People taking back their country

good for them....not everybody thinks joining the EU would be a good thing...

but there are many goups with their hands in the pot....can we say George Soros....?

Trading Russia for the EU is trading one body of foreign governance for another. George Soros has become something of a joke in Central Europe and I doubt he holds much sway these days.

I feel that this situation reflects what happens when a sizeable percentage of the population feels that its values are not reflected. Many Ukrainians were fed up with the corruption. You have to wonder if other parts of Europe will experience more of this in the future.

you are really THAT ignorant?

nobody was trading anything. The EU agreement was just the last straw.

People were fighting and paid extremely high price for their own dignity and freedom. And they won.

But I have doubts that Putin worshipers are able to get that...

Ukraine is bankrupt.....but they are the breadbasket of Russia and the pipelines of oil to the EU cross their lands...

what kind of deal will they wind up with...?
good for them....not everybody thinks joining the EU would be a good thing...

but there are many goups with their hands in the pot....can we say George Soros....?

Trading Russia for the EU is trading one body of foreign governance for another. George Soros has become something of a joke in Central Europe and I doubt he holds much sway these days.

I feel that this situation reflects what happens when a sizeable percentage of the population feels that its values are not reflected. Many Ukrainians were fed up with the corruption. You have to wonder if other parts of Europe will experience more of this in the future.

yes i believe so....

you also have to wonder why the U.S. has recently invested 5 billion in the Ukraine and why U.S. top State Department official Nuland said 'fuck the EU' in a phone conversation with the U.S. Ambassador to the Ukraine...?
And the real obscenity in that conversation hasn't been fully covered in the MSM.
This is from a Democracy Now interview of Stephen Cohen by Amy Goodman

"AMY GOODMAN: That’s the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Pyatt, speaking with Victoria Nuland. The significance of what she is saying? She also had gone to Ukraine and was feeding protesters on the front line.

STEPHEN COHEN: Cookies, cookies. Well, here again, the American political media establishment, including the right and the left and the center—because they’re all complicit in this nonsense—focused on the too sensational, they thought, aspect of that leaked conversation.

"She said, 'F— the European Union,' and everybody said, 'Oh, my god! She said the word.' The other thing was, who leaked it? 'Oh, it was the Russians. Those dirty Russians leaked this conversation.'

"But the significance is what you just played.

"What are they doing?

"The highest-ranking State Department official, who presumably represents the Obama administration, and the American ambassador in Kiev are, to put it in blunt terms, plotting a coup d’état against the elected president of Ukraine.

A New Cold War? Ukraine Violence Escalates, Leaked Tape Suggests U.S. Was Plotting Coup | Democracy Now!

It appears unlikely at this point but still possible that NATO and Russia could become militarily involved in Ukraine.

Who gets rich(er) from that possibility?
Trading Russia for the EU is trading one body of foreign governance for another. George Soros has become something of a joke in Central Europe and I doubt he holds much sway these days.

I feel that this situation reflects what happens when a sizeable percentage of the population feels that its values are not reflected. Many Ukrainians were fed up with the corruption. You have to wonder if other parts of Europe will experience more of this in the future.

yes i believe so....

you also have to wonder why the U.S. has recently invested 5 billion in the Ukraine and why U.S. top State Department official Nuland said 'fuck the EU' in a phone conversation with the U.S. Ambassador to the Ukraine...?
And the real obscenity in that conversation hasn't been fully covered in the MSM.
This is from a Democracy Now interview of Stephen Cohen by Amy Goodman

"AMY GOODMAN: That’s the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Pyatt, speaking with Victoria Nuland. The significance of what she is saying? She also had gone to Ukraine and was feeding protesters on the front line.

STEPHEN COHEN: Cookies, cookies. Well, here again, the American political media establishment, including the right and the left and the center—because they’re all complicit in this nonsense—focused on the too sensational, they thought, aspect of that leaked conversation.

"She said, 'F— the European Union,' and everybody said, 'Oh, my god! She said the word.' The other thing was, who leaked it? 'Oh, it was the Russians. Those dirty Russians leaked this conversation.'

"But the significance is what you just played.

"What are they doing?

"The highest-ranking State Department official, who presumably represents the Obama administration, and the American ambassador in Kiev are, to put it in blunt terms, plotting a coup d’état against the elected president of Ukraine.

A New Cold War? Ukraine Violence Escalates, Leaked Tape Suggests U.S. Was Plotting Coup | Democracy Now!

It appears unlikely at this point but still possible that NATO and Russia could become militarily involved in Ukraine.

Who gets rich(er) from that possibility?

that's the real question.....what are they (Obama/Soros) really doing ?..... besides handing out cookies (and 5 Billion)....?
You and your cohort have it a bit backwards but one day you will see the light and realize who is manipulating you to do their will. Until then enjoy the fantasy. Let's just hope it isn't too late for you and your companion.

too bad the leftists of America can't seem to learn from living history.....
Much less written the revise/rewrite that to make themselves feel and look better and hide from the truth. Truth usually catches up to them though.
Yes we are trying to take it back legally and in the confines of our laws. It is about time that the over-indulged and over compensated CEO's and multinational corporations stop running our country.
The ultra-rich and powerful need to be overthrown.
This country belongs to the workers.

