Perfect description of today's Right-Wing wackos

So we're all just to dumb to get you.

A helpful hint: If you're going to make your intelligence a point of discussion, always proofread before posting.
Here's a point. Show me what was wrong.

"So we're all just _too_ dumb to get you."
Wow, these are the pearls you people clutch. And still are wrong. To is a perfectly acceptable spelling in this context.
Actually, not. "Too" is the correct spelling given the context.
Looks like you did, too.
Seemed fitting..............left wing wacko did the OP straw mans what.

Did you read the article in the OP?

Or did you just read the headline, and think that was enough?
I read what was posted primarily the bold.......................either way it's an ideological attack thread now isn't it.

If you decide to take this thread as an "ideological attack", that's on you.

I see it as an interesting (and accurate) assessment of the rhetoric used by people like Alex Jones - that making every issue of apocalyptic importance, and every disagreement a battle between good and evil is destructive to rational discourse, and in the long run, dangerous for democracy.

1. The thread title portends an ideological attack. You don't start an intelligent discussion by calling people wackos. Seems I recall a rule for zone 2 expressly noting thread titles as a reason to move threads form zone 2 forums.

Zone 2 Posting Rules

2. The left has been calling their opposition evil and accusing them of killing people for decades. It was one of the principle tactics in Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. The very principles your dear leader ascribed to and taught.

So pot, meet kettle.


Where did he call anyone wacko? He simply asked people to read the damn article.
Seemed fitting..............left wing wacko did the OP straw mans what.

Did you read the article in the OP?

Or did you just read the headline, and think that was enough?
I read what was posted primarily the bold.......................either way it's an ideological attack thread now isn't it.

If you decide to take this thread as an "ideological attack", that's on you.

I see it as an interesting (and accurate) assessment of the rhetoric used by people like Alex Jones - that making every issue of apocalyptic importance, and every disagreement a battle between good and evil is destructive to rational discourse, and in the long run, dangerous for democracy.

1. The thread title portends an ideological attack. You don't start an intelligent discussion by calling people wackos. Seems I recall a rule for zone 2 expressly noting thread titles as a reason to move threads form zone 2 forums.

Zone 2 Posting Rules

2. The left has been calling their opposition evil and accusing them of killing people for decades. It was one of the principle tactics in Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. The very principles your dear leader ascribed to and taught.

So pot, meet kettle.


Where did he call anyone wacko? He simply asked people to read the damn article.

Did you read the thread title?

Perfect description of today's Right-Wing wackos

I don't know if the left is trying to be serious or so absurd that they are trying to make people laugh.
Interesting how the crackpots on the far right are always supposed to be representative of all or most republicans but the crackpots of the far left are not representative of all or most Democrats. Look at some of the crazy stuff Maxine Waters has said just since Trump was elected I'm not talking about 9-11 was an inside job consiparcy stuff just her talk about impeachment and Russian collusion is enough to make most people cringe. Jones is a loon but a loon on the radio has far less power to impact peoples lives than the loon who keeps getting sent back Congress election after election.
This is from a Charlie Sykes Op-Ed about Alex Jones:

Mr. Jones, Matt Drudge and President Trump himself have played a role in reviving what Richard Hofstadter called “The Paranoid Style in American Politics.” Reread in light of today’s politics, Hofstadter’s 1964 essay seems eerily prescient.

The paranoid spokesman, he wrote, saw the world “in apocalyptic terms — he traffics in the birth and death of whole worlds, whole political orders, whole systems of human values. He is always manning the barricades of civilization. He constantly lives at a turning point.”

At the center of the paranoid worldview, Hofstadter wrote, was a sense on the right that “America has been largely taken away from them and their kind, though they are determined to try to repossess it and to prevent the final destructive act of subversion.”

Since the situation is so dire and the stakes so high, the paranoid spokesman is not interested in half-measures. “He does not see social conflict as something to be mediated and compromised, in the manner of the working politician,” Hofstadter wrote.

I read the article twice all I see is the left upset that their cover was blown, from grubber/obama care lie to shovel ready no jobs..

Did you read the article in the OP?

Or did you just read the headline, and think that was enough?
I read what was posted primarily the bold.......................either way it's an ideological attack thread now isn't it.

If you decide to take this thread as an "ideological attack", that's on you.

I see it as an interesting (and accurate) assessment of the rhetoric used by people like Alex Jones - that making every issue of apocalyptic importance, and every disagreement a battle between good and evil is destructive to rational discourse, and in the long run, dangerous for democracy.

