Breaking: Democrat news conference happening now:

Nancy Pelosie was just asked by media what evidence the democrats have to support their 8 investigations. Pelsoie replied "the evidence they have is the evidence they will collect". Say what? In political double speak this means they have NO EVIDENCE but are therefore going to do it anyway, despite being seen as a massive over reach....

Pelosie steps in it again.. Another "we have to pass the bill for you to see what is in it" moment...

Are these people this stupid?

There is no way in hell you were ever a police officer if you don't understand you have to collect evidence to do an investigation.

Now let me say two things, in a real law enforcement investigation you need probable cause and then usually a warrant depending on the situation. In Congress it isn't the same thing, as they are not going after criminal charges.
You obviously have no LEO experience or what is necessary to obtain warrants and subpoenas.. Congress doesn't have to live by evidence rules as Mueller has had to. Mueller found NOTHING using the law, now we have dim wits who have nothing, wanting to go searching for another two years with broad powers and not even reasonable suspicion. This is a FARCE!

Fuck Off dimwit


You must have been the most inept, corrupt law enforcement officer in your town... or you were just one of Sheriff Jimbo-Bob's sister's husbands so he felt bad for you and gave you a job. You make the most ridiculous statements about law enforcement that I've ever seen. Hell, here you are jumping to conclusions about what Mueller's found and his report hasn't even come out.

Congress and Pelosi ABSOLUTELY live by the rule they CANNOT disclose evidence to the public that is still part of Mueller's ongoing investigation.

The only thing Moscow Mueller found was his own hands on Putin's balls giving them a nice tickle.

You don't have to manufacture "process crimes" when you can indict people for Actual Crimes.

You don't ignore process crimes when they are lying to obstruct and delay the investigation. Sorry Charlie you don't just let people lie to the FBI and Congress and get off the hook for it.

Breaking: Democrat news conference happening now:

Nancy Pelosie was just asked by media what evidence the democrats have to support their 8 investigations. Pelsoie replied "the evidence they have is the evidence they will collect". Say what? In political double speak this means they have NO EVIDENCE but are therefore going to do it anyway, despite being seen as a massive over reach....

Pelosie steps in it again.. Another "we have to pass the bill for you to see what is in it" moment...

Are these people this stupid?
Why doesn't she Act Like The Majority Leader and get on with The Business of Solving America's Issues, like Addressing The Border and Immigration Crisis?

And There are actually 17 Investigations launched by The Democrat Party, not just 8.
The question this morning was about the original 8...
And unlike The TV show, For DemNazis, 8 Was Not Enough.


Breaking: Democrat news conference happening now:

Nancy Pelosie was just asked by media what evidence the democrats have to support their 8 investigations. Pelsoie replied "the evidence they have is the evidence they will collect". Say what? In political double speak this means they have NO EVIDENCE but are therefore going to do it anyway, despite being seen as a massive over reach....

Pelosie steps in it again.. Another "we have to pass the bill for you to see what is in it" moment...

Are these people this stupid?

There is no way in hell you were ever a police officer if you don't understand you have to collect evidence to do an investigation.

Now let me say two things, in a real law enforcement investigation you need probable cause and then usually a warrant depending on the situation. In Congress it isn't the same thing, as they are not going after criminal charges.

How do you investigate someone with no evidence that a crime has been committed?

Are you being serious?

You cant just investigate someone for the hell of it.
What crimes are they going to investigate?

The DOJ/FBI already did investigate Trump and his campaign with no basis or grounds other than a democrat paid-for dossier that was based on Russian inputs. But let's be clear: this is about politics, looking for dirt on Trump to use against him next year. Remember how women stepped forward last year to accuse Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct? Well I think we'll see people popping up to accuse Trump of all sorts of misconduct or illegalities without a shred of evidence. Things are going tog et really ugly IMHO.

Breaking: Democrat news conference happening now:

Nancy Pelosie was just asked by media what evidence the democrats have to support their 8 investigations. Pelsoie replied "the evidence they have is the evidence they will collect". Say what? In political double speak this means they have NO EVIDENCE but are therefore going to do it anyway, despite being seen as a massive over reach....

Pelosie steps in it again.. Another "we have to pass the bill for you to see what is in it" moment...

Are these people this stupid?

There is no way in hell you were ever a police officer if you don't understand you have to collect evidence to do an investigation.

Now let me say two things, in a real law enforcement investigation you need probable cause and then usually a warrant depending on the situation. In Congress it isn't the same thing, as they are not going after criminal charges.
You obviously have no LEO experience or what is necessary to obtain warrants and subpoenas.. Congress doesn't have to live by evidence rules as Mueller has had to. Mueller found NOTHING using the law, now we have dim wits who have nothing, wanting to go searching for another two years with broad powers and not even reasonable suspicion. This is a FARCE!

