You don't know what they have... :290968001256257790-final:

and neither do YOU......:290968001256257790-final:

And I'm not the one saying there is NOTHING. I take it you've never taken a logic class?

so what evidence ya got Trump broke any laws?

Strawman. I just told you I didn't make that statement. YOU are the one that said they had "none." Yet when I pressed you saying you didn't know that, your response was to admit you didn't but then say I didn't know either. I never said I did. So now you've moved on to circular logic.

This is what I said...…….

and yet someone would have to have something substantial to impeach...…..yet so far, nothing

I'm still asking you and waiting for an answer......what evidence?

When you don't answer a question and keep twisting the content......well that must be Demoncrat logic and makes you the Strawman, amirite?

Let's keep it on topic for the sake of the thread, huh? :113:

If you want to see how much The DemNazis think Trump actually committed any real crimes, all you have to do is look at the following image.


In other words, even they know, like they knew about The Dossier, that it was all about trying to smear The President in the hopes it gave them advantage in The Elections
You keep proving you are a liar about being ex-law enforcement. When investigating one crime, if you come across another crime you don't ignore it.

Please continue to embarrass yourself.

More left wing projection... I retired as a sergeant with 25 years of service.

Right... you don't understand basic laws. You might have retired as a sergeant mall cop, but that is about as close as you ever got. With as often as you lie on here, and can't get facts straight, you probably were even a crooked mall cop.

You don't get all the evidence for a crime upfront before you start an investigation.

If some guy's wife goes missing... who's your first suspect that you question and check for evidence?
Your and idiot..

Mueller already asked those questions... Now its a how much fake shit can we create... Get a life..

Oh you know all the questions Mueller has asked? You know the answers? Do share... let me guess, because of your great career you have an inside person in Mueller's team that has been telling you everything about the investigation!

Quit lying to people on here and be truthful. You are just some full of shit poster who has tried to create some kind of persona to give yourself some imaginary credibility. Sadly, people that have even basic knowledge of law enforcement know better, and people like myself that have a good enough memory of all the bullshit lies you've told over the last couple of years can call you out on it.

You start these absolutely ridiculous threads in politics as an attention whore just to start a circle jerk of Trump supporters to come and make comments to give each other rep. It just clutters up the Politics thread.

And so that my post isn't just deleted for being off-topic...

Even if Pelosi knew something from the Mueller investigation she wouldn't be allowed to say it. It's still part of the investigation until the report is released.

Wiseman is a pro at creating false crimes. Ask the 40 ENRON people he jailed under false crimes, which SCOTUS threw out, that's how good he is. If they found anything it would be out already.

Red Herring.
You don't know what they have... :290968001256257790-final:

and neither do YOU......:290968001256257790-final:

And I'm not the one saying there is NOTHING. I take it you've never taken a logic class?

so what evidence ya got Trump broke any laws?

Strawman. I just told you I didn't make that statement. YOU are the one that said they had "none." Yet when I pressed you saying you didn't know that, your response was to admit you didn't but then say I didn't know either. I never said I did. So now you've moved on to circular logic.

This is what I said...…….

and yet someone would have to have something substantial to impeach...…..yet so far, nothing

I'm still asking you and waiting for an answer......what evidence?

When you don't answer a question and keep twisting the content......well that must be Demoncrat logic and makes you the Strawman, amirite?

Let's keep it on topic for the sake of the thread, huh? :113:

AND... you don't know if they haven't found anything. Jesus are you dense? It's an ongoing investigation. You can't help but contradict yourself can you? See that's the problem when people like you try to be dishonest to make up some fake point... you can't keep you lies straight.

Breaking: Democrat news conference happening now:

Nancy Pelosie was just asked by media what evidence the democrats have to support their 8 investigations. Pelsoie replied "the evidence they have is the evidence they will collect". Say what? In political double speak this means they have NO EVIDENCE but are therefore going to do it anyway, despite being seen as a massive over reach....

Pelosie steps in it again.. Another "we have to pass the bill for you to see what is in it" moment...

Are these people this stupid?
Don't need no stinkin' evidence to support investigations.
Just need to investigate till a crime is found, or create a crime to investigate.
Can't you knuckleheads get that through your brain?????
and neither do YOU......:290968001256257790-final:

And I'm not the one saying there is NOTHING. I take it you've never taken a logic class?

so what evidence ya got Trump broke any laws?

Strawman. I just told you I didn't make that statement. YOU are the one that said they had "none." Yet when I pressed you saying you didn't know that, your response was to admit you didn't but then say I didn't know either. I never said I did. So now you've moved on to circular logic.

This is what I said...…….

and yet someone would have to have something substantial to impeach...…..yet so far, nothing

I'm still asking you and waiting for an answer......what evidence?

When you don't answer a question and keep twisting the content......well that must be Demoncrat logic and makes you the Strawman, amirite?

Let's keep it on topic for the sake of the thread, huh? :113:

AND... you don't know if they haven't found anything. Jesus are you dense? It's an ongoing investigation. You can't help but contradict yourself can you? See that's the problem when people like you try to be dishonest to make up some fake point... you can't keep you lies straight.

and you know as well as I do...…..IF they had found anything, the world would know about it instantly.

