People Who Don't Vote Have No Room To Complain

If you're one of those people who says they never're part of the problem.

There are several reasons why you're part of the problem:

  • You're too apathetic to care about the direction this country goes
  • You're not really informed enough to make a rational decision at the ballot box anyway
  • 9 times out of 10 you'll use the wrong criteria to make a choice anyway
Everyone I've met that doesn't vote seems to be roughly of the same type.

People who only think about themselves and spend most of their time telling everyone how smart they are not to vote.

People who are apathetic George Carlin.

These are the people that think they are the enlightened few in this country. The deep thinkers. The people who are above the fray.

Wrong.....all it means is you could care less what happens to this country and you don't want to be held responsible for it when everything goes to shit.

It's people like you.....the 130 million or so that make it possible for the Democrats to turn this country into a shithole by flooding this country with illegal voters that can't speak English and only want to be taken care of.

You're the reason America is going to shit. You're the reason idiots like Bernie and Biden are frontrunners in the Socialist/Democrat party.

of course they do,,,they are effected by your vote so they have every right to complain,,,
Whine like a baby vs offsetting that vote with your own.

The op is 100% correct.

two different things that are not connected,,,

the OP is about 45% right,,,
If you're one of those people who says they never're part of the problem.

There are several reasons why you're part of the problem:

  • You're too apathetic to care about the direction this country goes
  • You're not really informed enough to make a rational decision at the ballot box anyway
  • 9 times out of 10 you'll use the wrong criteria to make a choice anyway
Everyone I've met that doesn't vote seems to be roughly of the same type.

People who only think about themselves and spend most of their time telling everyone how smart they are not to vote.

People who are apathetic George Carlin.

These are the people that think they are the enlightened few in this country. The deep thinkers. The people who are above the fray.

Wrong.....all it means is you could care less what happens to this country and you don't want to be held responsible for it when everything goes to shit.

It's people like you.....the 130 million or so that make it possible for the Democrats to turn this country into a shithole by flooding this country with illegal voters that can't speak English and only want to be taken care of.

You're the reason America is going to shit. You're the reason idiots like Bernie and Biden are frontrunners in the Socialist/Democrat party.

of course they do,,,they are effected by your vote so they have every right to complain,,,
They don't care enough to cancel out votes that effect their lives.

Voting to them is too much trouble.

not when you consider the two controlling parties,,,
They are only in control because of apathy. Becoming engaged is not hard. It requires less effort than whining
I know someone who lives in Cook county and would like to vote republican. He doesn't bother because it is so strongly Democrat that it is a waste of time. His friends feel the same way.

I know someone who lives in Cook county and would like to vote republican. He doesn't bother because it is so strongly Democrat that it is a waste of time. His friends feel the same way.
If ALL the folks in Cook County who wanted to vote Republican did it, maybe they'd win. I never go by numbers. Look what happened in '16.

The county of CROOK, aka Cook in Illinois, is a special place, lol. You see Jeesie Smollett?!?!?!

Cook has been ruled by the Democratic plantation for almost 70 years, and it went from uneducated Irish people, and Italian people, to Black people. This is the backbone of the Democratic party! It is why they pander to inner city thugs, kiss a**, and turn their backs on illegal immigration. They do this so when elections come up, they get the vote!

Want to destroy the plantation?

Then you have to eliminate SANCTUARY CITY'S, period! Why do you think the Left fights so damn hard!

One would think it is about the Presidential election, but it is NOT! It is about the House of Representatives. They need as many in there to screw you as they can get!

So, for GOPers in the county of CROOK, vote, because Illinois is at the tipping point either way in national elections. They don't want to tell you that, but it is true. YOUR VOTE COUNTS, and it counts BIG, especially in national elections.

About 12 or 16 years ago, a Republican ran for governor. He carried EVERY county in Illinois but 1, and that 1 was the county of CROOK. He lost by less than 1%! That is what happens, when you think your vote doesn't count!
If you're one of those people who says they never're part of the problem.

