Pence Could Become President, At Least Temporarily

So you can only instigate not discuss honestly. OK. You did it poorly, too. You got answered for your nonsense. You will only look silly if you keep up with the petty insults. The OP is that Pence that could be President. Yes, if the SS Trump keeps steaming full ahead into heaving seas, his presidency could founder.

I can discuss honestly with honest people. You and the OP do not fall into those categories so you get scorn and derision.
Says the dishonest hack. If you can't discuss the OP, then get out of it and stop instigating.

Stop white knighting, and also as Cartman says.

What-eva, I do what I want!
Repubs want to push through tax cuts for the wealthy. That and taking away health care, SocSec, Medicare, Medicaid is almost their total agenda.

As long as trump continues to go along with that, they'll go along with him.

But he's fast becoming a liability to R's feeding at the public trough.

That's good news but even better news is Rs are doing even less than their usual nothing.

Pence is a far right, fanatical, fascist fundie freak and would easily push his sharia law agenda.

In the next year and a half to three and a half, the right could decimate the working class and set basic rights back 100 years.

Sent from my iPad using

I don't think you know what sharia law is
I am sure he does, and it is obvious he is using the term to signal the far right's antidemocracy stances, its racialism and nativism and ethnocentrism, and its dislike of the American electoral process., even though Trump won this time.

wow Jake, you have already gone over your useless buzzword quota for the week. Guess you just can't post again till next monday.
Repubs want to push through tax cuts for the wealthy. That and taking away health care, SocSec, Medicare, Medicaid is almost their total agenda.

As long as trump continues to go along with that, they'll go along with him.

But he's fast becoming a liability to R's feeding at the public trough.

That's good news but even better news is Rs are doing even less than their usual nothing.

Pence is a far right, fanatical, fascist fundie freak and would easily push his sharia law agenda.

In the next year and a half to three and a half, the right could decimate the working class and set basic rights back 100 years.

Sent from my iPad using

I don't think you know what sharia law is
I am sure he does, and it is obvious he is using the term to signal the far right's antidemocracy stances, its racialism and nativism and ethnocentrism, and its dislike of the American electoral process., even though Trump won this time.

So he is protesting non existent stances
I wish. More Americans support his impeachment than oppose it. But there's no way the Republicans are going to risk political backlash from the trump crowd. They would be alienating half their base in order to benefit people who will never vote for them. Realistically, impeachment is something only the Democrats are likely to do. But even if the Democrats have a stellar wave in 2018, it's mathematically impossible for them to grab the Senate supermajority required to remove trump from office. So a Democrat-led impeachment would likely be an empty gesture.

Could the Republicans decide to put country before party and engage in impeachment proceedings? I guess. But when was the last time they did something like that?

I think we are probably stuck with the spray-tan man for quite a few years. So sit back, relax, and watch some Republicans twist themselves (and their ideologies) in knots defending the clown's antics.
Your problem is that as a lefty you are clueless on how our government works. Hate is your prominent feature, with so much of it there's little room in your minds for anything but.

The popularity contest was last November, manufactured polling means nothing beyond chatter. We don't, as a republic, run the country that way. The right didn't like Obama's direction AT ALL but we didn't attempt to overthrow the will of the people. We took it to the booth. Now you assholes want to take even that away.

You are enemies to everything America stands for, let's not gloss over the fact. You are your own worse enemies will all your anti-American antics and rhetoric. So while you are sitting back playing with yourself we will be sitting back knowing you are your own worse enemies.

The right wants to continue the same failed economic policies which created the Great Recession - cut taxes and increase military spending. This is a policy which failed under Reagan, and failed spectacularly under Bush but it's all the right ever offers.

Reagan had a lower job creation record than Obama, Clinton or even Carter, and Bush had an overall negative job creation record, but you fools are going to do it again.
I wish. More Americans support his impeachment than oppose it. But there's no way the Republicans are going to risk political backlash from the trump crowd. They would be alienating half their base in order to benefit people who will never vote for them. Realistically, impeachment is something only the Democrats are likely to do. But even if the Democrats have a stellar wave in 2018, it's mathematically impossible for them to grab the Senate supermajority required to remove trump from office. So a Democrat-led impeachment would likely be an empty gesture.

Could the Republicans decide to put country before party and engage in impeachment proceedings? I guess. But when was the last time they did something like that?

