Zone1 Perfect Score

So now SAT's are flawed and can be studied for.
Yeah, dummy. You so stupid that this is news to you?

kept arguing that racist blackm low IQ garbage. So you know what you can do.
Produce the facts?

global IQ.jpg

Dude, don't kill the messenger but right above is the cold, hard data. I dare you to show otherwise. While average IQ in the USA is right around 97, look at Africa---- all in red, hovering right around an average IQ of 60.
I've shown proof of everything I have said.
Proof that you are a plain racist - yes absolutely true
I have to laugh at this madness. I guess Apartheid until 1965 was not extra rights and protection for whites, specifically for white men. Think about this, America has officially been a country for almost 247 years and equal rights has been written in law without obstacles, basically for 59.
I never refuted the fact that until the mid 60's - racial discrimination (backed by laws) existed in the USA. That is 55+ years ago!!! So what does this have to do with today's Blacks being the most violent ethnicity in the USA? Those guys ain't 60+ in vast majority but 30 and below. What does this have to to with today's Blacks scoring in average lowest in IQ and SAT tests? You mean Granddaddy stupid ergo Father stupid, ergo son stupid, ergo infant stupid? - if so that would seriously implicate a genetic disorder.
Meanwhile the white male elites continue race hustling working class white men and women while taking jobs from them and moving them overseas in order increase dividends.
What does this have to with racial preference or racial discrimination? - absolutely nothing. According to your mindset: these "white male elitists" are actually Angels send from Heaven to help e.g. Bangladeshis from starving to death - to making a living.
.... They believe whites can't get hired based only on race but everybody else can.
According to Employer quotas - existing due to "preferential race laws" this is absolutely the case - it's undeniable.
According to Employer quotas - due to "female preference" or especially government related institutions implementing 50/50 - man are being discriminated - it's undeniable.

Was there EVER a law, that stated men must be preferred towards employment in regards to female competitors? Absolutely not
Was there EVER a law, that Whites must be preferred towards employment in regards to competitors of other races? Absolutely not

That only Lefty/lib mental retards can come up with such laws and ideas - is however undeniable.

Show me any company that would hire a White trash idiot - simply because he is a White idiot (The KKK is not a company)
Proof that you are a plain racist - yes absolutely true

I never refuted the fact that until the mid 60's - racial discrimination (backed by laws) existed in the USA. That is 55+ years ago!!! So what does this have to do with today's Blacks being the most violent ethnicity in the USA? Those guys ain't 60+ in vast majority but 30 and below. What does this have to to with today's Blacks scoring in average lowest in IQ and SAT tests? You mean Granddaddy stupid ergo Father stupid, ergo son stupid, ergo infant stupid? - if so that would seriously implicate a genetic disorder.

What does this have to with racial preference or racial discrimination? - absolutely nothing. According to your mindset: these "white male elitists" are actually Angels send from Heaven to help e.g. Bangladeshis from starving to death - to making a living.

According to Employer quotas - existing due to "preferential race laws" this is absolutely the case - it's undeniable.
According to Employer quotas - due to "female preference" or especially government related institutions implementing 50/50 - man are being discriminated - it's undeniable.

Was there EVER a law, that stated men must be preferred towards employment in regards to female competitors? Absolutely not
Was there EVER a law, that Whites must be preferred towards employment in regards to competitors of other races? Absolutely not

That only Lefty/lib mental retards can come up with such laws and ideas - is however undeniable.

Show me any company that would hire a White trash idiot - simply because he is a White idiot (The KKK is not a company)
All true. But our friend lives in the past and spends his days finding "studies" that validate his hatred for White people.
All true. But our friend lives in the past and spends his days finding "studies" that validate his hatred for White people.
The sad part is, that he obviously doesn't even know what a racist is, namely:
Showing prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group

Those are the exact traits, he displays in every post - and additionally claiming to have shown proof - but in fact never came up with any proof.

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