Pelosi's husband got violently assaulted

Tell that to 30 murdered, and the ones who suffered 2 billion in damages from your "summer of love".....

No, you tell it to the po-lice that started dat dem dare riots in the first place! Now think about this, Mr. Mugwump, those 30 people might still be alive if cops would stop shooting unarmed people of color.
No, you tell it to the po-lice that started dat dem dare riots in the first place! Now think about this, Mr. Mugwump, those 30 people might still be alive if cops would stop shooting unarmed people of color.

You really should try to educate yourself more, and I find it amazing that you don't care about innocent civilians being murdered by vermin.

You should examine your head, and your heart. You seem to be very ill.
Paul was out drunk, came back with this guy and that’s how and why his security let them in, they got down to their undies for pervert fun time, and the druggie drugged out on Paul.
These are the folks that lock us down and tell us how to run our lives when their lives are screwed up to the maximum.
Who was the third guy at the house? Police say a “third party“ answered the door.

Sounds like the obvious, Mr. Nancy was having two guys over at 2 am (after gay bars close in SF). One went crazy, was probably on drugs.

Remember his DUI a while back? Who was the passenger? We never found out. Probably another homo he picked up.

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