Pence: "I'm a Christian, a Conservative and a Republican, in that order"

Pence while governor made it clear he didn't believe smoking cigarettes causes cancer while excepting big money from to tobacco companies.

That's who Michael Pence really is.

As a smoker who actually enjoys the taste of a cigarette, is this supposed to bother me? Not in the least: There are lots of things that can give you cancer and no matter how spartan a life you live, you can still get it.
First of all his vote today belies his statement that he is a Christian; he is also a certain type of conservative, a callous one. He has proved he is a Republican, and that Democrats, Independents, Libertarian's, Agnostics and Atheists, Jews and other non Christians are of no concern to him.

Obamacare, created and voted into existence by the democrats, if left to run it's course, will take healthcare away from 320 million Americans...the some Republicans are trying to fix the healthcare system...the democrats are simply trying to take control of it.

You want 320 million Americans to lose their health insurance.....Pence is trying to save them...
So where did "American" come in?


He is a Christian first. Conservative and Republican are synonymous with "American"

if that were true you loons wouldn't be 36% of the country

Oh we're way more than 36%, sweetmeat. We own most of it.

First of all his vote today belies his statement that he is a Christian; he is also a certain type of conservative, a callous one. He has proved he is a Republican, and that Democrats, Independents, Libertarian's, Agnostics and Atheists, Jews and other non Christians are of no concern to him.

Obamacare, created and voted into existence by the democrats, if left to run it's course, will take healthcare away from 320 million Americans...the some Republicans are trying to fix the healthcare system...the democrats are simply trying to take control of it.

You want 320 million Americans to lose their health insurance.....Pence is trying to save them...

-every time a life is ruined with leftist good intentions, a leftist gets their wings....


syntax like that is how you get 320 million lose their insurance ... the dems fault.

gee, who knew.
Instead of bitching about him, you heathens might want to be praying that nothing ever happens to his boss Donald. Something tells me the last thing you want is for Pence to end up in the Oval Office.

You're not bright at all. No wonder you are a Trumpeter. Trump, Pence, McConnell and Ryan, in that order, are callous conservatives and will likely win the battle, and fools like you will cheer and pat yourselves on the back; until the reality of what you've voted for hits your home, and then it will be too late.
First of all his vote today belies his statement that he is a Christian; he is also a certain type of conservative, a callous one. He has proved he is a Republican, and that Democrats, Independents, Libertarian's, Agnostics and Atheists, Jews and other non Christians are of no concern to him.

I dont care about atheists myself. And I particularly dont care about atheists who choose who is and isnt a Christian. But its a sickness that has been going on for millennia.
So he hates gays.

Hates healthcare.

And wants tax cuts for needy billionaires.

In that order.

Are you sure you didn't get switched with that baby from England? Because you sure sound brain-dead. It is amazing how you come to all these fantastic conclusions without even the slightest clue or evidence to support a thing you say.
Instead of bitching about him, you heathens might want to be praying that nothing ever happens to his boss Donald. Something tells me the last thing you want is for Pence to end up in the Oval Office.

You're not bright at all. No wonder you are a Trumpeter. Trump, Pence, McConnell and Ryan, in that order, are callous conservatives and will likely win the battle, and fools like you will cheer and pat yourselves on the back; until the reality of what you've voted for hits your home, and then it will be too late.

Not too bright? We must have something going on upstairs, because the "most intelligent" woman in the country lost her ass last November. But I do appreciate that you're really starting to realize that we'll likely "win the battle."

I'll also tell you, the reality of what I voted for is already hitting my home. My investments are bringing spectacular returns, my property value is up, ammunition prices are way down, we just bought a new car, and my property taxes are down, thanks to the Republican Governor we elected in 2010.
First of all his vote today belies his statement that he is a Christian; he is also a certain type of conservative, a callous one. He has proved he is a Republican, and that Democrats, Independents, Libertarian's, Agnostics and Atheists, Jews and other non Christians are of no concern to him.
That is ridiculous. The Christian religion does not teach that. That you think it does means you know nothing about it.

Umm...what does the Christian religion not teach?

I was raised Catholic, confirmed Catholic and the Nuns told us to love thy neighbor. I believe the hybrid, born again Christian, is an excuse to be a bigot on the pretext they'll be forgiven no matter what they do if they claim to love Jesus.

The evidence which I find convincing are the posts by faux Christians who hate thy neighbor, fear thy neighbor and deny thy neighbor the same rights they have.
Shucks, he's Christian. Pisses you off huh liberal?

Liberals not being Christian is a stereotype as bad as some stuff I see hear questioning Pence's beliefs. Ever hear of a liberal being against Reverend Martin Luther King Jr? I subscribe to a dozen church sermons on iTunes mostly from the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ which lean left politically. One sermon I heard over the past week led me to look up William Barber II who the pastor said was the closest we have to a MLK today.

First of all his vote today belies his statement that he is a Christian; he is also a certain type of conservative, a callous one. He has proved he is a Republican, and that Democrats, Independents, Libertarian's, Agnostics and Atheists, Jews and other non Christians are of no concern to him.
That is ridiculous. The Christian religion does not teach that. That you think it does means you know nothing about it.

Umm...what does the Christian religion not teach?

I was raised Catholic, confirmed Catholic and the Nuns told us to love thy neighbor. I believe the hybrid, born again Christian, is an excuse to be a bigot on the pretext they'll be forgiven no matter what they do if they claim to love Jesus.

The evidence which I find convincing are the posts by faux Christians who hate thy neighbor, fear thy neighbor and deny thy neighbor the same rights they have.

And every time they don't agree with you what else do they do? I have a feeling you don't see many Christians saying they hate anyone. They can't according to doctrine. And if they are fake Christians why mention them.

There is another religion that deserves attention, but that is reality, and that is where you are not.
First of all his vote today belies his statement that he is a Christian; he is also a certain type of conservative, a callous one. He has proved he is a Republican, and that Democrats, Independents, Libertarian's, Agnostics and Atheists, Jews and other non Christians are of no concern to him.
That is ridiculous. The Christian religion does not teach that. That you think it does means you know nothing about it.

Umm...what does the Christian religion not teach?

I was raised Catholic, confirmed Catholic and the Nuns told us to love thy neighbor. I believe the hybrid, born again Christian, is an excuse to be a bigot on the pretext they'll be forgiven no matter what they do if they claim to love Jesus.

The evidence which I find convincing are the posts by faux Christians who hate thy neighbor, fear thy neighbor and deny thy neighbor the same rights they have.

The part about being "forgiven no matter what they do" is particularly peculiar to Catholics, some who believe that simply confessing your sins to a priest, absolves you of them.

But the parts about the "hybrid, born again Christian" being "bigots" is a new one on me. I don't know what your Bible says but mine reads:

"Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."

Those are the words of The Man Himself.
Shucks, he's Christian. Pisses you off huh liberal?

Liberals not being Christian is a stereotype as bad as some stuff I see hear questioning Pence's beliefs. Ever hear of a liberal being against Reverend Martin Luther King Jr?

To be truthful, it was a Democrat who murdered MLK, who was himself a Republican.
I love seeing and reading all the hate filled venom spewing from the butthurting snowflakes. Nothing like further and further isolating yourselves all the way up to the mid terms.

Fight to the death, never compromise your leftarded values! Keep telling yourselves you got this! You have PMSMBC & CNN pulling for you! Never surrender!
Obama spent 8 years claiming to be a Christian, praying to God, asking God for guidance, asking God to bless America, and liberals looked the other way.

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