I think we are probably stuck with the spray-tan man for quite a few years. So sit back, relax, and watch some Republicans twist themselves (and their ideologies) in knots defending the clown's antics.
Your problem is that as a lefty you are clueless on how our government works. Hate is your prominent feature, with so much of it there's little room in your minds for anything but.

The popularity contest was last November, manufactured polling means nothing beyond chatter. We don't, as a republic, run the country that way. The right didn't like Obama's direction AT ALL but we didn't attempt to overthrow the will of the people. We took it to the booth. Now you assholes want to take even that away.

You are enemies to everything America stands for, let's not gloss over the fact. You are your own worse enemies will all your anti-American antics and rhetoric. So while you are sitting back playing with yourself we will be sitting back knowing you are your own worse enemies.

The right wants to continue the same failed economic policies which created the Great Recession - cut taxes and increase military spending. This is a policy which failed under Reagan, and failed spectacularly under Bush but it's all the right ever offers.

Reagan had a lower job creation record than Obama, Clinton or even Carter, and Bush had an overall negative job creation record, but you fools are going to do it again.
Nothing you said is true. Bush was no fiscal conservative but the dems took over congress his last two years. For you to given them a complete pass is neither honest nor accurate.

Your statement about Reagan flies in the face of everything I've seen. Plus the nation has grown by many millions more since then so raw numbers wouldn't tell any meaningful story.

I started my business then and will stick to reality instead of what you believe.
Repubs want to push through tax cuts for the wealthy. That and taking away health care, SocSec, Medicare, Medicaid is almost their total agenda.

As long as trump continues to go along with that, they'll go along with him.

But he's fast becoming a liability to R's feeding at the public trough.

That's good news but even better news is Rs are doing even less than their usual nothing.

Pence is a far right, fanatical, fascist fundie freak and would easily push his sharia law agenda.

In the next year and a half to three and a half, the right could decimate the working class and set basic rights back 100 years.

Sent from my iPad using

I don't think you know what sharia law is
I am sure he does, and it is obvious he is using the term to signal the far right's antidemocracy stances, its racialism and nativism and ethnocentrism, and its dislike of the American electoral process., even though Trump won this time.
wow Jake, you have already gone over your useless buzzword quota for the week. Guess you just can't post again till next monday.
As usual, you make no sense. :)
Repubs want to push through tax cuts for the wealthy. That and taking away health care, SocSec, Medicare, Medicaid is almost their total agenda.

As long as trump continues to go along with that, they'll go along with him.

But he's fast becoming a liability to R's feeding at the public trough.

That's good news but even better news is Rs are doing even less than their usual nothing.

Pence is a far right, fanatical, fascist fundie freak and would easily push his sharia law agenda.

In the next year and a half to three and a half, the right could decimate the working class and set basic rights back 100 years.

Sent from my iPad using

I don't think you know what sharia law is
I am sure he does, and it is obvious he is using the term to signal the far right's antidemocracy stances, its racialism and nativism and ethnocentrism, and its dislike of the American electoral process., even though Trump won this time.
wow Jake, you have already gone over your useless buzzword quota for the week. Guess you just can't post again till next monday.
As usual, you make no sense. :)

Your issue not mine. may I suggest the CandyLand message board as something more your speed?
Repubs want to push through tax cuts for the wealthy. That and taking away health care, SocSec, Medicare, Medicaid is almost their total agenda.

As long as trump continues to go along with that, they'll go along with him.

But he's fast becoming a liability to R's feeding at the public trough.

That's good news but even better news is Rs are doing even less than their usual nothing.

Pence is a far right, fanatical, fascist fundie freak and would easily push his sharia law agenda.

In the next year and a half to three and a half, the right could decimate the working class and set basic rights back 100 years.

Sent from my iPad using

I don't think you know what sharia law is
I am sure he does, and it is obvious he is using the term to signal the far right's antidemocracy stances, its racialism and nativism and ethnocentrism, and its dislike of the American electoral process., even though Trump won this time.
wow Jake, you have already gone over your useless buzzword quota for the week. Guess you just can't post again till next monday.
As usual, you make no sense. :)

Your issue not mine. may I suggest the CandyLand message board as something more your speed?
You are instigating and trolling. You got your butt handed to you yet again, and you cry. Tis what is. Have the last word.
I don't think you know what sharia law is
I am sure he does, and it is obvious he is using the term to signal the far right's antidemocracy stances, its racialism and nativism and ethnocentrism, and its dislike of the American electoral process., even though Trump won this time.
wow Jake, you have already gone over your useless buzzword quota for the week. Guess you just can't post again till next monday.
As usual, you make no sense. :)

Your issue not mine. may I suggest the CandyLand message board as something more your speed?
You are instigating and trolling. You got your butt handed to you yet again, and you cry. Tis what is. Have the last word.

