People are starting to realize how lucky we are to have Trump as our president

Just when I thought things couldn’t get better, Trump now has democrats turning on each other. :laugh:
Lucky for you I am bothering replying to your IGNORED ASS

Please produce The Russian Dossier The Trump Campaign Paid for.

We know Hillary Clinton and Obama and The DNC Paid for A Russian Dossier that was completely False, Salacious and Unverified & That was used to place The Trump Campaign under Surveillance.

Where are the same actions done by The Trump Campaign?

So put up or Shut The Fuck Up!
She couldn’t win even with the help of The Russians, The FBI, 1.5 Billion Dollars, The Media, Spying on The Trump Campaign Team 24-7, A Crooked President breaking all the rules for her, and even stealing debate questions.

Think about that for a minute.

As well as that, has anyone else noticed how there's not much sympathy or support for Hillary Clinton among those who voted for her?

She seems to have become persona non grata among the democrats.
Except that you keep bringing her up :rofl:

Sorry. I know you'd like to forget all about Hillary Clinton, her disastrous run for presidency, and how she utterly disappointed you Democrats.

But the sad fact is, that you Democrats will have to wear her dismal failure around your necks for the rest of your lives, like a big, fat, stinking dead Albatross.

The truly sad fact is, that you Democrats lost the most important election of your lifetimes, so naturally you're going to hear about occasionally.
Umm dumb ass. The Russians helped Trump. That is a fact. And the FBI? :lol: As in James Comey announcing a week before the election that they were looking again at Hillary?

Don’t forget the Justice Dept

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As we continue to learn what the democrats were doing in secrecy, people are now breathing a sigh of relief.

The only people in this country who haven't yet realized how lucky that are that Trump was elected, are those who are still so eaten up inside with fear, hate, and denial, that they will never accept the good things President Trump has done for this country.

They will continue to live their miserable lives until their hatred for Trump leaves them as nothing but an empty shell. So sad.

Remember, it was Hillary Clinton who said during the 2016 campaign, that "Donald Trump will be a sore loser if he doesn't accept the results of the election.". She also said on multiple occasions that Trump not accepting the results of an election, is a “direct threat to our democracy.”

Correct. And electing the Orange Virus has encapsulated itself into a wave of threats to our democracy, from emboldening division via giving bigotry a new soapbox, financial ineptitude creating even more debt to benefit only the oligarchs, to a complete dissolution of morality as we're being led by an inept, grotesque Orange meglomaniac man-baby: A weak blue-blood serial cheating clown shoe in an empty suit parroting right-wing fringe talking points and doing the exact opposite when it suits. We have an entire administration full of these scoundrels.

But all is not lost, for I believe the Orange Clown will go down. Hard.
I’ll breathe a sigh of relief when Trump is found cold and stiff with a bucket of kfc in his lap.
Everything jughead obastard did is being slowly undone! lol!

It was reported on FOX news a little earlier, that President Trump has completed about 64% of his agenda in only one year. The idiot leftists who keep parroting that Trump hasn't done anything, are going to wake up to some rather rude surprises.
As we continue to learn what the democrats were doing in secrecy, people are now breathing a sigh of relief.

Yeah, we can see that by his 41.3% average job approval rating.

As we continue to learn what the democrats were doing in secrecy, people are now breathing a sigh of relief.

The only people in this country who haven't yet realized how lucky that are that Trump was elected, are those who are still so eaten up inside with fear, hate, and denial, that they will never accept the good things President Trump has done for this country.

They will continue to live their miserable lives until their hatred for Trump leaves them as nothing but an empty shell. So sad.

Remember, it was Hillary Clinton who said during the 2016 campaign, that "Donald Trump will be a sore loser if he doesn't accept the results of the election.". She also said on multiple occasions that Trump not accepting the results of an election, is a “direct threat to our democracy.”

Correct. And electing the Orange Virus has encapsulated itself into a wave of threats to our democracy, from emboldening division via giving bigotry a new soapbox, financial ineptitude creating even more debt to benefit only the oligarchs, to a complete dissolution of morality as we're being led by an inept, grotesque Orange meglomaniac man-baby: A weak blue-blood serial cheating clown shoe in an empty suit parroting right-wing fringe talking points and doing the exact opposite when it suits. We have an entire administration full of these scoundrels.

But all is not lost, for I believe the Orange Clown will go down. Hard.

