People of NY OVERWHELMINGLY In Favor of #OccupyWallStreet

dont you get it, republicans dont care what people want, they know what is best.

I think you are confusing parties here lil bud. It's always been the Demonrats that has pushed legislation onto the people "Social security,Medicare,Obamacare" that have gotten us into the shit hole we are in right now, not the GOP, although they are not completely innocent on some smaller issues.
dont you get it, republicans dont care what people want, they know what is best.

Also, who really gives a shit what people want? responsible politicians need to maintain the law of this country and enforce it's constitution accordingly. We live in a representative republic, not a democracy. A democracy is two wolves and one lamb sitting at a table deciding what to have for lunch, that is not America, fuck what the entitlement class wants.
wow... MarcATL pulled a TM and abandoned his own thread after getting bitch slapped...lololol

You consider that a bitch-slapping? If you got run over by a truck, would you also say the truck lost? :tongue:

In all nationwide polls conducted to date except for the deliberately deceptive Rasmussen poll, the movement has found more approval than disapproval, although the most common answer has usually been that people don't know enough about it to say. The poll of New York City residents quoted above, in which 67% of the respondents expressed approval, fits pretty well with the national results given that New Yorkers are much more likely to have some familiarity with it. For example, here's Gallup's latest:

Most Americans Uncertain About "Occupy Wall Street" Goals

22% approve of the movement's goals, 15% disapprove, 63% don't know enough to say. If everyone had given an approve or disapprove answer and that ratio between the two had persisted, Gallup would have gotten a 59% approval rating, which by the way is very close to a Time poll result from a short time ago.

The New York poll result with a higher approval than that may simply be due to the fact that New York's population is more liberal than the national average.

Approval for the right to protest, not approval for free shit that the rest of us have to work for. How convenient for you to manipulate the data. Most of the rest of the country are laughing at these idiots.
I support their right to congregate. I support their right to free speech. In other words, I support them using their right to protest whatever it is they want to protest.

I do not support their antics they use for getting attnetion and sympathy such as faking being hit by a police scooter.

I do not support the continued refusal of some of the protesters to adhere to police guidelines that are designed to ensure the saftey of the public including the protesters themselves.
wow... MarcATL pulled a TM and abandoned his own thread after getting bitch slapped...lololol

You consider that a bitch-slapping? If you got run over by a truck, would you also say the truck lost? :tongue:

In all nationwide polls conducted to date except for the deliberately deceptive Rasmussen poll, the movement has found more approval than disapproval, although the most common answer has usually been that people don't know enough about it to say. The poll of New York City residents quoted above, in which 67% of the respondents expressed approval, fits pretty well with the national results given that New Yorkers are much more likely to have some familiarity with it. For example, here's Gallup's latest:

Most Americans Uncertain About "Occupy Wall Street" Goals

22% approve of the movement's goals, 15% disapprove, 63% don't know enough to say. If everyone had given an approve or disapprove answer and that ratio between the two had persisted, Gallup would have gotten a 59% approval rating, which by the way is very close to a Time poll result from a short time ago.

The New York poll result with a higher approval than that may simply be due to the fact that New York's population is more liberal than the national average.

you must have neglected to read the OP.

He states quite clearly 'People of NY OVERWHELMINGLY In Favor of #OccupyWallStreet', then goes on to tout the 72% figure.

I explained to him that the 72% is not approval of the message, but approval of the right to EXPRESS the message. I also stated that the 67% approval of the message was indeed significant, but not 'overwhelming'. His own source understood the difference, while he did not.

I also never argued that the 67% number matched up with most national polls.

So yes, I call it bitch slapping when the premise of the OP is disproved with the OP's own link.
I'm pretty sure that most of the Country by now are onto the Hoodwinking that's been going on, and I'd be glad to have that discussion with anyone who thinks they're uber-smawter than the bunch of kids that show up and shockingly act like dumb kids, to these events.

You can ignore Corporate Profits and CEO pay being at all-time highs, during a downward economy no-less, while at the same time the Middle Class shrinks and Middle-American pay is being squeezed and decreased - but the issue is not going to go away.

The people protesting are a result of 30 years of Marriage of Government and Corporations - giving each-other reach arounds.
wow... MarcATL pulled a TM and abandoned his own thread after getting bitch slapped...lololol

You consider that a bitch-slapping? If you got run over by a truck, would you also say the truck lost? :tongue:

In all nationwide polls conducted to date except for the deliberately deceptive Rasmussen poll, the movement has found more approval than disapproval, although the most common answer has usually been that people don't know enough about it to say. The poll of New York City residents quoted above, in which 67% of the respondents expressed approval, fits pretty well with the national results given that New Yorkers are much more likely to have some familiarity with it. For example, here's Gallup's latest:

Most Americans Uncertain About "Occupy Wall Street" Goals

22% approve of the movement's goals, 15% disapprove, 63% don't know enough to say. If everyone had given an approve or disapprove answer and that ratio between the two had persisted, Gallup would have gotten a 59% approval rating, which by the way is very close to a Time poll result from a short time ago.

The New York poll result with a higher approval than that may simply be due to the fact that New York's population is more liberal than the national average.

you must have neglected to read the OP.

He states quite clearly 'People of NY OVERWHELMINGLY In Favor of #OccupyWallStreet', then goes on to tout the 72% figure.

