Pentagon spokesman says some Russian troops have deliberately punched holes in their gas tanks

How do you define ‘win’?
Sure he will take a Kyiv. He will kill many thousands Ukraine civilians in the process. He may even capture and kill Zelenskiy, who will then become one of Ukraine’s greatest martyrs.
And the Ukrainian insurgency backed by the entire West will bleed the Russian army like the Afghanis did in the 1980s. And Putin will be crushed by the Russian people, FINALLY.
Big win. SO MUCH winning!
A pyrrhic victory, Trumpian in its brilliance.
Have you denounced the Russian invasion instead of singing the praises of the army beating up on a weaker foe?


Now you are deflecting since you realize you have ZERO evidence to show that I am a supporter of the Russian invasion since you still don't quote at all.

Not once have I stated support of the invasion, I actually wished it never happened, but it has happened and my sober assessment of it indicates Ukraine is doomed that is what I see is going on because Russia has a massive military advantage and have surrounded the Capital city and closing in slowly.

I made this post in another thread the foreboding analysis indicating that Russia is strongly determined to complete their invasion.


Notice that YOU and other stupid leftists have completely ignored POST 11 gee I wonder why......, :rolleyes:

It shows a large and increasing group of people trying to leave Kiev by train....
Now you are deflecting since you realize you have ZERO evidence to show that I am a supporter of the Russian invasion since you still don't quote at all.

Not once have I stated support of the invasion, I actually wished it never happened, but it has happened and my sober assessment of it indicates Ukraine is doomed that is what I see is going on because Russia has a massive military advantage and have surrounded the Capital city and closing in slowly.
You "wished it never happened" but never posted that. Got it.
You "wished it never happened" but never posted that. Got it.

I posted it a few days ago saying which for peace but as usual you have not quoted me supporting Russia's attack on Ukraine at all.

Your endless stupidity should stop now since you haven't quoted me thus we both KNOW you are trying hard to put words into my mouth.

You are digusting.
You "wished it never happened" but never posted that. Got it.

Still no quote huh could it be because YOU can't find any to post?



It is saddening to see so many supporting Putin in the US. I know a lot of this support is just to "get a rise" out of others but one would think there would be lines that you don't cross in trying to rattle someone else's cage.

I'm sure you know this but get ready for the "I don't support Putin but I admire him" pablum....
And the repubs are paying the legal bills for Putin's puppet...trump. Funny that they are using money that could support their congressional candidates this fall....while trump sits on a pile of money he grifted from his cult.
So many Putin Lovers on USMB.....should be embarrassing to Mods....but they are allowing Putin lies to live here.
The propaganda goes on and on, Russia is actually poised to defeat Ukraine as they have been consolidating their positions in recent days.

You are going to look stupid when Russian takes over Kiev without regard for civilian casualties since the stupid Ukraine leader put military weapons into their hands and told to help defend the city which makes them legal targets to Russian military who has since stopped being gentile now it is going to really ugly when they no longer discriminate civilians to Ukraine soldiers in new attacks.

Some people think it is worthwhile to fight for their country when invaded.

Then there are some cowards that won't.

I guess we know which side you would be on.

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