People are starting to realize how lucky we are to have Trump as our president

As we continue to learn what the democrats were doing in secrecy, people are now breathing a sigh of relief.

The only people in this country who haven't yet realized how lucky that are that Trump was elected, are those who are still so eaten up inside with fear, hate, and denial, that they will never accept the good things President Trump has done for this country.

They will continue to live their miserable lives until their hatred for Trump leaves them as nothing but an empty shell. So sad.

Remember, it was Hillary Clinton who said during the 2016 campaign, that "Donald Trump will be a sore loser if he doesn't accept the results of the election.". She also said on multiple occasions that Trump not accepting the results of an election, is a “direct threat to our democracy.”

And indeed he was, coming up with the cockamamie idea that "three million illegals voted" to try to deny-away his PV loss. Not to mention gross exaggerations of how many people were at the inauguration where it was not raining, and getting the "most electoral votes since Reagan", all of which was pure bullshit.

But it's not like anybody and everybody wasn't already predicting the spoiled little orange puddle of narcissism wouldn't continue to behave the same way he had for seventy years.
As we continue to learn what the democrats were doing in secrecy, people are now breathing a sigh of relief.

REALLY? Which people are those who think they are lucky to have Trump as POTUS?

And, if what the Democrats were doing in secrecy you are privy to, maybe you could explain how you know the secrets, and what they are?

It seems both sentences ^^^ are example of Idiot-grams, for they offer nothing of substance, are not thought provoking and clearly not a bit thoughtful.
tRump is hurting America and the citizens more than Boosh or just about any person on earth. He is a catastrophe to the constitution and the world sanity.

Everybody in Bedlam used to think everybody in London was crazy.
Hey, the OP made the ass-sertion. That being that "people" ---- no indication who, just "people", somewhere ---- are "now breathing a sigh of relief".

Yet he provides no link to these alleged "people".

the KGB troll farm people, silly.
these people are thrilled:

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov And Ambassador Kislyak At White House

“I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,”
As we continue to learn what the democrats were doing in secrecy, people are now breathing a sigh of relief.


Maybe not.
Classic move!

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity

18. You can’t read.

I see you have been studying fox SOP. Good for you.
As we continue to learn what the democrats were doing in secrecy, people are now breathing a sigh of relief.

I know a lot of Trump supporters, most of my family are staunch Trumps folks, even as zealous as many of you on here.

What I have not met yet is a single person who did not vote for Trump that is now happy that Trump is POTUS.

I voted for him and I think he is doing a damn good job. Better then Killary and Obama

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As we continue to learn what the democrats were doing in secrecy, people are now breathing a sigh of relief.

You should be so proud.. he is a cheating liar who slept with a hooker while his wife recovered from having their baby.. that is about the lowest that a a man can get..

View attachment 179400
Prove it. Parroting media reports prove nothing except how simple minded some of us have become.

You should know about your simple mind.
tRump is hurting America and the citizens more than Boosh or just about any person on earth. He is a catastrophe to the constitution and the world sanity.

As we continue to learn what the democrats were doing in secrecy, people are now breathing a sigh of relief.

The only people in this country who haven't yet realized how lucky that are that Trump was elected, are those who are still so eaten up inside with fear, hate, and denial, that they will never accept the good things President Trump has done for this country.

They will continue to live their miserable lives until their hatred for Trump leaves them as nothing but an empty shell. So sad.

Remember, it was Hillary Clinton who said during the 2016 campaign, that "Donald Trump will be a sore loser if he doesn't accept the results of the election.". She also said on multiple occasions that Trump not accepting the results of an election, is a “direct threat to our democracy.”

And indeed he was, coming up with the cockamamie idea that "three million illegals voted" to try to deny-away his PV loss. Not to mention gross exaggerations of how many people were at the inauguration where it was not raining, and getting the "most electoral votes since Reagan", all of which was pure bullshit.

But it's not like anybody and everybody wasn't already predicting the spoiled little orange puddle of narcissism wouldn't continue to behave the same way he had for seventy years.

