People taking back their country

yes i believe so....

you also have to wonder why the U.S. has recently invested 5 billion in the Ukraine and why U.S. top State Department official Nuland said 'fuck the EU' in a phone conversation with the U.S. Ambassador to the Ukraine...?
And the real obscenity in that conversation hasn't been fully covered in the MSM.
This is from a Democracy Now interview of Stephen Cohen by Amy Goodman

"AMY GOODMAN: That’s the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Pyatt, speaking with Victoria Nuland. The significance of what she is saying? She also had gone to Ukraine and was feeding protesters on the front line.

STEPHEN COHEN: Cookies, cookies. Well, here again, the American political media establishment, including the right and the left and the center—because they’re all complicit in this nonsense—focused on the too sensational, they thought, aspect of that leaked conversation.

"She said, 'F— the European Union,' and everybody said, 'Oh, my god! She said the word.' The other thing was, who leaked it? 'Oh, it was the Russians. Those dirty Russians leaked this conversation.'

"But the significance is what you just played.

"What are they doing?

"The highest-ranking State Department official, who presumably represents the Obama administration, and the American ambassador in Kiev are, to put it in blunt terms, plotting a coup d’état against the elected president of Ukraine.

A New Cold War? Ukraine Violence Escalates, Leaked Tape Suggests U.S. Was Plotting Coup | Democracy Now!

It appears unlikely at this point but still possible that NATO and Russia could become militarily involved in Ukraine.

Who gets rich(er) from that possibility?

that's the real question.....what are they (Obama/Soros) really doing ?..... besides handing out cookies (and 5 Billion)....?
They appear to be continuing a policy put into play shortly after the implosion of the Soviet Union; at least that's how it appears to the Russians:

"Since the Clinton administration in the 1990s, the U.S.-led West has been on a steady march toward post-Soviet Russia, began with the expansion of NATO in the 1990s under Clinton.

"Bush then further expanded NATO all the way to Russia’s borders.

"Then came the funding of what are euphemistically called NGOs, but they are political action groups, funded by the West, operating inside Russia.

"Then came the decision to build missile defense installations along Russia’s borders, allegedly against Iran, a country which has neither nuclear weapons nor any missiles to deliver them with.

"Then comes American military outpost in the former Soviet republic of Georgia, which led to the war of 2008, and now the West is at the gates of Ukraine.

"So, that’s the picture as Moscow sees it.

"And it’s rational.

"It’s reasonable.

"It’s hard to deny."

A New Cold War? Ukraine Violence Escalates, Leaked Tape Suggests U.S. Was Plotting Coup | Democracy Now!
When Bush was President, I remember liberals screaming "we have to take back our country".

Since Obama has been President, conservatives are screaming "we have to take back our country".

Adults teach their children to share. Perhaps partisans should heed some of that simple advice.

Your premise is faulty.

Bush never took control of America or tried to.

Bush never over stepped his Presidential powers. Never changed laws AFTER they'd been signed into law. Never committed illegal impeachable acts, never proposed a $300+ Billion Global Tax Plan to make Americans fund Third World Nations and send that tax through the corrupt United Nations to administer.

Sister, you don't know anything about what Obama is doing.

You just defend him out of ignorance and misguided loyalty that he DOES NOT deserve.

Once you find out what Obama has INTENTIONALLY and with premeditation, has done to all of US and to America you will be the first to say, "Oh HELL NO!!!"

It's all about partisan perception. No one "takes" a country, but partisans love to toss out silly platitudes about it:



Barack Obama: "Take Back the Country" speech --
Hillary: "It's time to take back the country we love" --
Salon Mag: "Taking Our Country Back" --

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When Bush was President, I remember liberals screaming "we have to take back our country".

Since Obama has been President, conservatives are screaming "we have to take back our country".

Adults teach their children to share. Perhaps partisans should heed some of that simple advice.
Your premise is faulty.

Bush never took control of America or tried to.

Bush never over stepped his Presidential powers. Never changed laws AFTER they'd been signed into law. Never committed illegal impeachable acts, never proposed a $300+ Billion Global Tax Plan to make Americans fund Third World Nations and send that tax through the corrupt United Nations to administer.

Sister, you don't know anything about what Obama is doing.

You just defend him out of ignorance and misguided loyalty that he DOES NOT deserve.

Once you find out what Obama has INTENTIONALLY and with premeditation, has done to all of US and to America you will be the first to say, "Oh HELL NO!!!"

It's all about partisan perception. No one "takes" a country, but partisans love to toss out silly platitudes about it:


One has to ask seeing that cover...take it back from the Founders/Founding? Really?
You forgot Kiev.
What's happening in Kiev is due to the fact that from cultural, ethnic, religious, political, and economic standpoints there is not one united Ukraine but rather two separate distinct geographical regions with those living in the west favoring closer ties with the EU and those in the east favoring traditional relations with Russia.

