Pence Could Become President, At Least Temporarily

The chief ethics lawyer from Dubya's administration is predicting impeachment proceedings if Big Orange bounces Mueller out.

According to attorney Richard Painter, there is a plot afoot among Big Orange and his cronies to find justification to end Mueller's stint as special council. If the plot ends in the firing of Mueller, this would be additional obstruction of justice by the gang of crooks now in the White House.

The evidence already piled up against Big Orange and his criminal team is adequate for impeachment. But, if Mueller is fired by Big Orange, House Republicans would be forced to act, if for no other reason than to keep the stink from Big Orange’s administration from rubbing off on them.

After the House impeaches Big Orange, the Senate trial that will follow will definitely put Pence in the White House.

However, the Pence presidency will be just as short as that of the Big Orange Head, because Pence is equally dirty.

So, if Mueller get fired by Big Orange, news for the next year or so will be dominated by Republicans kicking other Republicans out of office. And voters will be spectators, sitting on the sidelines throughout the entire ordeal.

Getting Big Orange, his henchmen, Pence, and the discreet staff assisting in his crimes out of the way in a timely fashion, might save the mid-term elections for the GOP. But only if they remove the foul odors left by the mobs installed in the White House earlier this year.

Pence Will Soon be President if Trump Fires Mueller, says Bush Lawyer


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Mueller is there to do as much rotten shit as possible, making it look like Trump is being investigated for imaginary crimes, keeping a cloud over his administration, for the sole purpose of keeping him from legitimately going after the criminal acts of the previous administration.
America knows this is BS.
An honest media would cover it that way.
We can always count on the brain dead view from you. There's no such thing as trickle down economics and fiscal conservativism works because we can't grow money on trees. The nation doesn't determine proportions. Commies do.

Call it whatever you want; "Supply-side", "Trickle-down", "Teabagonomics"'s all the same shit. Conservatives pretend that cutting taxes doesn't result in massive deficits and debt with none of the promised growth from it. Conservatives know tax cuts don't do any good, and they don't care. They support tax cuts because tax cuts produce deficits which are then used as an excuse to cut social spending they lack the courage and/or support to pass through legislation.

Conservatives practice fiscal terrorism.
You practice packing your head up your ass as far as it will go. You have nothing to base your revisionism on but hate.
The chief ethics lawyer from Dubya's administration is predicting impeachment proceedings if Big Orange bounces Mueller out.

According to attorney Richard Painter, there is a plot afoot among Big Orange and his cronies to find justification to end Mueller's stint as special council. If the plot ends in the firing of Mueller, this would be additional obstruction of justice by the gang of crooks now in the White House.

The evidence already piled up against Big Orange and his criminal team is adequate for impeachment. But, if Mueller is fired by Big Orange, House Republicans would be forced to act, if for no other reason than to keep the stink from Big Orange’s administration from rubbing off on them.

After the House impeaches Big Orange, the Senate trial that will follow will definitely put Pence in the White House.

However, the Pence presidency will be just as short as that of the Big Orange Head, because Pence is equally dirty.

So, if Mueller get fired by Big Orange, news for the next year or so will be dominated by Republicans kicking other Republicans out of office. And voters will be spectators, sitting on the sidelines throughout the entire ordeal.

Getting Big Orange, his henchmen, Pence, and the discreet staff assisting in his crimes out of the way in a timely fashion, might save the mid-term elections for the GOP. But only if they remove the foul odors left by the mobs installed in the White House earlier this year.

Pence Will Soon be President if Trump Fires Mueller, says Bush Lawyer


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there is speculation that to get someone who isn't dirty, they'd have to go way further down the line of succession.
Can't be done. sigh. I guess the only fair thing to do is rerun the election with Republicans being banned from the event.
You keep repeating the same garbage using cherry picked data and smears.

What data am I cherry-picking, with regard to Kansas? I'm not cherry-picking anything. KS' GDP growth rate post-Brownback Tax Cuts was worse than the GDP growth rate pre-Brownback Tax Cuts. That's according to BLS. Also, KS had surpluses that were erased by massive tax cuts. That's why repealing the Brownback Tax Cuts, per SB 30, results in surpluses.




You omit the dems taking over congress last two years of Bush's term. They spent nothing. Obama's 10 trillion more in debt helped us how? Derp is a good name for you.

Why do you care about the debt? Don't understand why Obama adding $10T is a big deal, but Bush doubling the debt wasn't? We know it's just hypocrisy on your part. The debt doesn't affect anything other than borrowing rates, and even with the Fed raising rates, they are still low. Conservatives have never been able to articulate what it is about the debt that has their panties in a twist. I think it's all posturing for the sake of preserving an ideology that has long since passed its expiration date.
You keep repeating the same garbage using cherry picked data and smears.

