People Can Now Carry Guns Without A License In Half Of America's States

Poll Taxes and Literacy tests as a requirement to vote is requirements and the fees that go with them are simply poll taxes and literacy tests on the Right to own and carry a gun.

No, no, no, I never said to own a gun, I said to carry one. As far as ownership goes, I could care less. Get all the guns you want. If you hurt or kill yourself with one, that's on you. You're not harming me in the least.

But out in public where I am, I want to be assured that anybody carrying a gun does know how to use it, what our laws are, and what safety precautions they must take so they don't think it's like a Dirty Harry movie where they can hit any target flawlessly 150 feet away. That's my only concern.
A lot of states are like Pennsylvania, and are just greedy for the money, charging $20 for a concealed carry permit that has to be renewed every 5 years.

That fee, at least in Georgia, pays the people involved. I don’t know the procedures in Pennsylvania. So I’ll use Georgia which I do know.

You fill out an application, and then you submit fingerprints. Those are sent from the Probate Court to the Sheriff’s Department. The clerk takes your picture for your ID.

The Sheriff’s Department runs the applicant through the Georgia database and the FBI’s NCIC. The results are sent back to the permits clerk, and the file is reviewed. The Probate Court Judge signs off on your application and the license is mailed to you.

It takes a couple weeks here in my County.

Now this fee of $50 pays the clerk who processes your application, the Sheriff’s office who runs the background check. The Probate Court Judge who reviews the file. And let’s not forget the physical license to carry that is mailed to you.

And if you want to know why I support this, the answer is the thousands of people who thought they were allowed to carry but were not.

In 2020, more than 5,000 people were denied. Giving them the benefit of the doubt they may not have realized they were disqualified by law.

How many people are carrying today under Constitutional Carry who are not legally allowed to?

Even though we have gone to Constitutional Carry. I still have my license and intend to renew it when it is time. I honestly wish there was some classroom time mandated for my fellow CCW people to learn the laws that will vote them in the ass if they don’t think about it.

Yes. I know the joke. It is better to be judged by twelve than carried by six. But isn’t it better to know the laws your actions will be judged by before instead of after? You might even avoid the whole judged by twelve part if you know the laws and what you should do. and if nothing else you’ll be told the cops are not your friend after the shooting and keep your stupid mouth shut. Get a lawyer. Get a fucking lawyer and keep your mouth shut.
That fee, at least in Georgia, pays the people involved. I don’t know the procedures in Pennsylvania. So I’ll use Georgia which I do know.

You fill out an application, and then you submit fingerprints. Those are sent from the Probate Court to the Sheriff’s Department. The clerk takes your picture for your ID.

The Sheriff’s Department runs the applicant through the Georgia database and the FBI’s NCIC. The results are sent back to the permits clerk, and the file is reviewed. The Probate Court Judge signs off on your application and the license is mailed to you.

It takes a couple weeks here in my County.

Now this fee of $50 pays the clerk who processes your application, the Sheriff’s office who runs the background check. The Probate Court Judge who reviews the file. And let’s not forget the physical license to carry that is mailed to you.

And if you want to know why I support this, the answer is the thousands of people who thought they were allowed to carry but were not.

In 2020, more than 5,000 people were denied. Giving them the benefit of the doubt they may not have realized they were disqualified by law.

How many people are carrying today under Constitutional Carry who are not legally allowed to?

Even though we have gone to Constitutional Carry. I still have my license and intend to renew it when it is time. I honestly wish there was some classroom time mandated for my fellow CCW people to learn the laws that will vote them in the ass if they don’t think about it.

Yes. I know the joke. It is better to be judged by twelve than carried by six. But isn’t it better to know the laws your actions will be judged by before instead of after? You might even avoid the whole judged by twelve part if you know the laws and what you should do. and if nothing else you’ll be told the cops are not your friend after the shooting and keep your stupid mouth shut. Get a lawyer. Get a fucking lawyer and keep your mouth shut. And don’t pull your EDC over someone stealing the Wheels off your diesel Rig or driving away with your His & hers Waverunners on a trailer because you will be charged with brandishing ( or worse )
The question is ... "How do we fix the OTHER HALF?".

