People are poor because (not what the Leftists tell you).

Three Simple Rules Poor Teens Should Follow to Join the Middle Class

It has nothing to do with oppression, race, religion, etc.

Follow three simple rules and you will not be poor:

#1) Graduate High School

#2) Get a job

#3) Don't become a single parent.

This is from the LEFT leaning Brookings Institute. One way to pay down debt and improve our budget is to reduce entitlements such as welfare and this is a start.

Today, more than 40% of American children, including more than 70% of black children and 50% of Hispanic children, are born outside marriage.

The above is ridiculous. I would even consider paying young women NOT to have kids until marriage or they can afford it to make sure they don't get on welfare and continue this cycle.

I welcome all your thoughts. Even the crazy Leftist ones.
Three Simple Rules Poor Teens Should Follow to Join the Middle Class

It has nothing to do with oppression, race, religion, etc.

Follow three simple rules and you will not be poor:

#1) Graduate High School

#2) Get a job

#3) Don't become a single parent.

This is from the LEFT leaning Brookings Institute. One way to pay down debt and improve our budget is to reduce entitlements such as welfare and this is a start.

Today, more than 40% of American children, including more than 70% of black children and 50% of Hispanic children, are born outside marriage.

The above is ridiculous. I would even consider paying young women NOT to have kids until marriage or they can afford it to make sure they don't get on welfare and continue this cycle.

I welcome all your thoughts. Even the crazy Leftist ones.
To an extent you are correct

But your prospects of escaping poverty have decreased in recent decades as the compensation for HS Graduates has decreased as have career advancement opportunities in the workplace

I am under the impression that lots of low end, low paying jobs exist.

If I graduate from high school but can't afford college
so I get a job (low paying)
I'm only going to be making 8-12 an hour
for LESS than 40 hours (by todays method)

call it 36 hours at $10.per....

360 a week.....minus 60 for taxes and crap

300 X 4 = 1200 a month

rents start at 1000....
gotta eat
cell phone

sounds like a whole lot of no fun!

And ya still can't afford education
so you will never rise much higher than you are
which means for your whole life you'll be making less than what you need to get married and raise a family

Bullshit. Get a job at Home Depot. Take a bar tending class. Live with folks for the first two years.
Where there is a will there is a way
The military is always an option. My wife did that as she came from a poor, single mom family (dad died when she was 2).
I think in all the world this is the place where you can rise by your talent and sweat. Never gonna be easy but at least it is possible.
Sans the "share our values" part. My parents learned English and accepted all the customs of America.
My experience has been that gen 1 may or may not learn English and always think of themselves as from the 'old' country and keep that culture as best they can. Gen 2 speaks both languages and has a foot in both cultures. Gen 3 are 100% American.

My grandparents, who I never met, read newspapers and attended theater in their native language. They lived and worked exclusively with others who spoke their native language. My wife's grandparents would tell a similar tale.
Three Simple Rules Poor Teens Should Follow to Join the Middle Class

It has nothing to do with oppression, race, religion, etc.

Follow three simple rules and you will not be poor:

#1) Graduate High School

#2) Get a job

#3) Don't become a single parent.

This is from the LEFT leaning Brookings Institute. One way to pay down debt and improve our budget is to reduce entitlements such as welfare and this is a start.

Today, more than 40% of American children, including more than 70% of black children and 50% of Hispanic children, are born outside marriage.

The above is ridiculous. I would even consider paying young women NOT to have kids until marriage or they can afford it to make sure they don't get on welfare and continue this cycle.

I welcome all your thoughts. Even the crazy Leftist ones.
To an extent you are correct

But your prospects of escaping poverty have decreased in recent decades as the compensation for HS Graduates has decreased as have career advancement opportunities in the workplace
Union jobs used to be the path to the middle class for blue collar workers. They're mostly gone now and that path has disappeared.
Three Simple Rules Poor Teens Should Follow to Join the Middle Class

It has nothing to do with oppression, race, religion, etc.

Follow three simple rules and you will not be poor:

#1) Graduate High School

#2) Get a job

#3) Don't become a single parent.

