People are moving out of the Blue counties into the Red counties


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017

The Democrats panic as 2.6 million people flee from the counties that voted for Biden

● “A new report just published by Issues and Insights is showing yet another extraordinary disparity between red states and blue states, or better, red counties versus blue counties… They found that there’s been a massive migration out of counties that voted for Joe Biden into those counties that voted to reelect Donald Trump!”

● “The Census data shows that almost 2.6 million residents left blue counties and moved to red counties since Biden was elected.”

● “It’s a virtual one-to-one correlation. For every one person Biden counties lost, Trump counties gained!

● “In red states, states that are gaining population by leaps and bounds, even in red states, the blue counties are losing population.”

● “The trend appears to be very clear; it looks like we’re seeing a massive political realignment, one that will eventually, inevitably, consign the Democrats to a permanent minority status in American politics!”

Dr Steve Truley

The corrupt Democrat Party's radical and racist policies make their cities unlivable for mainstream people.
People want safe places with good schools and good jobs to raise their children in.
It looks like the GOP states are becoming more solid and the Dems states are becoming more shaky.
More data
The trend is most pronounced in Colorado, Oregon and Washington, where respectively, blue counties saw more than 12.7 percent, 12.1 percent and 10.3 percent more people leave than come. Exceptions to the trend were in Louisiana, New Mexico and Indiana —each of which experienced growth in the bluest counties.

Migration Patterns Show More People Leaving Politically Blue Counties…

The Democrats panic as 2.6 million people flee from the counties that voted for Biden

● “A new report just published by Issues and Insights is showing yet another extraordinary disparity between red states and blue states, or better, red counties versus blue counties… They found that there’s been a massive migration out of counties that voted for Joe Biden into those counties that voted to reelect Donald Trump!”

● “The Census data shows that almost 2.6 million residents left blue counties and moved to red counties since Biden was elected.”

● “It’s a virtual one-to-one correlation. For every one person Biden counties lost, Trump counties gained!

● “In red states, states that are gaining population by leaps and bounds, even in red states, the blue counties are losing population.”

● “The trend appears to be very clear; it looks like we’re seeing a massive political realignment, one that will eventually, inevitably, consign the Democrats to a permanent minority status in American politics!”

Dr Steve Truley

The corrupt Democrat Party's radical and racist policies make their cities unlivable for mainstream people.
People want safe places with good schools and good jobs to raise their children in.
It looks like the GOP states are becoming more solid and the Dems states are becoming more shaky.


We welcome them with open arms, as long as they're willing to leave the leftist ideology behind.

My tiny southeast South Dakota town of just over 1000 people picked up at least four new homeowners from WA or OR in less than a year and a half.


The Democrats panic as 2.6 million people flee from the counties that voted for Biden

● “A new report just published by Issues and Insights is showing yet another extraordinary disparity between red states and blue states, or better, red counties versus blue counties… They found that there’s been a massive migration out of counties that voted for Joe Biden into those counties that voted to reelect Donald Trump!”

● “The Census data shows that almost 2.6 million residents left blue counties and moved to red counties since Biden was elected.”

● “It’s a virtual one-to-one correlation. For every one person Biden counties lost, Trump counties gained!

● “In red states, states that are gaining population by leaps and bounds, even in red states, the blue counties are losing population.”

● “The trend appears to be very clear; it looks like we’re seeing a massive political realignment, one that will eventually, inevitably, consign the Democrats to a permanent minority status in American politics!”

Dr Steve Truley

The corrupt Democrat Party's radical and racist policies make their cities unlivable for mainstream people.
People want safe places with good schools and good jobs to raise their children in.
It looks like the GOP states are becoming more solid and the Dems states are becoming more shaky.

In a free society, it is to be expected, that people will migrate from areas of higher crime, street violence, disrepair and decay, to places where they can better raise their family, perceived to be safer, and often at lower expense than the more problematic areas. Does this surprise anyone?

We welcome them with open arms, as long as they're willing to leave the leftist ideology behind.

