People Who Don't Vote Have No Room To Complain

Dumb thread.

It has very little knowledge about Political Legitimacy, or Electoral Boycotting.

It has become very clear to intelligent members, those who are non-partisan, independents, and moderates, that the Deep State and corruption in our process has made voting largely meaningless, except to lend an air of credibility to the crimes of the oligarchy.

We have some systemic problems in this nation we need to face up to before the rest of the planet take our elections and the legitimacy of our representative republic seriously again.

Using ad hominem to shame folks to give legitimacy to the Deep State is juvenile at best.

Election boycott - Wikipedia

Legitimacy (political) - Wikipedia

Penguin p-p-p-picks up more votes than the Lib Dems

I thought this was a good answer, and it is personal for everyone. I guess it really depends upon a critical mass. At what point has the ruling oligarchy and Deep State lost the faith of the nation, and thus, legitimacy?

Role of election boycotts in a democracy —

". . .Summary of the individual responses received:

Election boycotts have no place in a functioning democracy; participation being at the heart of the democratic process. However, boycotts could have a role to play in a democracy that is not functioning as it should be and where fair competition is impossible. The problem lies in determining at what point conditions for a fair election are being violated to such an extent that a boycott is justifiable. Even if justifiable it should be considered as a last resort. In most cases opposition parties have concluded that participation in the electoral process – even if it is unequal – is more beneficial than boycotting it. Choosing to be outside the electoral process is a highly risky political tactic and can come with high costs. Both the degree of sympathy and interest in any boycott by the wider electorate is a crucial factor in determining the impact of any boycott. Their impacts are often minimal and can be managed by the incumbent government unless the boycott is accompanied by other measures which hinder ability to govern or there is a minimum voter participation required. Boycotts therefore often impact upon legitimacy but not the final result. There is also a very real danger that resorting to a boycott can have a long-term and damaging effect on the democratic process.

There is a danger that street protests (as a means to bring about a change in government) are resorted to too easily and become less then exceptional events, thereby undermining the constitutional process.. . "

Most intelligent folks know that, unless you subscribe to a DNC or GOP world view, the elections are a sham.

How Presidential Debates Work
How Presidential Debates Work

League Refuses to "Help Perpetrate a Fraud" | League of Women Voters

Elections Corruption

You've Got to Stop Voting - by Mark E. Smith
You've Got to Stop Voting - by Mark E. Smith | FUBAR AND GRILL

U.S. Political Parties and the Deep State - LA Progressive

I am willing to bet, those same folks that vociferously state, you have to vote, would also say that Venezuela's election that overwhelming re-elected Nicolás Maduro, was not "legitimate." :71:

What a bunch of crap.

Citizens who have no one to vote for have every right to complain. Participating just to keep the duopoly in power is ludicrous.
No one said you had to vote for the two parties. There are tons of options on my ballots every time I vote and you can always write in someone.

I could write somebody in who has no chance of winning, or I could sit at home jerking off that day. The difference? Leaving the house to stand in a long line for no reason doesn't make me cum.
. . . also, by going out voting?

You give your acquiesce and political endorsement to the system, regardless of whether the guy you voted for wins or not.

Thus, every sanction that is made, every assassination that is done, every war that is started, every terrorist that is funded by the United States federal government, is done so with your blessing. Your vote legitimizes the system.

OTH, if you boycott, you refuse to give your consent.
Voting for "the lesser of evils" is still voting for evil.

If you ignore the opportunity to vote third-party or write someone in then you're evil so probably leaning Democrat anyway. If you're a disgusted Democrat and can't bring yourself to vote for President Trump then at least write in Bernie Sanders. You already know he won't be on "the ticket".
If you're one of those people who says they never're part of the problem.

There are several reasons why you're part of the problem:

  • You're too apathetic to care about the direction this country goes
  • You're not really informed enough to make a rational decision at the ballot box anyway
  • 9 times out of 10 you'll use the wrong criteria to make a choice anyway
Everyone I've met that doesn't vote seems to be roughly of the same type.

People who only think about themselves and spend most of their time telling everyone how smart they are not to vote.

People who are apathetic George Carlin.

These are the people that think they are the enlightened few in this country. The deep thinkers. The people who are above the fray.

Wrong.....all it means is you could care less what happens to this country and you don't want to be held responsible for it when everything goes to shit.

It's people like you.....the 130 million or so that make it possible for the Democrats to turn this country into a shithole by flooding this country with illegal voters that can't speak English and only want to be taken care of.