There are several reasons why you're part of the problem:

  • You're too apathetic to care about the direction this country goes
  • You're not really informed enough to make a rational decision at the ballot box anyway
  • 9 times out of 10 you'll use the wrong criteria to make a choice anyway
Everyone I've met that doesn't vote seems to be roughly of the same type.

People who only think about themselves and spend most of their time telling everyone how smart they are not to vote.

People who are apathetic George Carlin.

These are the people that think they are the enlightened few in this country. The deep thinkers. The people who are above the fray.

Wrong.....all it means is you could care less what happens to this country and you don't want to be held responsible for it when everything goes to shit.

It's people like you.....the 130 million or so that make it possible for the Democrats to turn this country into a shithole by flooding this country with illegal voters that can't speak English and only want to be taken care of.

You're the reason America is going to shit. You're the reason idiots like Bernie and Biden are frontrunners in the Socialist/Democrat party.

of course they do,,,they are effected by your vote so they have every right to complain,,,
They don't care enough to cancel out votes that effect their lives.

Voting to them is too much trouble.

not when you consider the two controlling parties,,,
They are only in control because of apathy. Becoming engaged is not hard. It requires less effort than whining

apathy can explain some of it but the biggest factor is how dems and repubes rig the rules in their favor mainly towards the financial aspect
Citizens who have no one to vote for have every right to complain. Participating just to keep the duopoly in power is ludicrous.
I know someone who lives in Cook county and would like to vote republican. He doesn't bother because it is so strongly Democrat that it is a waste of time. His friends feel the same way.
Equally stupid logic.

If voters actually participated the outcomes could easily change. Who told them is was all Democrat? Did they go door to door or did they just buy the media mantra?
I know someone who lives in Cook county and would like to vote republican. He doesn't bother because it is so strongly Democrat that it is a waste of time. His friends feel the same way.
Equally stupid logic.

If voters actually participated the outcomes could easily change. Who told them is was all Democrat? Did they go door to door or did they just buy the media mantra?
They've been there for years and have seen the results. I think there should be a Republican Revolution and every GOP er come out to vote one time and see if there is a difference.
If you're one of those people who says they never're part of the problem.

There are several reasons why you're part of the problem:

  • You're too apathetic to care about the direction this country goes
  • You're not really informed enough to make a rational decision at the ballot box anyway
  • 9 times out of 10 you'll use the wrong criteria to make a choice anyway
Everyone I've met that doesn't vote seems to be roughly of the same type.

People who only think about themselves and spend most of their time telling everyone how smart they are not to vote.

People who are apathetic George Carlin.

These are the people that think they are the enlightened few in this country. The deep thinkers. The people who are above the fray.

Wrong.....all it means is you could care less what happens to this country and you don't want to be held responsible for it when everything goes to shit.

It's people like you.....the 130 million or so that make it possible for the Democrats to turn this country into a shithole by flooding this country with illegal voters that can't speak English and only want to be taken care of.

You're the reason America is going to shit. You're the reason idiots like Bernie and Biden are frontrunners in the Socialist/Democrat party.

of course they do,,,they are effected by your vote so they have every right to complain,,,
They don't care enough to cancel out votes that effect their lives.

Voting to them is too much trouble.

not when you consider the two controlling parties,,,
They are only in control because of apathy. Becoming engaged is not hard. It requires less effort than whining

apathy can explain some of it but the biggest factor is how dems and repubes rig the rules in their favor mainly towards the financial aspect
Regardless of the "rules" if citizens exercise their vote the rules wont matter. If the outsider gets 80% of the votes because of a unified citizenry and the rest split the vote the establishment boot is removed.
Ross Perot is proof of that. Had he not dropped out then got back in he would have won. Trump is also proof. He "claims" to be a Republican/ conservative but anyone with a brain knows that's bullshit. If Sanders ideas weren't so flippin radical he too would unseat the establishment.

