People Are Hilariously Trolling Kellyanne Conway Over The Nonexistent "Bowling Green Massacre"

If only everyone could speak as well as Barack "57 states" Obama.
Is that all you've got retard? I already called you out about that earlier. You're doubling down? :rofl:

You're denying he said it?
Let's see...the President made a mistake or misspoke concerning the number of States...
Lying Lips kellyanne gets on tv and with her pompous disregard for facts and the truth tries to belittle and embarrass a news commentator over this horrific non-existant massacre in

Next up...kellyanne shuts down CNN for their ignorance of the Martian Invasion...
A communications genius refers to a massacre that never happened? Laughing is the least the person can expect. Derision and distrust are understandable.
If only everyone could speak as well as Barack "57 states" Obama.
Is that all you've got retard? I already called you out about that earlier. You're doubling down? :rofl:

You're denying he said it?
Let's see...the President made a mistake or misspoke concerning the number of States...
Lying Lips kellyanne gets on tv and with her pompous disregard for facts and the truth tries to belittle and embarrass a news commentator over this horrific non-existant massacre in

Next up...kellyanne shuts down CNN for their ignorance of the Martian Invasion...

It was Bowling Green, Ky, home of the Corvette Museum.
... Right.

And what's the joke son?

That he's traveled his ass off so much it feels like he's been to more states than there is? Are you really that out of touch with common thinking?

mmhmm I think I'm going to take "Obama can't pull off a joke to save his life" for $1500 if that's the case. Clearly I'm not the only one who didn't get it, no one laughed. I'll go ahead an put it in the worst alleged joke deliveries ever pile though.
... Right.

And what's the joke son?

That he's traveled his ass off so much it feels like he's been to more states than there is? Are you really that out of touch with common thinking?

mmhmm I think I'm going to take "Obama can't pull off a joke to save his life" for $1500 if that's the case. Clearly I'm not the only one who didn't get it, no one laughed. I'll go ahead an put it in the worst alleged joke deliveries ever pile though.

He was obviously tired...which is why he was low energy with the joke... you have already admitted to having your disorder...which obviously includes lack of being able to discern a joke.
A massacre was prevented. She made nothing up. It was a slip of the tongue. You seem to be minimizing what DID happen. Don't pretend nothing happened.
He was obviously tired...which is why he was low energy with the joke... you have already admitted to having your disorder...which obviously includes lack of being able to discern a joke
There was no joke. He was tired. Because he was tired, he reverted back to his Muslim indoctrination.
2016 was supposed to be the year of the first female president of the United States.

As it turned out, it became the year of the first female campaign manager to win the presidency for a man who was not a politician, but whose ideas hit home with people who have been declared deplorable by the hag who was supposed to be the automatic winner just because her name was the same as the name of the most recently impeached president who was a serial woman abuser.

The fact that Kellyann Conway proved to be smarter than Hillary Clinton is a thorn in the side of liberal bleeding hearts. An accidental slip of the tongue makes her an idiot in the eyes of liberals.

Actually, it may have been a Freudian slip. Terrorist today a massacre tomorrow
... Right.

And what's the joke son?

That he's traveled his ass off so much it feels like he's been to more states than there is? Are you really that out of touch with common thinking?

mmhmm I think I'm going to take "Obama can't pull off a joke to save his life" for $1500 if that's the case. Clearly I'm not the only one who didn't get it, no one laughed. I'll go ahead an put it in the worst alleged joke deliveries ever pile though.

He was obviously tired...which is why he was low energy with the joke... you have already admitted to having your disorder...which obviously includes lack of being able to discern a joke.

Well I admit do find your joke here a bit more amusing than ex-president Obama's.

Yes, synesthesia... I personally don't think of it as a 'disorder' so much as I see it an evolution of sorts, merely for the many talents my particular version gives me over 'normal's' like yourself. As though there is some 'superiority' you might possibly ever claim over me simply because you are... well, essentially just like every other bawling screaming fruit loop on the boards lately... I mean really darling, it's so ho hum, the constant drone of over-emotional group think with you twits. Let's have some uniqueness!

Still I do give credit where do and I find definite amusement in your ill thought attempt to 'hurt my feelings' by making fun of how I was born - all the more humorous as I don't really have the emotions necessary for your attempt to have that desired effect. Seems you're not quite as smart as you thought, if you ask me...
... Right.

And what's the joke son?

That he's traveled his ass off so much it feels like he's been to more states than there is? Are you really that out of touch with common thinking?

mmhmm I think I'm going to take "Obama can't pull off a joke to save his life" for $1500 if that's the case. Clearly I'm not the only one who didn't get it, no one laughed. I'll go ahead an put it in the worst alleged joke deliveries ever pile though.

He was obviously tired...which is why he was low energy with the joke... you have already admitted to having your disorder...which obviously includes lack of being able to discern a joke.

Well I admit do find your joke here a bit more amusing than ex-president Obama's.

Yes, synesthesia... I personally don't think of it as a 'disorder' so much as I see it an evolution of sorts, merely for the many talents my particular version gives me over 'normal's' like yourself. As though there is some 'superiority' you might possibly ever claim over me simply because you are... well, essentially just like every other bawling screaming fruit loop on the boards lately... I mean really darling, it's so ho hum, the constant drone of over-emotional group think with you twits. Let's have some uniqueness!

Still I do give credit where do and I find definite amusement in your ill thought attempt to 'hurt my feelings' by making fun of how I was born - all the more humorous as I don't really have the emotions necessary for your attempt to have that desired effect. Seems you're not quite as smart as you thought, if you ask me...

Sorry, darling, not being able to feel emotions correctly is not a step upward in evolution, though you may tell yourself that over and over. I wasn't trying to hurt your feelings, that would be quite dumb wouldn't it, as you have stated already many times over you don't have any.
On Nov. 16, 2011, President Obama said this gem, “When I meet with world leaders, what’s striking – whether it’s in Europe or here in Asia…” The issue was President Obama was in Hawaii. You know, the state he grew up in. His birthplace. He flubbed that one pretty bad.

If only everyone could speak as well as Barack "57 states" Obama.
Is that all you've got retard? I already called you out about that earlier. You're doubling down? :rofl:

You're denying he said it?
No. Are you denying that it was a joke? Do you claim that President Obama thinks there are 57 states?
And there was the time when president Obama referred to a part of the military and dead bodies. You know, corps(e).

No slip of the tongue there, just plain ignorance by the pretender commander-in-chief.
Embarrassed of what? She confused a word, but her whole premise was correct. The fact the demrats called her a liar was complete bull. Faux outrage and liars yourself, knowing what had happened. If anyone should be embarrassed it should be yourselves. Keep it up and see what happens in 2018. I know a number of Dems that are getting sick if it as well.
Trumpsplaining at its finest.
On Sept. 22, 2011, President Obama was addressing a crowd in Cincinnati when he said, “We’re the country that built the Intercontinental Railroad.” Actually, that would be the Transcontinental Railroad. We did build intercontinental missiles, though.

If only everyone could speak as well as Barack "57 states" Obama.
Is that all you've got retard? I already called you out about that earlier. You're doubling down? :rofl:

You're denying he said it?
Of course he said it. Just yesterday, right?
At the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington on Feb. 5, 2010 President Obama had a little issue with pronunciation. He said, “One such translator was an American of Haitian descent, representative of the extraordinary work that our men and women do all around the world – Navy Corpse-man Christian Brossard.” It is Corpsman not corpse-man. Pronounced “core-man.” Also, the man’s name was Christopher not Christian. Details.

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