Zone1 Perfect Score

I posted this because racists like you don't show examples of blacks like this.
Hilarious that a real racist is always calling out those opposing his opinion with facts - as being racists.

It's like Hitler calling out everyone that objects towards his opinion - you are a Jew.
I posted this because racists like you don't show examples of blacks like this.

Oh I see. Now we need to go out hunting for examples of black accomplishment in the news otherwise we are racists! And here I just assumed that blacks as well as everyone else were accomplishing something already!

I guess that proves YOU a racist then because by your standard, where are your posts of whites or Indians or anyone other than blacks accomplishing ANYTHING???
For 20 years Flash denied potential job opportunities to black people. He did this while coming here and posting that blacks make up racism, how blacks use racism as an excuse for their failure, how we blame whites today for things that happened 3-400 years ago, how black culture doesn't value work, that liberal democrats tell blacks that whites are keeping us down and make us believe we are victims. How racism was a thing of the past and it was not such a big thing.

Here he was giving racial preferences to whites while declaring how AA cheats whites out of jobs and discriminates against white people. This is an example of white Affirmative Action as it has been done from the beginning of this country and I bet you don't even think to doubt the accomplishments of anyone white because this happens. Flash was/is not the only one doing this and you know it.

Your opinion is pure racist, and it is this type of cognitive dissonance we as people of color must always face when discussing race with "conservative" whites. Racism is so embedded in your mind that you don't consider that white is a race. White is default for American or normal to those like you. Let me be caption obvious and state that white is a race, and white racial preference has been what the American system was built upon. So given this reality and using your logic, everything whites have was given to them because of Affirmative Action.
Glad I did it. It made up for affirmative action and filthy racial quotas which denied opportunties to Whites. Turnabout is fair play.

Don't like it when it is turned around on you, do you?
You post says you believe in white supremacy.
It does? I don't remember typing that at all. Can you quote it to me?
Flashs actions shows that white racial preferences still take place in employment and Lisas existence in admissions shows that they still take place in college.
I don't know anything about Flash, including how honest he is about what he says, not who may have made him as a sock to prove whatever points they may be trying to make.
There is no credible scince thats supports IQ based on race.
Did you read the scientific paper I showed you? How do you refute it?
You are an example of a low IQ person.
You seem not to know what IQ is. You can disagree with me, and you can think I'm a dumbasss. But you don't know my IQ without seeing a test score.
You ignore what has been done for whites, which is what you claim AA is then try arguing how blacks are going to get doubted for getting the "preferences" whites have given themselves. Your entire argument is stupid.
You're not even reading my posts, then. I acknowledged what has been done for whites in several sentences. But here, I'll show you them again:

If we look at history up until Obama, it is fair to say that every president was elected in the white male only category. If we look all the way to the present, it is fair to say that the category is now "at least half white." Seriously, I agree. Discrimination is wrong, whether you call it racism or Affirmative Action.

G.W. Carver was a great scientist. Imagine how many other great black scientists might would have been his contemporaries if Democrats had not held them back.

Babe Ruth was the Home Run King, but only in a league that did not admit players of the race who is physically the fastest and strongest. The Negro Leagues might have run rings around his all-white Braves, Yankees or Red Sox. Football? Fuggetaboutit.

Read it this time, or I'll let you babble on by yourself, since that's what you want.

Whites today benefit from the policies of the past. Non whites have been harmed. Color conscious policies that favored whites created the damage. You don't fix damage without fixing the root cause. A policy that allows white the majority of jobs and admissions such as Affirmative action is an attempt to do so. The only opposition to this policy comes from whites who believe they are entitled.
Discrimination cannot fix the root cause, which is discrimination. That is not very smart.
Glad I did it. It made up for affirmative action and filthy racial quotas which denied opportunties to Whites. Turnabout is fair play.

Don't like it when it is turned around on you, do you?
Nothing was denied to whites idiot.

The problem with what you did was that you continued doing what AA was made to stop. You're the type of idiot who gives an alcoholic a beer thinking that will cure his alcoholism because beer isn't hard liquor.