This is from the LEFT leaning Brookings Institute. One way to pay down debt and improve our budget is to reduce entitlements such as welfare and this is a start.

Today, more than 40% of American children, including more than 70% of black children and 50% of Hispanic children, are born outside marriage.

The above is ridiculous. I would even consider paying young women NOT to have kids until marriage or they can afford it to make sure they don't get on welfare and continue this cycle.

I welcome all your thoughts. Even the crazy Leftist ones.
To an extent you are correct

But your prospects of escaping poverty have decreased in recent decades as the compensation for HS Graduates has decreased as have career advancement opportunities in the workplace
Union jobs used to be the path to the middle class for blue collar workers. They're mostly gone now and that path has disappeared.
In New England companies are struggling to find laborers. Wages have increased and OT is readily available.
The military is always an option. My wife did that as she came from a poor, single mom family (dad died when she was 2).
I think in all the world this is the place where you can rise by your talent and sweat. Never gonna be easy but at least it is possible.
We are all born with equal rights. We are not all born with equal opportunities.
We are all born with equal rights. We are not all born with equal opportunities.
We are all born with equal rights. We are not all born with equal talents. We all have an equal right to opportunities, what we do with them is our on us.
Three Simple Rules Poor Teens Should Follow to Join the Middle Class

It has nothing to do with oppression, race, religion, etc.

Follow three simple rules and you will not be poor:

#1) Graduate High School

#2) Get a job

#3) Don't become a single parent.

This is from the LEFT leaning Brookings Institute. One way to pay down debt and improve our budget is to reduce entitlements such as welfare and this is a start.

Today, more than 40% of American children, including more than 70% of black children and 50% of Hispanic children, are born outside marriage.

The above is ridiculous. I would even consider paying young women NOT to have kids until marriage or they can afford it to make sure they don't get on welfare and continue this cycle.

I welcome all your thoughts. Even the crazy Leftist ones.
To an extent you are correct

But your prospects of escaping poverty have decreased in recent decades as the compensation for HS Graduates has decreased as have career advancement opportunities in the workplace
Union jobs used to be the path to the middle class for blue collar workers. They're mostly gone now and that path has disappeared.
In New England companies are struggling to find laborers. Wages have increased and OT is readily available.
Are these living wages? I'd hate to raise a family on $35K/year

Quick Facts: Construction Laborers and Helpers
2018 Median Pay
$34,810 per year
$16.74 per hour
Typical Entry-Level Education See How to Become One
Work Experience in a Related Occupation None
On-the-job Training Short-term on-the-job training
Number of Jobs, 2018 1,645,700
Job Outlook, 2018-28 11% (Much faster than average)
Employment Change, 2018-28 173,400
I don't disagree with your post but there are additional reasons for poverty:
  • Being born into a poor and/or immigrant family
  • Getting seriously ill
I was born into a poor immigrant family. The 2nd one I agree but that is a tiny minority.
This is the land of opportunity and everyone has a chance to succeed, just not an equal chance. Poor families don't have the resources to place their kids in the best schools or get them any extra tutoring or other services they may need. They also don't have the means to enable their kids to start their own businesses or buy a house. Immigrant families often down know the language or culture so are at a disadvantage in supporting their kids.

Capitalists and leftists both agree that bringing in millions of uneducated immigrants who don't speak english or share our values and have no reason to participate in civil society...somehow...will make the country more prosperous.
We have always made money off of immigrants
They tend to be more motivated than native born
Immigrants not illegals
Not all immigrants are legal

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Three Simple Rules Poor Teens Should Follow to Join the Middle Class

It has nothing to do with oppression, race, religion, etc.

Follow three simple rules and you will not be poor:

#1) Graduate High School

#2) Get a job

#3) Don't become a single parent.

This is from the LEFT leaning Brookings Institute. One way to pay down debt and improve our budget is to reduce entitlements such as welfare and this is a start.

Today, more than 40% of American children, including more than 70% of black children and 50% of Hispanic children, are born outside marriage.

