Pelosi: Trump Dishonored God by Walking Away from Paris Climate Deal, and Aborting Babies Is Good

St Peter- Hello Nancy what have you brought for us today?

Pelosi- 200 million dead fetuses and a windmill to honor the Lord.

St Peter- great, just take those stairs to the left and keep walking down. You'll know when you get to the right place.
God to Chuck Schumer.......Mr. Schumer,,I have been watching you all of your life and have made a final decision to send your soul to the north pole sharing the rest of your eternal life living on a sheet of ice with a very gay polar bear.
I've often thought since God can do anything what better way to have these pro abortion people spend eternity as a fetus with full consciousness get aborted randomly between one and nine months. At least until of those they caused to be murdered they themselves have experienced. That would be fun.
I have a special contempt for people who say they are personally opposed to abortion but would not want to impose their views on others. For what reason would they be personally opposed other than because it constitutes the taking of human life? Would they feel the same way about slavery?
Aborting SOME fetuses is most certainly good. Indeed, probably all abortions are goodl. Better than an deformed child and an early death. Also better than not being wanted - especially since the RWNJs and Repubs are working so hard to take food, housing, school, clothing away from needy children.

And yes, he's screwing over future generations. That's why RWs voted for him - because he hurts the people who need our help.

Children are the future. You think its good when they are killed
St Peter- Hello Nancy what have you brought for us today?

Pelosi- 200 million dead fetuses and a windmill to honor the Lord.

St Peter- great, just take those stairs to the left and keep walking down. You'll know when you get to the right place.
God to Chuck Schumer.......Mr. Schumer,,I have been watching you all of your life and have made a final decision to send your soul to the north pole sharing the rest of your eternal life living on a sheet of ice with a very gay polar bear.
I've often thought since God can do anything what better way to have these pro abortion people spend eternity as a fetus with full consciousness get aborted randomly between one and nine months. At least until of those they caused to be murdered they themselves have experienced. That would be fun.
all three will send Micheal Moore back to Manhattan cause he cant fit thru the door to heaven.
Citing religion in lawmaking, funny how the left are not squealing.

Not signing Paris climate fiasco = God dishonored.
Killing the baby if it has a beating heart = God approves.

Bible says there is a special place in hell for people like her.

Want more Trump? This is how you get more Trump.

Video: Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi on Paris Agreement, travel ban, Russia probe

Nancy Pelosi Won't Say Aborting a Baby With Beating Heart “Dishonors God” |
Well, I believes that the dead aborted babies are causing the greenhouse gas effect.
I still gotta come down in favour of free abortion on demand given that it's over 97% demanded by liberals. ANYTHING we can do to keep them from reproducing is good for America!
I have a special contempt for people who say they are personally opposed to abortion but would not want to impose their views on others. For what reason would they be personally opposed other than because it constitutes the taking of human life? Would they feel the same way about slavery?
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act."
-Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Citing religion in lawmaking, funny how the left are not squealing.

Not signing Paris climate fiasco = God dishonored.
Killing the baby if it has a beating heart = God approves.

Bible says there is a special place in hell for people like her.

Want more Trump? This is how you get more Trump.

Video: Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi on Paris Agreement, travel ban, Russia probe

Nancy Pelosi Won't Say Aborting a Baby With Beating Heart “Dishonors God” |
Nancy Pelosi looks like something straight out of a Tim Burton film, don't mind her she has lost her mind many, many years ago - perhaps at birth....
Aborting SOME fetuses is most certainly good. Indeed, probably all abortions are goodl. Better than an deformed child and an early death. Also better than not being wanted - especially since the RWNJs and Repubs are working so hard to take food, housing, school, clothing away from needy children.

And yes, he's screwing over future generations. That's why RWs voted for him - because he hurts the people who need our help.
Go Get your violin…
I have a special contempt for people who say they are personally opposed to abortion but would not want to impose their views on others. For what reason would they be personally opposed other than because it constitutes the taking of human life? Would they feel the same way about slavery?

Why do you ask, do you have an interest in getting slaves or becoming one?
I have a special contempt for people who say they are personally opposed to abortion but would not want to impose their views on others. For what reason would they be personally opposed other than because it constitutes the taking of human life? Would they feel the same way about slavery?

Why do you ask, do you have an interest in getting slaves or becoming one?
Is socialism there are two types of people, dictators and slaves… and zero individuals. Fact
Aborting SOME fetuses is most certainly good. Indeed, probably all abortions are goodl. Better than an deformed child and an early death. Also better than not being wanted - especially since the RWNJs and Repubs are working so hard to take food, housing, school, clothing away from needy children.

And yes, he's screwing over future generations. That's why RWs voted for him - because he hurts the people who need our help. blame your mother?
Citing religion in lawmaking, funny how the left are not squealing.

Not signing Paris climate fiasco = God dishonored.
Killing the baby if it has a beating heart = God approves.

Bible says there is a special place in hell for people like her.

Want more Trump? This is how you get more Trump.

Video: Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi on Paris Agreement, travel ban, Russia probe

Nancy Pelosi Won't Say Aborting a Baby With Beating Heart “Dishonors God” |
Thou shalt give a hoot and not pollute.

that ones right before the shalt not kill one, so she must have stopped reading.
Aborting SOME fetuses is most certainly good. Indeed, probably all abortions are goodl. Better than an deformed child and an early death. Also better than not being wanted - especially since the RWNJs and Repubs are working so hard to take food, housing, school, clothing away from needy children.

And yes, he's screwing over future generations. That's why RWs voted for him - because he hurts the people who need our help.
so, you don't see the irony or how evil you are.
He dishonors god by wanting to kill millions of sick, old and disabled people with his healthcare plan. Of course, god shouldn't matter in politics but if he did...Just saying.

God should influence all we do. That's why the Founders gave us the free exercise clause
Aborting SOME fetuses is most certainly good. Indeed, probably all abortions are goodl. Better than an deformed child and an early death. Also better than not being wanted - especially since the RWNJs and Repubs are working so hard to take food, housing, school, clothing away from needy children.

And yes, he's screwing over future generations. That's why RWs voted for him - because he hurts the people who need our help.
so, you don't see the irony or how evil you are.

No he doesn't see how he is advocating the killing of deformed babies while falsely claiming we want to execute the disabled

Apparently we are evil for the things he falsely accuses of doing but when he actually advocates for what he accuses us of wanting, we are evil for rejecting it. He needs to make up his mind.

Yet despite all this we are the morally and intellectually inferior ones.

Do you know how to kill millions? You lie. Claim they aren't human. That they are evil beyond redemption. Is it any wonder nut job are targeting us?

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