Perfect: Yale students protest against free speech conference

Gawd, this is just fabulous: YOUNG: Free speech, not disruption

A conference called "The Future of Free Speech" was disrupted by protesters at Yale who didn't like the speakers. From the piece, my bold:

The Woodward Report called the “free interchange of ideas” indispensable to the fulfillment of a university’s mission. At Yale, we must work together to vigorously defend free speech as the report envisions. We must make an effort to engage in meaningful and respectful dialogue — even with those that vehemently disagree.

And a great post in the comments section:

What in the world is wrong with my generation? When did we all grow into such whiny, entitled, crying, oversensitive babies? How in the world are these the people that populate the halls supposedly reserved only for the best and brightest? Sooner or later, these children will need to realize that the World will not always bend to their will, and that they're going to have to learn to live with it. As an Asian, I could give a damn if someone dresses up as Mulan or dons yellow face. It doesn't belittle me or make me uncomfortable in any way because my existence and self worth doesn't hinge on the uniform acceptance of others.

No doubt the PC Police here will chime in with deflection, diversion, denial and catty comments.

A fight over Free Speech? That's how it works eh...

Only if both sides are engaging in free speech. But then, one side, the students, do not want a word from their opposition.
Didn't see that actually. Care to point that out?

Read the article from the atlantic. Its a very good in-depth piece. You should be able to surmise and ascertain as much from the article.

The New Intolerance of Student Activism
Can't say that I care. I'm a liberal, talk it up, boys, that's why we invented free speech...

I didn't think you would. Its about how privileged these kids are and how they are determined to shut down free speech from opposing views. Thats....not free speech.
Actually it sounded like they wanted to say their peace eh? That is free speech, boys...
And this is precisely the tactic of the Regressive Left:

Leverage their freedom of expression to disrupt or deny that of those with whom they disagree.

Using our own freedoms against us.

Textbook. No pun intended.
The disruption sounded pretty minor and they went on exactly as expected. No harm, no foul...
the irony of goose-stepping, brown-shirt, fascist-wannabe left-wingers trying to stifle free speech is lost on their melon-heads. The hypocrisy is clouding their judgement.
What I don't know for sure is whether they actually don't see it, or won't admit to seeing it.
Sounds like the fight was over more free speech, not less...
Some overly sensitive kids were upset over an email written by a Yale teacher that college students should be able to wear whatever Halloween costumes they wished.

Yes. Really. The whiny little babies didn't like the idea of other people wearing whatever they wanted to wear and they had a major hissy fit.

So then another guy says the titty babies were reacting as if the email writer had burned down an Indian village. Which is about right.

The brain damaged brats then went into overdrive over the "Indian village" joke and made it all about genocide.

I can't wait until those stupid punks join the real world and I eat them for breakfast.
A fight over Free Speech? That's how it works eh...

Only if both sides are engaging in free speech. But then, one side, the students, do not want a word from their opposition.
Didn't see that actually. Care to point that out?

Read the article from the atlantic. Its a very good in-depth piece. You should be able to surmise and ascertain as much from the article.

The New Intolerance of Student Activism
Can't say that I care. I'm a liberal, talk it up, boys, that's why we invented free speech...

I didn't think you would. Its about how privileged these kids are and how they are determined to shut down free speech from opposing views. Thats....not free speech.
They're kids, which is why we send them to school. Stop wetting the bed over it. You can still stand on the street corner and preach until your voice fails. The ACLU and I have your back.
Yale students are proving that their Prog Programming is a success!
the irony of goose-stepping, brown-shirt, fascist-wannabe left-wingers trying to stifle free speech is lost on their melon-heads. The hypocrisy is clouding their judgement.
What I don't know for sure is whether they actually don't see it, or won't admit to seeing it.
Sounds like the fight was over more free speech, not less...
Some overly sensitive kids were upset over an email written by a Yale teacher that college students should be able to wear whatever Halloween costumes they wished.

Yes. Really. The whiny little babies didn't like the idea of other people wearing whatever they wanted to wear and they had a major hissy fit.

So then another guy says the titty babies were reacting as if the email writer had burned down an Indian village. Which is about right.

The brain damaged brats then went into overdrive over the "Indian village" joke and made it all about genocide.

I can't wait until those stupid punks join the real world and I eat them for breakfast.

It would be horrifying to think that these pussies will run the country some day, but they are too weak. They'll be overrun by people whose parents free-ranged and home-schooled them.
In another sense, its very ironic. Professors have been filling these young heads with liberal goo for years and its quite the tizzy to see it come back and smack them.
Yale has always been an insulated left wing cocoon. That's why Bill Buckley, for whom this free speech conference was named, was inspired to write God and Man at Yale which launched him into fame.
Only if both sides are engaging in free speech. But then, one side, the students, do not want a word from their opposition.
Didn't see that actually. Care to point that out?

Read the article from the atlantic. Its a very good in-depth piece. You should be able to surmise and ascertain as much from the article.

The New Intolerance of Student Activism
Can't say that I care. I'm a liberal, talk it up, boys, that's why we invented free speech...

I didn't think you would. Its about how privileged these kids are and how they are determined to shut down free speech from opposing views. Thats....not free speech.
They're kids, which is why we send them to school. Stop wetting the bed over it. You can still stand on the street corner and preach until you're voice fails. The ACLU and I have your back.

especially if you say racist shit about white people; it's all cool then
Yale has always been an insulated left wing cocoon. That's why Bill Buckley, for whom this free speech conference was named, was inspired to write God and Man at Yale which launched him into fame.
Lots of bubbles around, especially if you're a rich kid.
It's not just students. It's whacked out lefty faculty as well. I just found an article where the Mizzou Communications prof calls for muscle against a student journalist.