As we continue to learn what the democrats were doing in secrecy, people are now breathing a sigh of relief.

The only people in this country who haven't yet realized how lucky that are that Trump was elected, are those who are still so eaten up inside with fear, hate, and denial, that they will never accept the good things President Trump has done for this country.

They will continue to live their miserable lives until their hatred for Trump leaves them as nothing but an empty shell. So sad.

Remember, it was Hillary Clinton who said during the 2016 campaign, that "Donald Trump will be a sore loser if he doesn't accept the results of the election.". She also said on multiple occasions that Trump not accepting the results of an election, is a “direct threat to our democracy.”
As we continue to learn what the democrats were doing in secrecy, people are now breathing a sigh of relief.

The only people in this country who haven't yet realized how lucky that are that Trump was elected, are those who are still so eaten up inside with fear, hate, and denial, that they will never accept the good things President Trump has done for this country.

They will continue to live their miserable lives until their hatred for Trump leaves them as nothing but an empty shell. So sad.

Remember, it was Hillary Clinton who said during the 2016 campaign, that "Donald Trump will be a sore loser if he doesn't accept the results of the election.". She also said on multiple occasions that Trump not accepting the results of an election, is a “direct threat to our democracy.”

Keep livin' the dream that your crackhead media has put in your head, because that's the way we like our Democrats: Low information.

You people are much easier to beat when you're uninformed and unaware.
As we continue to learn what the democrats were doing in secrecy, people are now breathing a sigh of relief.

The only people in this country who haven't yet realized how lucky that are that Trump was elected, are those who are still so eaten up inside with fear, hate, and denial, that they will never accept the good things President Trump has done for this country.

They will continue to live their miserable lives until their hatred for Trump leaves them as nothing but an empty shell. So sad.

Remember, it was Hillary Clinton who said during the 2016 campaign, that "Donald Trump will be a sore loser if he doesn't accept the results of the election.". She also said on multiple occasions that Trump not accepting the results of an election, is a “direct threat to our democracy.”

Keep livin' the dream that your crackhead media has put in your head, because that's the way we like our Democrats: Low information.

You people are much easier to beat when you're uninformed and unaware.
Fact 1) most days vacationing, golf
Fact 2) least amount of bills signed
Fact 3) lowest approval
Fact 4) most provable lies
Fact 5) most cabinet firings
Fact 6) most criminal indictments
As we continue to learn what the democrats were doing in secrecy, people are now breathing a sigh of relief.

The only people in this country who haven't yet realized how lucky that are that Trump was elected, are those who are still so eaten up inside with fear, hate, and denial, that they will never accept the good things President Trump has done for this country.

They will continue to live their miserable lives until their hatred for Trump leaves them as nothing but an empty shell. So sad.

Remember, it was Hillary Clinton who said during the 2016 campaign, that "Donald Trump will be a sore loser if he doesn't accept the results of the election.". She also said on multiple occasions that Trump not accepting the results of an election, is a “direct threat to our democracy.”

Keep livin' the dream that your crackhead media has put in your head, because that's the way we like our Democrats: Low information.

You people are much easier to beat when you're uninformed and unaware.
Fact 1) most days vacationing, golf
Fact 2) least amount of bills signed
Fact 3) lowest approval
Fact 4) most provable lies
Fact 5) most cabinet firings
Fact 6) most criminal indictments
Congratulations! You win a seegar!

As we continue to learn what the democrats were doing in secrecy, people are now breathing a sigh of relief.

I know a lot of Trump supporters, most of my family are staunch Trumps folks, even as zealous as many of you on here.

What I have not met yet is a single person who did not vote for Trump that is now happy that Trump is POTUS.

I voted for him and I think he is doing a damn good job. Better then Killary and Obama

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Either you're Russian or you're a fool.
Old tree. Thank you I am honored. You dumbasses look worse and worse every time you open your mouths. I love you guy all had start trash talking and name calling. That’s ok. Your tough talkers but that’s about it. Off of here you pussy’s hide. Please one of you at least attempt to prove me wrong. You would make my year.

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You taking an English class would make my year
As we continue to learn what the democrats were doing in secrecy, people are now breathing a sigh of relief.

I know a lot of Trump supporters, most of my family are staunch Trumps folks, even as zealous as many of you on here.

What I have not met yet is a single person who did not vote for Trump that is now happy that Trump is POTUS.
I'm happy. That's all that counts.

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