Once again ignoring reality for that little pocket universe in your empty head, where you are a skilled debater, and not a complete idiot.

Run away and hide.
You do realize that Trump will just pardon everyone including himself right if Mueller even gets a whif of something actually wrong don't you?
Daniel Rosen, Kathleen Sebelius, Eric Holder, Lois Lerner, Steven Chu, Gina McCarthy, Eric Shinseki, Michele Leonhart, Todd Jones, Van Jones, Katherine Archuleta, Margaret Hamburg, Julia Pierson, Shirley Sherrod, Suzanne Barr, Steven Miller
Glenn Woodell, Kathleen Sebelius, his own campaign,
Oh, and this
Former Acting HHS Cyber Security Director Sentenced to 25 Years in Prison for Engaging in Child Pornography Enterprise

Need I go on?
Of course not, by his own doj. They were allowed to resign, or pay fines, rather than charge their own. Except one, which was Patreus.
Except when a case was brought before outside courts for overreach by his administration, which repeatedly struck down the administrations rules as unconstitutional.
Honey, his first doj resigned.
2012: On June 28, 2012, Holder became the first U.S. Attorney General in history to be held in both criminal and civil contempt.
2012: On September 13, 2012, the Office of Special Counsel charged Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius with violating the Hatch Act by making a political remark during an official government event.
Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner was arrested
Courts constantly struck down overreaching by his administration, just a few
Judge strikes down Obama health law insurance subsidy in victory for House GOP
US supreme court strikes down Obama's EPA limits on mercury pollution
Need I go on? I can, because there are many more.
Surely you jest.
Go for it, any time you are ready!
Not a single member of the Obama administration was ever investigated for corruption in office, yet for the Trump administration, after only a few months, the list gets much longer each week.
Exactly who was allowed to resign? Who was allowed to pay fines?
Do you ever get fed up with making shyte up every day?
I wish. More Americans support his impeachment than oppose it. But there's no way the Republicans are going to risk political backlash from the trump crowd. They would be alienating half their base in order to benefit people who will never vote for them. Realistically, impeachment is something only the Democrats are likely to do. But even if the Democrats have a stellar wave in 2018, it's mathematically impossible for them to grab the Senate supermajority required to remove trump from office. So a Democrat-led impeachment would likely be an empty gesture.

Could the Republicans decide to put country before party and engage in impeachment proceedings? I guess. But when was the last time they did something like that?

I think we are probably stuck with the spray-tan man for quite a few years. So sit back, relax, and watch some Republicans twist themselves (and their ideologies) in knots defending the clown's antics.
Your problem is that as a lefty you are clueless on how our government works. Hate is your prominent feature, with so much of it there's little room in your minds for anything but.

The popularity contest was last November, manufactured polling means nothing beyond chatter. We don't, as a republic, run the country that way. The right didn't like Obama's direction AT ALL but we didn't attempt to overthrow the will of the people. We took it to the booth. Now you assholes want to take even that away.

You are enemies to everything America stands for, let's not gloss over the fact. You are your own worse enemies will all your anti-American antics and rhetoric. So while you are sitting back playing with yourself we will be sitting back knowing you are your own worse enemies.

The right wants to continue the same failed economic policies which created the Great Recession - cut taxes and increase military spending. This is a policy which failed under Reagan, and failed spectacularly under Bush but it's all the right ever offers.

Reagan had a lower job creation record than Obama, Clinton or even Carter, and Bush had an overall negative job creation record, but you fools are going to do it again.
Nothing you said is true. Bush was no fiscal conservative but the dems took over congress his last two years. For you to given them a complete pass is neither honest nor accurate.

Your statement about Reagan flies in the face of everything I've seen. Plus the nation has grown by many millions more since then so raw numbers wouldn't tell any meaningful story.

I started my business then and will stick to reality instead of what you believe.

"I started my business then and will stick to what I choose to believe instead of facts, numbers and reality."
I wish. More Americans support his impeachment than oppose it. But there's no way the Republicans are going to risk political backlash from the trump crowd. They would be alienating half their base in order to benefit people who will never vote for them. Realistically, impeachment is something only the Democrats are likely to do. But even if the Democrats have a stellar wave in 2018, it's mathematically impossible for them to grab the Senate supermajority required to remove trump from office. So a Democrat-led impeachment would likely be an empty gesture.