It's possible we are looking at the start of a New Cold War with the dividing line in Ukraine instead of Germany.

The difference being, Germany wanted to be united. The Ukraine wants to be divided.
What polls have you seen indicating a majority of Ukrainians want division?
It's at least as likely as many Ukrainians favor a tripartite aid package proposed by Putin in which Russia and the EU would help Ukraine avoid economic collapse.
Venezuela is imploding, then Cuba, Then America. What do ya think?

Yes we are trying to take it back legally and in the confines of our laws. It is about time that the over-indulged and over compensated CEO's and multinational corporations stop running our country.
The ultra-rich and powerful need to be overthrown.
This country belongs to the workers.

As long as you aren't talkin about Communism or Socialism or Progressivism I won't squawk.

I don't agree, but whatever.

But if you are talking about the failed ideologies, the bankrupt ideas of Communism, Socialism and/or Progressivism then you are going to get some resistance.
HUGE resistance. The Statist mind as arrogant as it is cannot fathom the thought, but put it down by what ever means available...even lies.
What's happening in Kiev is due to the fact that from cultural, ethnic, religious, political, and economic standpoints there is not one united Ukraine but rather two separate distinct geographical regions with those living in the west favoring closer ties with the EU and those in the east favoring traditional relations with Russia.

It's possible we are looking at the start of a New Cold War with the dividing line in Ukraine instead of Germany.

The difference being, Germany wanted to be united. The Ukraine wants to be divided.
What polls have you seen indicating a majority of Ukrainians want division?
It's at least as likely as many Ukrainians favor a tripartite aid package proposed by Putin in which Russia and the EU would help Ukraine avoid economic collapse.
They want NO PART of Putin or Russia. They had enough of "Mother Russia" and suffered from her in the past. PUTIN has a track record as a thug, tyrant, DESPOT. What part of that don't you understand?
Venezuela is imploding, then Cuba, Then America. What do ya think?

That you’re an ignorant idiot.

The United States does not need to be ‘taken back,’ the notion is ridiculous, as the United States hasn’t ‘gone anywhere’ to begin with.

The people are as much ‘in possession’ of America today as during the Foundation Era – more so, in fact.
Venezuela is imploding, then Cuba, Then America. What do ya think?

That you’re an ignorant idiot.

The United States does not need to be ‘taken back,’ the notion is ridiculous, as the United States hasn’t ‘gone anywhere’ to begin with.

The people are as much ‘in possession’ of America today as during the Foundation Era – more so, in fact.
Actually it DOES, and from the District of Criminals. NICE to see that YOU support tyranny.
If that is a rebuttal it means nothing to me.

That works out well since you and your idiotic doppelganger realize deep down that your juvenile communist fantasies will never amount to anything in the real world. Idiots like you two want to be self-indulgent, but end up with nothing but frustration and the affirmation of your own insignificance. Enjoy that.
The difference being, Germany wanted to be united. The Ukraine wants to be divided.
What polls have you seen indicating a majority of Ukrainians want division?
It's at least as likely as many Ukrainians favor a tripartite aid package proposed by Putin in which Russia and the EU would help Ukraine avoid economic collapse.
They want NO PART of Putin or Russia. They had enough of "Mother Russia" and suffered from her in the past. PUTIN has a track record as a thug, tyrant, DESPOT. What part of that don't you understand?
The part where you apparently imagine Victoria Nuland is any better than Putin:

"Victoria Nuland, the American neoconservative Assistant Secretary of State, whose agenda is US world hegemony, told the Ukrainians what was in store for them last December 13, but the protesters were too delusional to hear.

In an eight minute, 46 second speech at the National Press Club sponsored by the US-Ukraine Foundation, Chevron, and Ukraine-in-Washington Lobby Group, Nuland boasted that Washington has spent $5 billion to foment agitation to bring Ukraine into the EU.

"Once captured by the EU, Ukraine will be 'helped' by the West acting through the IMF.

"Nuland, of course, presented the IMF as Ukraine’s rescuer, not as the iron hand of the West that will squeeze all life out of Ukraine’s struggling economy.

"Nuland’s audience consisted of all the people who will be enriched by the looting and by connections to a Washington-appointed Ukrainian government.

"Just look at the large Chevron sign next to which Nuland speaks, and you will know what it is all about."