There is no contradiction, fake point or lies...…..just your own comprehension challenges. Ya might try to get your head out of your ass to figure it out.. No worries, I'm not waiting for that to happen any time soon.

Breaking: Democrat news conference happening now:

Nancy Pelosie was just asked by media what evidence the democrats have to support their 8 investigations. Pelsoie replied "the evidence they have is the evidence they will collect". Say what? In political double speak this means they have NO EVIDENCE but are therefore going to do it anyway, despite being seen as a massive over reach....

Pelosie steps in it again.. Another "we have to pass the bill for you to see what is in it" moment...

Are these people this stupid?

That's just like her comments on Obamacare.

"We have to pass it before we know what's in it."

Talk about stupid. All she and the House Dems are doing is making sure Trump wins in 2020. All these investigations, the death cult member voted into Congress by morons, House Dems defending those death cult members, AOC and her green crap that would bankrupt the country if implemented are going a long way to getting Trump reelected. Talk about morons.

They don't need no stinking proof, all they need is 2019 so they can have more investigations.

What a pack of boobs.

Go Dems.

Breaking: Democrat news conference happening now:

Nancy Pelosie was just asked by media what evidence the democrats have to support their 8 investigations. Pelsoie replied "the evidence they have is the evidence they will collect". Say what? In political double speak this means they have NO EVIDENCE but are therefore going to do it anyway, despite being seen as a massive over reach....

Pelosie steps in it again.. Another "we have to pass the bill for you to see what is in it" moment...

Are these people this stupid?

That's just like her comments on Obamacare.

"We have to pass it before we know what's in it."

Talk about stupid. All she and the House Dems are doing is making sure Trump wins in 2020. All these investigations, the death cult member voted into Congress by morons, House Dems defending those death cult members, AOC and her green crap that would bankrupt the country if implemented are going a long way to getting Trump reelected. Talk about morons.

They don't need no stinking proof, all they need is 2019 so they can have more investigations.

What a pack of boobs.

Go Dems.

Hey now, I kinda like boobs. :113:
And I'm not the one saying there is NOTHING. I take it you've never taken a logic class?

so what evidence ya got Trump broke any laws?

Strawman. I just told you I didn't make that statement. YOU are the one that said they had "none." Yet when I pressed you saying you didn't know that, your response was to admit you didn't but then say I didn't know either. I never said I did. So now you've moved on to circular logic.

This is what I said...…….

and yet someone would have to have something substantial to impeach...…..yet so far, nothing

I'm still asking you and waiting for an answer......what evidence?

When you don't answer a question and keep twisting the content......well that must be Demoncrat logic and makes you the Strawman, amirite?

Let's keep it on topic for the sake of the thread, huh? :113:

AND... you don't know if they haven't found anything. Jesus are you dense? It's an ongoing investigation. You can't help but contradict yourself can you? See that's the problem when people like you try to be dishonest to make up some fake point... you can't keep you lies straight.

and you know as well as I do...…..IF they had found anything, the world would know about it instantly.

There is no contradiction, fake point or lies...…..just your own comprehension challenges. Ya might try to get your head out of your ass to figure it out.. No worries, I'm not waiting for that to happen any time soon.

No, because Mueller is a pro, and guys like that asshat Nunes from California that made the midnight run to the white House no longer runs things.

You must have been the most inept, corrupt law enforcement officer in your town... or you were just one of Sheriff Jimbo-Bob's sister's husbands so he felt bad for you and gave you a job. You make the most ridiculous statements about law enforcement that I've ever seen. Hell, here you are jumping to conclusions about what Mueller's found and his report hasn't even come out.

Congress and Pelosi ABSOLUTELY live by the rule they CANNOT disclose evidence to the public that is still part of Mueller's ongoing investigation.

The only thing Moscow Mueller found was his own hands on Putin's balls giving them a nice tickle.

You don't have to manufacture "process crimes" when you can indict people for Actual Crimes.


Correct: Process crimes that have absolutely NOTHING TO DO with his mandate..

You keep proving you are a liar about being ex-law enforcement. When investigating one crime, if you come across another crime you don't ignore it.

Please continue to embarrass yourself.

More left wing projection... I retired as a sergeant with 25 years of service.

Right... you don't understand basic laws. You might have retired as a sergeant mall cop, but that is about as close as you ever got. With as often as you lie on here, and can't get facts straight, you probably were even a crooked mall cop.

You don't get all the evidence for a crime upfront before you start an investigation.

If some guy's wife goes missing... who's your first suspect that you question and check for evidence?

In that case, you don't get to haul a guy in for questioning unless his wife goes missing first.
Poor lewdog. Getting schooled left and right. Go on down to your police station and say you want your neighbor investigated. You have no evidence of a crime and the only evidence will be what they find. Then tell us just how far you flew when they threw you out the door.

Breaking: Democrat news conference happening now:

Nancy Pelosie was just asked by media what evidence the democrats have to support their 8 investigations. Pelsoie replied "the evidence they have is the evidence they will collect". Say what? In political double speak this means they have NO EVIDENCE but are therefore going to do it anyway, despite being seen as a massive over reach....

