People taking back their country

It seems that a lot of people think the rebellion in the Ukraine, will wind up in a split up of the Country, such as existed in Germany for many years after WWII.

But, I think Putin figured out a long time ago that our president is a pussy, and so Putin will just take all of Ukraine. Tanks will probably be involved. Obama will set up a peace negotiation, during which time Putin will lock down Western Ukraine, and eventually he will just ignore the negotiations.

Putin knows: Obama gonna Obama.
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It seems that a lot of people think the rebellion in the Ukraine, will wind up in a split up of the Country, such as existed in Germany for many years after WWII.

But, I think Putin figured out a long time ago that our president is a pussy, and so Putin will just take all of Ukraine. Tanks will probably be involved. Obama will set up a peace negotiation, during which time Putin will lock down Western Ukraine, and eventually he will just ignore the negotiations.

Putin knows: Obama gonna Obama.

If the Ukraine was allowed to split it would end up peaceful. As it is, it will be in a perpetual state of war. President Putin hasn't said anything about the Ukraine. He's let obama mutter and rave on.
It seems that a lot of people think the rebellion in the Ukraine, will wind up in a split up of the Country, such as existed in Germany for many years after WWII.

But, I think Putin figured out a long time ago that our president is a pussy, and so Putin will just take all of Ukraine. Tanks will probably be involved. Obama will set up a peace negotiation, during which time Putin will lock down Western Ukraine, and eventually he will just ignore the negotiations.

Putin knows: Obama gonna Obama.
If you're correct that will put Russian tank crews muzzle to muzzle with NATO forces in Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Romania, among others.

It seems that a lot of people think the rebellion in the Ukraine, will wind up in a split up of the Country, such as existed in Germany for many years after WWII.

But, I think Putin figured out a long time ago that our president is a pussy, and so Putin will just take all of Ukraine. Tanks will probably be involved. Obama will set up a peace negotiation, during which time Putin will lock down Western Ukraine, and eventually he will just ignore the negotiations.

Putin knows: Obama gonna Obama.
If you're correct that will put Russian tank crews muzzle to muzzle with NATO forces in Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Romania, among others.



What is left of NATO when the Commander-in-Chief of the USA says "No Mas".
It seems that a lot of people think the rebellion in the Ukraine, will wind up in a split up of the Country, such as existed in Germany for many years after WWII.

But, I think Putin figured out a long time ago that our president is a pussy, and so Putin will just take all of Ukraine. Tanks will probably be involved. Obama will set up a peace negotiation, during which time Putin will lock down Western Ukraine, and eventually he will just ignore the negotiations.

Putin knows: Obama gonna Obama.
If you're correct that will put Russian tank crews muzzle to muzzle with NATO forces in Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Romania, among others.



What is left of NATO when the Commander-in-Chief of the USA says "No Mas".
What should Obama say in the situation we're discussing?
People taking back their country

The problem is, with regard to American conservatives, ‘taking back their country’ means taking America away from other Americans with whom they disagree.

It isn't any different with American liberals who want to take their country back from those with whom they disagree.

The country is dividing, neither side is willing to be governed by the other. Whoever is out of power doesn't go along any more, they are resentful and obstructionist. That's why the USA can't last much longer. I just hope I get to see the final split in my lifetime.
Reagan invested in America be it science, infrastructure and r@D. He made some mistakes but if you're going to look up too him. Get it right!

America doesn't need to cut what makes it great....This is why a sane taking back of America from the left and right is needed!
Venezuela is imploding, then Cuba, Then America. What do ya think?

May I ask why you want our country to descend into rioting and destruction?

You should be asking the statist elites of the political left why they are driving this nation toward rioting and destruction as they strive to disarm America and militarize its police departments. . . .
They appear to be continuing a policy put into play shortly after the implosion of the Soviet Union; at least that's how it appears to the Russians:

"Since the Clinton administration in the 1990s, the U.S.-led West has been on a steady march toward post-Soviet Russia, began with the expansion of NATO in the 1990s under Clinton.

"Bush then further expanded NATO all the way to Russia’s borders.

"Then came the funding of what are euphemistically called NGOs, but they are political action groups, funded by the West, operating inside Russia.

"Then came the decision to build missile defense installations along Russia’s borders, allegedly against Iran, a country which has neither nuclear weapons nor any missiles to deliver them with.

"Then comes American military outpost in the former Soviet republic of Georgia, which led to the war of 2008, and now the West is at the gates of Ukraine.

"So, that’s the picture as Moscow sees it.

"And it’s rational.

"It’s reasonable.

"It’s hard to deny."

A New Cold War? Ukraine Violence Escalates, Leaked Tape Suggests U.S. Was Plotting Coup | Democracy Now!

That interview doesn't prove that the US or the EU or anyone but the Ukrainians has instigated a coup there. In fact, the interview smacks of a carny shill trying to sell something. A book perhaps?
What do you have against books?
The interview points out the obvious to those who aren't blinded by American Exceptionalism.
Since the "end" of the Cold War, NATO has expanded eastward in dramatic fashion:

"After its formation in 1949, NATO grew by including Greece and Turkey in 1952 and West Germany in 1955, and then later Spain in 1982. After the Cold War ended, and Germany reunited in 1990, there was a debate in NATO about continued expansion eastward.

