Pentacostal Fire

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Herrod kills Children in his hunt to kill Jewish Messiah - Jesus Christ.

It is written:

Thus says the Lord, A voice is heard in Ramah, Lamentation and bitter weeping. Rachel is weeping for her children; She refuses to be comforted for her children. Because they are no more.

- Jeremiah 31:15

Fulfillment of the prophecy:

It is written:

Then when Herod saw that he had been tricked by the magi, he became very enraged, and sent and slew all the male children who were in Bethlehem and in all its environs, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had ascertained from the magi.

- Matthew 2:16
The pre-existence of Jesus

It is written:

But as for you, Bethlehem, Ephrathah, Too little to be among the clans of Judah, From you One will go forth for Me to be ruler in Israel. His goings forth are from long ago, From the days of eternity.

- Micah 5:2

The fulfillment of this prophecy:

It is written:

....And he is before ( or, has existed prior to ) all things, and in Him all things hold together.
- Colossians 1:17

It is worth mentioning again that Jesus existed prior to his arrival on earth through the womb of Mary. He is God and was with God in the beginning which can be verified in John 1: 1 - 3 and also in Genesis 1:26.
Another prophecy concerning Jesus Christ being called Lord.

It is written:

The Lord asys to my Lord, Sit at my right hand Until I make Thine enemies a footstool for Thy feet.

Psalms 110:1

Fulfillment of this prophecy :

For today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11

He said unto them, Then how does David in the Spirit cal Him, Lord, saying, the Lord said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand, until I put thine enemies beneath Thy feet. If David then calls him Lord, how is He a son?

- Matthew 22: 43, 45
Does anyone else want to provoke God to anger by trying to silence his Servants or are we through here. I'll wait.

- Jeremiah

LOL.....provoke God to anger? Yeah right.

You are not a servant of God, you are a believer and servant of a non existent triune god that became a man though a virgin birth that does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence.

all you have is hubris Jeremiah, hubris.
Listen to this song and find some rest for your souls. We are restless until we find our rest in God. Jesus is God. We find our rest in Jesus..... Word of God speak to us today.

This song is for everyone who has ever had a trial in their life and saw how God pulled them through. This song has the anointing on it. Your spirit will soar listening to this music!

We are restless until we find our rest in God. Jesus is God. We find our rest in Jesus..... Word of God speak to us today.

how many of you are there?

I am one with the LORD and the Holy Spirit is my prayer partner.

No you are not. You believe in a false trinity that diddled a virgin and became a man.

You have been diverted by superstitious archaic lore.

You read scripture and exactly like the tongues of fire that appeared at Pentecost, everything has settled way over your collective head.
That is your opinion, Hobelim. Everybody has one. I'll leave it at that. If the Gospel is not for you then you've made your decision. I hope you change your mind. But stop trying to derail my thread. You're better than that. I know you can be respectful to others. You've done it before. - Jeremiah
That is your opinion, Hobelim. Everybody has one. I'll leave it at that. If the Gospel is not for you then you've made your decision. I hope you change your mind. But stop trying to derail my thread. You're better than that. I know you can be respectful to others. You've done it before. - Jeremiah

you don't seem to understand, go figure.

for as long as you feel compelled to perpetuate falsehood in the name of the Lord, anyone who has a love for God and truth is obligated by divine directive to correct you.

You have either made great errors in your own speculations or you have been misled. Either way for you to mislead others into setting aside the Law of God, which results in death, and to bow down in deranged adoration before a false roman trinity that became a man amounts to murder, according to scripture..

is all that too far above your grasp as well?
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That is your opinion, Hobelim. Everybody has one. I'll leave it at that. If the Gospel is not for you then you've made your decision. I hope you change your mind. But stop trying to derail my thread. You're better than that. I know you can be respectful to others. You've done it before. - Jeremiah

you don't seem to understand, go figure.

for as long as you feel compelled to perpetuate falsehood in the name of the Lord, anyone who has a love for God and truth is obligated to correct you.

You have either made great errors in your own speculations or you have been misled. Either way for you to mislead others into setting aside the Law of God, which results in death, and to bow down in deranged adoration before a false roman trinity that became a man amounts to murder, according to scripture..

is all that too far above your grasp as well?

What religion are you Hobelim?
Just a quick note regarding what Christian apologists often claim as evidence (even "proof") of the fulfillment of OT scripture in the NT (specifically WRT the life and times of Christ): since it hasn't even been established that the NT writers and/or the compilers/editors of the original texts (which conveniently no longer exist for review, although older texts have managed to survive) for the purpose of establishing the officially authorized canon, didn't shape some or even all of the tales to give the appearance of scriptural fulfillment, their argument is contingent on the veracity of an unproven principle -- namely that the Gospels in particular weren't fraudulent in any number of ways from the get-go.

Also bear in mind, we're talking about texts largely authored anonymously (In case you're reading this, GISMYS, no, Matthew didn't actually write the Gospel of Matthew, ETC.), by non-eyewitnesses, translated from the original language(s) no earlier than 30 years after the alleged events took place, and were never protected from historical revision.

