Perhaps The Country Isn't Worth Saving

This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:

View attachment 377014

A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.

View attachment 377013
As a neutral legal immigrant who became American and love this country I have to say that most of the hate culture started by the conservatives. The democrats are just pushing back that's why they get most of the minorities votes .
I came here to study and make a good living never was interested in politics, I had to get involved after the rise of the hate and racism with trump. You can deflect as much as you want, conservatives chose the path of racism and bigotry. They have no one but themselves to blame.

What a laughable claim. There are loads and loads and loads of videos proving your statement is a lie.
Yeah, I have to agree with West on this one.

The TEE VEE and social media is a powerful, powerful dividing tool to make folks believe what just isn't so.

Folks just have an incredibly short memory or. . . . something? :dunno:

I mean hell, most of his life, Trump was moderate to really. . . a typical NY libby.

Let's be very clear: you see nothing wrong with this-

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

I don't know why you think repeating the same points has any relevance.

A drug addicted man shot a child.
He was arrested, he will be prosecuted and he'll probably go to jail for the rest of his life and might even be executed.
We have 14,500 gun homicides a year in this country, we've learned to accept that because the gun manufacturers are making policy. This is tragic. What happened at Stoneman School was tragic. What happened at Sandy Hook was tragic. Are we going to do something to keep guns out of the hands of people like this?

This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:

View attachment 377014

A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.

View attachment 377013

You're correct to blame the Left, it's interesting just how many sheep we have in our country, much less the world...

Divide and Conquer has worked from the beginning, our current MSM and the Left have used it to the fullest meaning and our sheep continue to follow...

We need to fight to save our country though, the sleeping giant is going to awaken, it is the vast majority of this country, we even have family that voted Democrat all of their lives that are going to vote for Trump, hell they are even admitting it, never thought I would see it...

I sure wish I had your optimism.

They've worked for sixty years, three generations, and now they own the schools, the media, the legal profession.....

It is difficult for me to see any path back to reality.

Just for comparison, what are the chances that Americans et al will accept that there is a difficult-to-define force for good, God, and a powerful insidious opposite force that has taken control of the minds of many unsuspecting individuals?

See what I mean?

We are basking in the afterglow of a once great nation whose time has come.

I think it was like this long before I was born, Good and Evil existed long before our great nation began...

We continue the struggle, most Americans are conservative by nature, it's true our education system is broken, but it can be fixed, K thru 12, it's our university's that need to be overhauled, can't control the privates, but we can control the public's...

We need more leadership like we have in the White House today, Washington is beyond corrupt, they need to move most if not all of the infrastructure out of there now, we need term limits now and once they have left office, no lobbying after leaving office, we can make this happen...

Again....I sure wish I had your optimism.

Evil has been on the uprise since mid-nineteenth century. Academia accepted Hegel and then Marx, and it has been ever so.

Abraham Lincoln is credited with saying that the philosophy of the classroom in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.
Unless we can pry the schools from them, as earlier American pried their slaves from them.....America is lost.
This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:

View attachment 377014

A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.

View attachment 377013
Of course the nation is worth saving. We just have to find a way to get rid of the Marxists, permanently.
I see much too much talk about "getting rid of Marxists" permanently.

Well, you can't. You can't just do that in a free and open society.

The conditions the breed them are lack of opportunity and hope, and a dysfunctional education system.

This is an example of some of the memes on a lefty page;

View attachment 377645

Honestly? If you study history, look back in time to American culture before they passed the Federal Reserve, or got FDR's programs in place, there was as much chaos as now.

A lot of folks were equally suspicious of socialism, but were too, just as desperate for a fix.

It is like the schools don't have the young read Steinbeck anymore.

Folks just want fairness, and they do not see it in their government policies. The policies seem to favor the corporate elites, and do nothing for the folks that build this nation. . . in that sort of atmosphere. . . in a free nation where anyone can read and view anything? Yeah, socialists and communist rhetoric DOES gain traction, those are just the facts of life.

The fact is, every year, the purchasing power of the dollar is less, so that the government can manage it's debt obligations. This, so that corporations and Wall Street can turn a profit. Who cares about the young and the laborer? Who cares about those who can't afford to invest in the market? Apparently no one.

So what is your plan, end liberal society?

Make it a closed and authoritarian society?

