People Are So Desperate To Leave California

India?!?! Oh you funny person. I think flyover country folks tell themselves these things to make them feel better about their red state shitholes.

Yeah India. Unlike you I have been there many times. Block after block, all the same. Squalor, shit in the street, then a wall and a rich persons enclave, guarded by private security with guns.

Lots of guns.
I am little guy, I am. I don't have A/C in my home. I have solar power that generates more electricity than I use. We have one car that we seldom drive because we use public transportation and e-bikes. I also live in a town that has pioneered a program that collects food waste from households and buinesses and turns it into fertilizer instead of letting it turn into methane at the dump. And it all benefits me financially, so much winning! What are you doing, or do you refuse to do anything because it's a good way to own the libs?

What a liar. If you don't have A/C in socal you are miserable 6 months out of the year.
Who are they? What little they did, did not work.

Do you know why it didn't work? Because man doesn't control the environment--God does. The climate on this planet has been changing since he made the place. That's why the left changed it from global warming TO climate change, because the climate always changed and always will no matter what we do or don't do about it.
I’m sort of middle of the road.

Yes, we are obviously influencing the climate to some extant with our carbon emissions.

And, also yes, there’s a group of people greatly exaggerating the threat because it’s politically and economically advantageous to them to do so.

It's all political really.

Politicians (particularly on the left) have been trying to gain more and more control over the people. To some extent they've been quite successful. But the two vestiges they need for total control are healthcare and energy. Once they are able to totally control those two things, they will then have total control over all of us.

They can't march in with the military and takeover these things in our system of government, so the plan is to make people beg them to take over these things, and they do that using fear.
Yeah India. Unlike you I have been there many times. Block after block, all the same. Squalor, shit in the street, then a wall and a rich persons enclave, guarded by private security with guns.

Lots of guns.
Is this India or Calabasas?
I'm literally surrounded by Ca. refugees. They're taking over the place and have one thing in common, which is they detest Ca.

Same with anyone that borders that shithole, the Democrats ruined it.
Public transportation anywhere in Socal is terrible. Depending on public transportation is called walking.

Yeah, this ignorant clod lies through his teeth. Chula Vista has Lyft and Uber, those are your public transportation!
Yeah, this ignorant clod lies through his teeth. Chula Vista has Lyft and Uber, those are your public transportation!
Bull Sheet! Have you ever been to Chula Vista? Take the 225 rapid transit buts to downtown, then transfer whichever bus you need. Take the 225 rapid transit to downtown and switch to the 992 to the airport. Cost you $2.25. I ride the bus and trolley everywhere. Dumbass.

Once when the road was being worked on and the bus stop was out of commission. Someone chained office chair to one of those traffic sandwich boards and spray-painted a carboard sign that said 'Bus Stop.' Hahaha! I sat my ass in that chair and waited for the bus.
Yeah India. Unlike you I have been there many times. Block after block, all the same. Squalor, shit in the street, then a wall and a rich persons enclave, guarded by private security with guns.

Lots of guns.
Then you've never been to California if you think we live like that.
What a liar. If you don't have A/C in socal you are miserable 6 months out of the year.
Fuck off. I don't have A/C. I don't need it. If I did, I would buy it. Have you ever lived within bicycle distance of the ocean in Chula Vista? I didn't think so, ass.
Bull Sheet! Have you ever been to Chula Vista? Take the 225 rapid transit buts to downtown, then transfer whichever bus you need. Take the 225 rapid transit to downtown and switch to the 992 to the airport. Cost you $2.25. I ride the bus and trolley everywhere. Dumbass.

Once when the road was being worked on and the bus stop was out of commission. Someone chained office chair to one of those traffic sandwich boards and spray-painted a carboard sign that said 'Bus Stop.' Hahaha! I sat my ass in that chair and waited for the bus.

Liar, 2.50 is the fare. Unless you are crippled, or a student.

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