Fuck Off dimwit


You must have been the most inept, corrupt law enforcement officer in your town... or you were just one of Sheriff Jimbo-Bob's sister's husbands so he felt bad for you and gave you a job. You make the most ridiculous statements about law enforcement that I've ever seen. Hell, here you are jumping to conclusions about what Mueller's found and his report hasn't even come out.

Congress and Pelosi ABSOLUTELY live by the rule they CANNOT disclose evidence to the public that is still part of Mueller's ongoing investigation.

The only thing Moscow Mueller found was his own hands on Putin's balls giving them a nice tickle.

You don't have to manufacture "process crimes" when you can indict people for Actual Crimes.


Correct: Process crimes that have absolutely NOTHING TO DO with his mandate..

Breaking: Democrat news conference happening now:

Nancy Pelosie was just asked by media what evidence the democrats have to support their 8 investigations. Pelsoie replied "the evidence they have is the evidence they will collect". Say what? In political double speak this means they have NO EVIDENCE but are therefore going to do it anyway, despite being seen as a massive over reach....

Pelosie steps in it again.. Another "we have to pass the bill for you to see what is in it" moment...

Are these people this stupid?

There is no way in hell you were ever a police officer if you don't understand you have to collect evidence to do an investigation.

Now let me say two things, in a real law enforcement investigation you need probable cause and then usually a warrant depending on the situation. In Congress it isn't the same thing, as they are not going after criminal charges.

How do you investigate someone with no evidence that a crime has been committed?

Are you being serious?

You cant just investigate someone for the hell of it.
What crimes are they going to investigate?

Who said that's the case? You've only heard from SOME people about how crooked Trump is. you have ZERO idea how many people have actually reported the shit Trump has done.

Thats not what pelousy said.
She's on a roll here lately.
First she flat out admitted dems want illegals for votes and now this.
Democrat Socialist Party..
> The party of INFANTICIDE...
> The party of illegals
> The party of Destroy America
> The party of Sharia Law over the US Constitution
> The party of Totalitarian/Fascist big government
When you say stuff this stupid, why would anyone take you seriously?
I'm not going to cut Pelosi any slack, but I kinda know what she is saying and why.

The FatAss other Muslim announced yesterday, she is going to bring impeachment charges
on the Prez later this week. Pelosi is just setting the table to pull her aside and tell her to
shut up.

Explain to her that if the American people are not cool with impeachment, they can't just start it
and get beat or they will never recapture the WH.

But Pelosi has helped create this group of monsters and she still isn't taking any firm action against

She is also trapped by DNC talking points. The Dems are a splintered party. Way too many different
minorities they have to cater to. You can't please them all. The longer Pelosi waits to deal with these
jerks, the worse it will become to control them.

Has everybody noticed that none of the Dem candidates for prez are really giving opinions and are just
avoiding saying anything in public. None of them really know what to do.

Breaking: Democrat news conference happening now:

Nancy Pelosie was just asked by media what evidence the democrats have to support their 8 investigations. Pelsoie replied "the evidence they have is the evidence they will collect". Say what? In political double speak this means they have NO EVIDENCE but are therefore going to do it anyway, despite being seen as a massive over reach....

Pelosie steps in it again.. Another "we have to pass the bill for you to see what is in it" moment...

Are these people this stupid?

There is no way in hell you were ever a police officer if you don't understand you have to collect evidence to do an investigation.

Now let me say two things, in a real law enforcement investigation you need probable cause and then usually a warrant depending on the situation. In Congress it isn't the same thing, as they are not going after criminal charges.
You obviously have no LEO experience or what is necessary to obtain warrants and subpoenas.. Congress doesn't have to live by evidence rules as Mueller has had to. Mueller found NOTHING using the law, now we have dim wits who have nothing, wanting to go searching for another two years with broad powers and not even reasonable suspicion. This is a FARCE!

Fuck Off dimwit


You must have been the most inept, corrupt law enforcement officer in your town... or you were just one of Sheriff Jimbo-Bob's sister's husbands so he felt bad for you and gave you a job. You make the most ridiculous statements about law enforcement that I've ever seen. Hell, here you are jumping to conclusions about what Mueller's found and his report hasn't even come out.

Congress and Pelosi ABSOLUTELY live by the rule they CANNOT disclose evidence to the public that is still part of Mueller's ongoing investigation.

The only thing Moscow Mueller found was his own hands on Putin's balls giving them a nice tickle.