The above is ridiculous. I would even consider paying young women NOT to have kids until marriage or they can afford it to make sure they don't get on welfare and continue this cycle.

I welcome all your thoughts. Even the crazy Leftist ones.

Or better yet....dont give em a dime for having kids and hand out birth control like candy on Halloween.
That way they have no excuse.
Three Simple Rules Poor Teens Should Follow to Join the Middle Class

It has nothing to do with oppression, race, religion, etc.

Follow three simple rules and you will not be poor:

#1) Graduate High School

#2) Get a job

#3) Don't become a single parent.

This is from the LEFT leaning Brookings Institute. One way to pay down debt and improve our budget is to reduce entitlements such as welfare and this is a start.

Today, more than 40% of American children, including more than 70% of black children and 50% of Hispanic children, are born outside marriage.

The above is ridiculous. I would even consider paying young women NOT to have kids until marriage or they can afford it to make sure they don't get on welfare and continue this cycle.

I welcome all your thoughts. Even the crazy Leftist ones.
And so the right pushes to ban abortions... states with strongest anti abortion laws have most unwed mothers. Ouch.

Don't hijack the thread, asshole.
The right seems counter to joining the middle class. Seems like an appropriate point to make for this thread. Sorry you don’t like that fact.

If you want to join the middle class dont be a dumbass.
Three Simple Rules Poor Teens Should Follow to Join the Middle Class

It has nothing to do with oppression, race, religion, etc.

Follow three simple rules and you will not be poor:

#1) Graduate High School

#2) Get a job

#3) Don't become a single parent.

This is from the LEFT leaning Brookings Institute. One way to pay down debt and improve our budget is to reduce entitlements such as welfare and this is a start.

Today, more than 40% of American children, including more than 70% of black children and 50% of Hispanic children, are born outside marriage.

The above is ridiculous. I would even consider paying young women NOT to have kids until marriage or they can afford it to make sure they don't get on welfare and continue this cycle.

I welcome all your thoughts. Even the crazy Leftist ones.
And so the right pushes to ban abortions... states with strongest anti abortion laws have most unwed mothers. Ouch.

Don't hijack the thread, asshole.
The right seems counter to joining the middle class. Seems like an appropriate point to make for this thread. Sorry you don’t like that fact.

I am not Right or Pro Life. I am pro choice for both men and women and if the women stuck to the simple rules then there would be no reason to discuss abortion.
Abortion is part of #3. No birth control is 100% effective.

Yet the pill is almost 100% effective. And is damn near free if you're poor.
Three Simple Rules Poor Teens Should Follow to Join the Middle Class

It has nothing to do with oppression, race, religion, etc.

Follow three simple rules and you will not be poor:

#1) Graduate High School

#2) Get a job

#3) Don't become a single parent.

This is from the LEFT leaning Brookings Institute. One way to pay down debt and improve our budget is to reduce entitlements such as welfare and this is a start.

Today, more than 40% of American children, including more than 70% of black children and 50% of Hispanic children, are born outside marriage.

The above is ridiculous. I would even consider paying young women NOT to have kids until marriage or they can afford it to make sure they don't get on welfare and continue this cycle.

I welcome all your thoughts. Even the crazy Leftist ones.
And so the right pushes to ban abortions... states with strongest anti abortion laws have most unwed mothers. Ouch.
abortion was never meant to be used as birth control.

It's far easier and safer to take steps to not become pregnant in the first place
That’s true, but no birth control is 100% effective.

So she uses contraception and he uses contraception

And then what are the odds of getting pregnant?
Haha. Good luck trusting the guy on that. think a guy in the ghetto wants to be tied down with a kid and have child payments for those kids?
You're a fuken dumbass.
It has nothing to do with oppression, race, religion, etc.

Follow three simple rules and you will not be poor:

#1) Graduate High School

#2) Get a job

#3) Don't become a single parent.

This is from the LEFT leaning Brookings Institute. One way to pay down debt and improve our budget is to reduce entitlements such as welfare and this is a start.