Pelosie steps in it again.. Another "we have to pass the bill for you to see what is in it" moment...

Are these people this stupid?

There is no way in hell you were ever a police officer if you don't understand you have to collect evidence to do an investigation.

Now let me say two things, in a real law enforcement investigation you need probable cause and then usually a warrant depending on the situation. In Congress it isn't the same thing, as they are not going after criminal charges.

How do you investigate someone with no evidence that a crime has been committed?

Are you being serious?
for what particular crime? fishing expeditions are not really how we need to be doing things.

it reeks of over-desperation.

Breaking: Democrat news conference happening now:

Nancy Pelosie was just asked by media what evidence the democrats have to support their 8 investigations. Pelsoie replied "the evidence they have is the evidence they will collect". Say what? In political double speak this means they have NO EVIDENCE but are therefore going to do it anyway, despite being seen as a massive over reach....

Pelosie steps in it again.. Another "we have to pass the bill for you to see what is in it" moment...

Are these people this stupid?

There is no way in hell you were ever a police officer if you don't understand you have to collect evidence to do an investigation.

Now let me say two things, in a real law enforcement investigation you need probable cause and then usually a warrant depending on the situation. In Congress it isn't the same thing, as they are not going after criminal charges.
The requirement for evidence to make a search is not to limit the police. It's to ensure citizen's freedom.

Congress can't override the Bill of Rights.

Breaking: Democrat news conference happening now:

Nancy Pelosie was just asked by media what evidence the democrats have to support their 8 investigations. Pelsoie replied "the evidence they have is the evidence they will collect". Say what? In political double speak this means they have NO EVIDENCE but are therefore going to do it anyway, despite being seen as a massive over reach....

Pelosie steps in it again.. Another "we have to pass the bill for you to see what is in it" moment...

Are these people this stupid?

There is no way in hell you were ever a police officer if you don't understand you have to collect evidence to do an investigation.

Now let me say two things, in a real law enforcement investigation you need probable cause and then usually a warrant depending on the situation. In Congress it isn't the same thing, as they are not going after criminal charges.
The requirement for evidence to make a search is not to limit the police. It's to ensure citizen's freedom.

Congress can't override the Bill of Rights.
Democraps seem to think that if your someone they don't like they can remove your rights from you, just like they are doing to Trump.. I hope he sues them.

Breaking: Democrat news conference happening now:

Nancy Pelosie was just asked by media what evidence the democrats have to support their 8 investigations. Pelsoie replied "the evidence they have is the evidence they will collect". Say what? In political double speak this means they have NO EVIDENCE but are therefore going to do it anyway, despite being seen as a massive over reach....

Pelosie steps in it again.. Another "we have to pass the bill for you to see what is in it" moment...

Are these people this stupid?

There is no way in hell you were ever a police officer if you don't understand you have to collect evidence to do an investigation.

Now let me say two things, in a real law enforcement investigation you need probable cause and then usually a warrant depending on the situation. In Congress it isn't the same thing, as they are not going after criminal charges.
The requirement for evidence to make a search is not to limit the police. It's to ensure citizen's freedom.

Congress can't override the Bill of Rights.

Congress aren't violating people's freedoms in their searches and subpoenas for information. I never said they were going after criminal charges... other posters did.

Breaking: Democrat news conference happening now:

Nancy Pelosie was just asked by media what evidence the democrats have to support their 8 investigations. Pelsoie replied "the evidence they have is the evidence they will collect". Say what? In political double speak this means they have NO EVIDENCE but are therefore going to do it anyway, despite being seen as a massive over reach....

Pelosie steps in it again.. Another "we have to pass the bill for you to see what is in it" moment...

Are these people this stupid?

"Donald Trump is guilty of all the crimes we have concocted because we want him to be. Now off with his head"
Theses filthy fucking pieces of shits are fascinating...whats more fascinating are the even filthier pieces of shits that cheer the lunacy on.
Two years of stalling is what the Democrats have done. Now, they're out to stall some more, so they can blame everything on the very people who are doing the right thing.

I think the democrats will stall until we decide to get them on treason. We need to stop tolerating their puerile behavior, file treason charges against them for a number of unamerican activities they engage in or accept the fact they will use their own stalling as our inaction. At least, if we prove Democrat Party planed treason against the American people's Constitution, it will send them the grow up message they do not care to hear.

Breaking: Democrat news conference happening now:

Nancy Pelosie was just asked by media what evidence the democrats have to support their 8 investigations. Pelsoie replied "the evidence they have is the evidence they will collect". Say what? In political double speak this means they have NO EVIDENCE but are therefore going to do it anyway, despite being seen as a massive over reach....

Pelosie steps in it again.. Another "we have to pass the bill for you to see what is in it" moment...

Are these people this stupid?

There is no way in hell you were ever a police officer if you don't understand you have to collect evidence to do an investigation.

Now let me say two things, in a real law enforcement investigation you need probable cause and then usually a warrant depending on the situation. In Congress it isn't the same thing, as they are not going after criminal charges.
They have been “collecting evidence” since 2016.

If Democrats were police officers they would have been long since fired.

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