"In 1999, Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic joined the organization, amid much debate within the organization and Russian opposition.[1][2] Another expansion came with the accession of seven Central and Eastern European countries: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, and Romania.

"These nations were first invited to start talks of membership during the 2002 Prague summit, and joined NATO on 29 March 2004, shortly before the 2004 Istanbul summit. Most recently, Albania and Croatia joined on 1 April 2009, shortly before the 2009 Strasbourg–Kehl summit."


From the Russian POV, there's nothing accidental about the latest IMF coup in Ukraine. Putin is more likely to interpret this as a new Cold War with the dividing line on his western border instead of Germany.

Their is no need to foment civil unrest in order to expand NATO. The Eastern European nations that lived for decades under the jackboot of Soviet hegemony are anxious to have some protection from a reoccurrence and I have no prob with books, Princess ... it's the socialist, anti-American BS in the guise of scholarship broadcast by pissant cretins that offends me. You seem to suck it up.
Venezuela is imploding, then Cuba, Then America. What do ya think?

Natural progression. When too much power gets concentrated among leadership unable to represent the diversity of the masses, it is natural to split off and represent yourself by your own party or religious affiliation. churches split all the time when they grow too big and the community diversifies.

in families, the natural order is for the parents to teach the children to become independent to set up their own households. NOT live and work for the parents for live as slaves to work the estate and keep the household going. That is not the purpose or the way humans work.

we are meant to mature over time on a learning curve toward spiritual self-realization and political self-government.

All these battles we've seen over history, especially comparing the Reformation of the Church with the current changes in the State, are part of this universal process for each person, each group, each nation and humanity collectively as a whole.

Instead of fighting violently against change or for control, the mature leaders will help groups to work together to bring about changes in mutually beneficial and peaceful ways.

That is how you can tell the true leaders who will rise for their ability to work across diverse political and religious lines to bring out peaceable sustainable solutions. Mandela was hailed as one of those leaders who could get fighting factions to lay down their arms, and resolve their issues for spiritual peace and political order.

The more inclusive and universal the audience they reach, those are the leaders who are meek enough to serve all people. the peacemakers who shall be called children of God.
so what are the two "sides" as you see it? hopefully not the left and the right, as those are joined as solidly as the two sides of a coin.

As Rev. Moon said it quite poetically:
it takes both the right wing and the left wing for the dove to fly.

In America, it takes both hands steering left to avoid going too far right,
or steering right to avoid veering too far left, to check and balance
each other and stay on track. the problem is once the car goes into the ditch,
all the people need to agree to push in the same direction to get it back on the road.
in that case, if you have equal people pushing in opposite directions, you waste twice the energy and resources getting nowhere. That's what's happening with politics and media now.

If you can't agree to follow the same map, and the same road to get to the same destination,
then take separate cars and responsibility for getting their your own way.
Not fighting over the map and control of the steering wheel while the car is in motion already driving down the road with traffic, pedestrians, and passengers at risk.
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That interview doesn't prove that the US or the EU or anyone but the Ukrainians has instigated a coup there. In fact, the interview smacks of a carny shill trying to sell something. A book perhaps?
What do you have against books?
The interview points out the obvious to those who aren't blinded by American Exceptionalism.
Since the "end" of the Cold War, NATO has expanded eastward in dramatic fashion:

"After its formation in 1949, NATO grew by including Greece and Turkey in 1952 and West Germany in 1955, and then later Spain in 1982. After the Cold War ended, and Germany reunited in 1990, there was a debate in NATO about continued expansion eastward.

"In 1999, Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic joined the organization, amid much debate within the organization and Russian opposition.[1][2] Another expansion came with the accession of seven Central and Eastern European countries: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, and Romania.

"These nations were first invited to start talks of membership during the 2002 Prague summit, and joined NATO on 29 March 2004, shortly before the 2004 Istanbul summit. Most recently, Albania and Croatia joined on 1 April 2009, shortly before the 2009 Strasbourg–Kehl summit."


From the Russian POV, there's nothing accidental about the latest IMF coup in Ukraine. Putin is more likely to interpret this as a new Cold War with the dividing line on his western border instead of Germany.

Their is no need to foment civil unrest in order to expand NATO. The Eastern European nations that lived for decades under the jackboot of Soviet hegemony are anxious to have some protection from a reoccurrence and I have no prob with books, Princess ... it's the socialist, anti-American BS in the guise of scholarship broadcast by pissant cretins that offends me. You seem to suck it up.
I'm not swallowing every load Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt spew out.
Why are you?
When an Assistant Secretary of State and the US ambassador to Ukraine plot a coup to overthrow a democratically elected, although thoroughly corrupt, president while preaching "Democracy", I'm not going to support that level of hypocrisy because of an accident of birth. You probably are since you seem to think those who condemn the US for its many violations of international law are practicing "socialist anti-American BS in the guise of scholarship..." If the people of Ukraine thought they had it bad under the old Soviet Union, wait 'till the IMF takes control of their economy; they'll think Uncle Joe came back with a vengeance.

A New Cold War? Ukraine Violence Escalates, Leaked Tape Suggests U.S. Was Plotting Coup | Democracy Now!

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