Pence breaks tie on Bill to Repeal & Replace ACA


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
All it is is a procedural vote to bring the Bill to the Senate floor for debate and amendments. 2 Repubs and all Dems voted against; can somebody tell me why anybody would be against bringing the issue before the Senate just to talk about it? Makes no sense, even for the Dems, makes them look like total obstructionists, which they are but this is pretty obvious.
Sounds like something the repugs would have done years ago, donit?
Sounds like something the repugs would have done years ago, donit?

I dunno, when Harry ran the Senate the House Bills never made it past his desk to the floor, so I guess we'll never know. Nothing made it to the Senate floor unless he wrote it or supported it. It's one thing to vote against a Bill or an amendment to a Bill cuz you can't support it but it's another to vote against even talking about it. What's so bad about that, you get to propose amendments and vote on them, right? So as a Dem in this case you can go back to your constituents and say I voted for this amendment but the Repubs voted against it. Unless somebody can tell me the Dems don't get to do that and show me a link that says that. On the other hand, isn't it a hard sell in a purple district to have your GOP opponent telling people this person voted against even talking about Health Care? Those Dems in a deep blue state wouldn't have a problem but many of the others might.
Repeal was immediatey taken off the table by the GOP. It's time to start calling it "replace" instead of "repeal and replace."
Repeal was immediatey taken off the table by the GOP. It's time to start calling it "replace" instead of "repeal and replace."

Not true, they did indeed vote on a full repeal, at about 4:16 EST according to

Washington (CNN)BREAKING: "Repeal and delay" amendment which would roll back Obamacare without a replacement in place is defeated in the Senate.

The vote was 45-55, with seven Republicans opposing the measure.

What's next? (

The goal for McConnell at the moment is to find a way to get 50 Republicans to back a final bill -- whatever it looks like.

As with the full repeal without immediate replacement vote, the GOP leadership is getting a sense of where their members are on various proposals, as well as testing out revised language with the parliamentarian on things like the Planned Parenthood defunding provision.

If McConnell can get 50 votes, he can bring the repeal and replace bill to conference with the House. That was why the emergence of the "skinny repeal" option Tuesday is noteworthy -- a scaled back version of repeal that would knock out the Obamacare mandates and some of the taxes. In no way would Republicans want something like to that to become law in isolation. But it may become an option just to get something across the finish line, for now. Then they would attempt to hammer out a more comprehensive repeal and replace proposal in the conference with the House.
Repeal was immediatey taken off the table by the GOP. It's time to start calling it "replace" instead of "repeal and replace."

Not sure that's true, according to CNN they are going to vote on Repeal.
Repeal was immediatey taken off the table by the GOP. It's time to start calling it "replace" instead of "repeal and replace."

Not true, they did indeed vote on a full repeal, at about 4:16 EST according to

Washington (CNN)BREAKING: "Repeal and delay" amendment which would roll back Obamacare without a replacement in place is defeated in the Senate.

The vote was 45-55, with seven Republicans opposing the measure.
Last night 9 Republicans voted to kill repeal. 7 voted to kill repeal and delay today, huh? Cute. Regardless, repeal is dead. Time to start calling it "replace" alone.
Repeal was immediatey taken off the table by the GOP. It's time to start calling it "replace" instead of "repeal and replace."

Not sure that's true, according to CNN they are going to vote on Repeal.
Repeal was immediatey taken off the table by the GOP. It's time to start calling it "replace" instead of "repeal and replace."

Not true, they did indeed vote on a full repeal, at about 4:16 EST according to

Washington (CNN)BREAKING: "Repeal and delay" amendment which would roll back Obamacare without a replacement in place is defeated in the Senate.

The vote was 45-55, with seven Republicans opposing the measure.
Last night 9 Republicans voted to kill repeal. 7 voted to kill repeal and delay today, huh? Cute. Regardless, repeal is dead. Time to start calling it "replace" alone.

Yup, looks like repeal is dead. Looks a whole lot like what the Dems have been saying they wanted all along, Repubs to fix the ACA. The GOP has been saying they were going to repel ObamaCare since it's inception but didn't have the balls to do it. What a mess, gonna be a lot of fingerpointing for a long time about who fucked up health care insurance in this country the most.
Repeal was immediatey taken off the table by the GOP. It's time to start calling it "replace" instead of "repeal and replace."

Not sure that's true, according to CNN they are going to vote on Repeal.
Repeal was immediatey taken off the table by the GOP. It's time to start calling it "replace" instead of "repeal and replace."

Not true, they did indeed vote on a full repeal, at about 4:16 EST according to

Washington (CNN)BREAKING: "Repeal and delay" amendment which would roll back Obamacare without a replacement in place is defeated in the Senate.

The vote was 45-55, with seven Republicans opposing the measure.
Last night 9 Republicans voted to kill repeal. 7 voted to kill repeal and delay today, huh? Cute. Regardless, repeal is dead. Time to start calling it "replace" alone.

Yup, looks like repeal is dead. Looks a whole lot like what the Dems have been saying they wanted all along, Repubs to fix the ACA. The GOP has been saying they were going to repel ObamaCare since it's inception but didn't have the balls to do it. What a mess, gonna be a lot of fingerpointing for a long time about who fucked up health care insurance in this country the most.
Repubs are not "fixing the ACA." They are creating a tax break for the wealthy and for insurance companies, and maintaining nationalized healthcare while forcing the people who got healtchare under the ACA to lose it.
Repeal was immediatey taken off the table by the GOP. It's time to start calling it "replace" instead of "repeal and replace."

Not sure that's true, according to CNN they are going to vote on Repeal.
Repeal was immediatey taken off the table by the GOP. It's time to start calling it "replace" instead of "repeal and replace."

Not true, they did indeed vote on a full repeal, at about 4:16 EST according to

Washington (CNN)BREAKING: "Repeal and delay" amendment which would roll back Obamacare without a replacement in place is defeated in the Senate.

The vote was 45-55, with seven Republicans opposing the measure.
Last night 9 Republicans voted to kill repeal. 7 voted to kill repeal and delay today, huh? Cute. Regardless, repeal is dead. Time to start calling it "replace" alone.

Yup, looks like repeal is dead. Looks a whole lot like what the Dems have been saying they wanted all along, Repubs to fix the ACA. The GOP has been saying they were going to repel ObamaCare since it's inception but didn't have the balls to do it. What a mess, gonna be a lot of fingerpointing for a long time about who fucked up health care insurance in this country the most.
Repubs are not "fixing the ACA." They are creating a tax break for the wealthy and for insurance companies, and maintaining nationalized healthcare while forcing the people who got healtchare under the ACA to lose it.

Nah, Obama already did that. You ever get tired of that same old song and dance you guys do that has never been close to the truth?

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