My tiny southeast South Dakota town of just over 1000 people picked up at least four new homeowners from WA or OR in less than a year and a half.

Who cares?
I suspect half the ones moving out of blue to red counties are bringing their blue sensibilities (and voting habits) along with them if the transplants we see coming from the blue NOtVA counties are any indication.

What you really need to do is ID the counties they are moving to and see what the gop to dem percentages are after a election. Have the "red" percentages went up or down over time?

My county was a solid 90%+ GOP county till they put in I-66 but since that time it has slowly decreased into the high 70s to low 80s percentile. 84% GOP in 2020 is the best we have done in a long time. It fell to 78% in '21 (Youngkin's gov race) and 76% for the midterms in '22.

Transplants are more of a plague if they are just moving a county or two over from a population center and commute to work. They all demand services/stores like they had in the population centers than a small town can provide too.

Any red community within 80-100 miles of a population center is endangered by the transplants.
In a free society, it is to be expected, that people will migrate from areas of higher crime, street violence, disrepair and decay, to places where they can better raise their family, perceived to be safer, and often at lower expense than the more problematic areas. Does this surprise anyone?

I would walk down the street of my tiny Midwest town at 2:00 AM without trepidation.

When I moved here, organic ginger root was $8 a pound in Western Washington, and $4 a pound here, and just about everything else from the organic co-op was similarly priced. My total utility bill was cut by two-thirds. My house in Washington sold for twice what I paid for a newer, larger house on a larger lot here in SD.

I love being in a safe, clean, quiet town.

People can live wherever they want. It's none of my business.
imagine if by sept/oct,,2024, they do the math/polls and they say that there are more than 270 electoral votes at that time to beat the Democrat Nominee based on states that DeSantis or Trump will defenitelty win?
imagine if by sept/oct,,2024, they do the math/polls and they say that there are more than 270 electoral votes at that time to beat the Democrat Nominee based on states that DeSantis or Trump will defenitelty win?
Sadly as best as I can tell the math favors the dems again.
In our last election for governor, we had a very moderate republican, an old school democrat turned independent and a Communist.

The Communist won.

The local U-Hauls have been having a difficult time keeping trailers because so many are headed out of state.
In a free society, it is to be expected, that people will migrate from areas of higher crime, street violence, disrepair and decay, to places where they can better raise their family, perceived to be safer, and often at lower expense than the more problematic areas. Does this surprise anyone?

Not the point.


The Democrats panic as 2.6 million people flee from the counties that voted for Biden

● “A new report just published by Issues and Insights is showing yet another extraordinary disparity between red states and blue states, or better, red counties versus blue counties… They found that there’s been a massive migration out of counties that voted for Joe Biden into those counties that voted to reelect Donald Trump!”

● “The Census data shows that almost 2.6 million residents left blue counties and moved to red counties since Biden was elected.”

● “It’s a virtual one-to-one correlation. For every one person Biden counties lost, Trump counties gained!

● “In red states, states that are gaining population by leaps and bounds, even in red states, the blue counties are losing population.”

● “The trend appears to be very clear; it looks like we’re seeing a massive political realignment, one that will eventually, inevitably, consign the Democrats to a permanent minority status in American politics!”

Dr Steve Truley

The corrupt Democrat Party's radical and racist policies make their cities unlivable for mainstream people.
People want safe places with good schools and good jobs to raise their children in.
It looks like the GOP states are becoming more solid and the Dems states are becoming more shaky.

Then they try to change the new place they live into the old place they lived
The math favors the Left from here going forward.
Which is why I always remind that doing nothing ensures all Americans will eventually be disarmed. It's coming.
In our last election for governor, we had a very moderate republican, an old school democrat turned independent and a Communist.

The Communist won.

The local U-Hauls have been having a difficult time keeping trailers because so many are headed out of state.

When I moved to the Midwest from Western Washington, the U-Haul cost twice as much to make the east bound trip as it would have if I was moving west.

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