Any argument based on the perceived coherency and consistency of the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation (despite the MANY internal inconsistencies that resulted in several significant historical schisms and eventually led to the advent of the many opposing denominations and sects of Christianity observed today) ...would be circular by default.
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That is your opinion, Hobelim. Everybody has one. I'll leave it at that. If the Gospel is not for you then you've made your decision. I hope you change your mind. But stop trying to derail my thread. You're better than that. I know you can be respectful to others. You've done it before. - Jeremiah

you don't seem to understand, go figure.

for as long as you feel compelled to perpetuate falsehood in the name of the Lord, anyone who has a love for God and truth is obligated to correct you.

You have either made great errors in your own speculations or you have been misled. Either way for you to mislead others into setting aside the Law of God, which results in death, and to bow down in deranged adoration before a false roman trinity that became a man amounts to murder, according to scripture..

is all that too far above your grasp as well?

What religion are you Hobelim?

I am not a religion. I do not belong to or practice any religion, but I know the difference between right and wrong and the truth from a lie.
That is your opinion, Hobelim. Everybody has one. I'll leave it at that. If the Gospel is not for you then you've made your decision. I hope you change your mind. But stop trying to derail my thread. You're better than that. I know you can be respectful to others. You've done it before. - Jeremiah

you don't seem to understand, go figure.

for as long as you feel compelled to perpetuate falsehood in the name of the Lord, anyone who has a love for God and truth is obligated by divine directive to correct you.

You have either made great errors in your own speculations or you have been misled. Either way for you to mislead others into setting aside the Law of God, which results in death, and to bow down in deranged adoration before a false roman trinity that became a man amounts to murder, according to scripture..

is all that too far above your grasp as well?

Then try making a valid point instead of depending on insults to get there, Hobelim. So far I fail to see you've made one. - Jeremiah
Just a quick note regarding what Christian apologists often claim as evidence (even "proof") of the fulfillment of OT scripture in the NT (specifically WRT the life and times of Christ): since it hasn't even been established that the NT writers and/or the compilers/editors of the original texts (which conveniently no longer exist for review, although older texts have have managed to survive) for the purpose of establishing the officially authorized canon, didn't shape some or even all of the tales to give the appearance of scriptural fulfillment, their apologetic argument is contingent on the veracity of an unproven principle -- namely that the Gospels in particular weren't fraudulent in any number of respects from the get-go.

Also bear in mind, we're talking about texts largely authored anonymously (In case you're reading this, GISMYS, no, Matthew didn't actually write the Gospel of Matthew, ETC.), by non-eyewitnesses, translated from the olriginal language(s) no earlier than 30 years after the alleged facts took place, and were never protected from historical revision.

Any argument based on the perceived coherency and consistency of the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation (despite the MANY internal inconsistencies that resulted in several significant historical schisms and led to the advent of the many opposing denominations and sects of Christianity observed today) ...would be circular by default.

The bible is the Living Word of God and as you claim to be a Southern Baptist I believe you should start looking for another church. Doesn't seem like you are getting what you need there. Try a Pentacostal church. They have the fire of the Holy Spirit and are a bible believing church.

- Jeremiah
you don't seem to understand, go figure.

for as long as you feel compelled to perpetuate falsehood in the name of the Lord, anyone who has a love for God and truth is obligated to correct you.

You have either made great errors in your own speculations or you have been misled. Either way for you to mislead others into setting aside the Law of God, which results in death, and to bow down in deranged adoration before a false roman trinity that became a man amounts to murder, according to scripture..

is all that too far above your grasp as well?

What religion are you Hobelim?

I am not a religion. I do not belong to or practice any religion, but I know the difference between right and wrong and the truth from a lie.

The only way to know the difference between a lie and the truth is search out the scriptures. The only way to detect a lie is by the Holy Spirit. You are not acquainted with either by your own admission, Hobelim. Therein your claims cannot be true.

- Jeremiah
That is your opinion, Hobelim. Everybody has one. I'll leave it at that. If the Gospel is not for you then you've made your decision. I hope you change your mind. But stop trying to derail my thread. You're better than that. I know you can be respectful to others. You've done it before. - Jeremiah

you don't seem to understand, go figure.

for as long as you feel compelled to perpetuate falsehood in the name of the Lord, anyone who has a love for God and truth is obligated by divine directive to correct you.

You have either made great errors in your own speculations or you have been misled. Either way for you to mislead others into setting aside the Law of God, which results in death, and to bow down in deranged adoration before a false roman trinity that became a man amounts to murder, according to scripture..

is all that too far above your grasp as well?

Then try making a valid point instead of depending on insults to get there, Hobelim. So far I fail to see you've made one. - Jeremiah

LOL... the fact that you can't see the point made is the point made courtesy of you.

Thanks, Jeri, for helping me to show the wisdom of God in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of any unclean creature that crawls on its belly by so generously and publicly demonstrating the death consequent for disobedience.

Well done!
Getting back on topic here are some of my favorite quotes by Reinhard Bonnke..

If you've got the fire, there will be radiation - Reinhard Bonnke
Evangelism is the fiery chariot of the Holy Spirit - a burning messenger with a burning message with wheels that are on fire. That is true evangelism. - Reinhard Bonnke
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