Pepper-Spray by a Cruel and Cowardly NYC Cop

Protestors in detention maced by a cop who then runs away so he doesn't get caught and charged with assault?

You sir, are an ass.
He ran to the bathroom to change his shorts. Cops and meatheads often have an orgasm when inflicting pain.

Bullies and sadists do tend to be cowards.
"Not all cowards are bullies, but all bullies are cowards" - Sarah Silverman
What's the big 'shock' here? They were probably told about a dozen times to move over so that barricade could be put in place. They didn't move and so were made to move through non-lethal means. Did these airheads imagine that they would 'occupy' part of the city (as pathetic as the attempt turned out to be) and receive hot chocolate and back rubs from the law enforcement officers there to protect ALL the people and maintain some degree of order? Just think, if that kid had stayed home she would have missed out on her dramatic crying in the streets moment. She'll be living off that story for years.
What's the big 'shock' here? They were probably told about a dozen times to move over so that barricade could be put in place. They didn't move and so were made to move through non-lethal means. Did these airheads imagine that they would 'occupy' part of the city (as pathetic as the attempt turned out to be) and receive hot chocolate and back rubs from the law enforcement officers there to protect ALL the people and maintain some degree of order? Just think, if that kid had stayed home she would have missed out on her dramatic crying in the streets moment. She'll be living off that story for years.

Those ladies were being DETAINED.

Did you not notice that they were being held in a holding area and surrounded by cops?
They were probably walking by on their way to Church and were grabbed at random, eh?
They were probably walking by on their way to Church and were grabbed at random, eh?

No obviously not.

What's your point?

That it was okay for that fat pig of a cop to pepper spray then while in holding because he didn't like their politics?

Grow up, kid.
Boo hoo hoo, protestors breaking the law got maced, maybe next time we should just shoot them.


Yeah sure, pepper spraying peaceful protesters is ok. But arresting pedophile cult leaders is the government overstepping it's authoritah!

Have another box of ho-ho's you stupid fat fuck. :thup:
They were probably walking by on their way to Church and were grabbed at random, eh?

No obviously not.

What's your point?.

The point is that if you go to 'occupy' part of the city and are not prepared for reality then you get what you deserve. Those empty-headed dopes thought they would play 'let's pretend it's the 60s!' and it would be fun and self-affirming and maybe they would be on TV! Those police officers were there to protect the entire city and had probably been dealing with those idiots all day. That officer won't be charged with anything and he shouldn't. That dopey broad won't be permanently damaged and will boast of this story for the rest of her life.
You call this peaceful?

About 80 people were arrested near Union Square on Saturday afternoon when demonstrators clashed with police during a protest led by the group Occupy Wall Street, police said.

Of the dozens arrested, most were for disorderly conduct, obstructing vehicular and pedestrian traffic, resisting arrest and, in one case, assaulting a police officer, the police said.
You call this peaceful?

About 80 people were arrested near Union Square on Saturday afternoon when demonstrators clashed with police during a protest led by the group Occupy Wall Street, police said.

Of the dozens arrested, most were for disorderly conduct, obstructing vehicular and pedestrian traffic, resisting arrest and, in one case, assaulting a police officer, the police said.

Police Said?

I'm sorry there weren't any unbias journalists in NYC to report on their observations during the protest.
You can't just shut down traffic and pedestrians.
It's against the law.
Then when Police tried to pen them, to keep them on the side walks, they got violent.

[ame=]Occupy Wall Street demonstrations shut down NYC streets - YouTube[/ame]
Anonymous has identified NYPD Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna as the man seen pepper-spraying two women unprovoked at the Occupy Wall Street protest over the weekend, but they're not just leaving it at that. The Internet vigilantes, using photographic evidence of Bologna on the scene and a close-up of his badge, wasted no time in putting together a file on the officer, including a possible phone number, addresses, and the names of his family members, warning ominously, "Before you commit atrocities against innocent people, think twice. WE ARE WATCHING!!! Expect Us!"
phone number: (518) 989-9051
Anthony Bologna - ANONYMOUS Identifies NYPD Officer Who MACED Innocent Wall Street Protesters - Home - The Daily Bail
Anonymous has identified NYPD Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna as the man seen pepper-spraying two women unprovoked at the Occupy Wall Street protest over the weekend, but they're not just leaving it at that. The Internet vigilantes, using photographic evidence of Bologna on the scene and a close-up of his badge, wasted no time in putting together a file on the officer, including a possible phone number, addresses, and the names of his family members, warning ominously, "Before you commit atrocities against innocent people, think twice. WE ARE WATCHING!!! Expect Us!"
phone number: (518) 989-9051
Anthony Bologna - ANONYMOUS Identifies NYPD Officer Who MACED Innocent Wall Street*Protesters - Home - The Daily Bail

I think the other cops that stood idly by should be reprimanded as well.
  • Thanks
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I may call him to get his opinion tomorrow, say at 0900 my time, 0300 his time
Expect more of this. What's happening on Wall Street right now is only the beginning.
Anonymous has identified NYPD Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna as the man seen pepper-spraying two women unprovoked at the Occupy Wall Street protest over the weekend, but they're not just leaving it at that. The Internet vigilantes, using photographic evidence of Bologna on the scene and a close-up of his badge, wasted no time in putting together a file on the officer, including a possible phone number, addresses, and the names of his family members, warning ominously, "Before you commit atrocities against innocent people, think twice. WE ARE WATCHING!!! Expect Us!"
phone number: (518) 989-9051
Anthony Bologna - ANONYMOUS Identifies NYPD Officer Who MACED Innocent Wall Street*Protesters - Home - The Daily Bail

"Anonymous" should be found and imprisoned immediately.

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