Are you advocating fascism now? :dunno:

If you do not find a way to secure the future of the young and of the folks that work to build society, these erroneous political philosophies will continue to appeal to a large swath of the public, just like they have always done.

An awful lot of your post today is simply pie in the sky lack of understanding of human nature and the manipulation by the Left.

Sociologist Helmut Schoeck’s observation: “Since the end of the Second World War, however, a new ‘ethic’ has come into being, according to which the envious man is perfectly acceptable. Progressively fewer individuals and groups are ashamed of their envy, but instead make out that its existence in their temperaments axiomatically proves the existence of ‘social injustice,’ which must be eliminated for their benefit.” Helmut Schoeck, “Envy: A Theory of Social Behavior,” p. 179

The unspoken assumption is that there is something morally wrong with inequalities. Where is the explanation of what would be a ‘fair share’ for the wealthy to give up? Irving Kristol, as editor of ‘Public Interest,’ wrote to professors who had written about the unfairness of income distribution, asking them to write an article as to what a ‘fair distribution’ would be; he has never gotten that article. Irving Kristol, “Neoconservative: the Autobiography of an Idea,” p. 166

I'm surprised. You're usually more....perceptive.
This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:

View attachment 377014

A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.

View attachment 377013
Of course the nation is worth saving. We just have to find a way to get rid of the Marxists, permanently.
I see much too much talk about "getting rid of Marxists" permanently.

Well, you can't. You can't just do that in a free and open society.

The conditions the breed them are lack of opportunity and hope, and a dysfunctional education system.

This is an example of some of the memes on a lefty page;

View attachment 377645

Honestly? If you study history, look back in time to American culture before they passed the Federal Reserve, or got FDR's programs in place, there was as much chaos as now.

A lot of folks were equally suspicious of socialism, but were too, just as desperate for a fix.

It is like the schools don't have the young read Steinbeck anymore.

Folks just want fairness, and they do not see it in their government policies. The policies seem to favor the corporate elites, and do nothing for the folks that build this nation. . . in that sort of atmosphere. . . in a free nation where anyone can read and view anything? Yeah, socialists and communist rhetoric DOES gain traction, those are just the facts of life.

The fact is, every year, the purchasing power of the dollar is less, so that the government can manage it's debt obligations. This, so that corporations and Wall Street can turn a profit. Who cares about the young and the laborer? Who cares about those who can't afford to invest in the market? Apparently no one.

So what is your plan, end liberal society?

Make it a closed and authoritarian society?

Are you advocating fascism now? :dunno:

If you do not find a way to secure the future of the young and of the folks that work to build society, these erroneous political philosophies will continue to appeal to a large swath of the public, just like they have always done.

An awful lot of your post today is simply pie in the sky lack of understanding of human nature and the manipulation by the Left.

Sociologist Helmut Schoeck’s observation: “Since the end of the Second World War, however, a new ‘ethic’ has come into being, according to which the envious man is perfectly acceptable. Progressively fewer individuals and groups are ashamed of their envy, but instead make out that its existence in their temperaments axiomatically proves the existence of ‘social injustice,’ which must be eliminated for their benefit.” Helmut Schoeck, “Envy: A Theory of Social Behavior,” p. 179

The unspoken assumption is that there is something morally wrong with inequalities. Where is the explanation of what would be a ‘fair share’ for the wealthy to give up? Irving Kristol, as editor of ‘Public Interest,’ wrote to professors who had written about the unfairness of income distribution, asking them to write an article as to what a ‘fair distribution’ would be; he has never gotten that article. Irving Kristol, “Neoconservative: the Autobiography of an Idea,” p. 166

I'm surprised. You're usually more....perceptive.
I just study history, and I read.

I don't have a partisan agenda.

I have no assumptions. I do not assume there is something wrong with inequalities.

I DO however, understand how political leaders and civilizations work. I have also studied, like many competent scholars, the rise and fall of Rome.

When the King, or Caesar, and ruling classes, live at a much more opulent life style than the working class, or those classes which provided for the running of the civilization, and they can no longer afford to cloth, house and feed themselves. . . the system breaks down.

THIS IS NOT PARTISAN. It is just plane, good old fashioned logic.

We are not talking about "envy" in nice cars or houses here. . . we are talking about the ability to afford a place to live to avoid being HOMELESS, the ability to afford food to eat to avoid STARVING, and medicine to survive to avoid DYING . . .

