Penn U Professor: Carson a Coon

She's a crazy provocateur, but she didn't actually use a "racist" term at Carson.

Cooning is a verb derived from the word coon. A coon was/is a person of african decent whose sole purpose was/is to entertain white people. These 'coons' started out as wearing black face, characterized by haveing big eyes and painting big red lips on their face. These people would tap dance, play instruments and sing.

Modern day coons are blacks who play stereotypical roles and black entertainers that promote ignorance.
Urban dictionary.

To her, Carson is not a coon because he's black; rather, he's a coon because his only real political relevance is he says things to whites that are relevant because very few blacks agree, so we can convince ourselves that most blacks are ignorant shiftless lazy losers. Personally, I think they both are attentions seekers.

what kind of idiot left-wing loser lying to himself thinks anybody that isnt a Progressive who used the word coon in ANY context when referring to a Black man, especially a "good" black man that is acceptable to liberals, a liberal one, wouldnt be accused of being a racist???????????????????????

I think if a black person calls another black person a coon, only idiots would allow themselves to get all worked up over it.

Black people call each other n******. Get over it. Life ain't fair.

and there are black people who object to that; they dont all do it, idiot.

geesh you just stereotyped Black people yourself moron!!


No I didn't. I didn't say all black people. I should have said "some" but that was implied.

doesnt matter idiot; who the phuk are you to dictate what others can or cant get worked up over?

i bet you're the kind moron that gets angry when the BLM movement is criticized?

keep trying
US cited controversial law in decision to kill American citizen ... › World › Anwar al-Awlaki
The Guardian
Jun 23, 2014 - Court documents reveal Obama administration cited law blessing ... Anwar al-Awlaki, a US citizen, was killed in an American drone strike in ...

Ooh. Obama killed a terrorist leader who was actively waging war against American interests. What a fascist!

Look. I don't support all the things Obama has done, but you (a conservative) are still very free in this nation. Nobody is surpressing your rights.

he killed an american citizen without due process leftard

i bet you're the same kind of idiot that wants equal protection under American laws for Gitmo prisoners

keep trying idiot...............................

Actively waging war versus imprisoned. Look up the difference. We have a right to kill terrorists who are waging war, regardless of their citizenship. Once a person is imprisoned, they are due certain rights under international law.

Not surprised this confuses you.

no we dont if they are American citizens you idiot,. not without due process; at a minimum a trial in absentia

try again.......................
She's a crazy provocateur, but she didn't actually use a "racist" term at Carson.

Cooning is a verb derived from the word coon. A coon was/is a person of african decent whose sole purpose was/is to entertain white people. These 'coons' started out as wearing black face, characterized by haveing big eyes and painting big red lips on their face. These people would tap dance, play instruments and sing.

Modern day coons are blacks who play stereotypical roles and black entertainers that promote ignorance.
Urban dictionary.

To her, Carson is not a coon because he's black; rather, he's a coon because his only real political relevance is he says things to whites that are relevant because very few blacks agree, so we can convince ourselves that most blacks are ignorant shiftless lazy losers. Personally, I think they both are attentions seekers.

you have no idea how many or which blacks disagree or agree with the ideas or opinions of Carson. you are regurgitating the Democrat Paryt line that all Black people MUST think this way, and perception often becomes reality.

you're a clown
Actually, I think the polls are sort of telling. LOL. It's like the meme "why oh why won't they vote for us?" LOL

Personally I don't think Carson is a coon for saying people should be able to paint flags on their own property of fly them on private property. Rather, he is a coon for allowing YOU to think he represents some meaningful segment of blacks. However, Carson is entitled to his own beliefs on the origins of the universe or whatever.

Similarly, any white person who flies a flag, or a black person who has an offensive shirt bearing some racist slogan, is a racist.

And you are an asshole

Carson doesnt "allow me to think" any way this way or that left-wing idiot. That is a notion reserved for you progressives who "allow" black people to think only what you want them to think, or else they are "coons".

then again that was the whole point of the thread now isnt that right idiot/????

try again...................
US cited controversial law in decision to kill American citizen ... › World › Anwar al-Awlaki
The Guardian
Jun 23, 2014 - Court documents reveal Obama administration cited law blessing ... Anwar al-Awlaki, a US citizen, was killed in an American drone strike in ...

Ooh. Obama killed a terrorist leader who was actively waging war against American interests. What a fascist!

Look. I don't support all the things Obama has done, but you (a conservative) are still very free in this nation. Nobody is surpressing your rights.

he killed an american citizen without due process leftard

i bet you're the same kind of idiot that wants equal protection under American laws for Gitmo prisoners

keep trying idiot...............................

Actively waging war versus imprisoned. Look up the difference. We have a right to kill terrorists who are waging war, regardless of their citizenship. Once a person is imprisoned, they are due certain rights under international law.

Not surprised this confuses you.

no we dont if they are American citizens you idiot,. not without due process; at a minimum a trial in absentia

try again.......................

So shooting John Walker Lyndh, in 2001, instead of happening to capture him, in Afghanistan, would have been a war crime?
Finally Jknownothing gets to the quick of it, albeit unintentionally.

Butler did not call Carson a racial slur for being black, and Jknownothing called the potus. Butler is a provocateur, but she is not white trash stupid.

Basically Butler called Carson and Uncle Tom. Not nice. Maybe, maybe not, true.

But, it would be akin to calling Jeb a "race traitor" or Clinton a "n9gger lover."