1. The thread title portends an ideological attack. You don't start an intelligent discussion by calling people wackos. Seems I recall a rule for zone 2 expressly noting thread titles as a reason to move threads form zone 2 forums.

Zone 2 Posting Rules

2. The left has been calling their opposition evil and accusing them of killing people for decades. It was one of the principle tactics in Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. The very principles your dear leader ascribed to and taught.

So pot, meet kettle.


Where did he call anyone wacko? He simply asked people to read the damn article.

Did you read the thread title?

Perfect description of today's Right-Wing wackos


I didn't write the OP title.
This is from a Charlie Sykes Op-Ed about Alex Jones:

Mr. Jones, Matt Drudge and President Trump himself have played a role in reviving what Richard Hofstadter called “The Paranoid Style in American Politics.” Reread in light of today’s politics, Hofstadter’s 1964 essay seems eerily prescient.

The paranoid spokesman, he wrote, saw the world “in apocalyptic terms — he traffics in the birth and death of whole worlds, whole political orders, whole systems of human values. He is always manning the barricades of civilization. He constantly lives at a turning point.”

At the center of the paranoid worldview, Hofstadter wrote, was a sense on the right that “America has been largely taken away from them and their kind, though they are determined to try to repossess it and to prevent the final destructive act of subversion.”

Since the situation is so dire and the stakes so high, the paranoid spokesman is not interested in half-measures. “He does not see social conflict as something to be mediated and compromised, in the manner of the working politician,” Hofstadter wrote.
Lol! You guys make up some dumb shit. Thanks for the laugh.
"You guys"? Charlie Sykes is a conservative talk show host in Wisconsin, buddies with Paul Ryan, Scott Walker, Reince Priebus.
I read what was posted primarily the bold.......................either way it's an ideological attack thread now isn't it.

If you decide to take this thread as an "ideological attack", that's on you.

I see it as an interesting (and accurate) assessment of the rhetoric used by people like Alex Jones - that making every issue of apocalyptic importance, and every disagreement a battle between good and evil is destructive to rational discourse, and in the long run, dangerous for democracy.

1. The thread title portends an ideological attack. You don't start an intelligent discussion by calling people wackos. Seems I recall a rule for zone 2 expressly noting thread titles as a reason to move threads form zone 2 forums.

Zone 2 Posting Rules

2. The left has been calling their opposition evil and accusing them of killing people for decades. It was one of the principle tactics in Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. The very principles your dear leader ascribed to and taught.

So pot, meet kettle.


Where did he call anyone wacko? He simply asked people to read the damn article.

Did you read the thread title?

Perfect description of today's Right-Wing wackos


I didn't write the OP title.

The response you quoted wasn't directed to you, was it?

You're accusing Republicans of being paranoid? Really?


I think you missed the point. Maybe you should try reading it again.
What point have I missed? The first bolded paragraph describes so many on this forum who are hysterical over stopping Democrats from totally destroying America - that we're in our last throes as a free society because of the evil Liberals.

I think you need to look at what post I was responding to.
Sorry. That's a big problem with the Ignore List - it totally hides the Ignored instead of just hiding their content. I've been happily ignoring bripat for years now. :)
Yeah, that's because you're a coward.
No, you're just a moron who is not worth my time.
Looks like you did, too.
Seemed fitting..............left wing wacko did the OP straw mans what.

Did you read the article in the OP?

Or did you just read the headline, and think that was enough?
I read what was posted primarily the bold.......................either way it's an ideological attack thread now isn't it.

If you decide to take this thread as an "ideological attack", that's on you.

I see it as an interesting (and accurate) assessment of the rhetoric used by people like Alex Jones - that making every issue of apocalyptic importance, and every disagreement a battle between good and evil is destructive to rational discourse, and in the long run, dangerous for democracy.

1. The thread title portends an ideological attack. You don't start an intelligent discussion by calling people wackos. Seems I recall a rule for zone 2 expressly noting thread titles as a reason to move threads form zone 2 forums.

Zone 2 Posting Rules

2. The left has been calling their opposition evil and accusing them of killing people for decades. It was one of the principle tactics in Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. The very principles your dear leader ascribed to and taught.

So pot, meet kettle.


1. It's an attack, if you want to feel like a victim. If you decide that you are personally part of the "right wing wackos" the OP is talking about, then you can feel hurt by it, and use that as a way to avoid the topic.

The topic, on the other hand, is legitimate.