The blue states are likely a lost cause. Here in my state we have the new "law" tied up in court, but in the end will we prevail? I'm not sure, and if we don't, then what?
No, no, no, I never said to own a gun, I said to carry one. As far as ownership goes, I could care less. Get all the guns you want. If you hurt or kill yourself with one, that's on you. You're not harming me in the least.

But out in public where I am, I want to be assured that anybody carrying a gun does know how to use it, what our laws are, and what safety precautions they must take so they don't think it's like a Dirty Harry movie where they can hit any target flawlessly 150 feet away. That's my only concern.
I'm not sure if you actually do not understand, or are simply playing dumb.
What about the poor single mother who can barely afford to pay the bills....let alone pay for a gun? Who has a violent ex stalking her? Do you think she has the time or money to get a concealed carry permit, versus having a relative show her how to shoot?

Sorry, training requirements are tools of gun banners.
He doesn't care.
I have never read any mention of drugs in the Bill of Rights but I do know for a fact there is one that says the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
Yep , but lack of mention in Constitution is not a green light for Drug legalization ( Or 4th Trimester Abortion ) are for only the "right" people able to protect themselves, then? Figured.

Don't we do that already? If you are convicted felon, you are denied gun ownership. If you have experienced severe mental problems, you don't get a gun.

Let me ask, if a friend of yours invited you for a twin engine plane ride to the next state, would you go with him if you found out he was not a licensed pilot? How about a friend that wanted to drive to the next state but never had a drivers license in their life or drove a car before?

All I'm saying is that when you're out in the public with me, I want to be assured you're safe enough to be around while armed.
Don't we do that already? If you are convicted felon, you are denied gun ownership. If you have experienced severe mental problems, you don't get a gun.

Let me ask, if a friend of yours invited you for a twin engine plane ride to the next state, would you go with him if you found out he was not a licensed pilot? How about a friend that wanted to drive to the next state but never had a drivers license in their life or drove a car before?

All I'm saying is that when you're out in the public with me, I want to be assured you're safe enough to be around while armed.
You're NOT this thick. its not possible.
Don't we do that already? If you are convicted felon, you are denied gun ownership. If you have experienced severe mental problems, you don't get a gun.

Let me ask, if a friend of yours invited you for a twin engine plane ride to the next state, would you go with him if you found out he was not a licensed pilot? How about a friend that wanted to drive to the next state but never had a drivers license in their life or drove a car before?

All I'm saying is that when you're out in the public with me, I want to be assured you're safe enough to be around while armed.
Illegals , Enemy Combatants and saboteurs who infiltrated our borders , Folks with 3 recent 51/50 Holds who escaped custody , Escaped Prisoners , ... there are many types of “ Prohibited persons
Yep , but lack of mention in Constitution is not a green light for Drug legalization ( Or 4th Trimester Abortion )
You asked a question a question and I answered it. I have seen nothing in the Bill of Rights that pertain to drugs but I have seen the right to keep and bear arms pretty well covered.

There are many individual right questions that are not specifically covered in the Bill of Rights.

For instance, I think the 1964 Civil Rights Act is unconstitutional as hell. I should have the individual right to discriminate against whoever I please.
Don't we do that already? If you are convicted felon, you are denied gun ownership. If you have experienced severe mental problems, you don't get a gun.

Let me ask, if a friend of yours invited you for a twin engine plane ride to the next state, would you go with him if you found out he was not a licensed pilot? How about a friend that wanted to drive to the next state but never had a drivers license in their life or drove a car before?

All I'm saying is that when you're out in the public with me, I want to be assured you're safe enough to be around while armed.

Flying isn't a Right....owning and carrying a gun is........and the democrat party is actively trying to end that Right, including the mere owning of a gun in the home.

Do you think you should have to pay a fee or tax to vote? Do you think you should have to pass a government test to vote, be an author, write a political pamphlet?

Owning and carrying a gun is no different from those Rights, and is, in fact, a Right targeted for destruction by democrats..who will use any training requirements as a way to keep Americans from exercising that Right...the same way the democrats used poll taxes and literacy tests to keep blacks and poor whites from voting.

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