People Are Hiding That Their Unvaccinated Loved Ones Died of COVID

Its all out there on the reporting sites. However, you don't want to know the truth. Im not wasting my time.

Says the person who doesn't have any official account of anything he claims when asked for it. How can I know the "truth" when you don't know it yourself and can't even show it to me. All you have is your dumb antivax ideology that spreads loony conspiracy theories.
Maybe you should quit running your mouth and start doing some research before you show the world your ignorance. Go to CDC site and you will quickly find that the vaxxed are NOT immune from infection nor spread. If you go to VAERS, you will also find that the vax does not guarantee you will not die from covid OR the effects of the vax. Try again, moron.
...and the rumor that being vaccinated keeps you from getting a severe leftyvirus infection is unproven with any statistics.....
Family is protesting but "authorities" won't listen to anything that makes sense.

Not my family; that of a guy who was on his way to his appointment at a nearby pharmacy to get his vaccine jab when his motorcycle was pushed off the road by a sneaky look in a very quiet electric oversized go-cart.

If he had been on the way home that would have been a traffic death. Because he hadn't been vaccinated - that was strike 1. Because he was on his way to get the shot....well that made it official that had there been no virus he wouldn't have been on the way to get jabbed so therefore his death was due to Covid.

Myself I think the deeper meaning in this is that all "quiet" vehicles should be mandated (love that word!) to be equipped with a constantly beeping warning device (maybe a nice jingle-bell sound?) that would provide fair warning that innocent people were at risk!
Ding ding DING!

Bull crud alarm just went off!!! :)

So how should one refer to those responsible for the ongoing pandemic; the willfully ignorant who in bad faith refuse to be vaccinated resulting in the needless deaths of thousands.

^^^Here's another idiot spreading Joe Biden's BIG LIE. These people are dangerous and should be on a watch list.

Says the person who doesn't have any official account of anything he claims when asked for it. How can I know the "truth" when you don't know it yourself and can't even show it to me. All you have is your dumb antivax ideology that spreads loony conspiracy theories.

No, the sites are there for everyone to see. VAERS and european reporting sites. Those only account for about 1-10 percent of all reports. You're spreading dangerous misinfo once again. No, you don't want the truth.
Brainwashed sheeple.
Actually, y'all are LYING about what Clayton said.

He didn't say vaccinations kept people from catching covid. He said the unvaccinated are dying from covid, (dying is a rarity in the vaccinated)

And in July 2021, when Biden spoke, the vaccines protected against catching the Beta covid variant for the most part, and from getting really sick and dying.... but vaccines did not protect catching the new Delta variant which showed up mid July....while still protecting against death....
No, the sites are there for everyone to see. VAERS and european reporting sites. Those only account for about 1-10 percent of all reports. You're spreading dangerous misinfo once again. No, you don't want the truth.

What misinfo am I spreading that is dangerous? I simply asked you to back up your claims, which you cannot because you don't have any evidence, just hot air.


Possible...not likely but possible.

But we need a new booster vaccine to deal with the new variants. Sputnik 5 is supposed to be better...but since it's Russian I have my doubts. It's also made in a similar fashion as AstraZeneca/Oxford's vaccine which has the blood clot issues (as was known before they made it and told not to make it that way)

They can put three to four variants in one booster. And they need to do something soon... unfortunately we don't have any leadership that gives a crap about the people. Only lining their pockets.
Actually, y'all are LYING about what Clayton said.

He didn't say vaccinations kept people from catching covid. He said the unvaccinated are dying from covid, (dying is a rarity in the vaccinated)

And in July 2021, when Biden spoke, the vaccines protected against catching the Beta covid variant for the most part, and from getting really sick and dying.... but vaccines did not protect catching the new Delta variant which showed up mid July....while still protecting against death....
Poopeypants had said on more than one occasion that getting the vaccine prevents you from getting the matter how much to deflect.

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