You don't have to manufacture "process crimes" when you can indict people for Actual Crimes.


Correct: Process crimes that have absolutely NOTHING TO DO with his mandate..

You keep proving you are a liar about being ex-law enforcement. When investigating one crime, if you come across another crime you don't ignore it.

Please continue to embarrass yourself.

Breaking: Democrat news conference happening now:

Nancy Pelosie was just asked by media what evidence the democrats have to support their 8 investigations. Pelsoie replied "the evidence they have is the evidence they will collect". Say what? In political double speak this means they have NO EVIDENCE but are therefore going to do it anyway, despite being seen as a massive over reach....

Pelosie steps in it again.. Another "we have to pass the bill for you to see what is in it" moment...

Are these people this stupid?

They're poison, thus nothing has to make sense. The situation is straight-forward, proving Trump is right as usual. They made-up the suggestion of wrong-doing, which was the platform for investigations to begin with. In a normal world it's they who would be investigated. They consistently come-up empty, but the idea is not to investigate a crime, the goal is to locate one at all costs. Thus one investigation closes and another opens.
The Senate is about to hand down Criminal referrals for FISA abuse and the made up dossier.. I for one hope it goes somewhere other than the round file due to the deep state.
She's on a roll here lately.
First she flat out admitted dems want illegals for votes and now this.
Democrat Socialist Party..
> The party of INFANTICIDE...
> The party of illegals
> The party of Destroy America
> The party of Sharia Law over the US Constitution
> The party of Totalitarian/Fascist big government
When you say stuff this stupid, why would anyone take you seriously?

Could you imagine if he was REALLY an ex-law enforcement officer? I think at some point he said he was a 20 year detective. He says some of the most ridiculous things... like when he said he had an inside friend in Charlottesville that told him their police helicopter was shot down by ANTIFA.
She's on a roll here lately.
First she flat out admitted dems want illegals for votes and now this.
Democrat Socialist Party..
> The party of INFANTICIDE...
> The party of illegals
> The party of Destroy America
> The party of Sharia Law over the US Constitution
> The party of Totalitarian/Fascist big government
When you say stuff this stupid, why would anyone take you seriously?
Are you projecting again?
There is no way in hell you were ever a police officer if you don't understand you have to collect evidence to do an investigation.

Now let me say two things, in a real law enforcement investigation you need probable cause and then usually a warrant depending on the situation. In Congress it isn't the same thing, as they are not going after criminal charges.
You obviously have no LEO experience or what is necessary to obtain warrants and subpoenas.. Congress doesn't have to live by evidence rules as Mueller has had to. Mueller found NOTHING using the law, now we have dim wits who have nothing, wanting to go searching for another two years with broad powers and not even reasonable suspicion. This is a FARCE!

Fuck Off dimwit


You must have been the most inept, corrupt law enforcement officer in your town... or you were just one of Sheriff Jimbo-Bob's sister's husbands so he felt bad for you and gave you a job. You make the most ridiculous statements about law enforcement that I've ever seen. Hell, here you are jumping to conclusions about what Mueller's found and his report hasn't even come out.

Congress and Pelosi ABSOLUTELY live by the rule they CANNOT disclose evidence to the public that is still part of Mueller's ongoing investigation.

The only thing Moscow Mueller found was his own hands on Putin's balls giving them a nice tickle.

You don't have to manufacture "process crimes" when you can indict people for Actual Crimes.


Correct: Process crimes that have absolutely NOTHING TO DO with his mandate..

You keep proving you are a liar about being ex-law enforcement. When investigating one crime, if you come across another crime you don't ignore it.

Please continue to embarrass yourself.

What crime?
they are not going after criminal charges.

you sure about that?????????

Why else investigate if not to bring criminal charges? They've been trying to convince everyone Trump is a criminal to get him impeached.

Congress can refer people for criminal charges to the DOJ... but the DOJ isn't going to indict a sitting President. Once Trump, if Trump, is impeached it won't be Congress pressing criminal charges, it would be the DOJ or the AGs of the states.

Breaking: Democrat news conference happening now:

Nancy Pelosie was just asked by media what evidence the democrats have to support their 8 investigations. Pelsoie replied "the evidence they have is the evidence they will collect". Say what? In political double speak this means they have NO EVIDENCE but are therefore going to do it anyway, despite being seen as a massive over reach....

Pelosie steps in it again.. Another "we have to pass the bill for you to see what is in it" moment...

Are these people this stupid?

There is no way in hell you were ever a police officer if you don't understand you have to collect evidence to do an investigation.