What data am I cherry-picking, with regard to Kansas? I'm not cherry-picking anything. KS' GDP growth rate post-Brownback Tax Cuts was worse than the GDP growth rate pre-Brownback Tax Cuts. That's according to BLS. Also, KS had surpluses that were erased by massive tax cuts. That's why repealing the Brownback Tax Cuts, per SB 30, results in surpluses.




You omit the dems taking over congress last two years of Bush's term. They spent nothing. Obama's 10 trillion more in debt helped us how? Derp is a good name for you.

Why do you care about the debt? Don't understand why Obama adding $10T is a big deal, but Bush doubling the debt wasn't? We know it's just hypocrisy on your part. The debt doesn't affect anything other than borrowing rates, and even with the Fed raising rates, they are still low. Conservatives have never been able to articulate what it is about the debt that has their panties in a twist. I think it's all posturing for the sake of preserving an ideology that has long since passed its expiration date.
You puked up the same shit before. Way off topic for one and cherry picked for another. Supply side works, socialism doesn't. No sale.
You puked up the same shit before. Way off topic for one and cherry picked for another. Supply side works, socialism doesn't. No sale.

I repeat myself because you have nothing to rebut anything I've posted. So my points continue to remain until you can prove the opposite, or anything that supports the fantasical, magical thinking you employ. You're just a really, really lazy person.

Supply-side doesn't work. They just did it in Kansas. Republicans voted to repeal it. Arthur Laffer was flown in by Brownback to promote the policy in 2012.
No one need to defend against gnat shit.

Now it's just a matter of pride with you people. You are so consumed with how people perceive you that you're willing to adhere to a belief system that has let you down in every regard.
The chief ethics lawyer from Dubya's administration is predicting impeachment proceedings if Big Orange bounces Mueller out.

According to attorney Richard Painter, there is a plot afoot among Big Orange and his cronies to find justification to end Mueller's stint as special council. If the plot ends in the firing of Mueller, this would be additional obstruction of justice by the gang of crooks now in the White House.

The evidence already piled up against Big Orange and his criminal team is adequate for impeachment. But, if Mueller is fired by Big Orange, House Republicans would be forced to act, if for no other reason than to keep the stink from Big Orange’s administration from rubbing off on them.

After the House impeaches Big Orange, the Senate trial that will follow will definitely put Pence in the White House.

However, the Pence presidency will be just as short as that of the Big Orange Head, because Pence is equally dirty.

So, if Mueller get fired by Big Orange, news for the next year or so will be dominated by Republicans kicking other Republicans out of office. And voters will be spectators, sitting on the sidelines throughout the entire ordeal.

Getting Big Orange, his henchmen, Pence, and the discreet staff assisting in his crimes out of the way in a timely fashion, might save the mid-term elections for the GOP. But only if they remove the foul odors left by the mobs installed in the White House earlier this year.

Pence Will Soon be President if Trump Fires Mueller, says Bush Lawyer


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Mueller is there to do as much rotten shit as possible, making it look like Trump is being investigated for imaginary crimes, keeping a cloud over his administration, for the sole purpose of keeping him from legitimately going after the criminal acts of the previous administration.
America knows this is BS.
An honest media would cover it that way.

Mueller is there to get to the bottom of the Russian interference. If Trump and his people aren't guilty of wrongdoing, why is Trump so frightened of the investigation. Obama and Clinton basically sat back and let the Benghazi investigations go on and on and on because they had done nothing wrong.

If Obama was a "criminal", why didn't the Republicans go after him. They pilloried Bill Clinton for a blow job. I'm sure if they had ANYTHING on Obama, they would have gone after him tooth and claw. It's the Republican way.
You puked up the same shit before. Way off topic for one and cherry picked for another. Supply side works, socialism doesn't. No sale.

I repeat myself because you have nothing to rebut anything I've posted. So my points continue to remain until you can prove the opposite, or anything that supports the fantasical, magical thinking you employ. You're just a really, really lazy person.

Supply-side doesn't work. They just did it in Kansas. Republicans voted to repeal it. Arthur Laffer was flown in by Brownback to promote the policy in 2012.
I'm not interested in Kansas or your smear that it represents supply side at it's finest. You offered nothing worth rebutting.
No one need to defend against gnat shit.

Now it's just a matter of pride with you people. You are so consumed with how people perceive you that you're willing to adhere to a belief system that has let you down in every regard.
You see yourself too highly, that's the problem. I've researched and debated it for over 20 years and your shit is water weak.
I'm not interested in Kansas

You should be, because in 2012 McConnell said of the Brownback Tax Cuts: "This is exactly the sort of thing we (Republicans) want to do here, in Washington, but can’t, at least for now.”

