Pelosi Throws Temper Tantrum, Storms Out Of Press Conference: “I’m done talking about impeachment”

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Nancy Pelosi is frustrated and she has every right to be with the radicals in her caucus. Say what you will about Nancy, she is cagey and ruthless and quite good at her job. So she must be sitting back in horror as her colleagues in the House rush headlong over the cliff of impeachment. For sure, Pelosi can step in and stop it at some point but if momentum continues to build in the Dem party she will not be able to stop it without disenfranchising the base.

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Funny she understands it is a BIG LOSS for DEMONRATS WITH THE VOTING PUBLIC....and what is he charged one knows!

Tell that fat bastard Nadless HE is done then, Nan. Done with impeachment or done being chairman, his choice.
First LMAO!! When California liberal and speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi gets no respect from the left wing of the party you know Dem's are in trouble. :21:
Actually, I think that she may be realizing that she fucked up from the beginning. She should have never held impeachment back. She should have let the Democrats embrace it, full throttle. There were always exactly two acceptable options. Either make it an knockout punch, or leave it alone altogether. If the Dems went for the knockout punch from the beginning, they would have been respected. Even if the effort came up short, they would still have been respected. They would have had the high ground in saying that it was a national security matter. National security is a great hill to die on. Even losing the impeachment fight would still have been a victory of sorts if they'd gone at it full throttle from the beginning.

Pelosi's attempts to inhibit impeachment have caused a slow walk trickle that does nothing but hurt the Democrats. They've waited to long, and repeatedly put all their eggs in the wrong baskets, hoping for the "smoking gun" moment that would supposedly force Republicans to support impeachment too, which was never going to come. So now, it's just partisan bullshit. Partisan bullshit is never a good hill to die on. Full throttle was safe. Leave it alone was safe. This in between crap they ended up with is proving deadly for the Democrats. Pelosi is to blame, and I suspect she knows it. Many in her caucus seem to be starting to realize it.
If Democrats believed their own propaganda they would be well into impeachment already.

Putin must own Nancy Pelosi. Why is she protecting trump. Democrats need to dump her and put AOC in charge.
Putin must own Nancy Pelosi. Why is she protecting trump.

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

Democrats need to dump her and put AOC in charge.

See what I mean? I could call you evil, but really, you're just stupid.

Yeah, because AOC is clearly already in charge. The liberal media fawn over AOC while they totally disrespect Nancy Pelosi.
Actually, I think that she may be realizing that she fucked up from the beginning. She should have never held impeachment back. She should have let the Democrats embrace it, full throttle. There were always exactly two acceptable options. Either make it an knockout punch, or leave it alone altogether. If the Dems went for the knockout punch from the beginning, they would have been respected. Even if the effort came up short, they would still have been respected. They would have had the high ground in saying that it was a national security matter. National security is a great hill to die on. Even losing the impeachment fight would still have been a victory of sorts if they'd gone at it full throttle from the beginning.

Pelosi's attempts to inhibit impeachment have caused a slow walk trickle that does nothing but hurt the Democrats. They've waited to long, and repeatedly put all their eggs in the wrong baskets, hoping for the "smoking gun" moment that would supposedly force Republicans to support impeachment too, which was never going to come. So now, it's just partisan bullshit. Partisan bullshit is never a good hill to die on. Full throttle was safe. Leave it alone was safe. This in between crap they ended up with is proving deadly for the Democrats. Pelosi is to blame, and I suspect she knows it. Many in her caucus seem to be starting to realize it.

Embrace their impeachment folly full throttle? With 61% of the people in this country thinking it's a bad idea, that a sure recipe for disaster.

I'm pretty sure Pelosi's main concern right now is to keep her party from losing the House.

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