Pelosi's husband got violently assaulted

He runs a blog that praises Trump and Qanon. He's a loon so he's an easy mark for a dishonorable charlatans.

In an Aug. 23 entry titled "Q," DePape wrote: "Either Q is Trump himself or Q is the deepstate moles within Trumps inner circle."

That is not a pro-Trump or pro-QAnon comment. It is negative to both.

It also is just another example of how deranged DePape was. His statement makes no sense and is self-contradictory.
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I have skills. :)

I looked for every house in Berkeley which had the house numbers shown in your prior post. Although the address shown on the mailbox is 1528 (I thought), 1526 worked best for my searching. In the picture you posted, there are three addresses on the house, two are covered with white paper (1526 1/22 and 1526).

I wish I could read what is on the door.

I have spent a lot of time today looking up civil and criminal records on DePape. I have found nothing very juicy. California tends to protect criminals as we all know. That might have something to do with my lack of success.

That house certainty is alot more scummy-looking than in the picture the SFPD released. It looks like a typical place where lowlife white trash hippie dopers and scooter trash would live.

Thanks for finding that.
That house certainty is alot more scummy-looking than in the picture the SFPD released. It looks like a typical place where lowlife white trash hippie dopers and scooter trash would live.

Thanks for finding that.
If you think that is something, check this out....

An apartment in the house was for rent not long ago...




"The exterior has an awesome yard. Adequate parking spots on-street parking. It’s a cat-friendly property (no dogs) with a $500 pet deposit/pet. Tenant pays gas, electricity, and landscaping."

Landscaping, LOL! The ad says "ample on-street parking," and they have a car parked in their yard next to the front window in the ad picture!
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All MAGAs have mental problems. He loved Joe Rogan, Mike Lindell​

Yes "Freedom [of fake] speech triggers some fringers."

'Out of touch with reality': Alleged Paul Pelosi attacker posted Jan. 6 conspiracy theories

The man who allegedly attacked Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband posted memes and conspiracy theories on Facebook about Covid vaccines, the 2020 election and the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol

"....Last year, David DePape posted links on his Facebook page to Multiple Videos produced by My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell falsely alleging that the 2020 election was Stolen. Other posts included transphobic images and linked to websites claiming Covid vaccines were deadly. "The death rates being promoted are what ever 'THEY' want to be promoted as the death rate," one post read.

DePape also posted links to YouTube videos with titles like "Democrat FARCE Commission to Investigate January 6th Capitol Riot COLLAPSES in Congress!!!" and "Global Elites Plan To Take Control Of YOUR Money! (Revealed)"

Two days after former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty of killing George Floyd, DePape wrote that the trial was "a modern lynching," falsely indicating that Floyd died of a drug overdose.
He also posted content about the "Great Reset"-- the sprawling conspiracy theory that global elites are using coronavirus to usher in a new world order in which they gain more power and oppress the masses. And he complained that politicians making promises to try to win votes "are offering you bribes in exchange for your further enslavement."..."'

What are you smoking?
Au contraire, Lesh, it's you who is not thinking clearly.

Sorry to have to spell it out, but you aren't all with it at the moment...

He refers to Qanon as "deep state" and "moles." Both are very derogatory terms.

"Deep state" is anti-America, pro-globalist, corrupt people in power.
"Moles" are dishonest people who pretend to be friendly, basically spies working for the opposition.

So, obviously, he does not like QAnon. You disagree with that? If so, you can't think.

So when he says that Trump might be Q, that's derogatory.

And the self-contradictory part is that he proposes Q might be Trump, or they might be spies with evil intent working inside the Trump Org.

Get it now? If not, seek help.
Au contraire, Lesh, it's you who is not thinking clearly.

Sorry to have to spell it out, but you aren't all with it at the moment...

He refers to Qanon as "deep state" and "moles." Both are very derogatory terms.

"Deep state" is anti-America, pro-globalist, corrupt people in power.
"Moles" are dishonest people who pretend to be friendly, basically spies working for the opposition.

So, obviously, he does not like QAnon. You disagree with that? If so, you can't think.

So when he says that Trump might be Q, that's derogatory.

And the self-contradictory part is that he proposes Q might be Trump, or they might be spies with evil intent working inside the Trump Org.

