People are starting to realize how lucky we are to have Trump as our president

The Trump haters I know are happy Obama is gone...they may not like Trump but Obama did real harm to their livelihood...and they now realize it...

As well as that, has anyone else noticed how there's not much sympathy or support for Hillary Clinton among those who voted for her?

She seems to have become persona non grata among the democrats.
Except that you keep bringing her up :rofl:

Trump has done more in one year the Obama did in 8. Trump is rough around the edges but

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Yeah Drumpf has fucked up way more in one year than Obama did in 8.

Another crack head. You must be anti American to like that piece of shit Obama. Why doesn’t he and his asshole wife don’t have there law licenses. The were ask to resign which means they did some illegal shit. Now your facts dumbass before you run you mouth.

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I don't know about Trump. But I am really impressed by Kushner. I knew he'd be a great diplomat.
The Trump haters I know are happy Obama is gone...they may not like Trump but Obama did real harm to their livelihood...and they now realize it...

As well as that, has anyone else noticed how there's not much sympathy or support for Hillary Clinton among those who voted for her?

She seems to have become persona non grata among the democrats.
Except that you keep bringing her up :rofl:

Trump has done more in one year the Obama did in 8. Trump is rough around the edges but

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Yeah Drumpf has fucked up way more in one year than Obama did in 8.

Another crack head. You must be anti American to like that piece of shit Obama. Why doesn’t he and his asshole wife don’t have there law licenses. The were ask to resign which means they did some illegal shit. Now your facts dumbass before you run you mouth.

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Another meth head. You must be a piece of shit like that piece of orange shit Drumpf. Why did Drumpf get sued multiple times for scamming people and why does he have so many hookers to pay off? Now your facts dumb ass before you run "you"r mouth.
Trump has done more in one year the Obama did in 8.
Yeah like played more golf, spent more taxpayer money on vacations....

You should check your facts. He salary is going to charity, he pays for his own vacations and Obama spent more in one year then Trump will in four.

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Check your own facts, dipshit. I’m talking about his SS security detail for him and his spoiled kids every time he goes on vacation — the vacations and golf outings he promised he wouldn’t take. :lol: you were duped
She couldn’t win even with the help of The Russians, The FBI, 1.5 Billion Dollars, The Media, Spying on The Trump Campaign Team 24-7, A Crooked President breaking all the rules for her, and even stealing debate questions.

Think about that for a minute.

The Trump haters I know are happy Obama is gone...they may not like Trump but Obama did real harm to their livelihood...and they now realize it...

As well as that, has anyone else noticed how there's not much sympathy or support for Hillary Clinton among those who voted for her?

She seems to have become persona non grata among the democrats.
Except that you keep bringing her up :rofl:

Sorry. I know you'd like to forget all about Hillary Clinton, her disastrous run for presidency, and how she utterly disappointed you Democrats.

But the sad fact is, that you Democrats will have to wear her dismal failure around your necks for the rest of your lives, like a big, fat, stinking dead Albatross.

The truly sad fact is, that you Democrats lost the most important election of your lifetimes, so naturally you're going to hear about occasionally.
Umm dumb ass. The Russians helped Trump. That is a fact. And the FBI? :lol: As in James Comey announcing a week before the election that they were looking again at Hillary?
Lucky for you I am bothering replying to your IGNORED ASS

Please produce The Russian Dossier The Trump Campaign Paid for.

We know Hillary Clinton and Obama and The DNC Paid for A Russian Dossier that was completely False, Salacious and Unverified & That was used to place The Trump Campaign under Surveillance.

Where are the same actions done by The Trump Campaign?

So put up or Shut The Fuck Up!
She couldn’t win even with the help of The Russians, The FBI, 1.5 Billion Dollars, The Media, Spying on The Trump Campaign Team 24-7, A Crooked President breaking all the rules for her, and even stealing debate questions.

Think about that for a minute.

The Trump haters I know are happy Obama is gone...they may not like Trump but Obama did real harm to their livelihood...and they now realize it...

As well as that, has anyone else noticed how there's not much sympathy or support for Hillary Clinton among those who voted for her?

She seems to have become persona non grata among the democrats.
Except that you keep bringing her up :rofl:

Sorry. I know you'd like to forget all about Hillary Clinton, her disastrous run for presidency, and how she utterly disappointed you Democrats.

But the sad fact is, that you Democrats will have to wear her dismal failure around your necks for the rest of your lives, like a big, fat, stinking dead Albatross.

The truly sad fact is, that you Democrats lost the most important election of your lifetimes, so naturally you're going to hear about occasionally.
Umm dumb ass. The Russians helped Trump. That is a fact. And the FBI? :lol: As in James Comey announcing a week before the election that they were looking again at Hillary?
This poll so far shows not many believe the narrative of the left and the Democrats being good for black people. I guess people will have to repeat it more.
As well as that, has anyone else noticed how there's not much sympathy or support for Hillary Clinton among those who voted for her?