I don't know why you assume this is about anything other than survival? :dunno:

If the students and workers do not have these things. . . then the society. . will, eventually break down. Civilization will. . . eventually come to an end.

The CARES ACT was the biggest transfer of wealth from the poor to the economic elites in the history of the world, and that was done under the guise of "pandemic relief," it is all a scam. . . perpetrated by BOTH PARTIES. :mad:
Do you really expect different socio economic classes to unite and see things the same way? It can't and won't. That doesn't justify violence though but it's the way things will always be. Uber wealthy have no idea what common working people go through just to survive. Yet we elect wealthy people for most positions. And then are confused at the disconnect.
Inequality is neither good nor bad it's part of the system. But we cannot expect poor people and wealthy people to share common beliefs because they live in two totally different places in the system. Ideally they would, but ideals never pan out.
This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:

View attachment 377014

A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.

View attachment 377013
Of course the nation is worth saving. We just have to find a way to get rid of the Marxists, permanently.
I see much too much talk about "getting rid of Marxists" permanently.

Well, you can't. You can't just do that in a free and open society.

The conditions the breed them are lack of opportunity and hope, and a dysfunctional education system.

This is an example of some of the memes on a lefty page;

View attachment 377645

Honestly? If you study history, look back in time to American culture before they passed the Federal Reserve, or got FDR's programs in place, there was as much chaos as now.

A lot of folks were equally suspicious of socialism, but were too, just as desperate for a fix.

It is like the schools don't have the young read Steinbeck anymore.

Folks just want fairness, and they do not see it in their government policies. The policies seem to favor the corporate elites, and do nothing for the folks that build this nation. . . in that sort of atmosphere. . . in a free nation where anyone can read and view anything? Yeah, socialists and communist rhetoric DOES gain traction, those are just the facts of life.

The fact is, every year, the purchasing power of the dollar is less, so that the government can manage it's debt obligations. This, so that corporations and Wall Street can turn a profit. Who cares about the young and the laborer? Who cares about those who can't afford to invest in the market? Apparently no one.

So what is your plan, end liberal society?

Make it a closed and authoritarian society?

Are you advocating fascism now? :dunno:

If you do not find a way to secure the future of the young and of the folks that work to build society, these erroneous political philosophies will continue to appeal to a large swath of the public, just like they have always done.

An awful lot of your post today is simply pie in the sky lack of understanding of human nature and the manipulation by the Left.

Sociologist Helmut Schoeck’s observation: “Since the end of the Second World War, however, a new ‘ethic’ has come into being, according to which the envious man is perfectly acceptable. Progressively fewer individuals and groups are ashamed of their envy, but instead make out that its existence in their temperaments axiomatically proves the existence of ‘social injustice,’ which must be eliminated for their benefit.” Helmut Schoeck, “Envy: A Theory of Social Behavior,” p. 179

The unspoken assumption is that there is something morally wrong with inequalities. Where is the explanation of what would be a ‘fair share’ for the wealthy to give up? Irving Kristol, as editor of ‘Public Interest,’ wrote to professors who had written about the unfairness of income distribution, asking them to write an article as to what a ‘fair distribution’ would be; he has never gotten that article. Irving Kristol, “Neoconservative: the Autobiography of an Idea,” p. 166

I'm surprised. You're usually more....perceptive.
I just study history, and I read.

I don't have a partisan agenda.

I have no assumptions. I do not assume there is something wrong with inequalities.

I DO however, understand how political leaders and civilizations work. I have also studied, like many competent scholars, the rise and fall of Rome.

When the King, or Caesar, and ruling classes, live at a much more opulent life style than the working class, or those classes which provided for the running of the civilization, and they can no longer afford to cloth, house and feed themselves. . . the system breaks down.

THIS IS NOT PARTISAN. It is just plane, good old fashioned logic.

We are not talking about "envy" in nice cars or houses here. . . we are talking about the ability to afford a place to live to avoid being HOMELESS, the ability to afford food to eat to avoid STARVING, and medicine to survive to avoid DYING . . .

I don't know why you assume this is about anything other than survival? :dunno:

If the students and workers do not have these things. . . then the society. . will, eventually break down. Civilization will. . . eventually come to an end.

