People Can Now Carry Guns Without A License In Half Of America's States


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
My state's going in the opposite direction.

Alabamians woke up Sunday with the right to carry a gun without a license.

The change, implemented by a state law passed last year, marked a major milestone: half of America’s 50 states now allow people to carry handguns without first seeking a permit.

Thirteen years ago, only two states — Vermont and Alaska — allowed its residents the unfettered right to carry a gun, relying on the Constitution’s Second Amendment as a blanket permit for all.

Since 2010, however, nearly two dozen states have followed suit, with 11 of them passing permitless carry laws in the last three years alone.

The growing movement has chalked up wins in state legislatures with remarkable speed, drawing cheers from gun rights advocates while raising fears among reformers that the changes will lead to more guns in the street — and likely more violence.

Our state went that way last year and I'm against it. I don't want people with no training or testing out on the streets with guns.
I agree that target practice is logical, routine target practice keeping skills fresh. Not sure about federal enforcement of such skills. You’re right we have a few walking around with zero sense carrying weapons. Any expansion should be on a state by state voter basis, not federal call for all.
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I agree that target practice sounds logical, routine target practice keeping skills fresh. Not sure about federal enforcement of such skills. You’re right we have a few walking around with zero sense carrying weapons. Any expansion should be on a state by state voter basis, not federal call for all.

It is state by state now. But as the OP indicates, more and more are going with constitutional carry. That kind of gives me pause.
My state's going in the opposite direction.

Shall not be infringed. A permit is infringement.

The states allowing open carry are abiding the Constitution. I have reservations but it's Constitutional
Yes, except individuals (violent felons living the thug life) who choose to give up their constitutional right to carry- who carry anyway as repeat felons couldn’t care less about human rights or the US Constitution anyway.
Yes, except individuals (violent felons living the thug life) who choose to give up their constitutional right to carry- who carry anyway as repeat felons couldn’t care less about human rights or the US Constitution anyway.


But until someone enters the thug life the Constitution applies to them Too much attention is focused on law abiding citizens in the name of gun control
Our state went that way last year and I'm against it. I don't want people with no training or testing out on the streets with guns.

It was that way for decades and people weren't shooting each other down in the streets. But then back in those days people learned to shoot from the time they were old enough to walk.
I have zero formal training but I trust myself more than some who have had some sort of training.

But until someone enters the thug life the Constitution applies to them Too much attention is focused on law abiding citizens in the name of gun control
I get what you’re saying SIL because of those who push for overkill on regulations in order to burn out the legal sellers, which would more than double the black market so a bad plan. Thugs already count on an active black market, and a few prison documentaries have made me more aware of the revolving door thing even for violent felons.

Sure, if thug life livers don’t commit a felony, more specifically get caught for it, they have rights just like the rest of us. One problem is that even serious offenders do the “in and out”prison routine, out on parole and back in after violating parole, over the course of a few decades until death.
Our state went that way last year and I'm against it. I don't want people with no training or testing out on the streets with guns.
I agree, but what are folks supposed to do with more and more communities electing George Soros-backed district attorneys and adopting no-cash bail laws as well?l Crime is skyrocketing and the left seems perfectly happy with that occurrence.
I agree, but what are folks supposed to do with more and more communities electing George Soros-backed district attorneys and adopting no-cash bail laws as well?l Crime is skyrocketing and the left seems perfectly happy with that occurrence.
And millions of unvetted folks pouring in , crime will go stratospheric
Look at it as the glass being half full:
All the people in half the states can protect themselves and their families from the 5 million illegal men that just waltzed into the country with the help of Mexican drug cartels...:2up:
I agree, but what are folks supposed to do with more and more communities electing George Soros-backed district attorneys and adopting no-cash bail laws as well?l Crime is skyrocketing and the left seems perfectly happy with that occurrence.
I know you didn’t ask me
Markle, but weekly target practice here in the Midwest can even be a family affair for some folk! Nooo leftist authoritarians don’t go there, we’re not arming the toddlers! Lol Just routine practice to increase a successful defense if needed.

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