She seems to have become persona non grata among the democrats.
Except that you keep bringing her up :rofl:

Trump has done more in one year the Obama did in 8. Trump is rough around the edges but

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah Drumpf has fucked up way more in one year than Obama did in 8.

Another crack head. You must be anti American to like that piece of shit Obama. Why doesn’t he and his asshole wife don’t have there law licenses. The were ask to resign which means they did some illegal shit. Now your facts dumbass before you run you mouth.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Another meth head. You must be a piece of shit like that piece of orange shit Drumpf. Why did Drumpf get sued multiple times for scamming people and why does he have so many hookers to pay off? Now your facts dumb ass before you run "you"r mouth.

Meth head. I like that. As well as Clinton getting a blow job in the Oval Office while tasting his cigar in her crotch. There isn’t a politician that doesn’t have skeletons in there closet. Where are you from. I know it’s not NJ or NY because you wouldn’t run your mouth like that.

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As well as that, has anyone else noticed how there's not much sympathy or support for Hillary Clinton among those who voted for her?

She seems to have become persona non grata among the democrats.
Except that you keep bringing her up :rofl:

Trump has done more in one year the Obama did in 8. Trump is rough around the edges but

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah Drumpf has fucked up way more in one year than Obama did in 8.

Another crack head. You must be anti American to like that piece of shit Obama. Why doesn’t he and his asshole wife don’t have there law licenses. The were ask to resign which means they did some illegal shit. Now your facts dumbass before you run you mouth.

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I'll translate: Both Clintons are going to jail and when it's proven that Obama is a traitor, he needs to be hung.
Every once in a while I like to “Show Ignored Idiots” for a good laugh. You are one of them.

Any time you want to produce Russian Propaganda That The Trump Campaign Paid for Like Hillary Clinton, The DNC and Obama did indeed pay for be my guest.

Put up or shut up!

Lucky for you I am bothering replying to your IGNORED ASS
:rofl: Yes you keep blabbing about all of the people you have on the people you supposedly have on ignore
Except that you keep bringing her up :rofl:

Trump has done more in one year the Obama did in 8. Trump is rough around the edges but

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah Drumpf has fucked up way more in one year than Obama did in 8.

Another crack head. You must be anti American to like that piece of shit Obama. Why doesn’t he and his asshole wife don’t have there law licenses. The were ask to resign which means they did some illegal shit. Now your facts dumbass before you run you mouth.

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Speak English
I'll translate: Both Clintons are going to jail and when it's proven that Obama is a traitor, he needs to be hung.
Yeah sure dude. And I have some ocean front property in Arizona if you’re that stupid
Old tree. Thank you I am honored. You dumbasses look worse and worse every time you open your mouths. I love you guy all had start trash talking and name calling. That’s ok. Your tough talkers but that’s about it. Off of here you pussy’s hide. Please one of you at least attempt to prove me wrong. You would make my year.

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Except that you keep bringing her up :rofl:

Trump has done more in one year the Obama did in 8. Trump is rough around the edges but

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah Drumpf has fucked up way more in one year than Obama did in 8.

Another crack head. You must be anti American to like that piece of shit Obama. Why doesn’t he and his asshole wife don’t have there law licenses. The were ask to resign which means they did some illegal shit. Now your facts dumbass before you run you mouth.

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Speak English
I'll translate: Both Clintons are going to jail and when it's proven that Obama is a traitor, he needs to be hung.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Trump has done more in one year the Obama did in 8. Trump is rough around the edges but

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah Drumpf has fucked up way more in one year than Obama did in 8.

Another crack head. You must be anti American to like that piece of shit Obama. Why doesn’t he and his asshole wife don’t have there law licenses. The were ask to resign which means they did some illegal shit. Now your facts dumbass before you run you mouth.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Speak English
I'll translate: Both Clintons are going to jail and when it's proven that Obama is a traitor, he needs to be hung.
Yeah sure dude. And I have some ocean front property in Arizona if you’re that stupid

Let’s meet at it asshole.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah Drumpf has fucked up way more in one year than Obama did in 8.

Another crack head. You must be anti American to like that piece of shit Obama. Why doesn’t he and his asshole wife don’t have there law licenses. The were ask to resign which means they did some illegal shit. Now your facts dumbass before you run you mouth.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Speak English
I'll translate: Both Clintons are going to jail and when it's proven that Obama is a traitor, he needs to be hung.
Yeah sure dude. And I have some ocean front property in Arizona if you’re that stupid

Let’s meet at it asshole.

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Uh oh we have an internet tough guy. And a stupid one, too. :lmao: Holy shit, you’re stupid

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