Pence 2024 is sinking like the Titanic

Nowhere in our Constitution does the VPOTUS have that power or authority. Nowhere.

Sounds like an oversight. Not only does it now appear to have been justified, but just look at what harm has been done by blindly installing Joe Biden? Thomas Jefferson got it.

"I was just following the rules" is the oldest most tired excuse around for ignoring injustice.

Sounds like an oversight. Not only does it now appear to have been justified, but just look at what harm has been done by blindly installing Joe Biden? Thomas Jefferson got it.

"I was just following the rules" is the oldest most tired excuse around for ignoring injustice.

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Are you saying a free and fair election is Tyranny?
I've never asked him to OVERTURN the election. Just to stop, look at the evidence and be sure we are really electing the rightful winner before we totally commit ourselves.

And by every measure we have now, it is looking more and more like Biddum was NOT that rightful winner.

Hell, the man can't even fake his way through an afternoon presser.
There is no evidence. 60 law suits that went no where proved that.

And what does this even mean;
And by every measure we have now, it is looking more and more like Biddum was NOT that rightful winner.? Based on what evidence? Are you lying?
Completely agree. People only need to acknowledge all the stuff that came out showing the Rusia investigation was a cover up was known by many of the same people claiming their was no voter fraud. Many knew the truth about Rusia and many others just went along with the hoax because it was the politically safe thing to do.
Russiagate Was Not a Hoax This is the truth about Russia. Not your made up lies.
We are a nation of laws or we aren't. It's as simple as that.

If we were a nation of laws, Joe Biden very likely would not even be in office today!

No, we have become a nation of LAWYERS. Tricky lawyers who skirt the law while enforcing some laws and ignoring many others.

I seriously doubt that even if Pence tries to run he will get far. I believe that his display of fidelity to his oath was also a Profile in Political Courage. It seems like he had to be aware that he was effectively killing his own chances of a continuing political career. But he did what he felt he had to do anyway.
oh brother


more like he wanted to run and saw Trump as the major threat so he cut him off of a 2nd term

I've never asked him to OVERTURN the election. Just to stop, look at the evidence and be sure we are really electing the rightful winner before we totally commit ourselves.

And by every measure we have now, it is looking more and more like Biddum was NOT that rightful winner.

Hell, the man can't even fake his way through an afternoon presser.
from what I heard he can't even control his ... uh... well, u know...

never did hear the story on that one... u?
Biddum will forever be known as the first president to crap himself in front of the Pope and loudly wet fart all over a woman at a climate summit.
wow... are u serious?

in front of the pope???

unbelievable... God appears to have a sense of... POETIC justice!

the baby killer in chief who claims to be Catholic while going against so many teachings of the RCC but esp this one-- one of the RCC's most basic teachings, ie the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death...

wow... can't believe i didn't hear about this... i used to get a good Catholic conservative newspaper a friend would give me but don't live by that friend so.. missing out..

not sure they would have carried that kind of b izarre story...
Sounds like an oversight. Not only does it now appear to have been justified, but just look at what harm has been done by blindly installing Joe Biden? Thomas Jefferson got it.

"I was just following the rules" is the oldest most tired excuse around for ignoring injustice.

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leave it to Jefferson to say it best

no wonder those *&^%$ want to take away America's guns..

they know...
wow... are u serious?

You didn't know?

Even when the boob stood with the other nations at COP26, they placed him way off on the end to avoid his outgassing rather than the USA being more typically around middle.

Biden world stage.jpg

The guy stands like he has a board shoved up his ass clenching his butt-cheeks.

It was right after this upon returning back to the USA that Joe had himself checked into a hospital and his ass doctor had to put Joe under anesthesia for the afternoon to work on his ass. Don't you remember Kammy being made acting president for several hours that afternoon?

They try real hard to cover these stories up but it is too funny for even the democraps to keep under wrap.
Pence has never had a chance. The hardliners in the party hate him for declaring Biden the election winner, and the people will associate him too closely to Trump to vote for him.

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