People Are So Desperate To Leave California

I just want to jump in here to warn anyone thinking of Leaving California that Arizona is a horrible place and you would hate it here.
The entire state is just a barren desert, nothing grows here. You can't find fresh fruit and veggies. All the people are toothless illiterate slobs. There is nothing to do at night. The women are all ugly and dirty. All the animals run free and shit everywhere.the roads are full of broken pavement and potholes. There is no houses available most of us live in tents and old cars. Everyone carries multiple guns and are just looking for someone to shoot. All our restaurants are in gas stations and serve day old food that has not been in the fridge.
It's just a horrible place and you should just stay where you are, or go to New York City.
We have nearly 40 million. People have come and gone for the 25 years I've lived here. And people have crowed about the destruction of California due to population and business loss for every single one of those 25 years. When do you think we will finally destruct? Because we are doing great right now. We could use a few less people who can't afford to live here.
People have come and gone from California for over one hundred years. BUT over the last several years there are many more people and businesses leaving the state than there are coming in and it's not even close. Has California put up billboards in the past begging people not to leave? Sounds to me like you're saying that you started out with so many you can bleed them for a long time. I hope you're not planning on running for governor. That's a rather stupid campaign theme.
California like every state in the union has problems,
WE have & have had some really bad congress critters who to keep their jobs, and increase their money by working for them self's & their party.
Our rich and beautiful nation is seeing the impoverished & homeless growing EVERY where. WHY WHY WHY?
We have nearly 40 million. People have come and gone for the 25 years I've lived here. And people have crowed about the destruction of California due to population and business loss for every single one of those 25 years. When do you think we will finally destruct? Because we are doing great right now. We could use a few less people who can't afford to live here.

What's odd is that you don't see a problem here. For the 1st time ever, CA lost a congressional seat last year, and it would've been more except that CA is getting so many immigrants across the southern border and they're having babies left and right. Well, mostly Left. And the people the state is losing are the middle and upper income classes that can afford to leave, I'm thinking a whole lot more people would leave if they could.

We could use a few less people who can't afford to live here.

No shit. Maybe you should build a wall. But the current policies regarding immigration by the democrats running your state pretty much guarantee this trend is going to continue for quite some time.
Funny article. I love how the PTSB blame everything on "climate change." Wildfires? Climate change. Hot temperatures? Climate change. Cold temperatures? Climate change. Rising crime? Climate change. Obesity? Why, climate change, of course. UFO sightings? Climate change! :laugh2:

Anyway, I'll pass on 30 below zero winters, but thanks.

The really crazy thing is that leftists believe we can "defeat" climate change by paying higher taxes.

It's a religious cult.
I said CLOSER to the water. Prices in Chula are not anywhere near what they are in Del Mar. We are nearly on the border and prices go down the closer you are to the border. If you lived here, you'd know that. It is more than reasonable to find a single family home on a decent lot (relatively speaking), near downtown Chula Vista for under $900,000. Do a search on for downtown Chula Vista real estate. I'm not going to spoon feed it to you. I can live a couple of miles from the water and have even cooler weather and be closer to the part of town we prefer. We've been looking for nearly a year. The burbs are getting boring. My house will sell in 2-3 weeks, according to the real estate market in my neighborhood.

So, it's easy peasy, but you have been looking for a year.........

Properties along the ocean start at 5 million. This is the Dana Point, San Clemente area. A mobile home will be $200,000 to $400,000 with a land lease of $4,500 a month.

Yeah, I know. A good friend still calls Dana Point home.
Yeah, I know. A good friend still calls Dana Point home.
I noticed a whole bunch of properties along Beach Road all hit the market at the same time. What's up with that? They run all around 8 million.

What is happening in California is that the middle class is leaving. The state is splitting between the wealthy and the very poor. Although, I note that there is a steady stream of moving vans leaving Hollywood.
I noticed a whole bunch of properties along Beach Road all hit the market at the same time. What's up with that? They run all around 8 million.

What is happening in California is that the middle class is leaving. The state is splitting between the wealthy and the very poor. Although, I note that there is a steady stream of moving vans leaving Hollywood.

Yup. California is turning into a third world country. Small ruling elite, huge population of poor.
People have come and gone from California for over one hundred years. BUT over the last several years there are many more people and businesses leaving the state than there are coming in and it's not even close. Has California put up billboards in the past begging people not to leave? Sounds to me like you're saying that you started out with so many you can bleed them for a long time. I hope you're not planning on running for governor. That's a rather stupid campaign theme.
So how long do you think it will take before we meet our doom due to population and business loss? Because it's been 25 years so far and I've heard the exact same thing you are saying, in 1996 and again in 2008. And we are still the 5th largest economy in the world. No I am not running for governor, Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
I just want to jump in here to warn anyone thinking of Leaving California that Arizona is a horrible place and you would hate it here.
The entire state is just a barren desert, nothing grows here. You can't find fresh fruit and veggies. All the people are toothless illiterate slobs. There is nothing to do at night. The women are all ugly and dirty. All the animals run free and shit everywhere.the roads are full of broken pavement and potholes. There is no houses available most of us live in tents and old cars. Everyone carries multiple guns and are just looking for someone to shoot. All our restaurants are in gas stations and serve day old food that has not been in the fridge.
It's just a horrible place and you should just stay where you are, or go to New York City.
The hellfire heat is probably enough to keep most of them away.
What's odd is that you don't see a problem here. For the 1st time ever, CA lost a congressional seat last year, and it would've been more except that CA is getting so many immigrants across the southern border and they're having babies left and right. Well, mostly Left. And the people the state is losing are the middle and upper income classes that can afford to leave, I'm thinking a whole lot more people would leave if they could.

No shit. Maybe you should build a wall. But the current policies regarding immigration by the democrats running your state pretty much guarantee this trend is going to continue for quite some time.
We would build a wall but then what would the lazy ass red welfare states do?

No I don't see a problem. People come and people go. Nothing remains stable. I don't think we should change our politics to suit the few who are leaving. Let them go live in Florida! They, and we will be happier.
The really crazy thing is that leftists believe we can "defeat" climate change by paying higher taxes.

It's a religious cult.
Oh no no no no. It is far too late to stop or 'defeat' climate change. And you know how it will end. When the parts of the Earth that are not underwater are on fire, the GOPers will look to the left and say "You should have warned us sooner."
They'll even move to Minnesota, where the climate is better. And not only do they not regret their move, but they bring friends and family with them. Can it get any more embarrassing for California?

Minnesota has better climate than California? That is prima facia evidence of just how fucked up the red state brain is.
So, it's easy peasy, but you have been looking for a year.........

My requirements are particular and exact regarding the house and the location. And you have to offer something extra to be sure you get what you want. There are a lof of cash buyers and they have the advantage over people who need to sell their house first in order to have the money to pay cash. We've lost out on three so far. But we'll keep trying.
Yup. California is turning into a third world country. Small ruling elite, huge population of poor.
Not really. Most of California is middle class. From the farmers in the Central Valley to the tech workers in San Fran to the military all over the state, the office workers in every single city, people who work for the government in every single get the idea. California is not a state of rich and poor. We have 4.8 million who live in poverty compared to Texas who has 3.8 million. That leaves 35 million of us who are not living in poverty.

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