Get it now? If not, seek help.
Thank you for the Q take on it.

In an Aug. 23 entry titled "Q," DePape wrote: "Either Q is Trump himself or Q is the deepstate moles within Trumps inner circle."

That is not a pro-Trump or pro-QAnon comment. It is negative to both.

It also is just another example of how deranged DePape was. His statement makes no sense and is self-contradictory.

All MAGAs have mental problems. He loved Joe Rogan, Mike Lindell​

Yes "Freedom [of fake] speech triggers some fringers."

'Out of touch with reality': Alleged Paul Pelosi attacker posted Jan. 6 conspiracy theories

The man who allegedly attacked Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband posted memes and conspiracy theories on Facebook about Covid vaccines, the 2020 election and the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol

"....Last year, David DePape posted links on his Facebook page to Multiple Videos produced by My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell falsely alleging that the 2020 election was Stolen. Other posts included transphobic images and linked to websites claiming Covid vaccines were deadly. "The death rates being promoted are what ever 'THEY' want to be promoted as the death rate," one post read.

DePape also posted links to YouTube videos with titles like "Democrat FARCE Commission to Investigate January 6th Capitol Riot COLLAPSES in Congress!!!" and "Global Elites Plan To Take Control Of YOUR Money! (Revealed)"

Two days after former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty of killing George Floyd, DePape wrote that the trial was "a modern lynching," falsely indicating that Floyd died of a drug overdose.
He also posted content about the "Great Reset"-- the sprawling conspiracy theory that global elites are using coronavirus to usher in a new world order in which they gain more power and oppress the masses. And he complained that politicians making promises to try to win votes "are offering you bribes in exchange for your further enslavement."..."'


You keep posting the same shit over and over... like it's true. It doesn't make sense, unless you're getting paid for it. If so, you've earned your 2c per posts. COngrats.

Pelosi "attacker" blog, filled with "extreme right" content has no record of ever existing before Oct 28, 2022, per wayback machine.
The blog was filled with content from 2007, then a 15 year break to August this year, where it started posting profanity filled single sentence comments with an extreme right wing meme. If the time samples were to be believed, there was 15 years of activity where wayback machine would've possibly grabbed this.

While you keep shilling what your handlers order you to shill, that Pelosi's gay lover was a "radical right winger" your "evidence" are couple of posts on suspect's blog that until up few days ago has no activity for 15 years. How many "right wingers" you know that supports BLM or waving a rainbow flag?

There is nothing political about this "attack" what just expose how perverted left is in their private lives, and how far they will go to cover up their degeneracy.
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He runs a blog that praises Trump and Qanon. He's a loon so he's an easy mark for a dishonorable charlatans.


Blog wasn't active for 15 years until few days ago, which means it's artificially edited to make idiots like you to believe it's true. And it looks like its working, because only idiots like you are buying it.

Police responded to phone call placed at 2:27 AM. they arrive and Pelosi is standing there with a hammer accros from "intruder" DePepe. Depepe then grabs the hammer from Pelosi and hit him with it, and only then police tackled him and arrested him. The police are called to the home of Pelosi and they don't instantly taze/shoot the intruder who by all means is an assassin, in underwear? They even allow him to grab the hammer and beat Pelosi right in front of them? The only way this would make sense is if they knew that Pelosi was gay, and/or they were called to a "domestic disturbance" and therefore were trying to settle an argument rather then arrest an intruder.

From the 911 operator transcript: "REPORTING PARTY SAYS HIS NAME IS DAVID AND HE IS A FRIEND".

A friend. A friend with a domestic dispute going back to DUI crash and hush money to keep Paul's secret. Fag community should be outraged at the gay shame. Instead, government and big tech engage in wiping out green party faggot online footprint and replace him with fake MAGA persona. The stuff of dystopian sci-fi movies, not America. All so sloppy it makes Jussie Smollett looks like a mastermind. And you, with every other brainless leftist fall for it.

If they had just left it at "Paul Pelosi attacked with hammer in home" it would already be down the memory hole. We would have all just written it off as San Fran crime wave, but they couldn't control themselves or their TDS. Had to try and drag the republicans into it and try to smear them. Now they got a whole bundle of cover-ups and scandal.

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