The CARES ACT was the biggest transfer of wealth from the poor to the economic elites in the history of the world, and that was done under the guise of "pandemic relief," it is all a scam. . . perpetrated by BOTH PARTIES. :mad:

I always provide links, sources, quotes.

I didn't see any in yours.

I said your post was pie in the air....and you went and proved it:

"We are not talking about "envy" in nice cars or houses here. . . we are talking about the ability to afford a place to live to avoid being HOMELESS, the ability to afford food to eat to avoid STARVING, and medicine to survive to avoid DYING . . ."

There is not now and never was any such starvation in this nation....not even during the depression.

  1. As a group, America's poor are far from being chronically undernourished. The average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and, in most cases, is well above recommended norms. Poor children actually consume more meat than do higher-income children and have average protein intakes 100 percent above recommended levels. Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.
How Poor Are America's Poor? Examining the "Plague" of Poverty in America

".... 96 percent of poor parents say that their children were never hungry at any time in the preceding year because they could not afford food."


And this....

In Entitlement America, The Head Of A Household Of Four Making Minimum Wage Has More Disposable Income Than A Family Making $60,000 A Year
Tonight's stunning financial piece de resistance comes from Wyatt Emerich of The Cleveland Current. In what is sure to inspire some serious ire among all those who once believed Ronald Reagan that it was the USSR that was the "Evil Empire", Emmerich analyzes disposable income and economic benefits among several key income classes and comes to the stunning (and verifiable) conclusion that "a one-parent family of three making $14,500 a year (minimum wage) has more disposable income than a family making $60,000 a year." And that excludes benefits from Supplemental Security Income disability checks. America is now a country which punishes those middle-class people who not only try to work hard, but avoid scamming the system. Not surprisingly, it is not only the richest and most audacious thieves that prosper - it is also the penny scammers at the very bottom of the economic ladder that rip off the middle class each and every day, courtesy of the world's most generous entitlement system. Perhaps if Reagan were alive today, he would wish to modify the object of his once legendary remark.

From Emmerich:

You can do as well working one week a month at minimum wage as you can working $60,000-a-year, full-time, high-stress job.

My chart tells the story. It is pretty much self-explanatory.

In Entitlement America, The Head Of A Household Of Four Making Minimum Wage Has More Disposable Income Than A Family Making $60,000 A Year


I'm no longer disappointed in you......I recognize you are clueless.
Last edited:
This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:

View attachment 377014

A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.

View attachment 377013
Of course the nation is worth saving. We just have to find a way to get rid of the Marxists, permanently.
I see much too much talk about "getting rid of Marxists" permanently.

Well, you can't. You can't just do that in a free and open society.

The conditions the breed them are lack of opportunity and hope, and a dysfunctional education system.

This is an example of some of the memes on a lefty page;

View attachment 377645

Honestly? If you study history, look back in time to American culture before they passed the Federal Reserve, or got FDR's programs in place, there was as much chaos as now.

A lot of folks were equally suspicious of socialism, but were too, just as desperate for a fix.

It is like the schools don't have the young read Steinbeck anymore.

Folks just want fairness, and they do not see it in their government policies. The policies seem to favor the corporate elites, and do nothing for the folks that build this nation. . . in that sort of atmosphere. . . in a free nation where anyone can read and view anything? Yeah, socialists and communist rhetoric DOES gain traction, those are just the facts of life.

The fact is, every year, the purchasing power of the dollar is less, so that the government can manage it's debt obligations. This, so that corporations and Wall Street can turn a profit. Who cares about the young and the laborer? Who cares about those who can't afford to invest in the market? Apparently no one.

So what is your plan, end liberal society?

Make it a closed and authoritarian society?

Are you advocating fascism now? :dunno:

If you do not find a way to secure the future of the young and of the folks that work to build society, these erroneous political philosophies will continue to appeal to a large swath of the public, just like they have always done.

An awful lot of your post today is simply pie in the sky lack of understanding of human nature and the manipulation by the Left.