Now let me say two things, in a real law enforcement investigation you need probable cause and then usually a warrant depending on the situation. In Congress it isn't the same thing, as they are not going after criminal charges.
You obviously have no LEO experience or what is necessary to obtain warrants and subpoenas.. Congress doesn't have to live by evidence rules as Mueller has had to. Mueller found NOTHING using the law, now we have dim wits who have nothing, wanting to go searching for another two years with broad powers and not even reasonable suspicion. This is a FARCE!

Fuck Off dimwit


You must have been the most inept, corrupt law enforcement officer in your town... or you were just one of Sheriff Jimbo-Bob's sister's husbands so he felt bad for you and gave you a job. You make the most ridiculous statements about law enforcement that I've ever seen. Hell, here you are jumping to conclusions about what Mueller's found and his report hasn't even come out.

Congress and Pelosi ABSOLUTELY live by the rule they CANNOT disclose evidence to the public that is still part of Mueller's ongoing investigation.

The only thing Moscow Mueller found was his own hands on Putin's balls giving them a nice tickle.

You don't have to manufacture "process crimes" when you can indict people for Actual Crimes.


Correct: Process crimes that have absolutely NOTHING TO DO with his mandate..

The first indication that Mad Moscow Mueller's Ship was Sunk before it was even launched was The Firing of half of his staff that are now under Criminal Investigation.

The 2nd Indication of Mad Moscow Mueller's impending doom, was the fact he had to Indict 13 Imaginary Russians, yet despited the fact we have an Extradition agreement, he refused to Extradite anyone.

The 3rd Indication of Moscow Mueller's Ship was heading for the Rocks, was the fact that he refused to interview Assange despite the fact we have an extradition treaty with Ecuador.

The 4th Indication that this was a witch hunt was The FBI pretending it lost 50,000 texts from the entire FBI to Obstruct an Investigation in to Page and Strozk and McCabe, who are now going to be criminally indicted once The IG found them 24 hours later.

The 5th Indication that Mueller was going to have to scuttle his own ship was the fact that 24 former FBI and DOJ High Echelon Leaders were fired, forced to resign and half of them are now under Criminal Investigation.

And Last but not least The 6th indication That Mad Moscow Mueller's Investigation more resembles a Mash up of The Titanic, and Hindenberg is the fact, that The Democrats no longer talk about Russian Collusion and have returned to hating Jared Kushner because he is a Jew, and wanting Trump's Tax Returns again. And Mueller refuses to investigate the sourcing and financing of The Dossier or how it was used to file False Affidavits in a FISA Court.
Enough evidence to throw Trump into a frenzy

Yep, just a good old thread where someone just makes some ridiculous statement and Trump supporters flock to it to have a circle jerk like it actually makes any sense.
they are not going after criminal charges.

you sure about that?????????

Why else investigate if not to bring criminal charges? They've been trying to convince everyone Trump is a criminal to get him impeached.

Congress can refer people for criminal charges to the DOJ... but the DOJ isn't going to indict a sitting President. Once Trump, if Trump, is impeached it won't be Congress pressing criminal charges, it would be the DOJ or the AGs of the states.

and yet someone would have to have something substantial to impeach...…..yet so far, nothing
There is no way in hell you were ever a police officer if you don't understand you have to collect evidence to do an investigation.

Now let me say two things, in a real law enforcement investigation you need probable cause and then usually a warrant depending on the situation. In Congress it isn't the same thing, as they are not going after criminal charges.
You obviously have no LEO experience or what is necessary to obtain warrants and subpoenas.. Congress doesn't have to live by evidence rules as Mueller has had to. Mueller found NOTHING using the law, now we have dim wits who have nothing, wanting to go searching for another two years with broad powers and not even reasonable suspicion. This is a FARCE!

Fuck Off dimwit


You must have been the most inept, corrupt law enforcement officer in your town... or you were just one of Sheriff Jimbo-Bob's sister's husbands so he felt bad for you and gave you a job. You make the most ridiculous statements about law enforcement that I've ever seen. Hell, here you are jumping to conclusions about what Mueller's found and his report hasn't even come out.

Congress and Pelosi ABSOLUTELY live by the rule they CANNOT disclose evidence to the public that is still part of Mueller's ongoing investigation.

The only thing Moscow Mueller found was his own hands on Putin's balls giving them a nice tickle.

You don't have to manufacture "process crimes" when you can indict people for Actual Crimes.


Correct: Process crimes that have absolutely NOTHING TO DO with his mandate..

You keep proving you are a liar about being ex-law enforcement. When investigating one crime, if you come across another crime you don't ignore it.

Please continue to embarrass yourself.

More left wing projection... I retired as a sergeant with 25 years of service.

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