Penn U Professor: Carson a Coon

Walker was caught on the battlefield and not executed leftard.

try again...............

What about the American Bush killed with a drone in 2002? Was that a war crime?

which one was that? illegal yes. war crime; i dont know

i know you thought i was going to waffle here. sorry to disappoint you. i try to leave the hypocrisy for you idiots.

It's not a war crime to kill Americans fighting for the enemy. Are you nuts?
Walker was caught on the battlefield and not executed leftard.

try again...............

Define 'battlefield'.

here ya go idiot; you're welcome!!

Lindh was captured on November 25, 2001, by Afghan Northern Alliance forces after his foreign fighters unit surrendered at Kunduz after retreating from Takar.[1

There's no definition there. Can you bomb a barracks full of enemy troops, sleeping? Are they on the 'battlefield'?

You don't know what you're talking about.
Walker was caught on the battlefield and not executed leftard.

try again...............

Define 'battlefield'.

here ya go idiot; you're welcome!!

Lindh was captured on November 25, 2001, by Afghan Northern Alliance forces after his foreign fighters unit surrendered at Kunduz after retreating from Takar.[1

There's no definition there. Can you bomb a barracks full of enemy troops, sleeping? Are they on the 'battlefield'?

You don't know what you're talking about.

he was captured on the battlefield idiot. why am i not suprised you just cant admit when you're wrong?

you want to lecture me on rules of engagement idiot? i'm a veteran of Iraq. when did you go to iraq and/or afghanistan???
Walker was caught on the battlefield and not executed leftard.

try again...............

Define 'battlefield'.

here ya go idiot; you're welcome!!

Lindh was captured on November 25, 2001, by Afghan Northern Alliance forces after his foreign fighters unit surrendered at Kunduz after retreating from Takar.[1

There's no definition there. Can you bomb a barracks full of enemy troops, sleeping? Are they on the 'battlefield'?

You don't know what you're talking about.

he was captured on the battlefield idiot. why am i not suprised you just cant admit when you're wrong?

you want to lecture me on rules of engagement idiot? i'm a veteran of Iraq. when did you go to iraq and/or afghanistan???

I want you to cite the law that says an American functioning in the role of an enemy combatant cannot be killed.
Walker was caught on the battlefield and not executed leftard.

try again...............

Define 'battlefield'.

here ya go idiot; you're welcome!!

Lindh was captured on November 25, 2001, by Afghan Northern Alliance forces after his foreign fighters unit surrendered at Kunduz after retreating from Takar.[1

There's no definition there. Can you bomb a barracks full of enemy troops, sleeping? Are they on the 'battlefield'?

You don't know what you're talking about.

he was captured on the battlefield idiot. why am i not suprised you just cant admit when you're wrong?

you want to lecture me on rules of engagement idiot? i'm a veteran of Iraq. when did you go to iraq and/or afghanistan???

I was in the military before you were housebroke.
Obama, Sharpton, BLM and all the usual suspects to demand resignation in 5...4....3.....

University of Pennsylvania Professor Anthea Butler called Presidential Candidate Ben Carson a “coon” for claiming that people have the right to display Confederate flags on private property.

“If only there was a ‘coon of the year’ award…” Professor Butler tweeted in response to another tweet linking to a Sports Illustrated article in which Carson was quoted defended the right of NASCAR fans to fly Confederate flags during races.

“Swastikas are a symbol of hate for some people too … and yet they still exist in our museums and places like that,” Carson observed during the event in North Carolina with NASCAR legend Richard Petty. “If it’s a majority of people in that area who want it to fly, I certainly wouldn’t take it down,” he added, noting that NASCAR races are held on private property.

The word “coon” is an offensive term to slander Africans, deriving from the Portuguese word “barracoos,” which is a hut-like dwelling used to store slaves during auctions, according to Online Etymology.
Yeah...the professor's an idiot.
Walker was caught on the battlefield and not executed leftard.

try again...............

Define 'battlefield'.

here ya go idiot; you're welcome!!

Lindh was captured on November 25, 2001, by Afghan Northern Alliance forces after his foreign fighters unit surrendered at Kunduz after retreating from Takar.[1

There's no definition there. Can you bomb a barracks full of enemy troops, sleeping? Are they on the 'battlefield'?

You don't know what you're talking about.

he was captured on the battlefield idiot. why am i not suprised you just cant admit when you're wrong?

you want to lecture me on rules of engagement idiot? i'm a veteran of Iraq. when did you go to iraq and/or afghanistan???

Al Qaeda is global terrorist organization. The battlefield is anywhere Al Qaeda is.
Walker was caught on the battlefield and not executed leftard.

try again...............

Define 'battlefield'.

here ya go idiot; you're welcome!!

Lindh was captured on November 25, 2001, by Afghan Northern Alliance forces after his foreign fighters unit surrendered at Kunduz after retreating from Takar.[1

There's no definition there. Can you bomb a barracks full of enemy troops, sleeping? Are they on the 'battlefield'?

You don't know what you're talking about.

he was captured on the battlefield idiot. why am i not suprised you just cant admit when you're wrong?

you want to lecture me on rules of engagement idiot? i'm a veteran of Iraq. when did you go to iraq and/or afghanistan???

one more time idiot; because it gets tiresome reminding you losers of the distortions you attempt; when did i say one COULDNT be killed? i'm saying at a minimum a trial in absentia is in order before assasinating an American citizen. We both know that didnt happen.

I want you to cite the law that says an American functioning in the role of an enemy combatant cannot be killed.
The hypocritical Left sees racism on the right where none exists; while rationalizing, excusing, and enabling their own racists and left-wing bigots.
Obama, Sharpton, BLM and all the usual suspects to demand resignation in 5...4....3.....

University of Pennsylvania Professor Anthea Butler called Presidential Candidate Ben Carson a “coon” for claiming that people have the right to display Confederate flags on private property.

“If only there was a ‘coon of the year’ award…” Professor Butler tweeted in response to another tweet linking to a Sports Illustrated article in which Carson was quoted defended the right of NASCAR fans to fly Confederate flags during races.

“Swastikas are a symbol of hate for some people too … and yet they still exist in our museums and places like that,” Carson observed during the event in North Carolina with NASCAR legend Richard Petty. “If it’s a majority of people in that area who want it to fly, I certainly wouldn’t take it down,” he added, noting that NASCAR races are held on private property.

The word “coon” is an offensive term to slander Africans, deriving from the Portuguese word “barracoos,” which is a hut-like dwelling used to store slaves during auctions, according to Online Etymology.

You knew the filthy democrats would start their racism. It is in their nature, they can't help it. Obama or Sharpton will call him a "house n!gger" like they did to Herman Cain. Democrats are vile racist scum, it's just what they are.

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