When you started your so call protest of AA whites were the majority of employees on your job and they were not facing discrimination. AA allows for whites to be the majority, but white entitlement minded pricks like you believe that whites should get every job.
It does? I don't remember typing that at all. Can you quote it to me?

I don't know anything about Flash, including how honest he is about what he says, not who may have made him as a sock to prove whatever points they may be trying to make.

Did you read the scientific paper I showed you? How do you refute it?

You seem not to know what IQ is. You can disagree with me, and you can think I'm a dumbasss. But you don't know my IQ without seeing a test score.

You're not even reading my posts, then. I acknowledged what has been done for whites in several sentences. But here, I'll show you them again:

If we look at history up until Obama, it is fair to say that every president was elected in the white male only category. If we look all the way to the present, it is fair to say that the category is now "at least half white." Seriously, I agree. Discrimination is wrong, whether you call it racism or Affirmative Action.

G.W. Carver was a great scientist. Imagine how many other great black scientists might would have been his contemporaries if Democrats had not held them back.

Babe Ruth was the Home Run King, but only in a league that did not admit players of the race who is physically the fastest and strongest. The Negro Leagues might have run rings around his all-white Braves, Yankees or Red Sox. Football? Fuggetaboutit.

Read it this time, or I'll let you babble on by yourself, since that's what you want.

Discrimination cannot fix the root cause, which is discrimination. That is not very smart.

Read the post in question then figure out why I said you believe in white supremacy.

Your thinking allows whites to continue benefitting from the inequality white racism created. If AA had not been implemented we would still be looking at no blacks hired or admitted. But just like everything else, whites like you are blind to everything whites have been given at the expense of others and start whining when others try getting the same rights.


Hilarious that a real racist is always calling out those opposing his opinion with facts - as being racists.

It's like Hitler calling out everyone that objects towards his opinion - you are a Jew.
Yes it is quite funny when I present facts to you real racists.
Read the post in question then figure out why I said you believe in white supremacy.

*Reads post in question*

No, I saw nothing remotely resembling white supremacy. I guess you just see a white supremist in every woodshed . . .
Your thinking allows whites to continue benefitting from the inequality white racism created. If AA had not been implemented we would still be looking at no blacks hired or admitted. But just like everything else, whites like you are blind to everything whites have been given at the expense of others and start whining when others try getting the same rights.
Even though I fully acknowledge that in history, whites were give advantages over non-whites?

Affirmative action is based on discrimination against whites, asians and males. White women only benefit if they are competing against a white male for an opportunity. If there is a non-Asian person of color also competing, the white woman will lose.

Nothing was denied to whites idiot.

The problem with what you did was that you continued doing what AA was made to stop. You're the type of idiot who gives an alcoholic a beer thinking that will cure his alcoholism because beer isn't hard liquor.

When you started your so call protest of AA whites were the majority of employees on your job and they were not facing discrimination. AA allows for whites to be the majority, but white entitlement minded pricks like you believe that whites should get every job.

You are wrong, idiot.

Affirmative action and diversity goals are by nature racist. Choosing an employee by race.

Not only is that against the 1964 Civil Rights Act but it is morally despicable.

My employee was a very large Aerospace corporation. Because they had government contracts they paid corporate lip service to the diversity racism. However, in reality they didn't really give a shit at the operating level.

In the 1990s and early 2000s when I was doing a lot of hiring many dumbass worthless Negros had made it through the system where they got degrees, jobs and promotions based upon their race and not their abilities.

I got nice bonuses based upon the performance of my division and I wasn't about to hire some dumbass Negro that didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground about what he or she was suppose to be doing.

Whenever I was given a resume that had any indication the person was a Negro it went right in the trash can. That was the right thing to do.

I may have missed out on getting one or two good employees but probably not any.

I was never held accountable for not meeting the stupid AA/Diversity goals so all is well. I have a very comfortable retirement now and one of the reasons is because I didn't kiss Negro ass. More Americans should do the same. Piss on entitlement Negroes.