Is Ukraine Drifting Toward Civil War? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

It is all about the simple fact that a large part of today's eastern and southern provinces of Ukraine are traditional Russian territory and not a part of historical Ukraine, something US neoconservatives are slow to get.
And the real obscenity in that conversation hasn't been fully covered in the MSM.
This is from a Democracy Now interview of Stephen Cohen by Amy Goodman

"AMY GOODMAN: That’s the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Pyatt, speaking with Victoria Nuland. The significance of what she is saying? She also had gone to Ukraine and was feeding protesters on the front line.

STEPHEN COHEN: Cookies, cookies. Well, here again, the American political media establishment, including the right and the left and the center—because they’re all complicit in this nonsense—focused on the too sensational, they thought, aspect of that leaked conversation.

"She said, 'F— the European Union,' and everybody said, 'Oh, my god! She said the word.' The other thing was, who leaked it? 'Oh, it was the Russians. Those dirty Russians leaked this conversation.'

"But the significance is what you just played.

"What are they doing?

"The highest-ranking State Department official, who presumably represents the Obama administration, and the American ambassador in Kiev are, to put it in blunt terms, plotting a coup d’état against the elected president of Ukraine.

A New Cold War? Ukraine Violence Escalates, Leaked Tape Suggests U.S. Was Plotting Coup | Democracy Now!

It appears unlikely at this point but still possible that NATO and Russia could become militarily involved in Ukraine.

Who gets rich(er) from that possibility?

that's the real question.....what are they (Obama/Soros) really doing ?..... besides handing out cookies (and 5 Billion)....?
They appear to be continuing a policy put into play shortly after the implosion of the Soviet Union; at least that's how it appears to the Russians:

"Since the Clinton administration in the 1990s, the U.S.-led West has been on a steady march toward post-Soviet Russia, began with the expansion of NATO in the 1990s under Clinton.

"Bush then further expanded NATO all the way to Russia’s borders.

"Then came the funding of what are euphemistically called NGOs, but they are political action groups, funded by the West, operating inside Russia.

"Then came the decision to build missile defense installations along Russia’s borders, allegedly against Iran, a country which has neither nuclear weapons nor any missiles to deliver them with.

"Then comes American military outpost in the former Soviet republic of Georgia, which led to the war of 2008, and now the West is at the gates of Ukraine.

"So, that’s the picture as Moscow sees it.

"And it’s rational.

"It’s reasonable.

"It’s hard to deny."

A New Cold War? Ukraine Violence Escalates, Leaked Tape Suggests U.S. Was Plotting Coup | Democracy Now!

now why would Obama want to interfere in the internal matters of Ukraine and risk a new Cold War with Russia by paying for protestors with guns, risking a civil war, usurping the current president formerly condoned by Washington, install his diplomat-approved new leader of Ukraine, and in the process also 'f--k the EU' as stated by his diplomat....?

reminds me of the 'Arab Spring'....or even 'neo-conservative' hegemony....:eusa_whistle:

ah....the IMF is involved.....can we say Soros....?
And the real obscenity in that conversation hasn't been fully covered in the MSM.
This is from a Democracy Now interview of Stephen Cohen by Amy Goodman

"AMY GOODMAN: That’s the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Pyatt, speaking with Victoria Nuland. The significance of what she is saying? She also had gone to Ukraine and was feeding protesters on the front line.

STEPHEN COHEN: Cookies, cookies. Well, here again, the American political media establishment, including the right and the left and the center—because they’re all complicit in this nonsense—focused on the too sensational, they thought, aspect of that leaked conversation.

"She said, 'F— the European Union,' and everybody said, 'Oh, my god! She said the word.' The other thing was, who leaked it? 'Oh, it was the Russians. Those dirty Russians leaked this conversation.'

"But the significance is what you just played.

"What are they doing?

"The highest-ranking State Department official, who presumably represents the Obama administration, and the American ambassador in Kiev are, to put it in blunt terms, plotting a coup d’état against the elected president of Ukraine.

A New Cold War? Ukraine Violence Escalates, Leaked Tape Suggests U.S. Was Plotting Coup | Democracy Now!

It appears unlikely at this point but still possible that NATO and Russia could become militarily involved in Ukraine.

Who gets rich(er) from that possibility?

that's the real question.....what are they (Obama/Soros) really doing ?..... besides handing out cookies (and 5 Billion)....?
They appear to be continuing a policy put into play shortly after the implosion of the Soviet Union; at least that's how it appears to the Russians:

"Since the Clinton administration in the 1990s, the U.S.-led West has been on a steady march toward post-Soviet Russia, began with the expansion of NATO in the 1990s under Clinton.

"Bush then further expanded NATO all the way to Russia’s borders.

"Then came the funding of what are euphemistically called NGOs, but they are political action groups, funded by the West, operating inside Russia.

"Then came the decision to build missile defense installations along Russia’s borders, allegedly against Iran, a country which has neither nuclear weapons nor any missiles to deliver them with.