Venezuela is imploding, then Cuba, Then America. What do ya think?


Hello, JoeB...
Venezuela is imploding, then Cuba, Then America. What do ya think?

May I ask why you want our country to descend into rioting and destruction?

The tea party wants this country to be like Somalia. No government, no investing in our children's education --->No science, no r@D and no regulations.

These people work for the super rich...
Venezuela is imploding, then Cuba, Then America. What do ya think?

May I ask why you want our country to descend into rioting and destruction?

The tea party wants this country to be like Somalia. No government, no investing in our children's education --->No science, no r@D and no regulations.

These people work for the super rich...
WE do MATT? Really? Anarchy? And WHERE did you get that from? CITE IT chapter and verse and be precise -or- SHUT UP.

Get it? YOU are a ONE NOTE instrument and getting quite boring, and illustrate your stupidity...readily.

The ONUS is on you to BOLSTER the claim. MAN enough to do it?
You vote for the GOP, DON'T YOU...THE PEOPLE TAKING BACK THE COUNTRY ARE DEMS, from the disastrous, pander to the greedy idiot rich new bs GOP and their functional moron hater dupes...see sig.

When Bush was President, I remember liberals screaming "we have to take back our country".

Since Obama has been President, conservatives are screaming "we have to take back our country".

Adults teach their children to share. Perhaps partisans should heed some of that simple advice.


When Bush was President, I remember liberals screaming "we have to take back our country".

Since Obama has been President, conservatives are screaming "we have to take back our country".

Adults teach their children to share. Perhaps partisans should heed some of that simple advice.


Who said "we have to take back our country" when Bush was POTUS? Name links.

You remember? Bullshit.
We just said we have to get these morons out of power...

"( Noam Chomsky) told Radio VR during an interview posted online last week that he agreed with the conservative political analyst Norman Ornsteins' characterization of the Tea Party.

“He described them as a radical insurgency opposed to rationality, to political compromise, to participation in a parliamentary system — in fact, with no positive goals themselves."

Noam Chomsky: The Tea Party is the ?petit bourgeois? face of corporate oligarchs | The Raw Story
You forgot Kiev.
What's happening in Kiev is due to the fact that from cultural, ethnic, religious, political, and economic standpoints there is not one united Ukraine but rather two separate distinct geographical regions with those living in the west favoring closer ties with the EU and those in the east favoring traditional relations with Russia.

It's possible we are looking at the start of a New Cold War with the dividing line in Ukraine instead of Germany.

The difference being, Germany wanted to be united. The Ukraine wants to be divided.
Venezuela is imploding, then Cuba, Then America. What do ya think?

Yes we are trying to take it back legally and in the confines of our laws. It is about time that the over-indulged and over compensated CEO's and multinational corporations stop running our country.
The ultra-rich and powerful need to be overthrown.
This country belongs to the workers.

As long as you aren't talkin about Communism or Socialism or Progressivism I won't squawk.

I don't agree, but whatever.

But if you are talking about the failed ideologies, the bankrupt ideas of Communism, Socialism and/or Progressivism then you are going to get some resistance.
When Bush was President, I remember liberals screaming "we have to take back our country".

Since Obama has been President, conservatives are screaming "we have to take back our country".

Adults teach their children to share. Perhaps partisans should heed some of that simple advice.

Your premise is faulty.

Bush never took control of America or tried to.

Bush never over stepped his Presidential powers. Never changed laws AFTER they'd been signed into law. Never committed illegal impeachable acts, never proposed a $300+ Billion Global Tax Plan to make Americans fund Third World Nations and send that tax through the corrupt United Nations to administer.

Sister, you don't know anything about what Obama is doing.

You just defend him out of ignorance and misguided loyalty that he DOES NOT deserve.

Once you find out what Obama has INTENTIONALLY and with premeditation, has done to all of US and to America you will be the first to say, "Oh HELL NO!!!"
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People who are taking back their country are invariably the same people that others said they were taking back their country from last time.

When a country, any country, gets to the point where half the country is always in the process of taking it back from the other half, and next time they switch places, the nation has already split apart. There would be less strife if they just made a formal arrangement of it.
If that is a rebuttal it means nothing to me. Only the fact you still have the entire history of our country turned inside out but you have to believe what you believe.
The Murder of Frank Little
Take a read and see how company goons take power to get their way.

Yes we are trying to take it back legally and in the confines of our laws. It is about time that the over-indulged and over compensated CEO's and multinational corporations stop running our country.
The ultra-rich and powerful need to be overthrown.
This country belongs to the workers.

Venezuela is imploding, then Cuba, Then America. What do ya think?


Hello, JoeB...

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