*Reads post in question*

No, I saw nothing remotely resembling white supremacy. I guess you just see a white supremist in every woodshed . . .

Even though I fully acknowledge that in history, whites were give advantages over non-whites?

Affirmative action is based on discrimination against whites, asians and males. White women only benefit if they are competing against a white male for an opportunity. If there is a non-Asian person of color also competing, the white woman will lose.

Well when you try claiming that science proves blacks have a lower IQ than whites and Asians, that's white supremacy. White men are not discriminated against by AA and Asians are a protected group under AA. You really don't know what your talking about.

You are wrong, idiot.

Affirmative action and diversity goals are by nature racist. Choosing an employee by race.

Not only is that against the 1964 Civil Rights Act but it is morally despicable.

My employee was a very large Aerospace corporation. Because they had government contracts they paid corporate lip service to the diversity racism. However, in reality they didn't really give a shit at the operating level.

In the 1990s and early 2000s when I was doing a lot of hiring many dumbass worthless Negros had made it through the system where they got degrees, jobs and promotions based upon their race and not their abilities.

I got nice bonuses based upon the performance of my division and I wasn't about to hire some dumbass Negro that didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground about what he or she was suppose to be doing.

Whenever I was given a resume that had any indication the person was a Negro it went right in the trash can. That was the right thing to do.

I may have missed out on getting one or two good employees but probably not any.

I was never held accountable for not meeting the stupid AA/Diversity goals so all is well. I have a very comfortable retirement now and one of the reasons is because I didn't kiss Negro ass. More Americans should do the same. Piss on entitlement Negroes.
Affirmative Action is not against the Civil Rights Act.

So you hired whites who did know their ass from a hole in the ground which decreased the bonuses you could have been given. You denied jobs based on race for 20 years and you talk about how AA discriminates. You are just one of several million whites doing the same thing and you are evidence that proves Affirmative Action needs to stay.

Thanks for the testimonials racist. I will continue making an example out of you.
Yes it is quite funny when I present facts to you real racists.
Show me a single post of mine on this thread - that would behold any racist ideology or racist remark - there is NONE
YOU are what you are - an in and out, full time racist - whilst constantly making false claims.

But feel free to explain, as to why in 2023 any race would need a preference law based on color? Aside from personal like or dislike via the interviewer, in any job interview on this planet - the job is given to the most suitable/qualified candidate and not to the color of the candidate (the latter is a total absurdity).

I have NEVER in my life, nor will I EVER choose a candidate based on his/her color.

But onto the impression of her boobs and her general appearance + qualification. So ugly ones to the left and the good looking ones to the right - the final female candidate will therefore be selected from the right staple.
Criteria for Men - previous job experience, general impression, fake candidates to the left - others to the right. the final male candidate will therefore be selected from the right staple.
There is absolutely no racism involved you racist twit.
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Show me a single post of mine on this thread - that would behold any racist ideology or racist remark - there is NONE
YOU are what you are - an in and out, full time racist - whilst constantly making false claims.

But feel free to explain, as to why in 2023 any race would need a preference law based on color? Aside from personal like or dislike via the interviewer, in any job interview on this planet - the job is given to the most suitable/qualified candidate and not to the color of the candidate (the latter is a total absurdity).

I have NEVER in my life, nor will I EVER choose a candidate based on his/her color.

But onto the impression of her boobs and her general appearance + qualification. So ugly ones to the left and the good looking ones to the right - the final female candidate will therefore be selected from the right staple.
Criteria for Men - previous job experience, general impression, fake candidates to the left - others to the right. the final male candidate will therefore be selected from the right staple.
There is absolutely no racism involved you racist twit.
Lol! Whites like you post racist drivel and think it's not racist. Let's not ignore your sexism.

You have been shown that whites benefit the most from AA. You have been shown evidence of a white man who has just recently retired and hired whites based only on race. Your assumption that only blacks are hired based on race is not only in itself racist, but it ignores that whites continue being hired, promote, and admitted only because of race.