Sociologist Helmut Schoeck’s observation: “Since the end of the Second World War, however, a new ‘ethic’ has come into being, according to which the envious man is perfectly acceptable. Progressively fewer individuals and groups are ashamed of their envy, but instead make out that its existence in their temperaments axiomatically proves the existence of ‘social injustice,’ which must be eliminated for their benefit.” Helmut Schoeck, “Envy: A Theory of Social Behavior,” p. 179

The unspoken assumption is that there is something morally wrong with inequalities. Where is the explanation of what would be a ‘fair share’ for the wealthy to give up? Irving Kristol, as editor of ‘Public Interest,’ wrote to professors who had written about the unfairness of income distribution, asking them to write an article as to what a ‘fair distribution’ would be; he has never gotten that article. Irving Kristol, “Neoconservative: the Autobiography of an Idea,” p. 166

I'm surprised. You're usually more....perceptive.
I just study history, and I read.

I don't have a partisan agenda.

I have no assumptions. I do not assume there is something wrong with inequalities.

I DO however, understand how political leaders and civilizations work. I have also studied, like many competent scholars, the rise and fall of Rome.

When the King, or Caesar, and ruling classes, live at a much more opulent life style than the working class, or those classes which provided for the running of the civilization, and they can no longer afford to cloth, house and feed themselves. . . the system breaks down.

THIS IS NOT PARTISAN. It is just plane, good old fashioned logic.

We are not talking about "envy" in nice cars or houses here. . . we are talking about the ability to afford a place to live to avoid being HOMELESS, the ability to afford food to eat to avoid STARVING, and medicine to survive to avoid DYING . . .

I don't know why you assume this is about anything other than survival? :dunno:

If the students and workers do not have these things. . . then the society. . will, eventually break down. Civilization will. . . eventually come to an end.

The CARES ACT was the biggest transfer of wealth from the poor to the economic elites in the history of the world, and that was done under the guise of "pandemic relief," it is all a scam. . . perpetrated by BOTH PARTIES. :mad:

I always provide links, sources, quotes.

I didn't see any in yours.

I said your post was pie in the air....and you went and proved it:

"We are not talking about "envy" in nice cars or houses here. . . we are talking about the ability to afford a place to live to avoid being HOMELESS, the ability to afford food to eat to avoid STARVING, and medicine to survive to avoid DYING . . ."

There is not now and never was any such starvation in this nation....not even during the depression.

  1. As a group, America's poor are far from being chronically undernourished. The average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and, in most cases, is well above recommended norms. Poor children actually consume more meat than do higher-income children and have average protein intakes 100 percent above recommended levels. Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.
How Poor Are America's Poor? Examining the "Plague" of Poverty in America

".... 96 percent of poor parents say that their children were never hungry at any time in the preceding year because they could not afford food."


And this....

In Entitlement America, The Head Of A Household Of Four Making Minimum Wage Has More Disposable Income Than A Family Making $60,000 A Year
Tonight's stunning financial piece de resistance comes from Wyatt Emerich of The Cleveland Current. In what is sure to inspire some serious ire among all those who once believed Ronald Reagan that it was the USSR that was the "Evil Empire", Emmerich analyzes disposable income and economic benefits among several key income classes and comes to the stunning (and verifiable) conclusion that "a one-parent family of three making $14,500 a year (minimum wage) has more disposable income than a family making $60,000 a year." And that excludes benefits from Supplemental Security Income disability checks. America is now a country which punishes those middle-class people who not only try to work hard, but avoid scamming the system. Not surprisingly, it is not only the richest and most audacious thieves that prosper - it is also the penny scammers at the very bottom of the economic ladder that rip off the middle class each and every day, courtesy of the world's most generous entitlement system. Perhaps if Reagan were alive today, he would wish to modify the object of his once legendary remark.

From Emmerich:

You can do as well working one week a month at minimum wage as you can working $60,000-a-year, full-time, high-stress job.

My chart tells the story. It is pretty much self-explanatory.

In Entitlement America, The Head Of A Household Of Four Making Minimum Wage Has More Disposable Income Than A Family Making $60,000 A Year

View attachment 377843

I'm no longer disappointed in you......I recognize you are clueless.
So. . . you are honestly going to search around the web for links to prove to yourself that food insecurity and housing insecurity is not a problem in this nation? Is that it?

If you have convinced yourself. . . I suppose that is good enough.

All of this radicalization in politics must just be because folks can't afford that latest version of the iPhone then.

You're right, I'm clueless.

You are SO much smarter than I.

60 grand isn't much anymore....a family of four living on a mere 60 grand are going to struggle.
This isn't the first post to complain and hand-wring about the lack of civility, and the coarsening of our culture.

Let me say up front, I blame the Left, the Democrats, the schools they own and operate.