2. If you like, you are welcome to provide examples to support your argument that "The left" has been doing this for decades. But that isn't really the point, is it?
Did you read the article in the OP?

Or did you just read the headline, and think that was enough?
I read what was posted primarily the bold.......................either way it's an ideological attack thread now isn't it.

If you decide to take this thread as an "ideological attack", that's on you.

I see it as an interesting (and accurate) assessment of the rhetoric used by people like Alex Jones - that making every issue of apocalyptic importance, and every disagreement a battle between good and evil is destructive to rational discourse.

Who is making every utterance or action of the Trump administration into a battle between good and evil? It's worse than that, even. They are saying that Trump will destroy the Earth.
I've taken you off Ignore for this thread.

Why are you introducing Trump into this thread? The OP is not about Trump. The part I quoted mentions him, but the point of the OP is that an essay written in 1964 describes a sizable segment of conservatives in 2017: constantly paranoid that Democrats are about to irrevocably destroy America. We heard it in 2008, and then when Obama actually helped save the country from financial ruin, we heard it again in 2012, that Obama was going to destroy the country. Hillary is going to destroy the country. Bernie is going to destroy the country. Apocalyptic hysteria. Well-represented on USMB.
"Paranoia" describes leftwingers, if it describes anyone.
From the "Obama is a secret Muslim agent" crowd, that's a laugh.
If you decide to take this thread as an "ideological attack", that's on you.

I see it as an interesting (and accurate) assessment of the rhetoric used by people like Alex Jones - that making every issue of apocalyptic importance, and every disagreement a battle between good and evil is destructive to rational discourse, and in the long run, dangerous for democracy.

1. The thread title portends an ideological attack. You don't start an intelligent discussion by calling people wackos. Seems I recall a rule for zone 2 expressly noting thread titles as a reason to move threads form zone 2 forums.

Zone 2 Posting Rules

2. The left has been calling their opposition evil and accusing them of killing people for decades. It was one of the principle tactics in Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. The very principles your dear leader ascribed to and taught.

So pot, meet kettle.


Where did he call anyone wacko? He simply asked people to read the damn article.

Did you read the thread title?

Perfect description of today's Right-Wing wackos


I didn't write the OP title.

The response you quoted wasn't directed to you, was it?


It certainly appears to be. But if not, that's fine.
You're spending a lot of time telling people replying to you that's not what you're talking about. How about you get to the point and tell us what you're talking about?

Read the damn article, and you'll see.
So we're all just to dumb to get you.

No, I have confidence that you could easily understand what I'm saying - if you stopped whining about how victimized by the OP you are, and just read the damn article.
I'm talking about you at this point. Are you going to once again reply how I just don't understand your posts? Or are you going to step up and clarify?

If you want to know what I'm trying to talk about in this thread, read the damn article - because that's what I'm trying to talk about.

I'll direct you back to my post #14, if it would help to see it in my words.

If you decide to take this thread as an "ideological attack", that's on you.

I see it as an interesting (and accurate) assessment of the rhetoric used by people like Alex Jones - that making every issue of apocalyptic importance, and every disagreement a battle between good and evil is destructive to rational discourse, and in the long run, dangerous for democracy.
They all stubbornly believe the article is about the essay from 1964 that I highlighted.
This is from a Charlie Sykes Op-Ed about Alex Jones:

Mr. Jones, Matt Drudge and President Trump himself have played a role in reviving what Richard Hofstadter called “The Paranoid Style in American Politics.” Reread in light of today’s politics, Hofstadter’s 1964 essay seems eerily prescient.

The paranoid spokesman, he wrote, saw the world “in apocalyptic terms — he traffics in the birth and death of whole worlds, whole political orders, whole systems of human values. He is always manning the barricades of civilization. He constantly lives at a turning point.”

At the center of the paranoid worldview, Hofstadter wrote, was a sense on the right that “America has been largely taken away from them and their kind, though they are determined to try to repossess it and to prevent the final destructive act of subversion.”

Since the situation is so dire and the stakes so high, the paranoid spokesman is not interested in half-measures. “He does not see social conflict as something to be mediated and compromised, in the manner of the working politician,” Hofstadter wrote.
Lol! You guys make up some dumb shit. Thanks for the laugh.
"You guys"? Charlie Sykes is a conservative talk show host in Wisconsin, buddies with Paul Ryan, Scott Walker, Reince Priebus.

Son of a bitch backed Evan McMullin. He can go straight to RINO hell. Don't ever try to snow anyone that this asshole is a conservative.

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