Don't give me the white man's fake colorblind testimony because you are more than likely where you are only because of race.

You ask a question, but the problem with that question is you willfully ignoring the fact that whites are still refusing to hire promote, provide equal pay for equal work, or admit people who are not white. Laws have been passed, but not enforced and according to the logic of people like you, we no longer need police, lawyers or judges because laws have been passed making certain things illegal.
Lol! Whites like you post racist drivel and think it's not racist. Let's not ignore your sexism.
I will repeat it to you once more:
Show me a single post of mine on this thread - that would behold any racist ideology or racist remark

Sexism is an invention by lesbians and Lefty&lib women who can't get a job - because they lack QUALIFICATION
A man taking a look at a women's features is a normal straight forward guy. And not a sexist - you gay or bigot racial moron.
Groping women, that is an inappropriate behavior - also called sexist.
You have been shown that whites benefit the most from AA.
Where? in your wet dreams or what?
You have been shown evidence of a white man who has just recently retired and hired whites based only on race.
What evidence? where is the proof that Flash is a White? - just a prejudice assumption by you, driven by racism.

Even if he is a White - throwing CV's of people being likely Blacks into the trashcan - isn't racist at all, it's called common sense - imagine that applicant would be you or like you.
The most important requirement after qualification - is the ability and guarantee that an applicant fits into a harmonious and social equilibrium, ensured by the existing work- force. And people who are latent racists or prone to racism - demonstrated daily by Blacks via the inability and will towards integration into a predominant existing society - are absolutely detrimental towards a company and that society.

In other words, Blacks need to behave and adjust towards the majority of the society they live in - which happens to be White in the USA. And not Whites need to behave and demonstrate the social and cultural behavior of some African tribesman.

..but it ignores that whites continue being hired, promote, and admitted only because of race.
You got no proof whatsoever in that regard - again just an assumption by you, propelled by racism.
Don't give me the white man's fake colorblind testimony because you are more than likely where you are only because of race.
Unlike you being some petted racist and being placed under preferential race laws - I grew up in Asia as a white - with absolutely no preference given towards my race.
So I had to gain their respect via skills, knowledge and my will towards integration into THEIR society - and not whining about my race and calling them racists.
You ask a question, but the problem with that question is you willfully ignoring the fact that whites are still refusing to hire promote, provide equal pay for equal work, or admit people who are not white.
You got no proof whatsoever in that regard - again just an assumption by you, fueled by racism.
Laws have been passed, but not enforced and according to the logic of people like you, we no longer need police, lawyers or judges because laws have been passed making certain things illegal.
How unreal and nerdy are you? you wanna place a racial inspector or a policemen behind every Black - in order to find proof of his latent racism? his inability or refusal towards integration? his missing qualifications for a job? - you are not just a plain racist - but a real dumb one too.
Affirmative Action is not against the Civil Rights Act.

So you hired whites who did know their ass from a hole in the ground which decreased the bonuses you could have been given. You denied jobs based on race for 20 years and you talk about how AA discriminates. You are just one of several million whites doing the same thing and you are evidence that proves Affirmative Action needs to stay.

Thanks for the testimonials racist. I will continue making an example out of you.
To hell it ain't, you dumb ass.

It is blatant using race as a criteria and under the Act that is Illegal as hell.

Of course the stupid Negroes that can't make it on on their own don't see anything wrong with discrimination when it benefits them. That is despicable, isn't it?

Back during this stupid BLM bullshit when companies were trying to out do themselves with wokeness American Airlines stated they were going to fill half their pilot positions with Negroes, queers, trannies and unqualified women. Anybody but the best qualified White men.

How would like to be traveling 500 MPH, 30K ft in the air knowing that the pilot was not the best qualified for the job but was picked for the color of his/her skin? Pobably not even smart enough to know which buttons to push but what the hell, American Airlines met their filthy ass diversity goals.
I will repeat it to you once more:
Show me a single post of mine on this thread - that would behold any racist ideology or racist remark

Sexism is an invention by lesbians and Lefty&lib women who can't get a job - because they lack QUALIFICATION
A man taking a look at a women's features is a normal straight forward guy. And not a sexist - you gay or bigot racial moron.
Groping women, that is an inappropriate behavior - also called sexist.