You're the reason America is going to shit. You're the reason idiots like Bernie and Biden are frontrunners in the Socialist/Democrat party.
Citizens who have no one to vote for have every right to complain. Participating just to keep the duopoly in power is ludicrous.
No one said you had to vote for the two parties. There are tons of options on my ballots every time I vote and you can always write in someone.
That can be true while the quoted post also remains true. There are sometimes other parties, and in some places write ins are possible. In either case, it is overwhelmingly obvious to anyone that these are exercises in futility. Citizen participation is good and to be encourage, but reality shows that the two dominant parties offer poor choices an no others have a chance. We have not only the right, but the duty to lament that.
I'll contend that it is taxation without representation if a person doesn't vote because none of the candidates represents the voter's view. As for the position that a non-voter's doesn't have room to complain, that is something I can't see but I would go along with if abstaining would also eliminate their tax burden.
If you're one of those people who says they never're part of the problem.

There are several reasons why you're part of the problem:

  • You're too apathetic to care about the direction this country goes
  • You're not really informed enough to make a rational decision at the ballot box anyway
  • 9 times out of 10 you'll use the wrong criteria to make a choice anyway
Everyone I've met that doesn't vote seems to be roughly of the same type.

People who only think about themselves and spend most of their time telling everyone how smart they are not to vote.

People who are apathetic George Carlin.

These are the people that think they are the enlightened few in this country. The deep thinkers. The people who are above the fray.

Wrong.....all it means is you could care less what happens to this country and you don't want to be held responsible for it when everything goes to shit.

It's people like you.....the 130 million or so that make it possible for the Democrats to turn this country into a shithole by flooding this country with illegal voters that can't speak English and only want to be taken care of.

You're the reason America is going to shit. You're the reason idiots like Bernie and Biden are frontrunners in the Socialist/Democrat party.

Carlin made alot of money off of being sarcastic.
He's not offering good advice.
He's just making fun of everything around him.
Every time somebody tells me I have to vote they follow it up by telling me who I should vote for.

Well, you'd never hear that from me. I will encourage you to vote and not care who you are voting for. Of course, I am an election official and turnout is important to me.

It's like throwing an expensive party every year but people only attend the party once every four years.
If you're one of those people who says they never're part of the problem.

There are several reasons why you're part of the problem:

  • You're too apathetic to care about the direction this country goes
  • You're not really informed enough to make a rational decision at the ballot box anyway
  • 9 times out of 10 you'll use the wrong criteria to make a choice anyway
Everyone I've met that doesn't vote seems to be roughly of the same type.

People who only think about themselves and spend most of their time telling everyone how smart they are not to vote.

People who are apathetic George Carlin.

These are the people that think they are the enlightened few in this country. The deep thinkers. The people who are above the fray.

Wrong.....all it means is you could care less what happens to this country and you don't want to be held responsible for it when everything goes to shit.

It's people like you.....the 130 million or so that make it possible for the Democrats to turn this country into a shithole by flooding this country with illegal voters that can't speak English and only want to be taken care of.

You're the reason America is going to shit. You're the reason idiots like Bernie and Biden are frontrunners in the Socialist/Democrat party.

"You're the reason America is going to shit. You're the reason idiots like Bernie and Biden are frontrunners in the Socialist/Democrat party."

and despicable deplorable dirt bags are in the white house
If you're one of those people who says they never're part of the problem.

There are several reasons why you're part of the problem:

  • You're too apathetic to care about the direction this country goes
  • You're not really informed enough to make a rational decision at the ballot box anyway
  • 9 times out of 10 you'll use the wrong criteria to make a choice anyway
Everyone I've met that doesn't vote seems to be roughly of the same type.

People who only think about themselves and spend most of their time telling everyone how smart they are not to vote.

People who are apathetic George Carlin.

These are the people that think they are the enlightened few in this country. The deep thinkers. The people who are above the fray.

Wrong.....all it means is you could care less what happens to this country and you don't want to be held responsible for it when everything goes to shit.

It's people like you.....the 130 million or so that make it possible for the Democrats to turn this country into a shithole by flooding this country with illegal voters that can't speak English and only want to be taken care of.

You're the reason America is going to shit. You're the reason idiots like Bernie and Biden are frontrunners in the Socialist/Democrat party.

"You're the reason America is going to shit. You're the reason idiots like Bernie and Biden are frontrunners in the Socialist/Democrat party."

and despicable deplorable dirt bags are in the white house
Trump was elected because of people like YOU who feel winning is the only quality that matters, regardless of what it takes to win.
I dont have a problem with those that dont vote. Chances are they are uninformed anyway. I have a big problem with those who are misinformed.
A coworker of mine voted for governor a few years back because he always votes dem. There was a good republican as governor at the time. A year later he said "if I knew he was going to raise my taxes I wouldn't have voted for him". I told him every commercial,interview and debate your guy said he was going to raise taxes.
Just pulling the d lever because.

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