The moment University of Missouri activists - including a media professor - encircled student ESPN photographer and tried to kick him out of public protests

From the article.

"Concentrating their efforts on Tai, the activists forgot about Schierbecker and he took the opportunity to walk up to a middle aged protester, later identified as Missouri assistant mass media professor Melissa Click.

Click walks up the reporter and tells him to leave and grabs his camera before enlisting the help of others.

'Who wants to help me get this reporter out of here?' she yells out. 'I need some muscle over here.'

Missouri media professor tried to kick photographer out of protests

ETA: Just found her picture. YIKES! And she's teaching journalism?



Touching: Click is even seen grabbing the man's camera. 'Who wants to help me get this reporter out of here?' she calls out. 'I need some muscle over here.
Man, that story is one of the yummiest examples of left wing hypocrisy I have ever seen. It really brings back some memories of some experiences I have had with people like that.

A whacked out journalist professor trying to shut down the media. Awesome.
Gawd, this is just fabulous: YOUNG: Free speech, not disruption

A conference called "The Future of Free Speech" was disrupted by protesters at Yale who didn't like the speakers. From the piece, my bold:

The Woodward Report called the “free interchange of ideas” indispensable to the fulfillment of a university’s mission. At Yale, we must work together to vigorously defend free speech as the report envisions. We must make an effort to engage in meaningful and respectful dialogue — even with those that vehemently disagree.

Whats your objection here? That people were protesting or angry?
Didn't see that actually. Care to point that out?

Read the article from the atlantic. Its a very good in-depth piece. You should be able to surmise and ascertain as much from the article.

The New Intolerance of Student Activism
Can't say that I care. I'm a liberal, talk it up, boys, that's why we invented free speech...

I didn't think you would. Its about how privileged these kids are and how they are determined to shut down free speech from opposing views. Thats....not free speech.
They're kids, which is why we send them to school. Stop wetting the bed over it. You can still stand on the street corner and preach until you're voice fails. The ACLU and I have your back.

especially if you say racist shit about white people; it's all cool then
All humans are racist. And genocides don't go away even if you pretend they do...
Gawd, this is just fabulous: YOUNG: Free speech, not disruption

A conference called "The Future of Free Speech" was disrupted by protesters at Yale who didn't like the speakers. From the piece, my bold:

The Woodward Report called the “free interchange of ideas” indispensable to the fulfillment of a university’s mission. At Yale, we must work together to vigorously defend free speech as the report envisions. We must make an effort to engage in meaningful and respectful dialogue — even with those that vehemently disagree.

Whats your objection here? That people were protesting or angry?
The punks are so thin skinned as to be beyond ridiculous. That's the problem.
Here is, by far, the best advocacy for free speech ever written:

If anyone could point out an intermediate and yet a tenable position between the complete independence and the entire servitude of opinion, I should perhaps be inclined to adopt it, but the difficulty is to discover this intermediate position. Intending to correct the licentiousness of the press and to restore the use of orderly language, you first try the offender by a jury; but if the jury acquits him, the opinion which was that of a single individual becomes the opinion of the whole country. Too much and too little has therefore been done; go farther, then. You bring the delinquent before permanent magistrates; but even here the cause must be heard before it can be decided; and the very principles which no book would have ventured to avow are blazoned forth in the pleadings, and what was obscurely hinted at in a single composition is thus repeated in a multitude of other publications. The language is only the expression and, if I may so speak, the body of the thought, but it is not the thought itself. Tribunals may condemn the body, but the sense, the spirit of the work is too subtle for their authority. Too much has still been done to recede, too little to attain your end; you must go still farther. Establish a censorship of the press. But the tongue of the public speaker will still make itself heard, and your purpose is not yet accomplished; you have only increased the mischief. Thought is not, like physical strength, dependent upon the number of its agents; nor can authors be counted like the troops that compose an army. On the contrary, the authority of a principle is often increased by the small number of men by whom it is expressed. The words of one strong-minded man addressed to the passions of a listening assembly have more power than the vociferations of a thousand orators; and if it be allowed to speak freely in any one public place, the consequence is the same as if free speaking was allowed in every village. The liberty of speech must therefore be destroyed as well as the liberty of the press. And now you have succeeded, everybody is reduced to silence. But your object was to repress the abuses of liberty, and you are brought to the feet of a despot. You have been led from the extreme of independence to the extreme of servitude without finding a single tenable position on the way at which you could stop.

Tocqueville: Book 1 Chapter 11
Gawd, this is just fabulous: YOUNG: Free speech, not disruption

A conference called "The Future of Free Speech" was disrupted by protesters at Yale who didn't like the speakers. From the piece, my bold:

The Woodward Report called the “free interchange of ideas” indispensable to the fulfillment of a university’s mission. At Yale, we must work together to vigorously defend free speech as the report envisions. We must make an effort to engage in meaningful and respectful dialogue — even with those that vehemently disagree.

Whats your objection here? That people were protesting or angry?
The punks are so thin skinned as to be beyond ridiculous. That's the problem.

Yeah, people are that way sometimes. Whats the problem specifically? Or is the entire problem the protest?
This pretty much sums it up:


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