Could the Republicans decide to put country before party and engage in impeachment proceedings? I guess. But when was the last time they did something like that?

I think we are probably stuck with the spray-tan man for quite a few years. So sit back, relax, and watch some Republicans twist themselves (and their ideologies) in knots defending the clown's antics.
Your problem is that as a lefty you are clueless on how our government works. Hate is your prominent feature, with so much of it there's little room in your minds for anything but.

The popularity contest was last November, manufactured polling means nothing beyond chatter. We don't, as a republic, run the country that way. The right didn't like Obama's direction AT ALL but we didn't attempt to overthrow the will of the people. We took it to the booth. Now you assholes want to take even that away.

You are enemies to everything America stands for, let's not gloss over the fact. You are your own worse enemies will all your anti-American antics and rhetoric. So while you are sitting back playing with yourself we will be sitting back knowing you are your own worse enemies.

The right wants to continue the same failed economic policies which created the Great Recession - cut taxes and increase military spending. This is a policy which failed under Reagan, and failed spectacularly under Bush but it's all the right ever offers.

Reagan had a lower job creation record than Obama, Clinton or even Carter, and Bush had an overall negative job creation record, but you fools are going to do it again.
Nothing you said is true. Bush was no fiscal conservative but the dems took over congress his last two years. For you to given them a complete pass is neither honest nor accurate.

Your statement about Reagan flies in the face of everything I've seen. Plus the nation has grown by many millions more since then so raw numbers wouldn't tell any meaningful story.

I started my business then and will stick to reality instead of what you believe.

"I started my business then and will stick to what I choose to believe instead of facts, numbers and reality."
You changed my quote, you can get banned for that. The facts, numbers and dollars don't match your beliefs and you can't bully people into accepting them.
Nothing you said is true. Bush was no fiscal conservative but the dems took over congress his last two years. For you to given them a complete pass is neither honest nor accurate.

Trickle down economics and fiscal conservatism contradict one another. The fact that trickle-down economics never results in fiscal conservatism is by design.

Your statement about Reagan flies in the face of everything I've seen. Plus the nation has grown by many millions more since then so raw numbers wouldn't tell any meaningful story. I started my business then and will stick to reality instead of what you believe.

The nation has grown, yet we can still determine proportions.
The right wants to continue the same failed economic policies which created the Great Recession - cut taxes and increase military spending. This is a policy which failed under Reagan, and failed spectacularly under Bush but it's all the right ever offers. Reagan had a lower job creation record than Obama, Clinton or even Carter, and Bush had an overall negative job creation record, but you fools are going to do it again.

The same trickle-down policies that failed during Reagan and Bush the Dumber also just failed in Kansas under Brownback. So poor were those policies that Republicans joined Democrats to repeal them, over Brownback's veto.

Arthur Laffer, of course, is nowhere to be found after barnstorming the state in 2012 touting tax cuts as some kind of economic savior.

BTW - after KS cut taxes, its GDP and job growth rates were below the national average. So KS, and the Republican trickle-down policies, were a drag on the US economy. Since the tax cuts didn't work in Kansas, why would they work anywhere?
Trickle down economics and fiscal conservatism contradict one another. The fact that trickle-down economics never results in fiscal conservatism is by design.

The nation has grown, yet we can still determine proportions.
We can always count on the brain dead view from you. There's no such thing as trickle down economics and fiscal conservativism works because we can't grow money on trees. The nation doesn't determine proportions. Commies do.
The right wants to continue the same failed economic policies which created the Great Recession - cut taxes and increase military spending. This is a policy which failed under Reagan, and failed spectacularly under Bush but it's all the right ever offers. Reagan had a lower job creation record than Obama, Clinton or even Carter, and Bush had an overall negative job creation record, but you fools are going to do it again.

The same trickle-down policies that failed during Reagan and Bush the Dumber also just failed in Kansas under Brownback. So poor were those policies that Republicans joined Democrats to repeal them, over Brownback's veto.

Arthur Laffer, of course, is nowhere to be found after barnstorming the state in 2012 touting tax cuts as some kind of economic savior.

