Pence Seeks Rejection of Lawsuit that Aimed to Expand His Power to Overturn the Election


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
The Tennessee Tribune

Pence Seeks Rejection of Lawsuit that Aimed to Expand His Power to Overturn the Election

December 31, 2020


Washington D.C.– Vice President Pence asked a judge late Thursday to reject a lawsuit that aims to expand his power to use a congressional ceremony to overturn the presidential election, arguing that he is not the right person to sue over the issue.

The filing will come as a disappointment to supporters of President Trump, who hoped that Pence would attempt to reject some of President-elect Joe Biden’s electoral college votes and recognize votes for Trump instead when Congress meets next week to certify the November election.

The filing came in response to a lawsuit from Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Tex.) and a number of Republicans in Arizona, who argued that an 1887 law that governs how Congress certifies presidential elections is unconstitutional. The suit argues that the Constitution gives the vice president, in his role as president of Senate, sole discretion to determine whether electors put forward by the states are valid.



“A suit to establish that the Vice President has discretion over the count, filed against the Vice President, is a walking legal contradiction.”

Glad to see him reject it, as he should.

They have no case since the lawsuit is galaxy class STOOOPID!

"The filing came in response to a lawsuit from Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Tex.) and a number of Republicans in Arizona, who argued that an 1887 law that governs how Congress certifies presidential elections is unconstitutional."

No need for him to reject it. The courts have.

A Trump appointee at that.
No need for him to reject it. The courts have.

A Trump appointee at that.

It was rejected because it was stupid, since there was no evidence that the 1887 act was illegal. The act actually solved most of the problems of the day and reduced Congress role in it. Now all they do is handle the last step on January 6....
It's alarming that some of these folks would even consider such a suit. Maybe they're aware it will go nowhere so they are safe in showing their support to the Trump Base knowing it won't happen?
It's alarming that some of these folks would even consider such a suit. Maybe they're aware it will go nowhere so they are safe in showing their support to the Trump Base knowing it won't happen?


Not a single Trump supporter shows up, the bad news from "traitor" Pence requests must have sent them into a depression.

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