Where? in your wet dreams or what?

What evidence? where is the proof that Flash is a White? - just a prejudice assumption by you, driven by racism.

Even if he is a White - throwing CV's of people being likely Blacks into the trashcan - isn't racist at all, it's called common sense - imagine that applicant would be you or like you.
The most important requirement after qualification - is the ability and guarantee that an applicant fits into a harmonious and social equilibrium, ensured by the existing work- force. And people who are latent racists or prone to racism - demonstrated daily by Blacks via the inability and will towards integration into a predominant existing society - are absolutely detrimental towards a company and that society.

In other words, Blacks need to behave and adjust towards the majority of the society they live in - which happens to be White in the USA. And not Whites need to behave and demonstrate the social and cultural behavior of some African tribesman.

You got no proof whatsoever in that regard - again just an assumption by you, propelled by racism.

Unlike you being some petted racist and being placed under preferential race laws - I grew up in Asia as a white - with absolutely no preference given towards my race.
So I had to gain their respect via skills, knowledge and my will towards integration into THEIR society - and not whining about my race and calling them racists.

You got no proof whatsoever in that regard - again just an assumption by you, fueled by racism.

How unreal and nerdy are you? you wanna place a racial inspector or a policemen behind every Black - in order to find proof of his latent racism? his inability or refusal towards integration? his missing qualifications for a job? - you are not just a plain racist - but a real dumb one too.
I've shown proof of everything I have said.

I have to laugh at this madness. I guess Apartheid until 1965 was not extra rights and protection for whites, specifically for white men. Think about this, America has officially been a country for almost 247 years and equal rights has been written in law without obstacles, basically for 59. White men were protected by written law for 188 years and have protected themselves now by breaking the laws due to lax enforcement. Meanwhile the white male elites continue race hustling working class white men and women while taking jobs from them and moving them overseas in order increase dividends.

It is amazing how some white people think. They easily ignore what they do then try projecting their belief of white entitlement on others. In these men's mind they couldn't be where they are only because they are white and male. This is the disconnect whites on the right have. They believe whites can't get hired based only on race but everybody else can. Meanwhile, they do like Flash who blatantly hired whites based only on race. Then we have another idiot asking me how I know that Flash is white. LOL! It's amazing how blind right wing whites pretend to be about this. But that's where reality comes into play, because the fact is, they aren't fooling anyone. Then when they get called on it, everybody else is the racist.
I've shown proof of everything I have said. I have to laugh at this madness. It is amazing how some white people think.

Amazing that you are so jacked about some kid who got a perfect SAT. Not only are SATs flawed, but they can be studied for. Might just be a good test taker. But it should open some doors to get the kid into a good college. Then he needs to get a good job. Get back to us when this guy has gotten a good job and makes an important breakthrough, discovery or invention.

BTW, how many other Black kids do you know who have gotten perfect SATs and what was the outcome?
This young man scored 1600 on the SAT.


17-year-old Justin Ricketts scored a perfect 1600 on his Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). That’s a perfect 800 on both math and evidence-based reading and writing.

Ricketts will be a senior at Suncoast Community High School this coming year.

Weren’t you the same one who told us the SATs were white peoples tests and maths were racist?
Amazing that you are so jacked about some kid who got a perfect SAT. Not only are SATs flawed, but they can be studied for. Might just be a good test taker. But it should open some doors to get the kid into a good college. Then he needs to get a good job. Get back to us when this guy has gotten a good job and makes an important breakthrough, discovery or invention.

BTW, how many other Black kids do you know who have gotten perfect SATs and what was the outcome?
So now SAT's are flawed and can be studied for.


I was saying the same thing about whites and Asians but you kept arguing that racist blackm low IQ garbage. So you know what you can do.

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