"Then comes American military outpost in the former Soviet republic of Georgia, which led to the war of 2008, and now the West is at the gates of Ukraine.

"So, that’s the picture as Moscow sees it.

"And it’s rational.

"It’s reasonable.

"It’s hard to deny."

A New Cold War? Ukraine Violence Escalates, Leaked Tape Suggests U.S. Was Plotting Coup | Democracy Now!

That interview doesn't prove that the US or the EU or anyone but the Ukrainians has instigated a coup there. In fact, the interview smacks of a carny shill trying to sell something. A book perhaps?
Idiot right wingers trying to "take back" what never belonged to only them. Thank God they are getting so old.
You and your ideologue still mean nothing to me because you are nothing. You profess to be this superior individual and all you do is lick at the plate of corporate welfare industrial greedy bastards and get your fill of their spew.
Soon you will find out you are absolutely nothing.

If that is a rebuttal it means nothing to me.

That works out well since you and your idiotic doppelganger realize deep down that your juvenile communist fantasies will never amount to anything in the real world. Idiots like you two want to be self-indulgent, but end up with nothing but frustration and the affirmation of your own insignificance. Enjoy that.
Idiot right wingers trying to "take back" what never belonged to only them. Thank God they are getting so old.

You remind me of the High School aged kids who wait until the parents go to Las Vegas for the weekend to stage a huge, gnarly, loud, raucus, hairy, drunken, drug and sex fueled party in their split level in the quiet modest neighborhood.

Kegger head stands. Beer pong. Skinny dipping in the backyard pool. Sex in our bed. cigarette smoke throughout the house. Butts put out in the carpet. Jagermeister in the plants. Items of clothing everywhere. Loud music, yelling and screaming.

When the adults return, sanity returns.
that's the real question.....what are they (Obama/Soros) really doing ?..... besides handing out cookies (and 5 Billion)....?
They appear to be continuing a policy put into play shortly after the implosion of the Soviet Union; at least that's how it appears to the Russians:

"Since the Clinton administration in the 1990s, the U.S.-led West has been on a steady march toward post-Soviet Russia, began with the expansion of NATO in the 1990s under Clinton.

"Bush then further expanded NATO all the way to Russia’s borders.

"Then came the funding of what are euphemistically called NGOs, but they are political action groups, funded by the West, operating inside Russia.

"Then came the decision to build missile defense installations along Russia’s borders, allegedly against Iran, a country which has neither nuclear weapons nor any missiles to deliver them with.

"Then comes American military outpost in the former Soviet republic of Georgia, which led to the war of 2008, and now the West is at the gates of Ukraine.

"So, that’s the picture as Moscow sees it.

"And it’s rational.

"It’s reasonable.

"It’s hard to deny."

A New Cold War? Ukraine Violence Escalates, Leaked Tape Suggests U.S. Was Plotting Coup | Democracy Now!

That interview doesn't prove that the US or the EU or anyone but the Ukrainians has instigated a coup there. In fact, the interview smacks of a carny shill trying to sell something. A book perhaps?
What do you have against books?
The interview points out the obvious to those who aren't blinded by American Exceptionalism.
Since the "end" of the Cold War, NATO has expanded eastward in dramatic fashion:

"After its formation in 1949, NATO grew by including Greece and Turkey in 1952 and West Germany in 1955, and then later Spain in 1982. After the Cold War ended, and Germany reunited in 1990, there was a debate in NATO about continued expansion eastward.

"In 1999, Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic joined the organization, amid much debate within the organization and Russian opposition.[1][2] Another expansion came with the accession of seven Central and Eastern European countries: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, and Romania.

"These nations were first invited to start talks of membership during the 2002 Prague summit, and joined NATO on 29 March 2004, shortly before the 2004 Istanbul summit. Most recently, Albania and Croatia joined on 1 April 2009, shortly before the 2009 Strasbourg–Kehl summit."


From the Russian POV, there's nothing accidental about the latest IMF coup in Ukraine. Putin is more likely to interpret this as a new Cold War with the dividing line on his western border instead of Germany.
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The United States is in the process of dividing right now with the emergence of two separate and distinct cultures. There is no chance of either side "taking the country back". The country will either split as Yugoslavia split, or exist in a permanent state of fracture and cultural strife.
The United States is in the process of dividing right now with the emergence of two separate and distinct cultures. There is no chance of either side "taking the country back". The country will either split as Yugoslavia split, or exist in a permanent state of fracture and cultural strife.

I see Chicken Little is still crying the same old tune...
so what are the two "sides" as you see it? hopefully not the left and the right, as those are joined as solidly as the two sides of a coin.

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