There is no respect, only hatred....and the Left engendered 99% of it.

We have all seen the horrible murder of five year-old Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month.

There was no motive.

I chalked it up to evil.

Some feral, barbaric individual with a lack of humanity wrote this:

View attachment 377014

A New Jersey detention officer was suspended after allegedly posting a “hateful” comment on social media about the 5-year-old boy who was killed in North Carolina.

Rome Smith was suspended from his job at the Cumberland County Juvenile Detention Center after allegedly writing that Cannon Hinnant, who was shot to death by a neighbor earlier this month, “should’ve ducked.” Smith also accused the boy’s parents of negligence in the Facebook comment that was captured in screenshots.

View attachment 377013
Of course the nation is worth saving. We just have to find a way to get rid of the Marxists, permanently.
I see much too much talk about "getting rid of Marxists" permanently.

Well, you can't. You can't just do that in a free and open society.

The conditions the breed them are lack of opportunity and hope, and a dysfunctional education system.

This is an example of some of the memes on a lefty page;

View attachment 377645

Honestly? If you study history, look back in time to American culture before they passed the Federal Reserve, or got FDR's programs in place, there was as much chaos as now.

A lot of folks were equally suspicious of socialism, but were too, just as desperate for a fix.

It is like the schools don't have the young read Steinbeck anymore.

Folks just want fairness, and they do not see it in their government policies. The policies seem to favor the corporate elites, and do nothing for the folks that build this nation. . . in that sort of atmosphere. . . in a free nation where anyone can read and view anything? Yeah, socialists and communist rhetoric DOES gain traction, those are just the facts of life.

The fact is, every year, the purchasing power of the dollar is less, so that the government can manage it's debt obligations. This, so that corporations and Wall Street can turn a profit. Who cares about the young and the laborer? Who cares about those who can't afford to invest in the market? Apparently no one.

So what is your plan, end liberal society?

Make it a closed and authoritarian society?

Are you advocating fascism now? :dunno:

If you do not find a way to secure the future of the young and of the folks that work to build society, these erroneous political philosophies will continue to appeal to a large swath of the public, just like they have always done.

An awful lot of your post today is simply pie in the sky lack of understanding of human nature and the manipulation by the Left.

Sociologist Helmut Schoeck’s observation: “Since the end of the Second World War, however, a new ‘ethic’ has come into being, according to which the envious man is perfectly acceptable. Progressively fewer individuals and groups are ashamed of their envy, but instead make out that its existence in their temperaments axiomatically proves the existence of ‘social injustice,’ which must be eliminated for their benefit.” Helmut Schoeck, “Envy: A Theory of Social Behavior,” p. 179

The unspoken assumption is that there is something morally wrong with inequalities. Where is the explanation of what would be a ‘fair share’ for the wealthy to give up? Irving Kristol, as editor of ‘Public Interest,’ wrote to professors who had written about the unfairness of income distribution, asking them to write an article as to what a ‘fair distribution’ would be; he has never gotten that article. Irving Kristol, “Neoconservative: the Autobiography of an Idea,” p. 166

I'm surprised. You're usually more....perceptive.
I just study history, and I read.

I don't have a partisan agenda.

I have no assumptions. I do not assume there is something wrong with inequalities.

I DO however, understand how political leaders and civilizations work. I have also studied, like many competent scholars, the rise and fall of Rome.

When the King, or Caesar, and ruling classes, live at a much more opulent life style than the working class, or those classes which provided for the running of the civilization, and they can no longer afford to cloth, house and feed themselves. . . the system breaks down.

THIS IS NOT PARTISAN. It is just plane, good old fashioned logic.

We are not talking about "envy" in nice cars or houses here. . . we are talking about the ability to afford a place to live to avoid being HOMELESS, the ability to afford food to eat to avoid STARVING, and medicine to survive to avoid DYING . . .

I don't know why you assume this is about anything other than survival? :dunno:

If the students and workers do not have these things. . . then the society. . will, eventually break down. Civilization will. . . eventually come to an end.

The CARES ACT was the biggest transfer of wealth from the poor to the economic elites in the history of the world, and that was done under the guise of "pandemic relief," it is all a scam. . . perpetrated by BOTH PARTIES. :mad:

I always provide links, sources, quotes.

I didn't see any in yours.