Today, more than 40% of American children, including more than 70% of black children and 50% of Hispanic children, are born outside marriage.

The above is ridiculous. I would even consider paying young women NOT to have kids until marriage or they can afford it to make sure they don't get on welfare and continue this cycle.

I welcome all your thoughts. Even the crazy Leftist ones.

Naw, man... you see, funny thing.

Ideal time for a chick to have a baby is before she's 30. After 30, you end up scraping the bottom of the ovary and get Down Syndrome Tards.

So. Stay in HS until you are 18.
Stay in College until you are 22.
Spend the next few years establishing yourself in a job and a career and paying down those massive student loans.


Now, you are young, you don't remember what a middle class looked like. It looked like Dad having a good paying union job, mom staying home until the last kid was in school... If you graduated HS, you could still get a good middle class job by joining the union...

Now we have these kids, work hard to get through college, end up with a bunch of debt, end up working at Starbucks as a Barista.... and you wonder why they listen to Commie Bernie.
Now we have these kids, work hard to get through college, end up with a bunch of debt, end up working at Starbucks as a Barista.... and you wonder why they listen to Commie Bernie

Lot of 'em hiding out in construction, waiting for that 'big break' Joe

One particular young man, who was well built for it , slipped around me with a few ten $$$ words on a job

Inquiring he reveled sheepishly to me that he had a degree, and was waiting for his 'dream job' as a librarian

I heard through his Dad (also const wrkr) that he finally got it

Point? i don't dump on the kids , just see them living in a different world than i grew up in, w/different problems

Three Simple Rules Poor Teens Should Follow to Join the Middle Class

It has nothing to do with oppression, race, religion, etc.

Follow three simple rules and you will not be poor:

#1) Graduate High School

#2) Get a job

#3) Don't become a single parent.

This is from the LEFT leaning Brookings Institute. One way to pay down debt and improve our budget is to reduce entitlements such as welfare and this is a start.

Today, more than 40% of American children, including more than 70% of black children and 50% of Hispanic children, are born outside marriage.

The above is ridiculous. I would even consider paying young women NOT to have kids until marriage or they can afford it to make sure they don't get on welfare and continue this cycle.

I welcome all your thoughts. Even the crazy Leftist ones.
Inane sophistry – as naïve as it is ridiculous.

Poverty is a complex issue, its causes diverse and multifaceted, with no easy solutions – a fact rightwing simpletons clearly don’t understand.
Poverty is a complex issue, its causes diverse and multifaceted, with no easy solutions – a fact rightwing simpletons clearly don’t understand.


having been homeless i can honestly say few want to hear excuses

sing along time!!!

Poor people are poor because asshole Dem's tax and fee and toll them to death. No I'm not done...while at the same time killing high paying jobs because (insert some stupid shit climate change 'green' liberal idiocy)

Goddamn right, that was a Dem beatdown. Now you know I hold back and exercise restraint most days. :04:
Three Simple Rules Poor Teens Should Follow to Join the Middle Class

It has nothing to do with oppression, race, religion, etc.

Follow three simple rules and you will not be poor:

#1) Graduate High School

#2) Get a job

#3) Don't become a single parent.

This is from the LEFT leaning Brookings Institute. One way to pay down debt and improve our budget is to reduce entitlements such as welfare and this is a start.

Today, more than 40% of American children, including more than 70% of black children and 50% of Hispanic children, are born outside marriage.

The above is ridiculous. I would even consider paying young women NOT to have kids until marriage or they can afford it to make sure they don't get on welfare and continue this cycle.

I welcome all your thoughts. Even the crazy Leftist ones.

I'm sorry

but following those rules will NOT guarantee achieving "middle class"

you need a DECENT paying job

which you won't get if you don't have good training and education

and if EVERYONE in the country followed those rules we would STILL NEED LOW PAID employees for the MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of law paying jobs that exist.

If EVERYONE in the country had an MBA or a PHD we'd have a LOT of mcdonalds workers with MBAs and PHDs....making $11.50 an hour.

we can't ALL be CEO's

somebody has to do the damned work

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