Pogo's seething butthurt from Trump winning alone is enough to make me crack a smile. :)
When President Trump met with top Russian officials in the Oval Office, White House officials barred reporters from witnessing the moment. They apparently preferred to block coverage of the awkwardly timed visit as questions swirled about whether the president had dismissed his F.B.I. director in part to squelch the investigation into possible ties between his campaign and Moscow.

But the Russians, who have a largely state-run media, brought their own press contingent in the form of an official photographer. They quickly filled the vacuum with their own pictures of the meeting with Mr. Trump, Sergey V. Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, and Sergey I. Kislyak, Moscow’s ambassador to the United States.

Within minutes of the meeting, the Foreign Ministry had posted photographs on Twitter of Mr. Trump and Mr. Lavrov smiling and shaking hands. The Russian embassy posted images of the president grinning and gripping hands with the ambassador. Tass, Russia’s official news agency, released more photographs of the three men laughing together in the Oval Office.

The White House released nothing.

Trump Bars U.S. Press, but Not Russia’s, at Meeting With Russian Officials
As we continue to learn what the democrats were doing in secrecy, people are now breathing a sigh of relief.

The only people in this country who haven't yet realized how lucky that are that Trump was elected, are those who are still so eaten up inside with fear, hate, and denial, that they will never accept the good things President Trump has done for this country.

They will continue to live their miserable lives until their hatred for Trump leaves them as nothing but an empty shell. So sad.

Remember, it was Hillary Clinton who said during the 2016 campaign, that "Donald Trump will be a sore loser if he doesn't accept the results of the election.". She also said on multiple occasions that Trump not accepting the results of an election, is a “direct threat to our democracy.”

And indeed he was, coming up with the cockamamie idea that "three million illegals voted" to try to deny-away his PV loss. Not to mention gross exaggerations of how many people were at the inauguration where it was not raining, and getting the "most electoral votes since Reagan", all of which was pure bullshit.

But it's not like anybody and everybody wasn't already predicting the spoiled little orange puddle of narcissism wouldn't continue to behave the same way he had for seventy years.

More liberal denial on your part. Do you know for a fact that over three million illegals didn't vote in 2016, just because some talking head on your sock-puppet media station told you so?

The fact is that it's almost certain that illegals did vote, and in significant numbers. Whether it was three million or not is debatable but in a country which has anywhere from 12 million to 30 million illegals, how is that not feasible?

Several states like California, Virginia and New York to mention a few, did have political movements to legalize voting by non-citizens. They weren't even trying to hide the fact that they intended to commit voter fraud.

There is evidence to back Trump's claim. A 2014 study in the Electoral Studies Journal shows that in the 2008 and 2010 elections, illegal immigrant votes were in fact quite high.

Do non-citizens vote in U.S. elections? - ScienceDirect

"We find that some noncitizens participate in U.S. elections, and that this participation has been large enough to change meaningful election outcomes including Electoral College votes, and congressional elections. Noncitizen votes likely gave Senate Democrats the pivotal 60th vote needed to overcome filibusters in order to pass health care reform and other Obama administration priorities in the 111th Congress."

The authors also wrote that illegals may have cast as many as 2.8 million votes in 2008 and 2010. That's a shitload of votes. And when you consider the population of illegal inhabitants had only grown since then, it's not unreasonable to suppose that their votes did, too.

In addition to that, a Rasmussen Reports poll in 2015 showed that some 53% of Democrats actually wanted illegal aliens to have the right to vote in presidential elections.

Democrats Want Illegals To Vote Because They Vote Democrat | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

So please tell me, why should I believe any Democrat when they scoff at the idea that there were 3 million illegals who voted in 2016?
Marion you have to stop doing crack it is affecting your judgement. You would have preferred Killary Clinton. What is the death toll up to. Over 30 now.

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Dead on!

As we continue to learn what the democrats were doing in secrecy, people are now breathing a sigh of relief.


Maybe not.
Classic move!

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity

18. You can’t read.
The Trump haters I know are happy Obama is gone...they may not like Trump but Obama did real harm to their livelihood...and they now realize it...
The Trump haters I know are happy Obama is gone...they may not like Trump but Obama did real harm to their livelihood...and they now realize it...

As well as that, has anyone else noticed how there's not much sympathy or support for Hillary Clinton among those who voted for her?

She seems to have become persona non grata among the democrats.

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