With the advent of social media there is no excuse for citizens to not unite behind a common goal. Just look at Candace Owen's. A couple years ago she started a youtube channel. Now she has a large audience of our youth and many older people. All from a no nothing liberal to a staunch almost libertarian.
Citizens who have no one to vote for have every right to complain. Participating just to keep the duopoly in power is ludicrous.
No one said you had to vote for the two parties. There are tons of options on my ballots every time I vote and you can always write in someone.
of course they do,,,they are effected by your vote so they have every right to complain,,,
They don't care enough to cancel out votes that effect their lives.

Voting to them is too much trouble.

not when you consider the two controlling parties,,,
They are only in control because of apathy. Becoming engaged is not hard. It requires less effort than whining

apathy can explain some of it but the biggest factor is how dems and repubes rig the rules in their favor mainly towards the financial aspect
Regardless of the "rules" if citizens exercise their vote the rules wont matter. If the outsider gets 80% of the votes because of a unified citizenry and the rest split the vote the establishment boot is removed.
Ross Perot is proof of that. Had he not dropped out then got back in he would have won. Trump is also proof. He "claims" to be a Republican/ conservative but anyone with a brain knows that's bullshit. If Sanders ideas weren't so flippin radical he too would unseat the establishment.

With the advent of social media there is no excuse for citizens to not unite behind a common goal. Just look at Candace Owen's. A couple years ago she started a youtube channel. Now she has a large audience of our youth and many older people. All from a no nothing liberal to a staunch almost libertarian.

I admit there is no good excuse to not vote,,,but not voting doesnt take away free speech,,,
They don't care enough to cancel out votes that effect their lives.

Voting to them is too much trouble.

not when you consider the two controlling parties,,,
They are only in control because of apathy. Becoming engaged is not hard. It requires less effort than whining

apathy can explain some of it but the biggest factor is how dems and repubes rig the rules in their favor mainly towards the financial aspect
Regardless of the "rules" if citizens exercise their vote the rules wont matter. If the outsider gets 80% of the votes because of a unified citizenry and the rest split the vote the establishment boot is removed.
Ross Perot is proof of that. Had he not dropped out then got back in he would have won. Trump is also proof. He "claims" to be a Republican/ conservative but anyone with a brain knows that's bullshit. If Sanders ideas weren't so flippin radical he too would unseat the establishment.

With the advent of social media there is no excuse for citizens to not unite behind a common goal. Just look at Candace Owen's. A couple years ago she started a youtube channel. Now she has a large audience of our youth and many older people. All from a no nothing liberal to a staunch almost libertarian.

I admit there is no good excuse to not vote,,,but not voting doesnt take away free speech,,,
We agree on that.
Citizens who have no one to vote for have every right to complain. Participating just to keep the duopoly in power is ludicrous.
No one said you had to vote for the two parties. There are tons of options on my ballots every time I vote and you can always write in someone.

I could write somebody in who has no chance of winning, or I could sit at home jerking off that day. The difference? Leaving the house to stand in a long line for no reason doesn't make me cum.
If Rubio or Cruz or anyone other than Trump was President, we’d still have yet another shithead like GW/Obama fucking most Americans up the tuchus with globalism.
If Trump didn’t run I wouldn’t have voted.
If we take the vote away from the Middle Class ... will they stop whining? ...

I vote as often as I can ... go around the neighborhood finding people who don't plan to vote and fill out their ballots for them ... I even pay to mail it in ... "no taxes" piles the ballots up on my desk like nothing else ...
I get why people don’t vote, but I always do and write in people that share my principles. I am not going to just blindly vote for which duopolist stooge appears on the ballot.
People with no vested interest and no at least general knowledge of the policies of the people running SHOULD NOT VOTE. I would support a system where you were a citizen after you vote but not before and you kept your citizenship by being informed and voting.

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