The Kansas model of failure is the same one Conservatives want to do for the nation.

or your smear that it represents supply side at it's finest. You offered nothing worth rebutting.

The same supply-side policy Brownback, Laffer, and Norquist all promoted in Kansas in 2012 is "exactly" what Conservatives want to do in DC. They even said so themselves. So since the policy failed in Kansas, why would it work nationally?
You see yourself too highly, that's the problem. I've researched and debated it for over 20 years and your shit is water weak.

I don't believe you when you say you've "researched and debated it for 20 years."

Wondering why you feel the need to qualify what you're saying like that? Probably because you're trying to convince everyone you know what you're talking about when you really don't.
The chief ethics lawyer from Dubya's administration is predicting impeachment proceedings if Big Orange bounces Mueller out.

According to attorney Richard Painter, there is a plot afoot among Big Orange and his cronies to find justification to end Mueller's stint as special council. If the plot ends in the firing of Mueller, this would be additional obstruction of justice by the gang of crooks now in the White House.

The evidence already piled up against Big Orange and his criminal team is adequate for impeachment. But, if Mueller is fired by Big Orange, House Republicans would be forced to act, if for no other reason than to keep the stink from Big Orange’s administration from rubbing off on them.

After the House impeaches Big Orange, the Senate trial that will follow will definitely put Pence in the White House.

However, the Pence presidency will be just as short as that of the Big Orange Head, because Pence is equally dirty.

So, if Mueller get fired by Big Orange, news for the next year or so will be dominated by Republicans kicking other Republicans out of office. And voters will be spectators, sitting on the sidelines throughout the entire ordeal.

Getting Big Orange, his henchmen, Pence, and the discreet staff assisting in his crimes out of the way in a timely fashion, might save the mid-term elections for the GOP. But only if they remove the foul odors left by the mobs installed in the White House earlier this year.

Pence Will Soon be President if Trump Fires Mueller, says Bush Lawyer


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To remove Trump from office would require a 2/3 vote (67) votes in the Senate. Democrats have only 48 votes so where are the other 19 votes. There would have to be a lot of conclusive evidence that Trump is far more than an incompetent hate monger, some really serious stuff. There has never been a president convicted on a bill of impeachment and I really don't think Republicans want the honor of being the first to do so. The best outcome for democrats is keeping a disgraced Trump in office. It would reflect badly on republicans in congress and narrow Trump support with the public and in the congress making it more difficult for Trump get his legislation through. The best outcome for republicans would be resignation from Trump with Pence taking over. All the republicans need is someone in the White House to sign bills, appoint judges, and avoid starting a civil war.
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]You see yourself too highly, that's the problem.

So because I see myself "too highly", that means you resolve to dig deeper into positions you cannot defend????? Stop being such a snowflake!
I don't need to defend myself. Facts aren't on your side. You keep trying to use what went wrong in Kansas as the example of supply side not working when it proves no such thing.
I don't need to defend myself. Facts aren't on your side.

What facts are you talking about? Because I've done nothing but post facts on this thread whereas you haven't posted shit. If you don't think you have to defend yourself, then that just goes to my point that Conservatism is an ideology absent of personal responsibility and accountability. If you cannot or will not defend yourself, then that's a tacit admission that your argument is crap.

You keep trying to use what went wrong in Kansas as the example of supply side not working when it proves no such thing.

It proves exactly why supply-side doesn't work. Laffer toured the state in 2012 pitching it. So did Norquist. Brownback was a trickle-down old schooler, having supported the same bullshit policies of failure during Reagan. McConnell said of the Kansas experiment "that is exactly what we [Republicans] want to do in DC, but can't". Fact is the reason trickle-down/supply-side/whatever-you-want-to-call-it failed is because the underlying belief system is flawed.
I don't need to defend myself. Facts aren't on your side.

What facts are you talking about? Because I've done nothing but post facts on this thread whereas you haven't posted shit. If you don't think you have to defend yourself, then that just goes to my point that Conservatism is an ideology absent of personal responsibility and accountability. If you cannot or will not defend yourself, then that's a tacit admission that your argument is crap.

You keep trying to use what went wrong in Kansas as the example of supply side not working when it proves no such thing.

It proves exactly why supply-side doesn't work. Laffer toured the state in 2012 pitching it. So did Norquist. Brownback was a trickle-down old schooler, having supported the same bullshit policies of failure during Reagan. McConnell said of the Kansas experiment "that is exactly what we [Republicans] want to do in DC, but can't". Fact is the reason trickle-down/supply-side/whatever-you-want-to-call-it failed is because the underlying belief system is flawed.
...still nothing.

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