Perfect: Yale students protest against free speech conference

This is disturbing. Free speech is not favored.

"A recent survey by the William F. Buckley Jr. Program at Yale–a student-run free speech organization now also under physical attack–showed just how radical students have become: “By a margin of 51 percent to 36 percent, students favor their school having speech codes to regulate speech for students and faculty…

.One-third of the students polled could not identify the First Amendment as the part of the Constitution that dealt with free speech.”

The Ferguson Effect and the Self-Destruction of the Academy
This is disturbing. Free speech is not favored.

"A recent survey by the William F. Buckley Jr. Program at Yale–a student-run free speech organization now also under physical attack–showed just how radical students have become: “By a margin of 51 percent to 36 percent, students favor their school having speech codes to regulate speech for students and faculty…

.One-third of the students polled could not identify the First Amendment as the part of the Constitution that dealt with free speech.”

The Ferguson Effect and the Self-Destruction of the Academy
We don't teach civics anymore, what can I say? Oh, right, just about any damn thing I like, assuming I haven't signed on to a speech-code.

This Halloween email is giving Yale students full metal jacket nervous breakdowns. Check this out. These statements completely reflect Moynihans point.

"Another Silliman resident declared in a campus publication, “I have had to watch my friends defend their right to this institution. This email and the subsequent reaction to it have interrupted their lives.

I have friends who are not going to class, who are not doing their homework, who are losing sleep, who are skipping meals, and who are having breakdowns.” One feels for these students.

But if an email about Halloween costumes has them skipping class and suffering breakdowns, either they need help from mental-health professionals or they’ve been grievously ill-served by debilitating ideological notions they’ve acquired about what ought to cause them pain.

The student next described what she thinks residential life at Yale should be. Her words: “I don’t want to debate. I want to talk about my pain.”

The New Intolerance of Student Activism

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