Pence 2024 is sinking like the Titanic

They will all stab you in the back to get what/where they want. I think that was one of Trumps biggest mistakes, he actually thought he could trust a few of them.
Someone made a deal with Pence to carry on business as usual.
Anyone in his place would have done the same if they needed a paycheck for the next 20 years.
Let’s assume (for just this little hypothetical) that Trump was right in assuming that the election outcome had been flipped illegally.

You cannot overturn an election on an assumption. You've gotta have rock-solid, incontrovertible evidence which did not and does not yet exist. There is NO PROOF exhibited anywhere, nor any judge that has established that the 2020 election was stolen. NONE. Data? Yeah. Evidence? Yeah? Proof? NO.

In that event, maybe it not only was within the Vice President Pence’s Constitutional authority to reject the certification, maybe it would be a duty.

There is NOTHING in the US Constitution that allows the VPOTUS to reject the certification of that election. Do you want the incumbent Vice President to be able to overturn the election that removes him from his office? You think he should have that authority?

IF he had no such authority under the Constitutional provision, why is it even in the Constitution?

Quote me chapter and verse, where is any of that in our Constitution?

In other words, if whatever gets submitted by the states to Congress is self-authenticating, then the extra step of “certification” is superfluous.

AS it should be. If a state reconsiders it's verification of their state election and determines it to be fraudulent, then I can see where the Congress, NOT the Vice President might have grounds to reject the EC electors from that state only. But there's nothing at all in the US Constitution that provides that authority.

Arguably, therefore, there is a logical basis to assume that maybe the Constitution did, implicitly, give the VP the authority to reject the States’ electoral submissions.

Uh, no. Are you familiar with the concept of Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances? There is no way on God's green earth that our gov't should allow somebody from the Executive Branch to reject the results of any state's election that he himself or his boss is on the ballot.
You can’t so easily dismiss the premise of the hypothetical. The hypothetical premise was a what if. What if we did have proof? And the POINT remains. Under THOSE circumstances would the VP be obligated to “certify” a falsity?

That would NOT be overturning an “election.” It would be a refusal to accept a fraud. That’s a very VERY different thing. And perhaps that’s why the Constitution gave the VP the duty to “ceritify” the election. It doesn’t require the “certification” of a fraud.

Your “argument” insists that the duty to “certify” IS both absolutely meaningless and entirely superfluous. That’s an absurd position.
Constitutional provision, why is it even in the Constitution?
There are quite a few things in the constitution that are a bit vague. Pence's crime, IMO, is that he went along and didn't demand actual investigations and that courts would actually try cases after going through the evidence. Despite the lies coming from the media and their sycophants on the Left, this DID NOT HAPPEN. Those cases and that evidence were summarily dismissed on procedural grounds and it might just cause the dissolution of this the U.S.

The idea that half this nation will watch this pattern occur AGAIN and just shrug and accept the edicts and laws handed down from DC, are just self-deluded. No Civil War is necessary. Half the nation will simply start ignoring congress and its illegitimate pronunciations. The war only happens if they try to use force to compel compliance.
A traitor to what?
His oath to protect and defend the constitution. Yeah, we get that you and your media are convinced no wrongdoing occurred but tens of millions of us disagree. If you people were honest and were actual patriots who loved this nation then you'd WELCOME, even DEMAND a full investigation of all the irregularities associated in multiple states, with the 2020 election.
Instead, your party fought it every step of the way. Lawsuits, denials, slanders, that is not the way innocent parties behave. It's your choice whether you support trying it again. No one will be innocent if it happens again and none of us will be better off in the aftermath. The media does NOT get to determine the reality that we all must acknowledge or obey. Try it again and we all fall down.
Devil’s advocate time:

Let’s assume (for just this little hypothetical) that Trump was right in assuming that the election outcome had been flipped illegally.

In that event, maybe it not only was within the Vice President Pence’s Constitutional authority to reject the certification, maybe it would be a duty.

As support for this speculation, let me ask a very related question: IF he had no such authority under the Constitutional provision, why is it even in the Constitution? In other words, if whatever gets submitted by the states to Congress is self-authenticating, then the extra step of “certification” is superfluous. Arguably, therefore, there is a logical basis to assume that maybe the Constitution did, implicitly, give the VP the authority to reject the States’ electoral submissions.
At the very least Pence should have refused to certify the vote

if that prevents biden from taking office so be it

but the VP cannot be forced to certify the election
At the very least Pence should have refused to certify the vote

if that prevents biden from taking office so be it

but the VP cannot be forced to certify the election
I don’t think he had the needed evidence at that time. And refusing to certify just to buy time to “maybe” get proof (or to get some States to provide real alternative electoral slates) would have been received by many of the electorate as — insidious.

But we didn’t have the proof or the alternative slates approved by any or the States.
I don’t think he had the needed evidence at that time. And refusing to certify just to buy time to “maybe” get proof (or to get some States to provide real alternative electoral slates) would have been received by many of the electorate as — insidious.

But we didn’t have the proof or the alternative slates approved by any or the States.
Pence didn't want to George Floyded.
His oath to protect and defend the constitution. Yeah, we get that you and your media are convinced no wrongdoing occurred but tens of millions of us disagree. If you people were honest and were actual patriots who loved this nation then you'd WELCOME, even DEMAND a full investigation of all the irregularities associated in multiple states, with the 2020 election.
Instead, your party fought it every step of the way. Lawsuits, denials, slanders, that is not the way innocent parties behave. It's your choice whether you support trying it again. No one will be innocent if it happens again and none of us will be better off in the aftermath. The media does NOT get to determine the reality that we all must acknowledge or obey. Try it again and we all fall down.
Show me in the Constitution where it tells the Senate to investigate a state-certified election.

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