Pelosi's husband got violently assaulted

And now the justice dept has filed charges this will allow them to control/hide evidence
Isn’t it precious that “retaliation against a federal official” was never applied to the blatant illegal acts outside SC justices homes
He's an illegal!

Overstayed his visa long ago...

(posted this before I saw your post, Rainbow_Randolph - thanks.)
Came under Republican Bush. Stayed under Republican Bush and Republican Trump. Tried to kill a democrat.
He wanted to break Nancy's kneecaps.

Yeah, he used a shrinking magic trick to fit thru the broken glass without triggering alarm, and he waited for police just to attack the old fag. Oh, stripping into his underwear was just a decoy, police wouldn't shoot a unarmed man, right?
Your contention that there was police statements refuting my contention was proven incorrect so you move onto jibber jabber.
In order for him to have been in his underwear:
- An experienced FBI agent had to have filled out that entire Criminal Complaint without once mentioning the important point that he was in his jockey shorts at the time;
- The same agent must have mentioned that they retrieved items from his pocket, without mentioning that his pants were on the floor at the time;
- Either the witness outside was watching someone else, or DePape removed his pants after breaking in, and;
- There must be another source for the underwear story in the first place, because the only known source for it is a San Francisco TV station reporter who quickly retracted it.

There is no evidence or even report that he was in his underwear, and several points that would make it supremely unlikely.

You should probably stop with the underwear claims.
San Francisco doesn’t border Canada. Dude hasnt been arrested before in San Francisco. He was radicalized during MAGA. That’s the issue. He became a terrorist under the tutoring of MAGA
So an illegal alien from Canada living in SF, who is a public nudist and makes hemp jewelry, is a super duper naked MAGA warrior? LOL yeah sure buddy
Weren’t you asking what year the CHOP/CHAZ Summer of Love & Riots In 57 cities with dozens of deaths and burned sections that will neve be rebuilt took place?

If so, the answer is the year 2020. What is all the confusion about? I’ll try to clear it up.
You already did. You don't need to say it twice.
In order for him to have been in his underwear:
- An experienced FBI agent had to have filled out that entire Criminal Complaint without once mentioning the important point that he was in his jockey shorts at the time;
- The same agent must have mentioned that they retrieved items from his pocket, without mentioning that his pants were on the floor at the time;
- Either the witness outside was watching someone else, or DePape removed his pants after breaking in, and;
- There must be another source for the underwear story in the first place, because the only known source for it is a San Francisco TV station reporter who quickly retracted it.

There is no evidence or even report that he was in his underwear, and several points that would make it supremely unlikely.

You should probably stop with the underwear claims.
The underwear issue is a fact. The “official” reports issued on this reek of bullshit. A minor break it has been seized upon in a highly unusual fashion by high level federal agencies in order to offer the best for Pelosi statements that can be contrived.
You might want to stop trying to tell people that your feelings and wishes overwhelm thought and fact

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