BTW - after KS cut taxes, its GDP and job growth rates were below the national average. So KS, and the Republican trickle-down policies, were a drag on the US economy. Since the tax cuts didn't work in Kansas, why would they work anywhere?
You keep repeating the same garbage using cherry picked data and smears. You omit the dems taking over congress last two years of Bush's term. They spent nothing. Obama's 10 trillion more in debt helped us how? Derp is a good name for you.
I wish. More Americans support his impeachment than oppose it. But there's no way the Republicans are going to risk political backlash from the trump crowd. They would be alienating half their base in order to benefit people who will never vote for them. Realistically, impeachment is something only the Democrats are likely to do. But even if the Democrats have a stellar wave in 2018, it's mathematically impossible for them to grab the Senate supermajority required to remove trump from office. So a Democrat-led impeachment would likely be an empty gesture.

Could the Republicans decide to put country before party and engage in impeachment proceedings? I guess. But when was the last time they did something like that?

I think we are probably stuck with the spray-tan man for quite a few years. So sit back, relax, and watch some Republicans twist themselves (and their ideologies) in knots defending the clown's antics.
Your problem is that as a lefty you are clueless on how our government works. Hate is your prominent feature, with so much of it there's little room in your minds for anything but.

The popularity contest was last November, manufactured polling means nothing beyond chatter. We don't, as a republic, run the country that way. The right didn't like Obama's direction AT ALL but we didn't attempt to overthrow the will of the people. We took it to the booth. Now you assholes want to take even that away.

You are enemies to everything America stands for, let's not gloss over the fact. You are your own worse enemies will all your anti-American antics and rhetoric. So while you are sitting back playing with yourself we will be sitting back knowing you are your own worse enemies.

The right wants to continue the same failed economic policies which created the Great Recession - cut taxes and increase military spending. This is a policy which failed under Reagan, and failed spectacularly under Bush but it's all the right ever offers.

Reagan had a lower job creation record than Obama, Clinton or even Carter, and Bush had an overall negative job creation record, but you fools are going to do it again.
Nothing you said is true. Bush was no fiscal conservative but the dems took over congress his last two years. For you to given them a complete pass is neither honest nor accurate.

Your statement about Reagan flies in the face of everything I've seen. Plus the nation has grown by many millions more since then so raw numbers wouldn't tell any meaningful story.

I started my business then and will stick to reality instead of what you believe.

"I started my business then and will stick to what I choose to believe instead of facts, numbers and reality."
You changed my quote, you can get banned for that. The facts, numbers and dollars don't match your beliefs and you can't bully people into accepting them.

I didn't attribute these words to you, I just corrected what you said.

You try to bully people into accepting your false information all the time. Your refusal to accept facts and reality is common among Trumpbots. What you "feel" is true, in your eyes trumps facts, data and history.

Trump lies every time he opens his mouth and you thank him for it and ask for more.
We can always count on the brain dead view from you. There's no such thing as trickle down economics and fiscal conservativism works because we can't grow money on trees. The nation doesn't determine proportions. Commies do.

Call it whatever you want; "Supply-side", "Trickle-down", "Teabagonomics"'s all the same shit. Conservatives pretend that cutting taxes doesn't result in massive deficits and debt with none of the promised growth from it. Conservatives know tax cuts don't do any good, and they don't care. They support tax cuts because tax cuts produce deficits which are then used as an excuse to cut social spending they lack the courage and/or support to pass through legislation.

Conservatives practice fiscal terrorism.
The chief ethics lawyer from Dubya's administration is predicting impeachment proceedings if Big Orange bounces Mueller out.

According to attorney Richard Painter, there is a plot afoot among Big Orange and his cronies to find justification to end Mueller's stint as special council. If the plot ends in the firing of Mueller, this would be additional obstruction of justice by the gang of crooks now in the White House.

The evidence already piled up against Big Orange and his criminal team is adequate for impeachment. But, if Mueller is fired by Big Orange, House Republicans would be forced to act, if for no other reason than to keep the stink from Big Orange’s administration from rubbing off on them.

After the House impeaches Big Orange, the Senate trial that will follow will definitely put Pence in the White House.

However, the Pence presidency will be just as short as that of the Big Orange Head, because Pence is equally dirty.

So, if Mueller get fired by Big Orange, news for the next year or so will be dominated by Republicans kicking other Republicans out of office. And voters will be spectators, sitting on the sidelines throughout the entire ordeal.

Getting Big Orange, his henchmen, Pence, and the discreet staff assisting in his crimes out of the way in a timely fashion, might save the mid-term elections for the GOP. But only if they remove the foul odors left by the mobs installed in the White House earlier this year.

Pence Will Soon be President if Trump Fires Mueller, says Bush Lawyer


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there is speculation that to get someone who isn't dirty, they'd have to go way further down the line of succession.

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