bigger problems, trying to defend all his proposed tax increases. The idiot touched the third rail by vowing in crease taxes on 401k's and IRA's. According to Joe Biden people who contribute more to their retirement must be PUNISHED with a tax hike so that it's 'fair' for people who contribute less. So brilliant idea, a race to the bottom. Can Democrats be any more stupid and retarded???

Not stupid when you consider their goals. The more of us that have IRA's, the less dependent people will be on government, and that's a no-no in the Democrat playbook. When people see how much their money can grow over the years, they will be more prone to wanting all their SS contributions to go into those same plans.

It's just like guns. Democrats don't care if we have guns. What bothers them is we can defend ourselves with them. When people can take care of themselves, who needs the Democrats around anymore?

Her reasoning is that "he is not worth it".


Of course, we all know the reason, and she, for the first time in her entire life, is correct. Trump would destroy the career corrupt politician turned dementia patient, so dementia Joe should not debate Trump.
Crazy Nancy knows Senile Joe is incapable of having a debate with anyone who is still alive :smoke:

Her reasoning is that "he is not worth it".


Of course, we all know the reason, and she, for the first time in her entire life, is correct. Trump would destroy the career corrupt politician turned dementia patient, so dementia Joe should not debate Trump.

I think it’s strategic. The Dems want to lower expectations. They know Biden has to debate. Personally I don’t think highly of either of their debating skills. But if Biden comes off as incoherent it could pose as a problem for him.
And what if Trump lies every time he opens his mouth?? Will that be a problem too?

It will help him more than it will hurt him. Lying in debates is an effective strategy. Both Biden and Trump will lie their asses off. Trump more because he just tends to do it more. But yeah it will hurt and help, but help more than it hurts.Trump lied more than 20 times last night Fact checked

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