I said your post was pie in the air....and you went and proved it:

"We are not talking about "envy" in nice cars or houses here. . . we are talking about the ability to afford a place to live to avoid being HOMELESS, the ability to afford food to eat to avoid STARVING, and medicine to survive to avoid DYING . . ."

There is not now and never was any such starvation in this nation....not even during the depression.

  1. As a group, America's poor are far from being chronically undernourished. The average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and, in most cases, is well above recommended norms. Poor children actually consume more meat than do higher-income children and have average protein intakes 100 percent above recommended levels. Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.
How Poor Are America's Poor? Examining the "Plague" of Poverty in America

".... 96 percent of poor parents say that their children were never hungry at any time in the preceding year because they could not afford food."


And this....

In Entitlement America, The Head Of A Household Of Four Making Minimum Wage Has More Disposable Income Than A Family Making $60,000 A Year
Tonight's stunning financial piece de resistance comes from Wyatt Emerich of The Cleveland Current. In what is sure to inspire some serious ire among all those who once believed Ronald Reagan that it was the USSR that was the "Evil Empire", Emmerich analyzes disposable income and economic benefits among several key income classes and comes to the stunning (and verifiable) conclusion that "a one-parent family of three making $14,500 a year (minimum wage) has more disposable income than a family making $60,000 a year." And that excludes benefits from Supplemental Security Income disability checks. America is now a country which punishes those middle-class people who not only try to work hard, but avoid scamming the system. Not surprisingly, it is not only the richest and most audacious thieves that prosper - it is also the penny scammers at the very bottom of the economic ladder that rip off the middle class each and every day, courtesy of the world's most generous entitlement system. Perhaps if Reagan were alive today, he would wish to modify the object of his once legendary remark.

From Emmerich:

You can do as well working one week a month at minimum wage as you can working $60,000-a-year, full-time, high-stress job.

My chart tells the story. It is pretty much self-explanatory.

In Entitlement America, The Head Of A Household Of Four Making Minimum Wage Has More Disposable Income Than A Family Making $60,000 A Year

View attachment 377843

I'm no longer disappointed in you......I recognize you are clueless.
So. . . you are honestly going to search around the web for links to prove to yourself that food insecurity and housing insecurity is not a problem in this nation? Is that it?

If you have convinced yourself. . . I suppose that is good enough.

All of this radicalization in politics must just be because folks can't afford that latest version of the iPhone then.

You're right, I'm clueless.

You are SO much smarter than I.


I do a great deal of research before I present my opinion.

You should try it.

See if this helps, too.


And this..... "The government’s own statistics show that people who are said to be “living in poverty” spend more than $1.50 for each dollar of income they claim." http://theghostfighters.wordpress.c...ding-ovation-the-faculty-were-deathly-silent/

My conclusion is that 'welfare' is simply a vote buying scheme.

You're far from the only one who has been fooled.

Worth reading.

2003? 2007? 2001?

You do know we have had a great recession, and are heading into a depression since that data, right?

Try again.
I do a great deal of research before I present my opinion.

You should try it.

Of course you do, you're paid to, it's your job to research things. Nobody sits at home and posts so prolifically as you do because they are bored.

Get back with me when you start a thread about what a criminal Vladimir Putin is.
2003? 2007? 2001?

You do know we have had a great recession, and are heading into a depression since that data, right?

Try again.

There's no poverty. I understand you trying to hide your embarrassment......this thread didn't put you in a good light.

I notice you are no longer throwing in the term 'starvation.'

See, you learned something today.

Bet you don't even know how the calculation for 'poverty' is defined.
There is poverty. There are families living on under 29,000 dollars. That's scary. I wish that absolute hellish horror on nobody.

Actually, your chart is MISLEADING.

Let's start with the obvious one. Half the "Benefit" given to the families is the value of CHIP and Medicaid. But you don't have a corresponding amount for the Family making $60,000. (Usually it costs an employer about $10,000 to insure a family.) Health insurance only really factors into a value if you use it. I mean, you can be signed up for CHIP, but if you aren't using it, it's kind of meaningless.

You also factor in "Child Care Costs" for the family of $60,000. This is kind of absurd, because your example assumes two parents, only one of which is working the "high Stress job".

So the actual number is the poor Family is a value of $15,130 and the well off family is $ 43, 960. That's still a pretty decent gap.

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