I explained to him that the 72% is not approval of the message, but approval of the right to EXPRESS the message. I also stated that the 67% approval of the message was indeed significant, but not 'overwhelming'. His own source understood the difference, while he did not.

I also never argued that the 67% number matched up with most national polls.

So yes, I call it bitch slapping when the premise of the OP is disproved with the OP's own link.

67% isn't that bad with all of the video captured out there of the kids being retards, and the constant damning of the protest Nightly on the "#1 rated news channel on cable television."
Yes, NYC does not have enough troubles, let's let the Marxists move "Wall Street" to a more business friendly country that respects private and intellectual property.

I say stop investing in wallstreet period, let them fail. People have been brainwashed into believing that wallstreet is the be-all end-all, and it's not true, there are plenty of places to invest, I say invest with strict conservative firms around the country and let wallstreet support the Democrats just like they always have. I wont invest my money with anyone who sends money to politicians who are not conservative.

For every conservative you think you can name, I'm pretty sure we can find him giving kick-backs to his campaign donors like every other scumbag in office has been doing for 30 years.
Yes, NYC does not have enough troubles, let's let the Marxists move "Wall Street" to a more business friendly country that respects private and intellectual property.

I say stop investing in wallstreet period, let them fail. People have been brainwashed into believing that wallstreet is the be-all end-all, and it's not true, there are plenty of places to invest, I say invest with strict conservative firms around the country and let wallstreet support the Democrats just like they always have. I wont invest my money with anyone who sends money to politicians who are not conservative.

For every conservative you think you can name, I'm pretty sure we can find him giving kick-backs to his campaign donors like every other scumbag in office has been doing for 30 years.

I doubt every.... and conversely, I doubt every Democrat did it. maybe I'm wrong, but I gotta believe there are a few people out there with some integrity.
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I have know my birthplace was nuts for years when they elected the carpetbagger....*shrugs*...
I say stop investing in wallstreet period, let them fail. People have been brainwashed into believing that wallstreet is the be-all end-all, and it's not true, there are plenty of places to invest, I say invest with strict conservative firms around the country and let wallstreet support the Democrats just like they always have. I wont invest my money with anyone who sends money to politicians who are not conservative.

For every conservative you think you can name, I'm pretty sure we can find him giving kick-backs to his campaign donors like every other scumbag in office has been doing for 30 years.

I doubt every.... and conversely, I doubt every Democrat did it. maybe I'm wrong, but I gotta believe there are a few people out there with some integrity.

I don't doubt every. When you make it to the National level it's a whole different frontier and the only way you get there is with a fuck ton of money behind your sails.
you must have neglected to read the OP.

He states quite clearly 'People of NY OVERWHELMINGLY In Favor of #OccupyWallStreet', then goes on to tout the 72% figure.

I did not neglect the OP and you're misrepresenting it here. In fact there are no figures in the OP in his words. There is a link to a video in which two figures are given, the important one being that 67% of New Yorkers approve of OWS, the other being that 85% think they should have a right to continue doing what they're doing.

In fact, either of these could be justly called "overwhelming approval." Certainly both constitute substantial majorities. The first is a two-thirds majority, for example. That's enough in Congress to pass a Constitutional amendment, override a Presidential veto, close a filibuster in the Senate, or convict an impeached president and remove him from office.
you must have neglected to read the OP.

He states quite clearly 'People of NY OVERWHELMINGLY In Favor of #OccupyWallStreet', then goes on to tout the 72% figure.

I did not neglect the OP and you're misrepresenting it here. In fact there are no figures in the OP in his words. There is a link to a video in which two figures are given, the important one being that 67% of New Yorkers approve of OWS, the other being that 85% think they should have a right to continue doing what they're doing.

In fact, either of these could be justly called "overwhelming approval." Certainly both constitute substantial majorities. The first is a two-thirds majority, for example. That's enough in Congress to pass a Constitutional amendment, override a Presidential veto, close a filibuster in the Senate, or convict an impeached president and remove him from office.

soooooo... you're saying the OP was touting the smaller of the two numbers as 'overwhelming', rather than the larger of the two numbers. Sounds like the OP isn't as smart as he thinks he is, then.
For every conservative you think you can name, I'm pretty sure we can find him giving kick-backs to his campaign donors like every other scumbag in office has been doing for 30 years.

I doubt every.... and conversely, I doubt every Democrat did it. maybe I'm wrong, but I gotta believe there are a few people out there with some integrity.

I don't doubt every. When you make it to the National level it's a whole different frontier and the only way you get there is with a fuck ton of money behind your sails.

Well, there is that.
I'm pretty sure that most of the Country by now are onto the Hoodwinking that's been going on, and I'd be glad to have that discussion with anyone who thinks they're uber-smawter than the bunch of kids that show up and shockingly act like dumb kids, to these events.

You can ignore Corporate Profits and CEO pay being at all-time highs, during a downward economy no-less, while at the same time the Middle Class shrinks and Middle-American pay is being squeezed and decreased - but the issue is not going to go away.

The people protesting are a result of 30 years of Marriage of Government and Corporations - giving each-other reach arounds.

If you said that to the majority of those kids down there, they would not have a clue of what you are talking about.

Yes, what you say is true about the 30 years of marriage.

And yes, it is true that some of the protesters are there for that reason.

However, most of them are there becuase they are kids who saw an opportunity to act without regard to having to act responsibly.

Heck, I recall in college the "sit ins and protests. Most didnt know OR CARE why they were there. All they knew was..."its fun"

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