LOL But I'm still chuckling about the OP having no clue as to who Butler is or what is "a coon."
what is a "meaningful segment" of Black people leftard?
and is that a static number? a ration" a proportion?

something set in stone?
what does that mean anyway leftard? the sentiments of Black people that dont think the way you think they ought to dont matter?

must all Black people think the way Dems want them to?

will that last forever?

you idiots should practice that critical thinking once in a while leftard!!

She's a crazy provocateur, but she didn't actually use a "racist" term at Carson.

Cooning is a verb derived from the word coon. A coon was/is a person of african decent whose sole purpose was/is to entertain white people. These 'coons' started out as wearing black face, characterized by haveing big eyes and painting big red lips on their face. These people would tap dance, play instruments and sing.

Modern day coons are blacks who play stereotypical roles and black entertainers that promote ignorance.
Urban dictionary.

To her, Carson is not a coon because he's black; rather, he's a coon because his only real political relevance is he says things to whites that are relevant because very few blacks agree, so we can convince ourselves that most blacks are ignorant shiftless lazy losers. Personally, I think they both are attentions seekers.

you have no idea how many or which blacks disagree or agree with the ideas or opinions of Carson. you are regurgitating the Democrat Paryt line that all Black people MUST think this way, and perception often becomes reality.

you're a clown
Actually, I think the polls are sort of telling. LOL. It's like the meme "why oh why won't they vote for us?" LOL

Personally I don't think Carson is a coon for saying people should be able to paint flags on their own property of fly them on private property. Rather, he is a coon for allowing YOU to think he represents some meaningful segment of blacks. However, Carson is entitled to his own beliefs on the origins of the universe or whatever.

Similarly, any white person who flies a flag, or a black person who has an offensive shirt bearing some racist slogan, is a racist.

And you are an asshole

Carson doesnt "allow me to think" any way this way or that left-wing idiot. That is a notion reserved for you progressives who "allow" black people to think only what you want them to think, or else they are "coons".

then again that was the whole point of the thread now isnt that right idiot/????

try again...................

How many liberals on this forum can you cite having called blacks 'coons'?
Finally Jknownothing gets to the quick of it, albeit unintentionally.

Butler did not call Carson a racial slur for being black, and Jknownothing called the potus. Butler is a provocateur, but she is not white trash stupid.

Basically Butler called Carson and Uncle Tom. Not nice. Maybe, maybe not, true.

But, it would be akin to calling Jeb a "race traitor" or Clinton a "n9gger lover."

LOL But I'm still chuckling about the OP having no clue as to who Butler is or what is "a coon."

you're rationalizing hypocritical bigotry. i'm still not laughing at that.
what is a "meaningful segment" of Black people leftard?
and is that a static number? a ration" a proportion?

something set in stone?
what does that mean anyway leftard? the sentiments of Black people that dont think the way you think they ought to dont matter?

must all Black people think the way Dems want them to?

will that last forever?

you idiots should practice that critical thinking once in a while leftard!!


Nobody is forcing you to think like a Democrat.
what is a "meaningful segment" of Black people leftard?
and is that a static number? a ration" a proportion?

something set in stone?
what does that mean anyway leftard? the sentiments of Black people that dont think the way you think they ought to dont matter?

must all Black people think the way Dems want them to?

will that last forever?

you idiots should practice that critical thinking once in a while leftard!!


Nobody is forcing you to think like a Democrat.
Hey, I know some democrats who can remove their heads from their azzholes. Let's not diss them universally here.
Walker was caught on the battlefield and not executed leftard.

try again...............
PC is a one-way street only, so there won't be much pushback on this.

lol, so suddenly you think PC is a good thing.
Obama is a queer nig*er that should get coon of the year. You agree?

You're mentally retarded.
No just telling the truth.

Truth to a retard isn't always the real truth. That's part of being retarded.

you're an expert on being retarded, we get it.
what is a "meaningful segment" of Black people leftard?
and is that a static number? a ration" a proportion?

something set in stone?
what does that mean anyway leftard? the sentiments of Black people that dont think the way you think they ought to dont matter?

must all Black people think the way Dems want them to?

will that last forever?

you idiots should practice that critical thinking once in a while leftard!!


Nobody is forcing you to think like a Democrat.

but you want to force Black people to think like Democrats.
She's a crazy provocateur, but she didn't actually use a "racist" term at Carson.

Cooning is a verb derived from the word coon. A coon was/is a person of african decent whose sole purpose was/is to entertain white people. These 'coons' started out as wearing black face, characterized by haveing big eyes and painting big red lips on their face. These people would tap dance, play instruments and sing.

Modern day coons are blacks who play stereotypical roles and black entertainers that promote ignorance.
Urban dictionary.

To her, Carson is not a coon because he's black; rather, he's a coon because his only real political relevance is he says things to whites that are relevant because very few blacks agree, so we can convince ourselves that most blacks are ignorant shiftless lazy losers. Personally, I think they both are attentions seekers.

what kind of idiot left-wing loser lying to himself thinks anybody that isnt a Progressive who used the word coon in ANY context when referring to a Black man, especially a "good" black man that is acceptable to liberals, a liberal one, wouldnt be accused of being a racist???????????????????????

I think if a black person calls another black person a coon, only idiots would allow themselves to get all worked up over it.

Black people call each other n******. Get over it. Life ain't fair.
Tell that to blacks that get all worked up when a white person calls them a NlGGER.

There's no place for double standards and two faced hypocrisy in this day and age, deal with it.

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